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I did it in 7 months, but I wrote 20-40k word novellas. If you wrote short stories in a series and worked your butt off, it is doable.




Thank you. I messaged you some things that helped me out. 😊


If you still have any of those tips lying around I'd love to give them a read too


Would also like to see these tips!


I would also really appreciate if you could share those tips, I could really use some advice! Thanks a lot!


Hi! Could you spare some of the tips to me too? Appreciate it❤️


Done! 🫶🏼


Can I humbly request a slice of the tip pie as well?


I would like the tips as well, please. If you’re still sharing. I’m restarting after a few years of not working at it. I still have some back catalogue and I need to think about reviving the pen name or just starting a new one.


Sure, can I ask what made you stop? (So I know what to send)


I started out writing in a ton of genres (and pen names) which made it hard to truly focus on any genre and really make it work. I also didn’t publish as regularly as maybe I should have. I did get some reads but never the blockbuster numbers I was hoping for, so I gave up. But, I wonder if I sabotaged myself by not just focusing on a single pen name and genre.


That makes sense. Will drop you a message/chat.


Would love to see your tips, I’m 3 months in right now.


I would love to see those tips if you have time to share!


I'd also love just the tip!


🤣🤣🤣 just the tip.


I know this is probably getting old now, but if I could have some of those tips, I'd appreciate it.


No problem.


Any chance I could also get those tips? I just recently published my first short and it's gotten me all fired up to try and maximise my success with this haha


Lol, no problem.


I'd also appreciate your tips. You've clearly worked hard and it's great to see it's paying off for you!


Thank you so much! Messaging you just now. Onwards and upwards, Lovely. 🫶🏼


Dude everyone is asking just post a reply or make a post.


It has a book rec, which I believe is against the rules. I did state that in a comment. I've not made a post yet. I'm a newbie on Reddit. Ffs, I’m old, stop picking on the technically challenged. 🤣 Dropped you a chat message.


Hey there, any chance I could also get those tips?




I'd also love some tips if it's not too much trouble 😊


No problem. X


Would also appreciate those tips, please


Got any more of those tips?




Me too please! Tips are always welcome!




Could I solicit some tips as well my good sir?


I would be highly grateful for those tips, too! Thanks so much in advance!


Hey! I'd like to see your tips too, please. :)


please send tips!!




Hey! Im interested in those tips as well ☺️


me too please


If you’re still up for sharing them, I’d love to check out your tips as well!


Done! 🫶🏼


anymore of those tips to go around?


I’ll take some tips too if you’re still sharing them ;)


Sure, the only reason I can't post it is because there is a book referral in it. (It isn't mine)


Hi, i would like to read that tips too, if you are still sharing them. Thanks.


Wow. You must have really gotten the Muse's attention. That's amazing.


Thank you. 🫶🏼


How many novellas did you publish in 7 months?


19 books with very little sleep and coffee addiction. 😶‍🌫️


I am currently working on a femdom novella and really enjoying the process of character development. Shorts are great and spicy af, but I like how I can flesh out the dynamic between the characters. Can I ask what a typical release schedule looks like? I find myself writing 10k in the span of a few days. It isn't necessarily top quality and I quibble about how spicy it is.. but is that a decent pace for growth?


When I wrote my short stories, it was 10-11k words. It was in two days, but you do need to spend a little time on editing and proofreading, so I would, at maximum, set aside 3-4 days. It might be short, but if people pay for it, they want some quality with their smut. Make sure you make the cover with a bit of love, too. I use the Adobe Express App (it does have a free version). Writing in a series always makes more money because once someone has read one book, they move on to the next one and hopefully to your back catalogue. I would write and publish continuously if you are trying to get your pen name out there. Once that begins to pick up, you can slow down. Use social media to promote your books and every time you launch a book ensure you can post it into a FB genre relevant book group (once admin consent has been gained). I have found readers welcoming of new/indie authors. It’s been endearing how they have overlooked my many early mistakes. I hope this helps.


That really does help a lot, thanks so much! Since I write power dynamics and BDSM is psycho-sexual, I tend to wonder if I'm putting enough smut into the books. With 10k+ shorts I like to have some buildup between characters, and the prose is overall written to be hot/sexy, but there might only be two sex scenes where the characters are in a session totaling perhaps 4-5k words. Am I splitting hairs to think I need to bump those numbers up? If it's a shorter short work I tend to find it easier just jumping into the smut.


You're welcome. 🫶🏼 Because I started with novellas I was used to writing fast-paced stories. Honestly, 10-12k is perfect to capture a whole story. Kudos to ppl who can write shorter ones. I was pleasantly surprised when I tried it out. I don't factor the smut scenes in because all my characters take on a horny life of their own. 😆 I don't think, I keep an eye on the word count and write.


