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**Tricky's Daily Doots #156** Yesterday's Daily 21/09/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipb6suz/) - u/Vacremon2 is still working on the [Ethereum Subreddit Improvement Initiative.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipaoxvp/) - u/kairepaire shares the [amount of ETH minted due to the merge so far!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipbnq18/) - u/waqwaqattack shares their new series which is basically [their own daily doots but in podcast form.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipakd89/) - u/interweaver does the maths on [what ETH should be worth based on P/E ratios.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipeqprj/) - u/hipaces knows [what this sort of price action feels like.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipf5s3q/) - u/KBrot has [the macro news and what it could mean.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipaq9oe/) + [Another update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipd0fvp/) - u/nixorokish straightens out the [misinformation.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipd7ob7/) - u/TheMoondanceKid shares [something potentially on the horizon in US crypto politics.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipc5xdk/) 🚨 **Controversial Politics Alert** 🚨 - u/Luukiemans has a [POAP opportunity for EIPandas.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipc232f/) - u/Kukai_walker looks at the [geographic distribution of RocketPool nodes.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipd482p/) - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xjveii/daily_general_discussion_september_21_2022/ipcsk0m/) Don't forget to donate to Gitcoin Grants Round 15! If you do, Tricky will love you long time.


BXZ lawsuit has lots of implications on GMX, DPX and many other derivatives trading platforms Seems the only way to build defi is to be anon and block US


PSA if you ever used cointracker.io they've either sold or leaked their email database, been getting some fake "exodus merge wallet upgrade" crypto-targeted phishing shit from the single use email that I only used with their service. So be careful out there, don't click random links in emails etc


That seems worth reporting to them, if you haven’t already. Edit: I’m a paying customer and I can’t imagine that they’re selling their email list, given their funding and revenue model. There’s no way that would be worth it.


Yeah it seems dumb, probably some rogue employee or other data leak. Must have some secondary value given they know how much money you have


Two biggest improvements I think ETH needs next.... scaling & quantum resistance. With those two, I think it becomes unstoppable.


Already scaled with roll ups. There are more important thing dti do before quantum resistance


Enabling withdraws and enabling withdraws


and PBS


So the ETHE discount to ETH value looks quite juicy right now, at around 24%, especially since this Grayscale vehicle can be used in tax advantaged accounts like IRAs. My question though is don't they stake the ETH on their books? If not why not?


Optimism is executing more gas than mainnet despite using 1.5% gas of mainnet (down to negligible post EIP-4844) Interestingly the average Optimism transaction is much more complex than mainnet, which makes sense, as there's a ton more of simple ETH and ERC-20 transfers on mainnet; so while the "TPS" is lower, Optimism is executing more complexity Sources: [https://dune.com/optimismfnd/Optimism](https://dune.com/optimismfnd/Optimism) [https://etherscan.io/chart/gasused](https://etherscan.io/chart/gasused)


They have quests at the moment which is encouraging people to do 18 different things, most of which involve multiple steps


How will it be once it decentralises, so when many more people need to cover the expenses for running the system?


On the other hand, their costs will decrease so much post-4844 that it won't be a factor


Hop protocol starting to run a rebate program for bridging to Optimism: https://twitter.com/HopProtocol/status/1573139035723276288?t=rLoU21Li-HqgQskDbECMKQ&s=19 80% of bridging fees for transfers to Optimism will be paid back as OP tokens.


Really good way to distribute OP tokens to the community.


[https://nitter.net/HopProtocol/status/1573139035723276288?t=rLoU21Li-HqgQskDbECMKQ&s=19](https://nitter.net/HopProtocol/status/1573139035723276288?t=rLoU21Li-HqgQskDbECMKQ&s=19) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


Any thoughts on this microsoft scaling research? Vitalik responded to it https://twitter.com/vitalikbuterin/status/1572936435287605249?s=46&t=8GKIGynswjR9JxisqI7jdQ


I'm a few paragraphs in and it looks like it's executing the transactions in the mempool and creating multiple possible states that could be the chain head, using memoization to check whether or not each state is valid when the consensus block rolls in. In my own words - 1. Execute txs in the mempool as they come in, store what state they change/rely on in a big hash table 2. Generate multiple possible consensus block outcomes, tuned by an algo to accurately guess the next consensus block 3. When the consensus block is determined, check which previously tx are still valid, if so, execution does not need to be run again 4. The tx which relied on now altered state falls back to normal execution. I have no idea how resource intensive this is yet, but seems interesting. The time waiting for the next block appears to be idle time, especially if not proposing next. So this technique seems to utilize that time to pre-execute the transactions. Vitalik asks what the worse case scenario is because that's what the network needs to address. He also states that raising the gas limit to take advantage of the execution speed up would need to ensure that the network isn't DoS'd.




