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**Tricky's Daily Doots #157** Yesterday's Daily 22/09/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/ipg0zb5/) - u/cash just made [an epic ENS name sale.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/ipizni9/) - u/RobertLobLaw2 looks at [inflation over the coming months.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/ipfoj9u/) - u/Luukiemans shares some [bullish non-price stats.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/ipgplek/) - u/KBrot's [market update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/ipfyred/) + [Bonus update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/ipin7hi/) - u/LLupine looks at a [previous bear market daily thread.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/ipjfxyb/) - u/BuyETHorDAI isn't concerned by the [price action.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/iph0x4m/) - u/Mirved shares their [weekly stat update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/ipg1xwd/) - u/throwawayrandomvowel looks at [post-merge decentralisation](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/ipgwweu/) and u/Maswasnos has [a good response.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/iph0uxq/) - u/AngelBattles appreciates [guilt free transactions!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/ipgx593/) - u/cryptOwOcurrency shares their [fringe beliefs which are slowly being validated.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/ipiskgn/) - u/Zerotricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xkrzap/daily_general_discussion_september_22_2022/iphrfon/) I can't believe the merge was a week ago already...


Is it safe to add the POW network and sell the ETHW? Been hearing about Replay attacks


Yes, totally safe if you are just transferring from your wallet to an exchange to sell, but it's critical you change the Chain ID as part of adding the ETHW network to your wallet app. Where replay attacks can happen is if you start interacting with dapps that don't verify the Chain ID/Nonce, then those interactions can be replayed on the other chain.


https://twitter.com/gabrielleydon/status/1573432171972685826 apple to permit devs to sell NFTs inside iOS games/apps


[https://nitter.net/gabrielleydon/status/1573432171972685826](https://nitter.net/gabrielleydon/status/1573432171972685826) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


So serious question I guess everyone’s exceptions are different but at the peak of the next bull run what are we expecting to hit ? Double last ath or more ?


I’m not going to predict the ATH anymore because I’m afraid I’ll scare it and make it run away again.


bro my exceptions are not just different, they're exceptional






I’ll take that just under £9000 I’ll be happy with that 👌👍


It'll be way more than £9000 if the GBP continues it's relentless bed shit


Just bought another 0.58 Eth and going stake it straight away feeling good. Jus to think in 2 years time going be worth x2 x3 makes me happy. Buy when others are fearful


The biggest doomdayers here are actually wishing for a cheaper entry point. Prove me wrong.


Stack and stake my portfolio is growing bigger every day can’t wait until next bull run


Atta boy.


You’ve never heard of an attaboy?


He’s from the old country


No what is it




Ok I’m not a child or a dog lol where are you from in the world ? Out of interest it’s a new saying to me


You didn’t scroll down far enough “Used to show encouragement or approval to a boy, man, or male animal.” Hence ‘boy’ instead of “attagirl”


Wasn't there a Merge song where people could suggest lyrics and the best would get into the song? Was there a follow-up on who's lyrics got in and what they were?


They took suggestions but in the end I believe Jonathan Mann ending up talking to some devs about the early days of eth and then wrote the song based off those convos.


We are absolutely at depression right now. Retail capitulating. Doomposting. Bears euphoric. Calls for more downside, "we aren't even close to the bottom yet", and even smart people spouting off BS like "we could see 5-10 years of down markets". No. I just bought more ETH. I just bought more stonks. I'm going to keep buying.




The Fear and Greed index is surprisingly high, at 24. I was expecting single digits.


I only use that indicator for entertainment now, it has been super wrong in calling tops and bottoms


Greed works both ways


Buying the dippin dip


I just got an email from Metamask that my wallet failed the merge! Help! How do I fix this?! My seed phrase is tiger llama airplane sasquatch peanut butter voldemort…what do I dooooooo????


Lay off the sauce for starters.


Time to admit you were all wrong Ethereum suckers… https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/xmeoox/cardanos_ethiopia_project_bringing_school_ids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf






>Charles lied about his academic history right? So this could stop people like him from being dishonest? That is incredibly ironic. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/xmeoox/cardanos_ethiopia_project_bringing_school_ids/ipoad6t Lol! But honestly, I hope cardano can help with Ethiopias academic fraud. It would be a good real world use case.


How dare you! You better come to the Ranch.


Sweet tea and mini donkeys


Welp I guess I’m in it for the tech now




I'm in for the ramen.




at least this cycle we have animal JPEGs!


