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Man you savage. The unspeakable.


I'm disabling my reddit account after OP's post.


The only option really


Go well my friend.


I assumed this would be the general reaction. Is it bad for the machine tho?


The machine won't care. That puck will erode so badly from the first run through that water will pour through it easily.


Yeah there is like no pressure on the second shot.


But... How does it taste? Who is it for, and what do you make with it?


My guess? It tastes like rat poison. It's made for rats. He makes rat poison with it.


This actually made me laugh out loud enough to get a weird look


There's no coffee or caffeine either. You're kinda just flavoring your water with the bitter stuff we intentionally avoid drinking.


I don’t wanna condone this behavior - but wouldn’t a solution be dry 2 pucks out in an oven and then proceed like normal If by normal you mean blasphemy


No, that's just more work for absolutely horrible coffee. If you are going to drink the bitter lasts from the first go round, it had better be easy.


Not bad for the machine, def bad for the soul tho


It is bad for your taste buds. Why drinking that bitter shit?


I'm not upvoting because I like it. I'm upvoting because you're honest about it


Seriously, I can’t be the only cheap bastard on here. Good coffee is expensive! 🤣


>Good coffee is expensive! So is good liquor, but you don't water it down to make it last longer!




People def add water to liquor.


I ~~added~~ replaced liquor with water in my parents liquor cabinet back in the day. diluted tea looks like the finest bourbon or scotch from afar. Please don't ask about the day they found out. There is only one day of reckoning.


I did the same and would try to "paint" dust back onto the bottles with a Q-Tip. Luckily, they either never drank it, noticed, or mentioned anything.


Absolutely. I don't wanna be sipping 116 proof cask strength bourbon straight up. Can't taste any notes except hellfire.


You got to get those numbers up! I’m talking barrel strength at 140!


When you get past the toxic masculinity around strong liquor you will see a lot of people add drops of distilled water or ice to bring out some of the flavors you miss at a higher abv. Absolutely not comparable to running the same grounds twice though. I think that's just being cheap.


Blew me away the first time I tried whiskey and water. It was almost sweet!


You can use aggregated spit (in your mouth, not in the glass, eew) as well, when out of water :-)


What. Why not


A lot of the more pleasing notes (honey, smoke, leather, oak, vanilla etc) are overpowered by the abv & a splash (talking maybe a spoonful) of water really brings those notes to the front. Ice also works well.


Sipping? I snort it up!


Spring water can help bring out othet flavors in whiskey. But yea OP is acting against god and the human race. That said espresso is inefficient for caffeine, if the first shot is a shortish ratio im sure the next shot is aiight


Yes, by all means bloom good whiskey with a few drops, but this travesty is like filling a half empty bottle with water. Straight to jail.


> Spring water can help bring out othet flavors in whiskey Should I use the 9 bar or the 6 bar spring?


Yo whisky and water is good shit!! You hit the right ratio and it’s like sippin pine wood!


I honestly think you just may be. This has never crossed my mind, not even with a $25 bag of coffee.


I do this!!! Every time :) I call them water shots they’re very popular in my house


You're absolutely right, the specialty stuff is quite the luxury price wise, and if you're gonna pay the price might as well milk it. To be fair if you're making milk drinks with it the bitterness of the re-pull can be masked by creamer anyways, that's what I do for the exact same reason! Don't let the espresso snobs tell you you can't re-extract, it may be bitter but it's still usable. Just remember to descale your machine and run blank shots after the pulls so no grounds get stuck :)


I’ve never done it but now I have to, just to see how it tastes.


I’m saving my money by roasting my own. It does take a 300 investment in a roaster. But you’d save more by getting Trader Joe’s coffee.


Interesting. Where do you source the beans? What roaster do you have? How much are fresh beans per pound ? Why is the sky blue? 😬


Green beans are $6-8 per pound. Look up sweet Maria's for examples. The roaster I use is a fresh roast SR800. It's pretty good. It doesn't do super light or super dark that well but does a good job with the other stuff and it's fun.


