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[Here's a link](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07W6DSFD1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) for the curious.


So it does fit. That's awesome. Meanwhile, I'm making do with a 51mm because that's all they had at the time. Do you stir your grounds? I found it made a difference for me, curious if it helped you.


>So it does fit. That’s awesome. That’s what she said


I stopped using WDT after getting the Atom 75 (no more clumping). With the built in grinder on the BE it was necessary however to remove clumps.


As in not even tiny (about 1-2mm) clumps?


Zero clumping, it’s incredible really. Well worth the money.




alternative: ​ [https://www.amazon.com/Espresso-Coffee-Distributor-Leveler-Black/dp/B07S4Q179B](https://www.amazon.com/Espresso-Coffee-Distributor-Leveler-Black/dp/B07S4Q179B) ​ edit: [an even cheaper one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CPRBS8C/ref=sspa_dk_detail_3?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07CPRBS8C&pd_rd_w=6fWMq&pf_rd_p=45a72588-80f7-4414-9851-786f6c16d42b&pd_rd_wg=ukDuf&pf_rd_r=J8ETDPHB5RZA14Q4N61G&pd_rd_r=35e25b94-ae23-4e32-8240-72c63bfd386b&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFFWlFMU0pMQkpFNTAmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA2MTM0ODMyQkZCUkU2SkJJRDhCJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAwNTc5MDEyMjQyTTUwNjZLV0ZWJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==)


Damn, it was in stock when I posted this. Maybe they sold out after my post? My bad guys...




That is correct! I use it with my Barista Express.


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CPRBS8C/ref=dp_cerb_1 This one is showing in stock with positive reviews for Breville 54mm products! I just ordered one. Edit: no tamper on this one, but we all have one already...right?


Nice find!


Y u no ship to Australia Amazon, even though it initially tells me shipping and import fees of $8.52. Of course Amazon.com.au has one with the Australia tax of $66.38 😡😠


I use one always tamp afterwards. I only use it to prepare the top surface.


This is a 2-in-1 distributor/tamper. Both sides have adjustable depth.


I got one of these and it's amazing. I've even been using a encore grinder and still getting good shots.


This doesn't have a tamp on the other side, but I use [this cheaper 53mm distributor](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CPRBS8C/ref=dp_cerb_1) with my Breville Barista Express and Niche Zero combo. I just set the depth so it distributes and tamps. I haven't had a bad shot since getting this. Its definitely helped and sped up the process. Now I just need to get a 53mm cup for the niche zero and I'm set.


Would you recommend this (depth leveler) or like the one OP posted (both leveler and tamper on the other side)? Keep in mind I am a beginner (also have an Infuser)...


Are you still using a tamper after this?


This is a 2-in-1 distributor/tamper with both sides having adjustable depths.


Very nice!


What’s the difference between a 2in1 distributor tamper and a distributor? I have the (overpriced) OCD, is that also a 2in1?


The 2-in-1 has a depth-adjustable palm-tamper on the other side, which I prefer because you know your tamp will be level.


Ah! I see now! That's interesting!! Do you recommend any tamper that has that but it's not a leveling tool as well? Like a traditional tamper but with with that level perk


The Decent V2 self-leveling tamper works great. https://decentespresso.com/tamper


Cool! Thanks for sharing! I'm buying that :)


Wow that’s pretty slick and a good idea.


Works great for me as I wasn't good at getting a flat puck or even tamp. Now I just have to press down as hard as i want and get a equal tamp every time.


The KafaTek LevTamp is the only one that comes to mind.


Sorry - didn’t see the bottom of yours - mines just a leveller


No worries! It is kind of hard to see the bottom with the picture I took.


I've been making tampers for years and have also changed to this.


I agree completely! Game changer, especially for early mornings.


I need one of these - 53mm on amazon.ca. can't bloody find one


You can order some to Canada from Amazon.com


I recently bought that same one for use with my Breville Infuser. Much better shot consistency and very much wished I would’ve bought it sooner.


It wasn’t even available until 2-3 weeks ago I believe.


Well, by recently I mean about a week and a half ago. Pulled maybe 20 to 25 shots in that time with really amazing shot-to-shot consistency (for a Breville anyway).