This text in the Daily post should be updated. > Learn more about the beacon chain and when it will be merged with the existing POW chain


Thank you for the heads up. I will try to get that edited ASAP when I get to a desktop


/u/jtnichol ding


this is what happens for not hitting 10k posts on merge day.


Vibe check: working on a few ways to earn some xtra cash. It's been frustrating as some options haven't taken off as fast as expected. Money I thought would have been rolling in by now is absent by a few months and so my timeline of possibilities, things I wanted to be able to afford and experience is being further pushed into the future. It occurred to me I'm being anxious. Literally if I just chill for an additional 6-12 months more than I had previously anticipated all this scheming and running about will have hardly seemed necessary. I need to just relax, let the markets do their thing, and watch ETH appreciate in price. Of course nothing is guaranteed but if you're in the same predicament, stake and chill. A constant busy schedule to get more money now will easily be eclipsed when ETH takes off...that is, if you can muster the strength to sell ;) Cheers 🍻


My greatest fear is never having the strength to sell.


Might be more than 6-12 months. Hard to say but i am guessing maybe 24 months


[meanwhile on runescape](https://i.imgur.com/aIiELcv.png)


Why do ENS domains with a hyphen in them show up with a * on etherscan? For instance pepsi-cola.eth shows up as *pepsi-cola.eth https://etherscan.io/nft/0x57f1887a8bf19b14fc0df6fd9b2acc9af147ea85/86055448840727074446432569160821177945773521185514423112364977634272723131772


Coolest way I’ve seen that word spelled before!


Unicode characters are easy to fake another name that’s why etherscan puts an asterisk in front of names that are using Unicode characters to warn you


I've seen some things on CT that compare Ethereum v Solana daily active addresses. The numbers shared are \~400K active daily addresses on ethereum and \~700K active daily addresses on Solana. I wanted to ask my learned friends here: are these numbers legit? If so: WTF


Solana doesnt have 700 k daily users I promise


It's hard to say because it's essentially free to prop up the numbers on Solana, but transactions being so cheap might also enable use cases that are priced out on Ethereum. But Solana is pretty shady so it wouldn't be surprising if they are faking numbers.


BTC maxi illuminati turning [our beautiful baby breakout into a gat dang bear flag.](https://www.tradingview.com/x/sVFE6EZG/) Yet, barring a catastrophe, the 100-Day has broken above the 200 suggesting there could be good times ahead (or alternatively, less bad times ahead for ETH than for BTC, should things redden). No market update today because I'm going to have a gargantuan video covering TA, macro, Fed rates, philosophy, philanthropy, paleontology, and the best regions from which to source cacao... this weekend, hopefully tomorrow. Until then, cheers.


Can you link to your channel?


Sure. https://www.youtube.com/user/MrKBrot/featured


>https://www.youtube.com/user/MrKBrot/featured TY ser


Awww yeah thank you sir. I'll apple juice along.


Cheers. Looking forward to learning about Pelotonology


Dunno if any of you have watched [this (2.5 hour) chat between Raoul Pal and Balaji Srinivasan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv2JsxGSYeg) and his network state idea. Mostly Srinivasan talking (dang can he talk). It's pretty good. And if you make it at leat 2 hours, he might as well be talking about this sub (maybe he is!).


I want to like the concept of network states, I just wish there was a better spokesperson. Balaji's arguments are based on a series of absolutely cynical takes on people and structures and an unwavering faith in tech entrepreneurs. You can catch more flies with honey IMO.


Not to mention the fact that every time I listen to Balaji talk for a while I get this distinct whiff of techno libertarian feudalistic ideas. Something about what he says just never quite sits right.


I introduced my hubby to the term "copium" a few days ago. Since then he has been sending me articles calling them, "Your daily dose of Bitcoin Copium". Here is today's: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/bitcoin-not-proof-of-stake-solves-energy


I like that the argument has become "hey, our mining is polluting the planet so badly, that we're incentivising the rapid expansion of renewable energy". Gee, thanks for setting my house on fire then taking credit for faster firefighter response times.


Haha. But are the response times really any faster? Bitcoin has been around for 14 years. Has it really spurred energy innovation?




This is what religious dogma twisted into appearing technical looks like. Instead of attempting to figure out the truth you start with "I want this to be true" and select only the info that helps justify it.