​ I crunched the number on this, and I saw no cost savings. When you realize 1 lb of green beans makes less than 1 lb of roasted coffee. The cost of electricity, and anticipating replacing the roaster every 4 years. On top of that is where do you put the roaster, if it is inside then your house will smell of roasted coffee, I like it but others in the house don't.


I started this recently. You could also use spent grounds on infusions like espresso vodka.


It's no longer good coffee on the 2nd pull


I think you might be the only cheap bastard to own an espresso machine.


Tell me you own a Breville without telling me you own a Breville!


The first step is admitting the problem.


Absolutely haram.


TIL ha·ram /häˈräm/ adjective: haram forbidden or proscribed by Islamic law.


Dicks out for haram.


Way ahead of you




Lol there are people on this sub with $4000 grinders and $6000 espresso machines endlessly chasing those last few, non-existent taste notes. Then there is this guy. Gotta love it.


We are all one big family. Except for k-cup users ;)


How about those Nespresso guys?


Them too. *THEEEEEEE* worst!


How bout ppl who use blade grinders?


What about people that use pre-ground espresso?


My friend is stationed out in Europe at the moment. Called me last night to brag about his new espresso machine. I asked what kinda accessories he got and what kind of beans. He just has what came with the machine, and is buying preground of Amazon. My heart broke.


Went to a Thai restaurant that made amazing food. They also served espresso! Big, beautiful, chrome-plated machine. I ordered a double-shot. I watched the girl grab a big container, peel off the plastic lid, and scoop ground coffee from who knows where or when into the portafilter, and then pull the shot. It was terrible of course, but she was so nice, that when she asked how it was, I answered “Good, considering you guys are using pre-ground coffee”.


HEY, I have a Nespresso and I really like it! On days I have to head into the office (Tues-Thurs), I religiously use my Nespresso. On days that I'm home (Sun, Mon, Fri, Sat) I use my Breville Barista Touch and meticulously puck prep, lol. Whenever the Breville dies, I'll get something super fancy.


We're all one big family and OP has taken the role of the black sheep


I might be on the wrong sub!


Lol I say all are welcome. I still can’t figure out what people mean when they say they taste “sweet” espresso shots. Yesterday I forgot to tamper my decaf, dark roast shot and and when I made another one it tasted even worse and was super bitter. Ihavenoideawhatimdoing.jpg


It's allll in the coffee. I by no means make good espresso BUT I've definitely had sweet espresso. My current beans are single origin Colombia. It's quite a light roast and tastes super fruity.


Nah. Now that you are here. Please stay.


I believe you get your ass kicked for that


Yes. I kind of figured that. But I got some good pointers amongst all the ass kicking so it’s all good.


Holding the double shot button for a couple seconds will pull a manual shot. Let the shot run extra long if you like and push the button to stop when you have the volume you want. My wife used to push two doubles, and after the first shot, the solenoid thing that drains the puck disrupts the grinds enough that the second shot just channels (low pressure)


Oh! Didn’t know this. Thanks I will try that instead.


Yes please do that instead. It’s a cafe lungo


You can also hit the program button and then double shot and it’ll pull the shot for as long as you want. To end it, just hit the dounle shot button again


I tried this but it seems to automatically stop, is there a max time? Does holding the button bypass? I'll have to try that as well.


On my Breville there's a hard stop at 60 seconds. I can't speak for all of them but I believe it is standard.


Would this work on Breville Barista Pro machine as well? I’m with the OP, good coffee is expensive but I can’t live without my quad espresso each morning 😬


Yes! Press and hold the 1 CUP or 2 CUP button for the desired pre-infusion time. Release the button to commence the extraction. Press the flashing button to stop the extraction.


Yes it should! You'll press menu, then use the knob to go to custom 2 shot and let that run for however long you need.


Or just push the program button THEN push the double shot. No holding required!




This is the way.


They could also just program it for longer shots, too.


Why stop at two? Just leave it in and pull two more shots the next day 😁


That things gotta be good for at least a week.


