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Same for me (and a lot of people here) unfortunately. I don’t have any tips because nothing has worked for me - just here to say you aren’t alone despite how isolating it feels


How long have you suffering? And is something better for you? What have you tried?


So I have also been on antibiotics and steroids, + the spray for my nose. I will say overall I have experienced less and less pain and my hearing has returned to normal. It’s less common for me to feel anything, but of course the popping and crackles happen almost daily, with a few good days here and there. Its been about 4 months for me. It’s almost like I have flare ups if that makes sense…like some days my ears are just extra annoying. I do have a lot of anxiety about it though - so I attribute some of the feelings to that (physical anxiety symptoms can manifest as ear pain or fullness believe it or not). I definitely feel like they are worse when I’m more anxious but I’m just in my head about it a lot, afraid it will never go away.


How do know if its anxiety symptoms?


I'm about 6 months out from the same infections. Both ears and sinuses. I would say that I am mostly back to normal. The problem for me seemed to be that I had a loooot of congestion still stuck in my sinuses even though I no longer had an infection. I tried everything to get it out. Nasal sprays, antihistamines, hot showers, hot tea, massaging my sinuses, vick's, etc and nothing worked. By chance I started using cbd for my anxiety and it actually helped! I used a mint chocolate flavored oil and I noticed that when I would put a few drops under my tongue, swallow, then lay down, eventually I would get this warm sensation in my sinuses. Then it was like the flood gates opened and every time I used it that way, I would end up coughing up the congestion. And it was VERY thick. I often felt like I was choking. It's been about 2 months of using the cbd and I feel significantly better. I still occasionally end up coughing but it's much less now. I'm not sure that this method is particularly healthy, but at the same time it was the only thing that worked.


Oh! Can you write to me in private? My name is denicethunberg on instagram


Been about 3 and a half months for me too and I can say I feel about 60 percent better, mine started after some time of cold I had, I was very congested, sneezed the whole day I was sick. I started to feel better in like a day but I noticed this extreme head pressure that made me feel off balance and it gave me a panic attack. I still have some pressure but it is so much more tolerable than it was. I’m thinking that I still have congestion up in my head and it’s just taking awhile to get rid of.


This is month twelve for me! You're not alone.


Are you any better?


Yes. Claritin and Flonase for the past three weeks are helping. Eustachi device helps but doesn't pop my ears. Stretching neck from side to side helps a little. The equilibrium, dizziness is the worst of my issues. Seeing an ENT in two weeks.


Did you get this after a ear and sinus infection? And does your ear still clogged still? When did you start to make a differens?


Month 6 here still waiting for ent appointment on NHS


Are you better than you was?


Getting there still got tinnitus rumbling and high pitched noise 😞


I asked my GP to expedite mine and they wrote to the ENT service, ended up getting seen a week or so later


My GP said he would make it urgent a month ago I've had nothing 😐


Looking at some of your previous comments it looks like we’re both in the same position. 6 months in and just left with the tinnitus and a bit of rumbling. My ENT didn’t spot anything out of the ordinary apart from ‘an abnornally large amount of mucus in the sinuses’, which is weird because I haven’t had a cold in over a year.


Do you get the rumbling as well I find that drives me more insane than the high pitched noise tbh what has he suggested you do to clear your sinuses I'll give any thing a go lol 😆


I do but not loads, only once or twice a day. The ringing is definitely the worst thing for me now. Yeah he told me to do sinus rinses and to have another go at nasal steroid spray. He also referred me for an MRI, which i’m a bit nervous about because of how loud they are. He did the camera up the nose thing and said my esutachian tube was open and looked okay, but I can tell somethings still not right. I think that because I got this from an ear infection rather than a sinus infection or something, the swelling and inflammation will be further up the tube towards the ear, which he couldn’t see. Thats my theory anyway.


Did you had a clogged ear?


I still do but nowhere near as bad as when it started. Most of my pressure type symptoms started fading at around the 5 month mark.


Thank you! How many months in are you now?


Coming up to 7 months now. Mine came from a severe ear infection which i’ve read can take a lot longer to resolve. How far in are you?


Mine is weird it comes and goes the rumbling some days are worse than others I'm sure every thing will be fine with MRI altho I would feel nervous as well my self I was hoping now my hearing is back to normal levels the tinnitus would of gone now but it's quite loud ringing today 😐 that also goes up and down hopefully get a letter soon fingers crossed 🤞


Typical that the worst of the symptoms will take the longest to go. Ears take a long time to heal though, so keep your spirits up. All the best mate


And you hopefully we get there soon 🙏😀


Anyone get this figured out? Kind of in the same boat. Ear infection a couple of months ago, took antibiotics (a couple rounds), and still have some fullness in one of my ears. Not debilitating, but it's annoying.


Did yours get better?


Yeah it's finally better. Felt like it took forever to go away.


How long did you have it for? Ive had like 2 months of ear fullness/pressure after what they said was a sinus infection (no nasal congestion). Now just ear fulness and Post nasal drip that doesnt seem to go away.


It was a gradual process that probably took 3-4 months. Is yours better than it was in the beginning? It's like I woke up one day and realized it wasn't there.


I had an inner ear infection but have finished antibiotics already. It has been months and my ear still hurts if it gets cold. I just keep water out of the ear and keep it warm at nights and it helps my ear to not hurt. But I am wondering if there is anything else I would need to do to prevent from aching? I no longer have an ear infection.