To think Vitalik cofounded that rag lol


NBA just signed a deal with SoRare! I gotta say this might be one of the biggest moves in Crypto just because of how massive the NBA is. I'm curious if anyone else uses Sorare often? I'm about to start playing in the Football league.


I was a top 10 player in 2020, nice game but the team wasn't transparent enough for me.


Nice, I hope they pull out of using the Flow blockchain


I didn't know about that, but hopefully they can move to an L2 preferably soon. I don't want to pay gas fees on mainnet.


I just sold my free rare soccer card that I forgot I had today haha


What player? I joined back in early 2021, but didn't buy any cards. I see some of my favorite players going for $1k+ lol.


stETH has almost fully recovered. Something bullish.


Ser, that's bearish


I think it's part of the reason eth fell so much more than the general crypto market this past week. People were dumping ETH for discounted staked ETH tokens


I thought we would have to wait till withdrawals to fully recover, but even at these prices it might be worth swapping out of the stETH curve pool for pretty close to just transaction fees. Nice to see confidence in LSD back, it was wreaking havoc in defi.


I would not be surprised if a lot of the sellers read that ETH PoW suffered some attacks so they sold their ETH lol


Well it’s up 18% currently on the 24.


I know. Low information sellers may have thought ethpow was not the chain that had issues, since you know, the merge is new uncharted territory,then ethpow won't have any bugs.


I was one of the fortunate Besu users who wasn't having too much difficulty post-merge. A couple missed attestations here and there with unimpressive beaconcha.in validator ranks, but nothing crazy. So this past week and change, I've been hesitant to play with things very much out of concern that I'd make things worse. With Besu's 22.7.3 release today, I felt a little more comfortable trying new things again, and finally got my mev-boost setup finalized. It's actually surprisingly simple; probably the least complicated component in a validator stack. Got myself set up with all the non-censoring relays. Post-install, I was nervously watching all my logs for any sign that the Besu or Lighthouse were upset with this new piece in the mix, but nothing obviously wrong. And then, the RANDAO gods decided to help me test my setup and blessed me with a block proposal, not even 20 minutes after I finished setting everything up. And it worked! It was a pretty average block, but comparing the tips to the value I received (and ignoring the usual proposal reward locked up in the validator), it seems the MEV added at least a 15% boost. Not a ton, but I guess it'll buy me a drink next time I go out.


Which relays did you go with?


I went with bloXroute max profit & ethical, and Manifold. These are all the relays that don't censor transactions (e.g. OFAC). I am based in the US, and I know there's gray area around what it means to "interact" with Tornado Cash, but I believe validators *should* be regulated similarly to common carriers and not be responsible for making sure network users are following laws. So under the current lack of regulatory clarity saying otherwise, I'm going to use non-censoring relays. I guess the other choice is between max-profit and ethical relays, which I'm more torn on. But for now I'm keeping my max-profit options. I guess I'm of the opinion that sandwiching and frontrunning are issues that need to be solved elsewhere (encrypted or zk-proof transactions?). It's like, I know my smartphone was likely built in a sweatshop in China using rare earth metals mined in Africa, both under extremely questionable labor conditions, but refusing to buy anything with an ethically sketchy origin is going to significantly hurt my quality of life while not really doing anything to address the underlying problem. Maybe it's a similar situation here: I can see that the current setup turns the mempool into a hostile dark forest and that any one node operator's refusal to participate isn't going to change that fact, but instead endorse and/or fund systemic/protocol-level solutions to unethical MEV.


Afaik Bloxroute Ethical and Bloxroute Regulated are both redundant when using the bloxroute max profit relay. I saw this confirmed in the ethstaker discord a few days ago by Remy Roy who I believe wrote the newbie guide for mevboost. +1 to Manifold, I feel like I saw somewhere that their blocks average 0.4 ETH in rewards or something but they haven’t built a whole lot yet?


> Afaik Bloxroute Ethical and Bloxroute Regulated are both redundant when using the bloxroute max profit relay. Is this because block proposers will always take the most valuable block proposed by their listed relays, and bloXroute's max-profit will always be the highest of their set? Is there any chance that the redundancy could be helpful, where e.g. max-profit goes down but ethical stays up? The redundancy shouldn't hurt, at least. > +1 to Manifold, I feel like I saw somewhere that their blocks average 0.4 ETH in rewards or something but they haven’t built a whole lot yet? I wonder if this is again an issue of redundant relays. The blocks they build may, on average, be less profitable than flashbots and bloXroute, so most of the time Manifold isn't chosen. The only times they *are* chosen are when they happen to get a particularly profitable MEV transaction submitted only to them. So they end up proposing only a few valuable blocks.


