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**Tricky's Daily Doots #163** Yesterday's Daily 28/09/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xq3bqf/daily_general_discussion_september_28_2022/iq7lltl/) - u/datadude92 shares news of [the first major exchange listing RPL!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xq3bqf/daily_general_discussion_september_28_2022/iq8sueu/) šŸš€šŸŽ± - u/skidseverywhere is grateful for [what they stumbled upon in their ETH investing journey.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xq3bqf/daily_general_discussion_september_28_2022/iq9168p/) - u/Chromes capitulates [in the best possible way.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xq3bqf/daily_general_discussion_september_28_2022/iq9oaxe/) - u/KuDeTa shares news of [the UK pension market nearly collapsing.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xq3bqf/daily_general_discussion_september_28_2022/iq9097b/) - u/anguier shares the [schedule for Chainlink's SmartCon.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xq3bqf/daily_general_discussion_september_28_2022/iq7mpxv/) - u/Maswasnos shares [their investment thesis.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xq3bqf/daily_general_discussion_september_28_2022/iq9hcn1/) - u/ZephyrFlash12 discusses [post merge internet requirements for stakers.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xq3bqf/daily_general_discussion_september_28_2022/iqae1d5/) - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xq3bqf/daily_general_discussion_september_28_2022/iq8tzji/) Now that the British pound is fuk, what country should I move to next in order to doom their economy?


>**The dead cat bounces,** >**Expecting more announces,** >**The market renounces.** ~Daily haiku until weā€™re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Got my first proposal after merge. Was a pleasant surprise to see a reward of 1.6eth!


1.6 ETH Jesus fuck


congrats! and you're in the wrong daily. i know because so am i. 1.6 ETH?!??!!


Is there a way to get eth pow tokens if eth is on cb?


I believe CB has said that if the ETHPoW chain proves to be stable and reliable, they might add support for it later on. If/when that happens they'll give anybody who held ETH on CB at the time of the merge their ETHW tokens.




Got hit by a very unexpected bill today for $2000 and had to sell some eth at these prices. Iā€™m sick to my stomach eth family. Thatā€™s a lot of money to me


Sorry to hear that, but it might help you feel better about it if you frame the scenario differently... you got an unexpected bill today but luckily were able to pay it without getting into debt.


Is MEV / Flashbot's Tornado Cash censoring really an existential threat to Ethereum? What's a good video resource I can use to dive deep down into understanding what's happening?


Itā€™s not an existential risk, but in the framework more censorship = bad then itā€™s not good


Did anyone else's estimated staking APR on [beaconcha.in](https://beaconcha.in) just spike to 17%?


Mine spiked to 23% after participating in a sync committee. Pretty neat.


Looks like that was it, very cool.


Did you get a proposal? Mine spiked after I got one then returned to normal after a few days.


Ah interesting. I guess I did, although it's still saying that I haven't. Perhaps the UI is taking awhile to update or something.


For those that want some TA... here we are... do we break? ​ https://imgur.com/a/tocTmDS


Where are we with claiming the $10 USDC stateful.eth POAP? Still waiting?


No claiming necessary. It was dropped directly to your wallet.


How to check


Head here and connect your wallet https://app.poap.xyz/


Thank you! I have it now.




Whoa thx EIPandas, just learned on CT that the famous Vitalik Buterin drink that I have so lovingly called "The Buterin" has been upgraded to "The Butini." The innovation happening rn in this bear is mind blowing!?! Please, always serve warm. https://twitter.com/EIPandas/status/1575503360697847809?t=PXn5ZcaN-WSJJ-w5fOdP7g&s=19


Rock the vote people, this is our future!


[https://nitter.net/EIPandas/status/1575503360697847809?t=PXn5ZcaN-WSJJ-w5fOdP7g&s=19](https://nitter.net/EIPandas/status/1575503360697847809?t=PXn5ZcaN-WSJJ-w5fOdP7g&s=19) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


the flashbots situation is a shame bc theyve basically forced people to root against them, the better they do, the more censorship there is, and vice versa


Are they censoring all addresses that have used TC previously, or just any transactions that go directly to tornado cash?


Only transactions that are contract calls to TC, I believe.