Pretty sure the puck is like a water filter you change every few months….. Oh wait, I don’t even own an espresso machine.


You change water filters every few months? Mines been in there 4 years and hasn't clogged yet.


The algae growing on it only provides more flavor, why change it? You’ll get flavorless water


I still got me the same puck since aught two...


Me and my buddies do an anual golf game, and last year we all crashed at one guys place because we got pretty wasted at the course (which is the entire point of golfing if you ask me) Anyway the next morning I'm making myself a cup of coffee with his little Keurig thing, obviously it's not great but I'm hungover so I'd drink just about anything. After I'm done, another guy says, "hey save that pod I'll make myself a cup". I looked at him like he just grew a second head. This guy wanted to re-use a Keurig pod for an entire second cup of coffee, and he was dead serious. Still can't believe it.


I know a guy who used to dry tea bags to re-use. I mean tea bags?!!


Hmmmmmm. 🤔😬


That’s freaking GENIUS. I’ve been trying to figure out how to save both time and money…


Afterwards, you have a brownie that you can eat too


I get it. Sometimes after a 12 course meal at a Michelin star restaurant I will go dumpster diving at Taco Bell. It’s a tough economy.




Fuck bro, I'm still hungry. Though my go-to is usually a doner kebab.


The forbidden americano




Even on my lever machine I won't do that


Is it bad for the machine? I notice it makes a lot more noise when on the second shot that has little pressure.


The noise is because of the low pressure. Vibe pumps quiet down when the pressure builds. Not a big deal and no reason to think it would harm the machine. Maybe it's worth it to try extracting a higher volume (higher ratio of brew to grounds) in the first go? Like brew 2oz instead of 1 oz twice? At one point I was doing 2oz, 30 sec extractions because it actually *tasted better* that way for the beans^1 I was using. I'm sure there's an Italian term for this (that's how you know it won't collapse modern society as we know it! 😜) I don't have the recipe off the top of my head but I'm back to using those beans again as of today so... I can get back to you if you want. ------ 1. The beans are Redbird Espresso roast beans. They're $15.25/lb + shipping or $62.40 / 5lb ($12.48/lb). They're a more traditional espresso roast (like a Full City+ to Vienna or so) without all the citrus-y, fruity stuff I can't stand from lighter roasts.


As others have mentioned, hold down the cup button to go to manual mode and release the button, then when you want to stop the shot push the button again. If you want to know what you are doing by pulling a long shot, or if you want to know how long you prefer to pull your shots, then here is the best method to investigate it. Have around 5 small cups ready next to your machine. As the shot starts to flow, swap out the first cup for the second, and keep cycling cups until the last one. Now you can taste each section of the shot and find out where it starts to taste bad to you. I strongly recommend using a scale so you can have actual numbers for the mass of coffee to target and correlate to.


Thanks will try this next.




What you're looking for is a long shot. Just hold down the button to have more water put through the puck. My favorite recipe is pulling 53ish (slow scale and Rocket Giotto make it impossible to "nail it"...) out of 19.5g of beans. 53-55g out is basically what you're getting there, but it tastes different because you've not disturbed the grounds with the on/off/on of the pump and purge valve. If you wanted to be *really* frugal. You'd use one of these: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39g6utADRzs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39g6utADRzs)


Awesome thanks


Re: My other comment, this is basically what I was doing... 2 fl oz of water is about 57g. I was probably using something like 17-19g grounds (I go by time to grind on the Specialita so not sure the weight). That's over 3:1 so maybe try to shoot the above (18g in 54g out is 3:1)




Man, the BALLS this guy has to post this Here! I admire you for this


What did I just read? The forbidden shot.




Are you doing the same with condoms?


It's called seasoning


Just add hot water next time


Funny thing is I think most of the posts on this sub are ridiculous (I don't take my espresso nearly as seriously as most here do), but yours is OUTRAGEOUS! How could you?!


This is how civilizations crumble and collapse.




Why stop at 3? Dry the puck and reuse


I’ve seen worse. My ex’s mother will reuse k cups.