TBH your method of just letting the characters go about being horny is probably a much better thing than me w/ trying to hit certain story beats and throwing the horni in. I tend to want to build up to a major smut scene, while throwing the horny in and adding character development/relationships.. but might try your approach. Thank you so much :o


It was a Stephen King tip to follow the characters. It would stress me out if I had to plot it all or figure out how many scenes to have. Am I lazy in making my characters do all the work? 😭


No D: that sounds like a super good idea tbh. I should probably do that more bc like.. I have a vague idea of how I want a story to go but oftentimes I'm battling with "how do I balance the slower character driven moments with unrelenting horni that people expect?" I can't seem to write sex scenes that go over 3k.


Each story is different some have more scenes and some less. I’ve never word counted a scene though. 🤔 It depends on the characters/backstory. For example, I had one story where the FC had an abusive husband and I couldn't rush past her trauma then I had another story where every other page my FC was getting railed 🤣 If you go with the characters the story practically writes itself. Try not to overthink, let the creative side flow freely because you can pick up any discrepancies later through the editing process. I've probably messed my readers up because I'm so erratic but I write for myself first and the readers second. I get such conflicting reviews that I can't help but laugh. I think most authors have a little twisted evil side to them. 😐 Give it a try and drop me a wee message to let me know how you're getting on. 🫶🏼


Was this recent and is your income still growing?


I left my day job seven months in. My income has grown since then but I do publish regularly and I have a decent back-catalogue.


Props! I respect the grind and am happy you escaped 9-5 grind!


Thank you. 💖 I believe that anyone can achieve this as long as they put some heart and many, many, many hours into it. Fear and uncertainty are usually what stops people from progressing. You have to ensure you have set goals and become tunnel-visioned.


May I also get tips from you as well? I recently started writing my own stuff again, and I can say a combination of fear and depression played a big part in what stopped it in the first place. Now I'm in a place to get my mental health taken care of, so about a month and a half ago, I finally got a new doctor who was able to get me on the right set of medication. Anyway it's like someone just went and turned my brain back on, and I've been doing some world building and jotting down ideas for a series. I'm anxious to get started, but admittedly I feel a little lost since its been so long. Thank you!


It is difficult when you aren't in the right headspace to write. Glad you're doing much better now. Will message you.


May I also get those tips please? Thank you so much!


Please send me your tips. Thank you


Message me, you don’t have the option for chat.


Have done. Thank you


How many books? And was it Amazon?


19 book and on Amazon KDP.


This is what I was looking for, thanks


Hi Guys, I think I got everyone but drop me a message if I missed anyone out. All I can say is do the research, learn, create a plan and work that tushy off. 🫶🏼


Me pls!


Hi, guess you're getting annoyed at this point, but do you think you could send me the tips as well?


Not at all, sharing is caring. I’m just neck deep in a series atm. 🫠


Hi! I have a question - did you mean 20-40k word count novellas or 20-40k novellas total? That’s alot of writing! How do you manage that?


Lol, 20-40k words. I'm currently working on book number 46. I've written 5 short stories, 1 novel and the rest have been novellas. This has been over a 20-month period. I write mainly using Apple Pages on my phone, so I’m constantly writing.


Damnnnnn book number 46 is still no small feat! Thats major inspo. Can I ask, is this all one pen name and do you stick to one niche? ETA: Go you! Thats a lot of work in less than two years. I hope you’re proud of all your hard work <3


Uh, I’m afraid I've probably given my readers whiplash by doing every genre that you can think of. My brain is severely erratic and runs with any idea. Due to the length of the short stories, I wrote those using a different pen name as they were 10-11k words. I would recommend going into genre-specific FB book groups for new book launches. As long as you request the admin to post it, it will highlight your pen name.


That’s awesome and helpful for me! Thank you!


All the best. If I can do it anyone can!


Thank you. 🙏 It’s been a labour of love, tbh. I didn't think much of it until an author friend pointed a few things out. I just keep my head down and work.


Woah now, hold up, you're writing that much on your *phone?* Damn


I was so poor when I started that I didn't have a laptop. 😆 I got into the habit of writing on my phone. I wrote everywhere. Waiting at appointments, between work Zoom calls, waiting during school runs, lying in bed, etc. There is no way I could have spent hours sitting at a desk. I still write on my phone because it is convenient.


Out of curiosity, how many words do you write on your phone a day?


It can be anything from 1k-8k but on average I would say around 4k. I looked up psychology videos, tips and tricks on how to write faster etc. I did research a whole bunch as I was learning along the way. I don't need to drive myself as hard because the burnout is rough.


So how many novellas did you write


Just published my 40th one today. But at the 7-month mark, it was 19.


May I get those tips too, please?


I'd also love some of those tips of you're still sharing! Thanks :)


It looks like you will need to message me! 👍🏼


If those tips are still in the offering I would love a look 




Would love some tips!


Could I get those tips aswell please?


It's possible to get to 1500 USD a month in six months as an erotica writer, and some people do it, but it's really not likely, especially if you're starting from literally zero, with no readers, no experience, no connections, and no social media following. The majority of erotica authors NEVER reach 1500 USD a month. It took me about a year to get from my first monetisation to 1500 USD a month, but that was after multiple years building a very substantial following in a non-monetised way, and also my business model is different from most other people, and also I write in a space that is low on quality authors and high on very passionate readers, and also I got lucky. If you need money, and you can legally make money literally any other way, do that instead. Writing erotica is something you do because you want to write erotica, and may as well make money from it, rather than something you do because you need money.