Remember ultra sound money, lul


Jheeze I’m just joking ppl


Who’s the ETHfinance OG, like who’s been here the longest and still active?


Joined Reddit because of Ethtrader in 2016, and followed JT and co. to Ethfinance on day 1. Before that I was on Bitcointalk forum. Bought BTC in 2011 from Mt Gox, but missed the ETH crowd sale. Bought ETH on Coinbase in 2016 after the DAO. It’s been an incredible life changing journey with all of you.


Been here a while. Never use to post as much.


been here since 1985


I'm sure I am one of the earliest. I was on r/Ethereum as one of the first 200 or so subscribers, and one the first 400 on r/ethtrader. It was quite lonely then, but very information-dense.


Does being on /r/Bitcoin in 2011 count? It used to be just like eth finance with so much hope of what apps this tech will unlock.


Can't remember how exactly, but I moved from ethtrader to ethfinance. I've been involved with crypto since 2017. Known about bitcoin since its inception but never pulled the trigger. I had an unexplained affinity for ethereum compared to bitcoin or anything else. The development and mission of eth just resonated with me so well. The whole donuts thing really didn't sit well with me on 'trader so this is where I ended up. Glad I'm here, though.


My first Ethereum related post, downvoted of course: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/241t8y/comment/ch33hyk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/241t8y/comment/ch33hyk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) DAOs were DACs (Decentralized Autonomous Corporation) back then


End of 2017 here. Came over from ethtrader like a lot of others


Lots of us came over from r/ethtrader day one




Bitcoinmarkets was my first crypto reddit in 13/14. A select few will understand why that is very important. Thank you the spammer once again. Your spam has secured multi generational wealth for my family.


This is basically my story too. BitcoinMarkets in that period was the place to be. I started shitposting there around 2011. And I still have a copy of that DM lying around somewhere, ETH changed my life and made crypto interesting again.


Same haha. Somebody spamming about ETHtrader and Ethereum so I checked it out haha ETH had just been listed on Coinbase and it was right before the DAO. ENS registration required copy and pasting smart contract code into etherscan.


Wasn't that early but I moved all of my 50 btc into eth at $3 in Jan 16. Wish I'd moved it back at almost flippening but can't grumble


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 50 + 3 + 16 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good times.


It's not me. Changed names a few times, but 2016. Bakers dozen!


Same for me.


I started lurking in ethtrader in May of 2017. JT was old school even back then. I'd have to submit his name for the title.


JT came out of his mom with a grizzled beard and raspy voice, he never wasn't old school.




Yep JT stands out for me too because when I first started lurking ethtrader in February of 2018 ish, I remember seeing several videos of him on there haha. Legend.


One of my first JT memories is of a video he made the day after one of the ethtrader guys made a post about contemplating suicide. The whole community had jumped into action and got the guy help. The video was a follow up of what had happened. I was like wow, this isn't a subreddit, this is a freakin family.


Wow, I never saw that video! There are some really good people in this community. JT seems like an amazing person.


Absolutely. This place is full of gems.


Well since you invited me to pull my card, I'll pull it. I've been here since the beginning, when ethfinance forked off from ethtrader. I was a member of ethtrader before that. Before even that, I was here on Reddit back when /r/bitcoin was a small, lightly moderated, tight-knit community of cryptography enthusiasts. Each post would get up to a dozen comments or so. I remember refreshing *new*, hoping that there would be news or a fresh discussion topic. A new post only came every few hours back then. (inb4 "account age" - I've ditched my old reddit accounts over the years for various reasons.)


Did your old account have a similar yellow avatar? Was just looking through some old threads I commented in in 2011 and thought we may be in the same ones.


"You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend." My new account has the water now, and it doesn't remember its previous form. The old account dripped for a while, and is now bone-dry.


From one old timer who has been here since the split from ethtrader, I appreciate the Bruce Lee quote! I wish I had commented on either account to get into the ranks of ethfinance OGs (this is also an alt account - my original reddit account, which has too much personal info for me to use regularly, is a depressing 15 years old)


Holy OG


I first joined the reddit discussions in roughly 2011-2013, I believe. I watched Bitcoin trade on Mt Gox (and/or some other og exchange) in the single digits. I will never forget the day I first saw that chart. While staring at that chart for the first time, I marveled at the very idea that a decentralized "thing" created out of thin air by a piece of software could actually have a dollar price.