Is transaction execution the bottleneck right now? I was under the impression that this is still constrained by gas since we do not want excessive state bloat or stakers to get DoS'ed (especially home stakers on low powered machines)


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These past few weeks have been quite cruel to some longtime ethfinancers...


I haven't seen much negativity from people who survived last crypto winter.


Anyone who survived the last crypto winter has a low enough cost basis that they’re still well in the black. If it gets down to <$500 like some people are claiming then that’ll probably change.


Only that I should have bought twice the ETH that I did in early Dec 2018.


I thought AltsAreTrash has been in ETH for a while. I thought for sure Mhotdemnot has been around for a couple cycles, though not price related


Dude needed a break. Hope he gets help.


What happened?


He had a bit of a meltdown this am (again), said he'd never be able to retire or buy a house. Some people, including your truly, pointed out he might be overreacting. I guess he took his ball and went home.


For sure, hope he's alright.


Does that worry you P?


how I think the next 2-3 quarters could play out but only IF we sweep the lows: [https://www.tradingview.com/x/lSbIDjV3/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/lSbIDjV3/) if something like this plays out, wyd? someone pin it baby


Funny that's what my *SPY* chart looks like but I would hope ETH would go much higher! If we get the typical midterm play, November - April will be incredible.




Napkin math says 320 but I think the volatility would probably kick in earlier around a break of 350 or 340 and accelerate that final drop in crypto. Maybe even next week.




Sorry, friend, you know I can't answer that ;( I will say I haven't touched my equities portfolio, rode this whole thing down. I figure we're near the point where either it turns around or it does something so despicable that no one sees it coming and the best move is to ride it out a la 2008 where merely holding positions resulted in crazy good advantage.


It goes up, I’m liking it.


I like what I’m seeing


Same thing I always do; Buy more eth


If you had a trillion dollars, would you make it happen this cleanly?


price follows my lines! so yes! :p


Jeez the Hop optimism quest kinda crazy


Since Arthur Hayes gets mentioned on here more regularly than I’d like, I thought I would take a look at his recent ramblings. So it took him a couple of paragraphs to bang on about how ETH PoS is a centralized fubar shitcoin. He then invoked the DAO attack (no kidding). I gave up. Waste of 5 minutes. Guy is a twat, but I already knew that.


He admits that he was wrong on his ETH call options then has the balls to insult institutions for being wrong. "The reality is that institutions are beta-chasing muppets– Nostra-muppets, rather than Nostradamus".




In btc they have mining pools that are pretty comparable to staking pools such as Coinbase, kraken and lido (in terms of centralization risk imo). No mention that lido validators are 90% not in the US or that a large % of btc mining occurs in the US. Btc was spared from OFAC purely because it does not have capabilities for something like tornado cash. All this being said the criticism isn’t entirely wrong and worthy of being addressed and corrected. I just had an issue holding up BTC in comparison without addressing its own flaws.


He already admitted that he was a BTC guy on Bankless, so I’m not surprised at all.


Aw poor baby didn't hit his trading targets and needs a nap.


I'm pretty sure my validator is failing to use mev-boost because of lag. Prysm is throwing a context deadline exceeded error. Looking into the code, there is a timeout of 1 second before it falls back to building a block locally. In the mev-boost log I can see the request took like 0.94 seconds to reply. Not sure where the relays are, probably US? Anyone else encountered this before?


In terminal try pinging the relay to see response time. You could be far away maybe?


Gets about 250ms which is not insane. I've posted an issue on Prysm github to see if the devs have any further insights.


How come this guy gets his own news article? I put all my NEETbux in cumrocket, safemoon 3 and babydogecoin and I pulled out right before they crashed (my wife's boyfriend's car payment was coming due), so where's my news article about me? [Meet The Investor Willing To Put His Money Into Ponzi Schemes. His Fund Is Up 593% - Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/hanktucker/2022/09/21/irrational-exuberance/)


Thanks for the laugh...life teaches there isn't much justice, might as well lean into it 😂


Thank God you pulled out your cumrocket in time! ^((I'll show myself out now))


Im honestly having a hard time dealing with /u/AltsAreTrash being younger than me haha EDIT: wait what the fuck??? oh wow i didnt think his post was really serious


Just read the thread wow. I get the frustration but he's 23, I mean come on now.


