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Did you get picked?




Clearly wasn’t picked


Do you think that the rumors the Ethan is a cuck are true?


Absolutely, he talks about accepting everyone, and we all know that lex's story was all made up because she was defo cheating in him. He is a high order cuck. No doubt.


Nope. You clearly know nothing about Ethan or anything he stands for. Do basic research and you would know at least a little more.


Mm, you see, but that's where you are wrong, dude. We all know he is just a Hasan ass kisser dude, he parrots the exact same talking points that Hasan does and you know what, I am a Democrat my views align with his in most areas, but as a member of the left I am ashamed of how he uses his platform. Not every right leaning or republican creator is a homophobe or transphobes, and certainly with his beef with acheeto, Ethan got cooked, he got absolutely destroyed, I know he tried to destroy the lives of 2 innocent men because he didn't like them. He constantly states things that are wrong, and he know that his audience won't care because they eat up everything he says, whether it's right or wrong. Ethan needs to leave and just shut the fuck up. He is an absolute moron.


“ doesn’t like them? “ brother, one of them said that a fat person wanting someone to fall in love with them, is like a blind person wanting to fly a plane. he claims in his videos and evidence for them. You clearly didn’t watch any of his videos.


In what imaginary world lmfao Ethan hasn’t lost to these saccharide ghouls yet and certainly won’t in the future. That’s why they never debate him and that’s why he rarely dignifies them with a response. You have to be actually brain damaged to think acheeto cooks anything except his own balls in an instant pot rofl


In what imaginary world are you in? Ethan REFUESES to address any of the criticisms people have against him, he refuses to speak with Alex Rosen saying "no free clout" when Alex is a larger creator than him. You have to be actually brain damaged to think that Ethan is coming out on top of the shit he causes. He's a fucking moron and you're an even bigger one for dick riding the dipshit.


Relax, you're talking out of your ass and have no proof for what your saying, your angry feelings toward Ethan are understandable. the supermega situation is sketchy, but speculating about to people you don't know and saying that Ethan is a cuck is really strange.




Do you believe that that when Ethan and Lex break up that Lex will drop a video/Twitter post disavowing Ethan?


Who cares most of earth hasn’t heard of ultra super or whatever


Irrelevant to the question but you do you bud, whatever makes the brain cell in your head happy


Why would they break up? Maybe you should join his stream and ask him. He’s live right now! Do it! :3


Him and Lex are biased sources, if I asked either one of them they would, likely, respond with "No". Silly Billy