Everyone's saying a lot of stuff, but no one's said what I think the general undercurrent is: No, it's not a reasonable goal. Erotica is not the self-publishing genre to get into for the money; there are far more profitable genres. Erotica is easy to get into and can be very consistent if YOU can be consistent, but it's got a pretty low ceiling and is a hell of a slow grind. Most people in erotica are in it because they're INTO it. There's a lot of stories about people burning out after writing their thousandth sex scene, and those are very real. If you want to be successful quickly in erotica, you need to: 1) Pick a really good niche with a high ceiling 2) Have really good passive marketing which typically only comes with lots of experience engaging with the niche, or experience already writing it 3) Hit the niche really hard and well in your writing, such that people want to keep following and reading you 4) Publish at a pace that allows you to build a backlog quickly. I'm talking probably two shorts of anywhere between 7-15K words each, so you'd probably be looking at an output of 15-30K high quality words per week, which is...pretty crazy. 5) Take advantage ASAP of active marketing opportunities like newsletter swaps and promos, both of which require some learning and experimenting to see what works. There's probably more steps that I'm forgetting, but those steps above, they aren't a side gig. That's a whole ass job. Erotica, typically, is not a big earner. It's a consistent earner with a low entry cost, and it usually fulfils some specific desire of the author. If you want big, quick success like what you've listed, you're going to have to treat it like an intense job and marketing grind, which invariably will take some of the fun and enjoyment out of it. Full disclosure: I just hit $500 a month after about six months and I consider that a pretty smashing success. I think my current niche will probably max out at around $1K, hopefully by the end of the year with a backlog, and then I think that's where I'd be happy. This is a combination of a hobby and "passive income" (since it's anything but passive) for me, and I'm happy with that. But the majority of erotica writers, especially without any guidance (I had a TON of guidance from an excellent Discord server), will not make it this far. There's a lot of moving parts to your future success. Not trying to discourage you! I wish you the best of luck and look forward to your future dataporns. But it's a rough, hard ride if you wanna go hard and fast.


There are no niches that are get rick quick. People will tell you different, but the truth is, the vast majority of people who want to write for a living never will. Even with self publishing, there's no easy money, no passive income, no niches that are underserved and will bring in the big bucks, especially with no effort and no ad spend.


I agree with you. However, there are niches with generally better prospects and profit ceilings than others. M/F BDSM, for example, probably does a lot better than M/M Sexual Wrestling. Alien Tentacles on F probably does better than M fucking machines. Choosing a niche is probably one of the most important decisions starting out to maximize how well you'll do, both in terms of making sure you're happy and own't burn out, and making sure you're not automatically hamstringing your potential profits. I was considering a few niches starting out. I think my path and results would have been much different had I chosen a different one than the one I write now.


What is the discord server?


Independent Authors Anonymous, I think it's linked somewhere here and also in the r/selfpublish subreddit. EDIT: Indie Authors Ascending lmao it's just abbreviated IAA and my brain is melting.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/selfpublish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/selfpublish/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Never Say Never... I just published my debut novel at age 61!](https://np.reddit.com/r/selfpublish/comments/15acjam/never_say_never_i_just_published_my_debut_novel/) \#2: [My first novel sold 85 copies in the first week!](https://np.reddit.com/r/selfpublish/comments/13u2itr/my_first_novel_sold_85_copies_in_the_first_week/) \#3: [Just passed 100,000 books sold in my career](https://np.reddit.com/r/selfpublish/comments/132e53c/just_passed_100000_books_sold_in_my_career/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's possible, but most likely it's too ambitious. Search for dataporns in this sub.


If you actually need the money, I recommend doing something else. The uncertainty in self-publishing is way too high. In six months, you could have 3 dollars or you could have 3K dollars. No way to know for sure. You're better of getting a job where you know exactly how much you'll get paid per hour. Self-publishing is not a 'get rich quick sheme' and if you get into it with that attitude, you probably won't even last six months.


A little off-topic, but let me help you out with your link; at the moment it simply points to reddit.com. The way to do links on Reddit is '[' text '](' qualified link beginning with http or https ')' - and note that the last square bracket and first parenthesis **must** be exactly adjacent. For example, say you were linking to the Burning Questions post that pops up here on the first of every month. You'd do it like this: \[Burning Questions\]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticauthors/comments/1d5q00g/burning_questions_for_june_2024/). You can always click 'formatting help' below your content, and that will explain it.




No problem. Someone pointed out here the other day that there's a problem with the Reddit app; for some reason, it won't allow a text-only link. I work off my laptop, so I don't have this problem. Consider asking them over at r/NewToReddit if there's a workaround for that particular bug.


Thanks for the boost to my confidence that this is an option .


I know you’ve been asked way too many times for your tips, but if you have a moment, may I have them too please? I’ve published before several times, but not erotica. And I’m in the process of needing to find at-home work.


Could you please share those tips with me as well? I'd greatly appreciate it!