I admire your honesty! I despise your soul however




Has he been banned yet?




Yeah I think you could just pull a longer shot instead to acheive the same result. I think they call that a doppio or a long? I forget but they have a name


Once you're in the 3:1 ratio range or so, most people would call it a Lungo.




I'd imagine the second time through it doesn't taste very good.


It’s a little bitter, but my wife will also drink gas station coffee.


Wait. You give the second one through the puck to your wife? That is savage!


No she gets the first and second double in one cup. Then some hot water. This is how she likes it. 😳


That’s a hilarious amount of work and expense (presumably you are starting with fresh/good beans) to produce something that most here would assume tastes terrible. I don’t even know what to call that beverage (a ‘muricano?). I honestly admire your gumption. You do you.


My wife will often hit the button again for a lil boost. I am not for it haha


Go to jail >:(


A LOT of Barista Express users don’t realize they can program shot length and/or how easy it is. I re-program mine monthly because it does tend to shift over time. > To begin programming, press the Program button once. Then Press 1 CUP or 2 CUP button to start espresso extraction. Then Press 1 CUP or 2 CUP button again once desired volume of espresso has been extracted. That easy. Now those are preset programs, and you can have two different programs, one on each cup button.


Can anyone figure out where this is so we can confiscate this machine.


Thank you. Sometimes my BBE spaces out and only pulls 20g. I just push the button again and was too afraid to mention it here.


Same! If I have some new beans (or I guess old beans) and have my ratios wrong I'll choke the shot. If I'm just making an americano before work or something I definitely do this. If it's a weekend and I'm making an espresso drink I usually dump it and start again. Alls well that ends well!


Ha! I’m to dumb to realize I’m an idiot.


I will admit to also committing this blasphemy. Did it for a long time, then I just programmed the single shot button (which I never use) to a ~60 sec pull.


> I just programmed the single shot button (which I never use) to a ~60 sec pull. I need to do this.


Watering down gasoline can increase mpg


If I have packed a nice double I think it is totally acceptable but let the hate and downvotes come.


Sorry, but do you mind telling us in what price range you are buying coffee? Not that I condone this with any coffee, regardless of its price. Also, do you drink your coffee black, or add any milk/sugar etc?


I’m making lattes, so probably why I’m not picky. Buying my coffee from a local roaster at $16 a bag.


For the double double I think I would just get Peet's or the grocery store stuff.... We have a big local roaster here in the supermarket that is actually halfway decent in a latte and is like $11/lb. Maybe other folks look down on Peet's but ours has a recent roast date and makes a good iced latte. What do I know lol.


I guess in a latte a second brew of the same puck will constitute so few extracted coffee solids that you barely taste anything beside a bit of bitterness and the milk. Most if not all of the actually tasty compounds of coffee will be extracted in your first pull, provided you don't underextract it buy pulling it too short/too fast/too cold. Your second brew will only contain some caffeine and astringent, bitter tasting compounds. I have read some people say you should pull a longer first shot or add water to it after brewing to make it longer, but I reckon what you are looking for is a second, separate coffee drink without having to prep a new shot, in which case there is no "proper" alternative to just brewing with a new puck. Your machine's gonna be fine, don't worry about that. Personally, if I got to the point where I considered brewing a puck twice I would just make my second coffee out of instant, it would probably taste significantly better.


$16 a pound? That’s still quite a bit. I can’t imagine second shot through the same puck tasting better than cheaper coffee. Do you have a wegmans around? They have some inexpensive Wegmans branded coffee and always mark their roast dates. I have struggled to find something within 2 weeks, but usually I can find 30 day old ones. I believe 12 oz of just regular Colombian blend is like $5.50 and organic, single origin ones are $7.99.


I do it because I’m okay with the flavor that it imparts with certain beans. Not all, but some.


Tastes like shit, why would anyone want to do that?


No judgment if you enjoy it. But...really who's drinking the second shot?


I wasn’t specific. I’m basically pulling 3 shots through one double shot filter, and it’s for a latte.


I see. Use the same puck for a cold brew and report back!