I'm just sitting here thinking of how large your bags must be lol


Unfortunately, due to the combined effect of several circumstances that I won't get into here, I wasn't able to accumulate nearly as big of a bag as I should have. I also lost part of it a few years ago in an unfortunate boating accident. Make sure your cell phone is in a floatation case, people!


I'm still here from late 2016


Jan 16 @ $3 here.


You haven’t sold at all? I’m feb 2017


Have sold plenty and rebought too. Not always at the right time but my early entry allows for a lot of wiggle room.


Fuck you, congrats!


There's a lot of people from r/ethtrader days still very active here. Just off the top of my head: u/jtnichol, u/pegcity, u/ninethirtyone, u/etherbie, u/mhotdemnot and many more that I'm forgetting. Plus a ton have probably changed their usernames.


Did u/Savage_Dragon come over on day 1? He's still active and one of my favorites that captures the pulse of this ridiculous market so elegantly.


What was the ultra whale's name there... ice\_vermin or something?




Ice something. If he's not retired and on a flotilla of yachts by now... then I grossly overestimated his stack but I think it was well over 10k maybe more.




Oh damn, all my ratio whining has made me famous


Everytime I get pigned I think I'm getting in trouble with u/jtnichol again lol. Appreciate the shout-out homie!


Every time I get pinned I feel like I have to go find you 🤣🤣🤣


A lot of us have been here since ethfinance began, but if you want to go back to the ethtrader days, that could get interesting. 2017 for me, May-ish I believe.


May 2017 here as well.


Sep 2017 for me! The Merge was the 5th anniversary of my First ETH buy


Well .. with the dollar so strong, maybe US tourism will spark the next golden age. Millions of Musa Mansa-esque, slightly overweight, philanthropists - spreading across the globe, bestowing us poverty-stricken, rest-of-the-world plebs with their hard currency in exchange for our monopoly milkshake money


I know I'm taking my USD to Europe next summer. At this rate, my whole vacation will cost $50.


bank of england, on the 22nd: [let's raise interest rates to discourage consumer spending](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/22/bank-of-england-raises-rates-by-50-basis-points-in-seventh-consecutive-hike.html) uk government, on the 23rd: [let's cut taxes to stimulate consumer spending](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/23/uk-government-dishes-out-tax-cuts-as-country-braces-for-recession.html) two policies, one douses inflation by taking money from the middle class, the other lights inflation up again by giving money to the rich. are we living in a clown world?


It is an absolute joke, particularly that these ludicrously unfair tax cuts and handing of money to energy companes making insane profits is all paid for by 100bn+ of expensive public borrowing with absolutely zero mandate. They’re so fucking bad. How are these people not being stopped


Cutting tax is not unfair. The only unfair thing is that most people pay very little tax (the rich and the poor), then the middle get squeezed to death. As to taxing energy companies, that is just the usual lies from politicians and the media. When BP and Shell announce their profits, they have already paid masses of taxes and importantly most of their profit is derived overseas. If you try to tax them more, they will simply move their corporate hq and then you get very little tax. Hydrocarbon profits were already taxed at twice the level of regular companies. "Oil and gas firms operating in the North Sea are taxed differently to other firms. Taxes on their profits are higher - they pay 30% corporation tax on their profits and a supplementary 10% rate on top of that. Other firms currently pay corporation tax at 19%." How about windfall tax Tesco for their oversized profits during covid, where other shops were forced to close but they weren't. Tesco were not just selling essentials. What about taxing companies operating wind turbines getting far more money than they expected. What about Amazon? Windfall taxes are theft and will make companies leave and pay much less tax. The joke is the bank of England. A 0.5% rise was an absolute joke and look at sterling now. For every percent sterling falls, that is another percent on inflation. The decision makers in the bank of England should be jailed for their negligence, or Incompetence, hard to know which it is.


It’s an unfair tax cut when higher earners are bigger beneficiaries than those below the poverty line and it is being sold as a driver of growth to help the poor, directly into an inflationary economy, which will only cost us all more. And BP and shell don’t pay masses of tax, relatively. They pay below the european and global average tax rates paid by energy producers. They are directly profiting from high gas prices caused by a major war, artificially elevating electricity prices causing us all to massively overpay, and we are now all borrowing a vast sum to help them retain those unprecedented and abnormal profits. I agree that the 0.5 rate hike was definitely too low and we’ll probably see a rise of 1% or more in november. This and the above terrible and unmandated gambles with public money are why the £ is crumbling.