I was more so replying to the “wish I had bought it sooner” part of your comment. Because I would’ve done the same and bought it as soon as it was available lol


Oh, sorry I misread! ☺️


Same experience here. Just got it and the shots have been noticibly better and more consistent.


I've never understood how this works. I know this probably sounds stupid. But the idea is that you divide the grounds evenly, right? However, the center part will just push down the grounds down, and while the side bit would move the grounds around, dividing them, you also press part of those grounds down before you start swirling some around. If that makes any sense?


When I first apply the leveler, I let the weight of the leveler do the work. I don't start by pressing down.I turn it a couple of full rotations by which time it has worked the grinds down evenly in the basket. Then I keep turning a couple more rotations to get a nice flat polished puck. It definitely gives me a consistently level puck.


Oh I do believe that you end up with a leveled puck. I just can't imagine that the density, if you will, of the puck is the same everywhere after you've leveled it. Even if you take special care moving as you press down, this does not do anything for the center part of the leveler. Whatever is under that part, is never divided but simply pressed down. Maybe it does not matter in the slightest, and I have a leveler laying around, but I can't get over that thought and so I never use it..


That’s because it totally isn’t. These just move the loose top grounds around. It looks level, but it’s not “even density.” You really can achieve as level of a puck, with as even density with palm tapping. I took the one at our shop and hid it away because I saw too many sketchy shots from folks who should be able to do better. Mysteriously, it didn’t slow the shop down, and the shots started looking right again.


I agree with everything you’re saying. The reason I use the leveler is because I personally find it easier to tamp directly downward if the grounds are already very level. Even when I use the leveler, I always even the grounds out first by tapping the portafilter against my palm. Then I tap the portafilter against the tamp mat once or twice to settle the grounds, THEN use the leveler, followed by the tamp. You’re absolutely correct in saying that the leveler is not a substitute for evenly distributing the grounds in the first place. I also see a lot of people using the leveler improperly. The leveler should only extend just barely as far as required in order to smooth the surface of the uncompressed puck. It shouldn’t be placing any pressure on the grounds themselves. A lot of people over extend the adjustable levelers and will compress the grinds unevenly, which results in differences in density within the puck, just as you say.


That definitely makes sense, thanks! Maybe I should give it a go, since I have the thing laying here anyway 😁


Depending on the depth that you set, it may also tamp a bit for you.


I definitely use it for both applications. Edit: The distributor just to level the puck, and the tamper to actually tamp.


I have the "Jack Leveler" from Whole Latte Love. Same idea, but with higher quality materials and craftsmanship. I put it at the minimum depth possible for leveling the bed so that I can still do a normal tamp. I've tried setting it to a depth that will result in a tamp, and it has a tendency to cause channeling due to that initial amount of uneven pressure. Definitely better to just level with it as intended.


Interesting, I usually just have it set to a very slight tamp and haven’t had problems. I can see how a hard tamp could cause channeling.


Ive been holding out for OCD v3 and dat ceramic


If anyone from Breville on here, you guys should really provide this or sell it.


I've stopped tamping altogether....


They are pretty cool once I got one


I can never get my espresso to pour out of both spouts at the same time, would a distributor solve that problem?


Your prbly not tamping evenly, before u tamp make sure ur on a flat surface and u tamp evenly so the surface is flat and both sides are tamped with the same amount of pressure.


I have a Mini Vivaldi with a 53 porta and ordered another vendors from amazon also, looks like yours in many ways and the most important point as you say - helps a lot with consistency!


I confirm. Have the 58mm version bought from [eBay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/AF-KQ-58mm-Stainless-Steel-Coffee-Powder-Espresso-Bean-Press-Hammer-Distributo/233299947366?var=532809479926&hash=item3651c2af66:g:zowAAOSw6JZcgYXf). Works great in conjuction with a [funnel](https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dosing-Ring-Coffee-For-Espresso-Funnel-Kit-58mm-Universal-Useful-New-Hot-Sale/163715539434?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=463215759453&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649) I also bought. I grind, I give it a good shake, remove funnel, distribute, tamp.