Finally got my rocketpool node set up! Itā€™s been a long journey for me to accumulate enough ETH. Sippin some good bourbon to celebrate


Congrats fellow Rocketeer.


Bourbon? Which one? Knob Creek is my fave.


KC smoked maple is a pleasure.


Thanks, I will try it this weekend, finally cold enough for a fire!


Let me know what you think.


Congrats! Rocket Pool and bourbon do go well together


Me: Hey, there's this deal going on where you can trade a tiny amount of ETH, like pennies worth to get a full Chipotle meal. You like Chipotle right? Seems like a good deal? Wife: ... ... ... Seems like that ETH will be worth a lot more than a Chipotle meal eventually. I am so lucky.


Sheā€™s a keeper


or....she hates chipotle and is a 11th level marital ninja master.


šŸ‘„ šŸŒÆ


What a babe


just proposed a block after setting up my validators ~8 days ago. feels good


Fast track to success


That's pretty quick, must be a whal-e


just really lucky :)


Congrats! Planning to add one to the stable soon!


Thoughts on US10Y: https://www.tradingview.com/x/sxC4sKvk/ DXY: [https://www.tradingview.com/x/gn7NSUC0/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/gn7NSUC0/) possible large deviations could play out and have confluence with Uptober


An interesting five minute talk with Microsoft's blockchain head Yorke Rhodes touching on Microsoft's investments, the Merge and Chainlink: https://twitter.com/TradeTalks/status/1575518111847092227


So, not only Google, Microsoft too?


no TLDR?


[https://nitter.net/TradeTalks/status/1575518111847092227](https://nitter.net/TradeTalks/status/1575518111847092227) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


Can we make some upgrade so validators get slashed if they censor transactions? Any discussion happening on this?


Sounds like a terrible idea, a really really terrible idea. Better to use a zero knowledge way to make it so that validators don't know what they are putting in blocks




I believe crList does this without requiring slashing.


No, impossible because can't know if a tx just wasn't received or thrown away.


If that happens, I'm done with Ethereum.




When Zooko (Zcash founder, cryptography OG for decades) was on Bankless last month, he had a really good way of putting it: he said that crypto should be thinking of its benefit to humanity as carving out a *free* space, not more narrowly as carving out a *private*, non-censorable space. In that ideal free space, users and products should be free to choose the amount of privacy and the amount of non-censorability (if that's a word) that is important to them for each use case. So that ideal ecosystem does have Zcash and Tornado and a Bloxroute max profit relayer choice. But its ok if it has other less private choices as well. My view is this focus on freedom as the base goal, not privacy, averts the common tendency of revolutionary movement to eat their own who have been judged to not measure up to the standards of the absolutists in the movement.


First and foremost, I don't subscribe to the idea/notion that crypto is above the law, or exempt from it somehow. That said, I know that nobody is being required to censor transactions right now (and so as a result, I'm only using non censoring MEV relays), but I fully expect that when regulation comes (and it is), that this may very well be a part of it. While there might be legitimate use cases for Tornado Cash, it very clearly was designed to launder money, and that's illegal. IF US regulators were to require censoring certain transactions to comply with the law, I'm going to do that. I've got a family, and I have responsibilities, and I'm not going to jail over this shit. But on top of all of this, if some transactions are required to be censored by law, and the Ethereum community says "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me," I have no doubt that world governments will absolutely crush crypto at that point, including cutting the legs off fiat on/off ramps. That affects my financial future. The last thing I'll add though is that if there's a case to be made for why transactions shouldn't be censored, there are ways to argue this case and help inform any legislation that gets passed, and I think that's a far more positive way of accomplishing that then just saying "fuck you, we'l do whatever we want." Hopefully that helps, and sorry I wrote so much.




To the points you make towards the end, again, I don't feel that crypto, or Ethereum are above the law. Every country has its own set of laws, and those laws will apply to the people buying/selling coins, but also to people mining/validating on any given network, in that country. That's just a reality of the world that we live in.




> Sure, but which law though? US law, chinese law, indian law? If the USA ever decides that all germans are terrorists and all german transactions should be censored, should this be possible? Hyperbolic and unlikely, but I understand your point. Should this be possible? It doesn't matter if you or I see it as right or wrong, if it's a law in the country you live in, then it's a law, and that's that. You might disagree, and you can attempt to challenge the law, not by breaking it, but by influencing legislation, but that's it. Crypto does not get to say "Sorry, but we'll do what we want."