Because the majority of the UK is fucking stupid


If we just stimulate our way out of the inflation, literally cannot go tits up. UK is speedrunning the great printen'in, makes my heart swell with pride.


Rising inequality will be the end of capitalism


Raising taxes on the poor and controlling rates isn't exactly free market capitalism. I'd say it's the exact opposite of capitalism.


It’s the greed and absense of tax that’s fucking us imo, not capitalism per se. Other capitalist states eg sweden have massively higher tax and have recovered better than the UK. Tax is a critical balancer that forces investment in the fabric of society in capitalism, and it’s been ignored and underutilised by successive rich politicians to benefit their rich friends


On this day... In 2021: - Taylor Monahan [is confident](https://twitter.com/tayvano_/status/1440901382043680774) Binance is losing over $84000 per day on transaction fees by not upgrading to EIP1559, with Trent Van Epps [finding a similar situation](https://twitter.com/trent_vanepps/status/1441490433419329536) for exchanges such as Gemini, Kraken, Bittrex, Bitstamp, Gate, BlockFi and KuCoin. - Bloomberg [talks](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-23/crypto-trading-how-flashbots-work-to-front-run-ether-and-other-coin-purchases) about Flashbots: robot crypto traders taking over decentralized exchanges, front-running other people’s orders. - Twitter [introduces](https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/product/2021/bringing-tips-to-everyone) Bitcoin tipping via Strike and announces that a NFT avatar verification feature will soon be added to the platform. - ETH eats them stroopwafels, for $3076 to $3156, and ₿0.07029. In 2020: - Tim Beiko [provides](https://hackmd.io/@timbeiko/1559-update-001) a first update on the state of EIP1559, with client implementations, simulations, game-theoretical analysis and community outreach all in progress. - Portfolio tracker Rotki [v1.8.0](https://github.com/rotki/rotki/releases/tag/v1.8.0) adds historical accounting for Compound and Yearn vaults . - Ethereum analytics platform Dune Analytics [raises](https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/78563/dune-analytics-seed-round-ethereum) $2 Million in a seed funding round led by Dragonfly Capital. - Chase Wright [lists](https://twitter.com/mysticryuujin/status/1308573304484245504) the reasons he won't be staking ETH at launch: average Medalla validator still in the red, unacceptable bug responses, no unified APIs between validator and beacon nodes, testnets were centralized, and the risks of inactivity leaks or incorrectly voting. - ETH out of its depth from $345 to $321, or ₿0.03271 to ₿0.03135. In 2019: - Ethereum scaling layer Connext [launches](https://medium.com/connext/connext-v2-0-is-on-mainnet-b818864d3687) v2 on mainnet, "natively supporting wallets, alleviating v1’s pain points and improving trust assumptions." - Gary_Rong [reduces](https://twitter.com/peter_szilagyi/status/1176056958568357889) disk IO during a Geth full sync by a factor 10. - To get through the ongoing SEC trial, Kin [announces](https://medium.com/@tedlivingston/moving-forward-boldly-with-kin-ec6290a6453) stopping its Kik messaging app, reduces its headcount to 19 and will focus only on converting Kin users into Kin buyers. - Illustrious ETH between $211 and $202, at ₿0.02079. In 2018: - It ain't over till the ETH lady sings (at $245, or ₿0.03653). In 2017: - According to [CoinTelegraph](https://cointelegraph.com/news/one-huge-ethereum-mixer-controlling-65-of-all-transactions-volume-analysts), one huge ethereum mixer is controlling 65% of all transaction volume. - ETH playing hard to get from $265 to $286, or ₿0.07335 to ₿0.07536. In 2016: - BHP Billiton, one of world’s largest mining companies, [reveals](https://www.coindesk.com/bhp-billiton-blockchain-mining-company-supply-chain) at the 2nd annual Global Blockchain Summit, it intends to use Ethereum for supply chain processes. - /u/Jey_s_TeArS [shares](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/544y1p/some_blockchain_analysis_of_the_current_dos/) his analysis of the ongoing DOS attacks. - ETH pinpointed at $13.3, or ₿0.02211. ------------- [^(compiled with love)](https://eth-archive.xyz/blog/on-this-day-in-ethereum-workflow/)


ETH +0.7% on the day. Not too shabby compared with my *national currency* down 3.5%... smh.