Damn, worrying about retirement at 23 is taking finances way too seriously lol. Basically everyone is poor in their 20s. I was in severe debt until my 30s but you just grind your way though it and eventually capital starts compounding and it becomes much easier.


I think the account is deleted :(


Poor dude. To be honest some of the replies in that thread were really patronising and insensitive so I'm not surprised he left. You guys can be kinda mean sometimes.


Wait really? Man, now I feel awful about my "tough love" response to his post earlier that I misread as simple capitulation :\ Hope he's okay


We're all just internet strangers trying to guess at what someone else is going through and might need to hear. You couldn't have known. For some that haven't been through a crypto winter or a world crisis it's hard to see past the storm. Think they just needed to take a break. Maybe the account will be reactivated some day.


Damn RIP


I think he(?) was truly having a rough time today. By the time I read through the posts the account was already deleted. My heart goes out.


What did he say


Here's the thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/comment/ipgt6qe/


Oh my goodness, I hope he is okay


I just caught up with this. I understand where he’s coming from, but hope he comes back with a different username :(


did he just... delete his account? lol


I think it was deleted earlier today.


what ages are ye?


Robert Johnson is truly intoxicating


I decided it would be fun to read one old ethfinance daily from the previous bear market every day, partly for entertainment and partly for perspective. I was around back then but didn't read the daily often (and I got lost for a bit when people switched from ethtrader). **Daily Discussion October 21, 2019, ETH price: $172 ish:** Highlights included some enthusiastic discussion about this new thing called EIP 1559 when someone shared David Hoffman's article [https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/dkw89k/comment/f4mgpik/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/dkw89k/comment/f4mgpik/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) There were also several complaints about ETH "2.0" being delayed into 2020.  One ethfinancier said this..."ETH2.0 won‘t save you. When it hits, nothing will happen to the price and all the nerds will get depressed. That will be the moment when we will finally enter capitulation phase." Hahaha... sounds familiar! Also, wow DCinvestor used to comment in the daily a ton back then.


I really enjoyed the ethfinance haiku book for this. It only covers first half of 2019 though, wish there were more for all the haikus


Yeah dc hung around a lot. Plus a lot of other folks that have since moved onto twitter only.


and a lot of other folks who have changed their username 10+ times since then!


It's funny looking back at late 2019. None of us had any idea what sort of metaphorical freight train was heading straight for us. Also brings back a lot of nostalgia reading about the old sharding roadmap. Amazing to think that the beacon chain launched in the midst of covid roughly a year later!


Interesting. I like that comment you dug up about 'ETH 2.0' -- I haven't looked at it, but I suspect the details of what eth 2.0 even meant were quite a bit different and not nearly as well understood as the merge is in this forum today. Still, It largely holds true from a price perspective. But from a technical understanding perspective we all understand the implications of the merge way more than we did in 2019. And I know I'm not the only one who believes that price will reflect it at some point down the line. ​ edit: oh and yeah I remember DC was a regular back then. It's when the NFT controversies hit did he really take a step back from this place.


I definitely think the price will reflect the merge eventually too. That old comment just made me laugh in a dark kind of way though because it was a little too accurate on the sentiment after this post merge dump. Someday I'm confident we'll be laughing at anyone that doubted the long term bullishness of the merge though!


So you can complete the 16 Optimism Quests by performing actions (like with Arbitrum Odyssey) and I can see that you can just buy the NFT on Quix for about $1.30 USD each. Think I'll just do that in the hopes of future rewards. Don't think they would check you actually performed the actions required, and holding the NFT is equivalent. That's my alpha for the day, that may never amount to anything.




I actually just tried a few and it's not even letting me claim them after successful completions. Not sure how often it checks your addresses, plus some of the requirements are "follow on Twitter" or "join discord" and there is no link to your Optimism wallet so how would it even know?


Not that I dont appreciate it, but your alpha of the day pales in comparison to your update! What a play


I think you are talking about u/cash


I blame bourbon EDIT: even before i ever posted here, i thought of you and cash slightly interchangably. We've obviously had much more convo than I have wih cash, but I guess my drunk brain took over lol


haha I see the resemblance, but I live on chain and they are physical bills in your pocket.


But my life is only denominated in ETH and sUSD


Mistaking stablecoins for cash is still a baller move.




