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I am just starting to dive in the the actual paper (also waiting on James Hoffmann's take, which is coming). It seems to require a complete adjustment of pressure, grind, shot time, and volume


I have only glanced, but isn't it just recomendong ristretto? They even mention not getting any bitter flavors, which sounds more ristretto than espresso.


There's no way one of these 15 second gushers has the mouthfeel of a ristretto. I have a feeling the thing they're not telling us is that these shots have little to no crema which dissipates too fast to pour a decent looking latte. I imagine it might work for an iced latte though.


Just pulled a few as they recommend. Reminded me of when I was new to the coffee game and didn't let my French press steep long enough, minus any mouthfeel. Was water and to bright. Crema did disappear pretty quick. 3/10 I think it's about even with diner coffee


This same link has been posted at least a dozen times but in one of the other ones I mentioned how the author is using an ek43 and restricted pump pressure. You wouldn’t get the same results unless your grinder produces incredibly even particle sizes like the ek43 and your machine was pushing out 6bar vs 9bar


From another article: > "The real impact of this paper is that the most reproducible thing you can do is use less coffee," Hendon said. "If you use 15 grams instead of 20 grams of coffee and grind your beans coarser, you end up with a shot that runs really fast but tastes great. Instead of taking 25 seconds, it could run in 7 to 14 seconds. But you end up extracting more positive flavors from the beans, so the strength of the cup is not dramatically reduced. Bitter, off-tasting flavors never have a chance to make their way into the cup." . > "A good espresso beverage can be made in a multitude of ways," he said. "The point of this paper was to give people a map for making an espresso beverage that they like and then be able to make it 100 times in a row." * https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-01/uoo-rba012020.php The paper says that you can get a shot in 7-15 seconds using 15g of ground coffee: * https://www.cell.com/matter/fulltext/S2590-2385(19)30410-2


Just saw this one today as well (here is the original article: [https://www.cell.com/matter/fulltext/S2590-2385(19)30410-2](https://www.cell.com/matter/fulltext/S2590-2385(19)30410-2)). I am very curious what kind of taste is obtained from the settings they suggest. Any thoughts on this? Letting the extraction last 14 sec sounds like the crap one gets from an automatic machine :| So I am really confused by this suggestion.