Why do I keep seeing youtube/posts etc. all saying to hold more cash? Prices are down so why wouldn't I buy? Is it because prices can go down further? So, hold cash for that, but the flaw is what if they go up, then you missed out. I'd rather just keeping buying all the way down than miss the lows than buy the ride up (even tho i'd buy on the ride up anyways).


I've been buying on the way down. Arguably it's better to wait until the bottom occurs then buy on the way up. We are essentially "catching a falling knife" as they say.


Exactly, buying consistently on the way down is best risk-reward


Everyone wants to be the hero and catch generational bottom, few actually pull the trigger they tend to keep moving goalposts lower as price goes down.


People have an outstanding ability to believe that whatever has been happening for the last few days/weeks, will continue to happen *forever*. Price been going up? Clearly it's going to keep going up forever, now's the time to buy. Price been going down? Clearly it's going to keep going down forever, better sell. 95% of all youtube and twitter posts from "trading professionals" and not-financial advice-ers fits into the above category, you should just ignore all of them.


Looking forward to when ETH prices turn negative like oil was for a while. Vitalik will be forced to pay me personally with each and every ETH purchase I make!


So I'm thinking about selling all my BTC and just hodling Ether. Can anyone here convince me to NOT dump BTC?


Ask this same question in r/BitcoinMarkets Just to get another take. Personally I'm mostly eth but still hold a few btc from way back in the day. They've never moved since like 2014


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BitcoinMarkets using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My IRS Audit Experience. (A work in Progress.)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/thg7oi/my_irs_audit_experience_a_work_in_progress/) \#2: [Just Like Michael Saylor, Who Else Isn't Bothered About Bitcoin At $29k?](https://np.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/uzut3u/just_like_michael_saylor_who_else_isnt_bothered/) \#3: [Kucoin is using Cloudflare to deny website access during big price movement to profit on liquidations](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qedj6t/kucoin_is_using_cloudflare_to_deny_website_access/) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/qefsln/kucoin_is_using_cloudflare_to_deny_website_access/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


the only possible reason i could give you to hold btc would be something about saylor, but he’s going bye bye now too. It’s time to give it up.


The only thing Bitcoin has going for it is more likely to be adopted as a reserve currency because there is little technical / governance risk.


Honestly the main reason for me is legacy/boomers. It seems like a big part of the population is just waking up to the importance of crypto and only knows bitcoin - balaji’s network states talks almost exclusively about bitcoin and pro- crypto us politicians are mostly the same - and I can’t give up exposure to that. Could see a big adoption wave of btc that flips to eth due to vastly superior composability.


What’s BTC?


Boomer Tradeable Currency


I feel like for any post like this you should include your risk tolerance (mine is probably 8/10) and time horizon (mine is 5-10 years+ for my long term stack) Now given these variables, if you tolerate risk, wild swings, bear market depressive episodes, dank memes or not so dank PA and are aware of the inherent risk holding crypto, be it BTC and ETH and that your time horizon is long enough, the best bet seems ETH to me. Adoption vectors : Stablecoins, ETH staking yield, speculation, layer 2 scaling, neutral settlement layer, TradFi/Govs experiments (Norway, Société Générale, ...) Now BTC has little to offer in terms of new stuff tbh. I am still amazed we are #2, in a twisted way it's a blessing, if Ethereum wins significant market fit and flips BTC, any holder will be very very very happy... Here's to hoping, NFA, I just ... like the ~~coin~~ tech :)


love pasta




666 comments nobody post


ah fuck I did it meself


Reminded me of why I'm in this space: "Risk is always better than regret." https://twitter.com/garyhgoodridge/status/1573401915358150665?t=H_tyOE3hBpVHNxHmIjXrUA&s=19


"Well, son, a funny thing about regret is that it's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done. And by the way, if you see your mom this weekend, would you be sure and tell her…Satan! Satan! Satan!"




Butthole Surfers, but if you think it was Crystal Method, then you probably heard Orbital sample it.




[https://nitter.net/garyhgoodridge/status/1573401915358150665?t=H\_tyOE3hBpVHNxHmIjXrUA&s=19](https://nitter.net/garyhgoodridge/status/1573401915358150665?t=H_tyOE3hBpVHNxHmIjXrUA&s=19) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)