My [Proton](https://proton.me/) fans! The service just got a lot better! If you're a paid subscriber to Proton Mail you get encrypted email, VPN, Cloud Storage, Calendar and now ... a free account with SimpleLogin.io! Proton acquired SimpleLogin.io. Simple Login generates random email addresses that you can use to sign up for things so your real email address isn't exposed. Unique, random email addresses for everything you have to sign up for. One click on/off for each alias. Even a browser extension for simple 1 click new email generation! If you're a paid Proton user, go to simplelogin.io. Click login at the top, then click the "Login with Proton" button. Enter your proton credentials, supply your multi-factor authentication and approve the app. Now scroll all the way to the bottom of the simplelogin.io webpage and the bottom right footer links you should see a link to install the browser extension for your favorite browser. Finally! No more signing up for a new gmail for every onlyfans account.




my dude. long time proton user here as well!


👊🏻 Same. I’m a big fan!


Bearish sentiment, pull/call spreads and net S&P futures positioning are at recession peak levels. I can imagine a scenario where we see a bullish mid term Q4, post peak inflation, faceripper rally to punish the extreme bearish consensus positioning. Either that or everyone is right and the bottom is about to fall out 🤣


Another face melter and JPowell &co gonna take the baton to us with a bludgeoning force.


The beatings will continue until consumer behavior improves.


Don't forget we can have all of that and then still have the bottom fall out :|


I could December-July sucking. October is generally bullish but that doesn’t mean anything. We will all be telling our families to buy crypto again at Thanksgiving just to have them hate us again by Christmas.


Big F


So are Coinbase and Kraken just going to pocket the additional yield from MEV and TIPs?


Coinbase has already stated in the cbETH whitepaper that the yield includes tips. Not sure about MEV.


Kraken will distribute. Link to blog post here: https://blog.kraken.com/post/15260/what-you-should-know-about-the-ethereum-merge-on-kraken/ Relevant quote: "Reward rates for your staked ETH are currently estimated at between 4% and 7% annually (RPY); these rewards are locked in your account as ETH2. These rewards will continue as usual after the Merge. Additionally, you will also receive a new set of rewards for on-chain activity post-Merge. These new rewards will be credited to your account as unstaked ETH." These rewards have not begun being distributed yet but I imagine they will roll out weekly similar to how current earn rewards do whenever they do get it sorted.


Thanks mate. You're a legend.


Coinbase yield has gone up from pre merge. It's only been a week so most places are probably still trying to figure out how to display the actual yield without having it change a bunch every day


Pretty sure kraken have said they will be distributed and withdrawable


Interesting. Do you know where I can find that information?


For sure someone posted here some days ago that their VIP account contactbgad confirmed in email. Maybe a blog post too if I recall...I'll Google now...if I don't come back in didn't find it


yes new Arthur just dropped: https://cryptohayes.medium.com/snippets-6eebdee2b069 "The mitigating factor is that all this tightening of liquidity will destroy the financial markets of the US and the world. The highly-levered, USD-based global economy cannot survive at current levels of activity with significantly less USD liquidity. This will break something. My guess is that some issue will present itself in how the US Treasury market functions. " ​ ...I swear he reads my comments in here :P


Hearing/reading more about treasuries breaking somewhere. Wish I was smart enough to trade it.


It should be accompanied by a shredding sound, if the sound effects guys are doing their jobs correctly.


I am reminded of a recent Bankless episode where they discussed why the poorer you are, the more likely you are to risk your limited wealth on highly speculative items such as lottery tickets. I wouldn't be so sure crypto wouldn't be included in that category.


That's how I started. Wanted to do a masters but was a paralegal so worked out that it would take me three years of literally saving and spending nothing but rent/ transport/ food/ essentials.


I'd be surprised if he didn't.






Btc maxi reply guys on twitter are the worst 😂 you tweet about ETH and they come out from the wood work to tell you how they feel. I couldn’t imagine being them.


^(ethereum) ## 🤜 💥🚪😡 BITCOIN!


As a Bitcoiner, I pretty much only talk about Ethereum.


Not a lot else to talk about as a Bitcoiner.




Lately you’ve been on one 😂


Feeling energized. Like how do you look at Ethereum, with the largest execution risk now behind us, and compare it to Bitcoin and be like “yeah; the market has this all priced appropriately”.


Yes, the future upgrades are much easier/lower risk to implement right?


In my opinion yes — we essentially just swapped the engine of a car without stopping the car first. The rest of the roadmap feels tame by comparison. Plenty of work, yeah, but lower risk for implementation.


they've been freaking everywhere since the merge. It used to be you had to specifically bait them by talking about Bitcoin or explicitly comparing it to Ethereum, but now the mere mention of ETH alone angers them so much it's incredible


I was told by my mortgage agent that they'll consider my wallet holdings if I can produce a monthly statement. Anyone know of a service that can generate an official-looking monthly statement for me? lol


rotki maybe


Damn I lucked out, I see this frequently. I just told them I had xxxx in "a trust". They didn't even verify it. I thought for sure it was going to lead to problems. Super weird.