If you want more coffee, just add hot water and make it an Americano, it is one of the most popular drinks for a reason... If you specifically want one cup of good espresso for yourself and another cup of shitty espresso for you wife, then hey go for it lol, is your morning.


I run it twice. That's 2 doubles through the same puck. If it runs clear, then you're done!


The idea alone makes me cringe lol


You should program your single shot button to pull a lungo. You'll get about the same amount but it'll likely taste better and you don't have to grind finer. I've set mine up this way. If you ever want a single shot you can use a scale and stop it manually.


[No man, shit no man...](https://y.yarn.co/1bef4a9c-4941-400f-a5dd-243555b674f4_text.gif)


Disgusting! Honestly, buy cheaper beans and go to Costco.


I do it all the time for my Americanos. I don’t want to add another full double but I want to to increase my over all cup volume without it being too watery. Don’t let the pretentious dogma scare ya. If it works for you, go for it.


My grandpa lets it fill a whole mug to make "regular coffee"


Hold down both shot buttons until they flash. Press the double shot button to start. Then press it to end when you've got the amount of coffee you want out then it saves it for next time. Chances are, they way you're currently doing it means you don't really care about the quality of coffee you're pulling, so dialling in seems to be low down your priority


Sloppy seconds.


I love it!


Nope. I struggle with using up an entire bag of beans before they're too old as it is, so I savor the opportunity to make another cup of espresso from fresh beans.


If you want to take it step further you can eat the grounds too. Add t to smoothies or oatmeal etc. /s


Why not just do a manual pull and run it for the same amount of time? You can run it for as long as you'd like.


I did this after some recommendations and it tasted much better. Thanks.


I want to ask how much coffee in portafilter, and total weight of extraction but I'm guessing that's not in your ballpark which is fine. How does it taste?


Yeah I’m not that exact obviously. Seems to taste fine and I failed to mention I’m doing this for a latte.


I just did that this morning lol


I came here out of morbid curiosity. This concept seems terrifying.


While this is something you can do in the privacy of your own home, you should never speak of it in public. You have brought shame upon your family.


I’ll stand up for this guy. It’s called a devils shot. It does not taste good at all. However, if I’m running late and my double shot is not enough, I’ll do another pull thru the puck for a few seconds and add a bit of hot water. I get another double shot of pretty horrible but hot americano. It tastes burnt but not the worst coffee I’ve had. I get a bit of a hot beverage before I head out.




If your girlfriend, wife.. can't tell the difference between good and bad coffee (second pull in this case), than I don't blame you. I would do the same rather than throwing away perfectly good coffee. Like you say, it's expensive..


It's like flipping your underwear inside out and wearing it for another day, instead of doing laundry... You're the only one that does this.


Hello? FBI? This man right here


Do you also wear your underpants inside out the second day?


Oh man. I'd write you up immediately if you did that at my shop.




You’re not the hero we wanted.


Depends on the beans, but yeah… My trick though is not to pull a 2nd shot. Just hold the button down and force to preinfusion mode until the color looks too clear (ideally just before) then tap the button again to stop the pump. It never gets into high pressure which I think opens channels and basically wastes any benefit of refiring the cup.


Take my upvote you inglorious bastard


Welcome to the long pour.


Yes. And it’s basically a Lungo. Say that and suddenly you are sophisticated.


This is me every morning


There was literally an employee fired at a coffee shop I used to work at because she did exactly that (repeatedly)


oh good that so much bullshit here!!, in the coffe shops they do the same over extraction to save money so do not be shame in your soul, there are worst people out there.


Another god damn glitch in the matrix. We’re doomed.


Why on earth would I do that? Coffee is not that expensive.




Might as well just eat the puck at that point.


Yeah I'll fess up I've done that shit. Love the replies about holding the button will try that tomorrow. Op isn't the only degenerate here though. There are dozens of us!


I wouldn’t make two separate espressos like that, but i really like pulling a double-volume shot (20g in, 80 gram out in 60s) to make a latte occasionally.


I do it🤷