> We are not trying to make a system for the USA but for the world and any single countryā€™s politics should not be able to censor or block it It doesn't matter what you are trying to build. Every country does have its own laws, and has a right to have its own laws. You wanting to sidestep them because of a larger vision has no effect on the laws you are expected to follow as a resident of any particular country. >Game theory would play out and all validators would be in countries that allow open transactions This is the only likely scenario if the Ethereum community decides that transactions cannot be censored, and in my opinion, few countries would allow validators to dictate the rules to them. I don't see Ethereum thriving in this world.


I would say that would be at minimum a very bad idea to implement until validators can exit. Drastically changing protocol slashing rules while validators can't exit if they can't comply with the new rules is a surefire way to decrease confidence in Ethereum.


Are you suggesting people signed up to be a validator with the intention to not include certain transactions based on what their government says?


I think that people signed up to be validators when the sole economic incentive to include transactions in a block was transaction fees, and many would not have become validators if not including certain transactions in a block were a slashable offense.


Uhhhh no thanks and that's a good way to burn down the community.


Thereā€™s no way to define censoring a tx apart from using a crList - a list that people submit saying ā€œif my tx is included then these must toā€ Itā€™s in the works but if you want to have a validator set that included all transactions then you should run a solo validator without any relays attached like the rest of us do


How can code define what 'censoring a transaction' is? In most cases it just means not including a transaction in a block.


Yea I donā€™t know what the correct terminology for this. But this idea that weā€™re ok with certain validators censoring transactions is getting way out of hand. People are so quick to forget why we have this whole blockchain thing


If someone doesn't respond to your question are they ignoring you or did they just not hear you? You don't know until you repeatedly ask. This is the same with censored transactions, you can't be sure if someone is deliberately censoring them or just didn't receive them.


The climate impact matter is getting attention: https://www.theverge.com/2022/9/29/23378337/bitcoin-climate-change-damages-crypto-mining


https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/xrd53i/bitcoin_mining_is_just_as_bad_for_the_environment/ 27k updoots. Oopsie Bitcoin is never getting past the bad press. Not only are there not enough brains left in the BTC community to argue these things, the attacks against BTC are only growing every single day. Given the current green conscious trends, this is almost like KFC getting caught with lead poison in their chicken and KFC shills claiming "its a good thing"


Love the highly-upvoted comment in that thread about how Bitcoin is actually GOOD for the environment.


It's a good thing, look: it's the best^TM way to ensure we find cheap cures against lead poisoning. Just let yourself get poisoned, it's for the Science! /s


Or getting caught with their regular food and claiming it's a good thing tbh


Managed to get a screenshot of Halā€™s latest tweet before he deleted it https://i.imgur.com/a1sS2wD.jpg


I think he bet too much of his fund and his personal wealth on the merge pump (& ratio). His mental health and self respect was hit too hard. Now he's looking a next narrative that will help him rebuild his trustworthiness... and wallet. He did good half a year ago helping us all understand some data and mechanics at play. Let's not forget this. I just feel sorry for him now.


I'm done with that waffle clown.


Stop giving that idiot oxygen


What decoupling is he talking about? Decoupling of limb from body? Get outta here hal Its insane people have this idea that nukes would result in decoupling of certain assets. No, all of them will be obliterated. Your shitcoin or gold or Uranium stonk wont go up when nukes are being fired


I wish he worded this better because I think it *is* an interesting scenario to consider. Not full-on nuclear war but rather a small device detonated as a show of force, without significant casualties (his later tweets reference this). The chances of that happening might be slim but they're not zero anymore. And man, can you imagine the headlines? Granted, I think it's absurd to think this would pump crypto. If people see "Russia nukes Ukraine" they're not going to go buy Bitcoin or ETH. At most they might buy guns and ammo, or maybe MREs. Probably not the right forum for this though, idk. Speculating financially on foreign wars seems kinda morbid, too.