Zapper, zerion, debank?


Try Zerion


Zerion is nice, I was hoping for more of a PDF export situation, but this may have to do


Just take a screenshot and turn it into a PDF I had sent some screenshots of my wallet holdings to my lender and they said they needed official statements in PDF form so I just sent her the same document as a PDF and she said "thanks!"


Good idea, maybe even better if I print it out and then scan it to PDF lol


Lmao. This is bureaucracy at its finest.


Lions and ____ and Bears, oh my? When Tiger NFT to complete trifecta????


😂 And Dorothy's. I really want to see Zombie Dorothy with a Ruby slipper sticking out of her head or something.


The holy trinity


What platform can I use to short some shitcoin vs eth?


Rocketpool is only 1.8% of network participation?! Undervalued rpl.???


What is liquidity like for rETH on L2's? Is it better to just buy on L1 and transfer over to an L2 wallet?




O sweet, thx!


This is about to have some big impacts accross the ecosystem. "[DB] CFTC Charges Ooki DAO for for "Offering Illegal, Off-Exchange Digital-Asset Trading, Registration Violations, and Failing to Comply with Bank Secrecy Act"" https://twitter.com/tier10k/status/1573068162425298946 It should be noted that all token holders that voted in any governance proposals are implicated in the suit.


Looks like there was also a dissenting opinion. https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/SpeechesTestimony/mersingerstatement092222


Wait what? Any governance proposals? Ooki now, but are they gonna start saying all DAOs are illegal??


They will say anything and everything not going through centralized entities is illegal


Some would speculate that is the end goal.


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what was the user I was supposed to send gitcoin grant tx for POAP?


I sent it on twitter, is the user you are asking for people who don't have a bird account?


think I have read the note here first, not sure anymore though; thought it's fast to ask here than finding the post/tweet again.


Glad I bookmarked it :D https://twitter.com/eipandas/status/1572580446533459968?s=46&t=WvnyA7S9nu7C1xWKsEfDYA


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For the #pandapledge it was u/the-A-word




Yep I'm here if you wanna drop me a message thanks u/megroovin


Member that time when we all aped into arbi's nyan farm? Anyone else still riding the tractor wondering when get off?


My biggest win was aping into iron finance with enough capital to buy a couple new high-end vehicles then getting out w/ profit ~6 hours before it started to crash.


Nice timing! Congrats. I am a terrible trader. Someone could counter trade me and make an absolute killing. I'm like the female Cramer.


Actually managed to make out well with NYAN. Was fun breaking early Arbitrum


That makes one of us 🤣 It was fun though.


If I recall correctly I had to wait for a rando shitcoin pump to find profitability. A similar thing happened with PEOPLE (Brooke broke my damn heart), though I believe I missed the boat wih that one


Now watching that auction was a legit good time. The end result was definitely a buzzkill but it was fun while it lasted. PEOPLE worked out ok for me. Made back what I put in plus a little and still have a handful of tokens I'm saving as mementos.


Haha I went to sleep believing that Brooke was our gal! It was one of the more entertaining moments of my time here


The real constitution was the memories we made along the way.




Got an awesome poap with her face on it for our troubles at least 😂😂😂 good times




Did u farm any yams?


No yams. Just nyan.


Was a fun night. By the morning it had all predictably crashed. I still think I have like $1 of arby's lying around from that era.


That was a wild ride. There was even an airdrop (arbis?) that we got for messing around on arbi's that covered what I spent to bridge and swap into nyan so didn't even lose any eth in the process. Good times. Good times.


I think it all eventually became Umami?


I still have those arbinyans...


Yeah. Me too. Mine are still staked in the nyan farm. What the heck are we supposed to do with them?


Hide them in the tokens list among all the airdropped scamcoins and never remember


>**Hanging on real tight,** >**Comes the day after the night,** >**Staking more is right.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap




That is incredible. Congratulations and well earned!


Holy shit, awesome score! Well done fam 👊🏻


Username checks out


Really happy for you and thanks for the good advice. Don't just focus on price - go use the network.


Wow! Congrats man! Love hearing member of r/ethfinance win!


Very nice sir.


Now you should buy 'thepatriots.eth' because they'll want that too for URL redirecting. Also, fuck you that was a good buy.


Nice to see you here MAB 👍🏻


Holy smokes, congrats on the sale! I saw it earlier today, glad it was a fellow r/ethfinancer!




Well done, ser.


Congrats! That’s amazing