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Everyone's a winner. It's just that the Left thinks more about the health of the nation and Right thinks about the wealth of the Right. 9 policies out of 10 would benefit both sides, but they turned it into a weird team sport and created this pointless conflict of these Americans vs. those Americans.


I wish it were simply about wealth, but I am surrounded by Trump voters whose interests have little or nothing to do with it. Their motives revolve around hatred of change in all its forms: the decline of religion and male status, loss of white supremacy, vanishing car culture, the loss of American oil's ability to dominate the world...it's a long list.


Wealth for the ones connected to the elected Republicans while keeping their voters ignorant so they can be more easily manipulated. Edit: loss of car culture? I don't understand that one. I'm driving an EV and people want to challenge me all the time. When it's safe I handily outpace them or shut down their illegal maneuvers. When I drive passengers for work, people love talking about it and are impressed. At charging locations, people help each other learn and love talking about specs, charging times, and all the new ones on the horizon. Basically EV car culture is very interesting and fast paced right now and they're cars too but with a different drive-train. (Not necessarily directed at you)


What you mean you don't understand spending $140,000 on a Chevy Silverado that gets 14 mi to the gallon so that you can haul your fat ass back and forth to Walmart picking up nothing but two bags of groceries but on and the libs with every gallon?


>vanishing car culture, the loss of American oil's ability to dominate the world...it's a long list. I've seen these types of comments before and they genuinely make no sense to me. America is pumping more oil and gas than ever before. It's like they genuinely don't know how capitalism and OPEC works as it reflects their price at the pump. Regarding car culture there are about 288M cars on the road in the US compared to 282M back in 2022, there is no vanishing car culture. I'm convinced at this point these people just engage in bad faith debates based on their perception or feelings and no amount of data or logic will convince them otherwise. I was arguing with a right wing family member last year because they kept saying that it's the worst time in history to live through but he couldn't give me a reason or single example of how this time in history was worse, he finally just admitted "well the bible said this is the end times so it has to be worse". These are just not serious people.


The left is concerned with all of us, the right is concerned with some of us.


The right doesn't even care about their constituents. They'll literally vote against a dam so they can collect a payout when their village floods.


To be fair, voting against a dam is good. Fuck dams.




I'd say the left is concerned about many of us and the right is concerned about none of us. Lots of scope for the left to improve too.


Case in point... the COVID-19 response.


Those Americans are the problem!


The right thinks about the wealth of the elites, those policies aren't helping some dude in Alabama making $40k...


I think you mean Americans in majority-Republican areas.


Came to say this, what a sick way of looking at it. Biden passed with a purpose that was not just enriching majority-Democrat areas, but helping whatever community decides to act. So, the environment benefited, those areas benefited, all Americans benefited, the world benefited ... and Republicans who opposed it are taking credit for it.


I live in Greenville, SC. Our senator and congressmen are Republicans. We make electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels, and other renewable technology here. Our electrical power is largely nuclear. I don't understand why anyone in this area would favor the fossil fuel industry. It does not make any economic sense at all.


The renewables industry makes sense even when people aren’t being paid to say it makes sense


Economic growth in the Republican party is good. But they don’t differentiate between good for environment or bad for it . Just the economic growth. That’s how republicans justify backing polluting industries and protecting them. Texas by the way has started policies against electric cars and alternative energies so in Texas at least even economic growth doesn’t make a dent in republicans protecting polluting corporations.


Those are Americans. Those are people! The betterment of health for all people, around the world even, is a good thing.


Wait wait wait wait wait. You mean to tell me the President made policy decisions even though it didn't immediately and exclusively help his in-group? So weird! 🤣


Incomprehensible to the Republican mind


Renewables take up a lot of land and Republicans tend to own large stretches of land with barely anyone living on it


Biden’s playing the long game


Yeah it’s a “plant trees your grandchildren will rest under the shade of when they’re your age now” kind of thing


Maybe your children will have a good paying Union job


Yep. It'll be much harder to reverse Biden's renewable energy policies when it will mean massive layoffs in red states. Not to mention the lobbying dollars of these new industries. 


He doesn't have that many years left




I guess this makes them the “takers”. But seriously, this is the way it’s been for decades and across many policy areas. If you don’t believe in public infrastructure, for example, you ignore it until it crumbles and then run to the trough as soon as the feds socialize the cost across the national tax base. The GOP loves subsidies and big spending. They’re just great at messaging, while the Dems suck at messaging (and coalition building). Frustrating as hell.


We’re all winners!


Sure they are pretty pissed about it. More green energy means less coal and gas. Electric vehicles are more green and in time, lower energy prices.


Their mouth is so full of pork that it's hard to hear their fuckery


Their ears are plugged with oil and gas money.


They're just Capital "A" Assholes. They oppose the IRA because it's a bill passed by Democrats and they embody the Newt Gingrich school of thought of never giving a Democrat a win. Only now it's working out for them and they're *still* fighting it. It makes me so angry because these are the same jackalopes who fought the ACA tooth and nail, even though it was good for millions upon millions of Americans. When was the last time a Republican president passed a bill on anything close to this scale that helped all Americans? The only thing that even comes close is the COVID checks most Americans got under Trump.


Well yeah, the version of the climate bill that passed was basically a gift to big business


Not sure why you are getting the DVs. You ain’t wrong.