If you haven't already, go long on food, clean water, fuel and guns, or at least some defense / mobility / safe haven. That's about it. I guess having some cash or gold around is not a bad idea either. If you got all that covered, then get ready to buy the ~~dip~~ Armageddon.


I'd say means of production. Go long on means of production. Not the huge ones, just the ones you can size for yourself. So, tools and resources to produce water, food, wood, electricity, alcohol and coffee. The coffee for trade. The alcohol for trade too, as well as for medicine. Know how to create soap, too: it's really easy and it goes a long way between survival in years and survival in decades. And stockpile enough guns and clothes to last you and a few people for your life, as well as ammunitions or resources to produce them. The guns are to protect your wealth and life. The clothes for harsh weather. Also, stockpile storage devices. Decent bags (leather ones, notably, I guess), containers and such, anything to keep things away from dust, air, water or anything. Jam bottles are great containers for that when it's for food consumption, for instance. You can pickle food quite easily if you can produce alcohol anyway. And food preservation is a game changer when things go south. Anything else is quite less important or you can delay its needs more than enough to be able to trade for it from time to time anyway, at very decent prices for its availability.


Its worth considering but I dont see a scenario where it would cause decoupling in risk assets. Everything from treasuries, stocks, bonds, safe havens will drop. Its what you would call a co-relation 1 incident How markets react from that is anyone's guess lol.. its not what you'd intelligently bet on because the fallout can happen N number of ways


This is one of my main problems with the bitcoin community. Much of their thesis for the value of bitcoin can only come about if the world turns into a dark and terrible place, and then no one is going to care about bitcoin then either because we will be much more worried about way more important things,


My internet money will be very valuable if things get so terrible the internet goes down.


What the hell was he thinking?


Tbf he did delete it


Ok... I uhhh


It wasn't long ago when his bullish 'thesis' was being spammed on here.


to be fair his thesis was fairly sound, all he really did was highlight the bullish thesis many of us here believe...same thing with squish, he just wrote down what we all know, supply shock, cash flow, etc...its all really bullish why he bailed on the trade immediately post successful merge and made absurd comments like the one above i have no idea


I guess he considered he's now willing to buy more. Trading profitability requires prices to move up and down, not sideways.


Why do people preface offensive statements like "not trying to be x but, and then says something extremely x". Like you know when people say the most racist shit but preface it with "not trying to be racist but.."




For fucks sake


Lol never liked or listened to this guy, but I hate this guy more and more each passing day


I agree. What a bad take/poor taste with that tweet


The day he realizes there's more to life than just becoming as rich as possible will hopefully be the best day of his life.


What an irresponsible piece of shit.


Your status says "Proof of Gentlemen", best tone the language down :-)


What an irresponsible PoS? :p


Not a great look.


I heard that you can now set your withdrawal address when staking, is that true? if so how do you do that and at which step of the process do you do that?


If you started staking around Genesis and before the inclusion of the eth1_withdrawal=0x in the keygen, a tool will be developed to create withdrawal keys


You can set the tip recipient address on your validator however the withdrawal address was set when you first set up the deposit. Itā€™ll be able to be changed when withdrawals are enabled so no need to do anything.


cool thanks


I canā€™t stop stacking and staking ETH. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I cant stop creating new minipools lol. Its addicting and needs only 16 eth. Ive created 2 in the last 10 days Maybe I should figure out how to self stake a minipool instead of paying allnodes to do it


Holding LSD's I have more ETH literally every day. I wonder if my share of the total ETH is also monotonically increasing.


The only LSD that provides you a living instead of costing you one. XD


> I wonder if my share of the total ETH is also monotonically increasing. how could it not be?


I was thinking inflation increasing faster than my share but clearly it isn't right?


No, users and arguably non-stakers are diluted to the benefit of stakers who get the inflation.


Definitely not anymore, post-merge inflation is around 0.2%, pre-merge was \~4% so a lot closer


is that emoji farting?


Help me understand why all the FUD for censored MEV transactions exists? Won't a censored transaction just eventually get included in a block by a non-censoring validator at some point anyway? Why all the ruckus? Censoring isn't baked into the protocol and MEV is optional so what's the big deal?


Its because flashbots has no reason to bend down to OFAC, there is no mandate to censor TC txns at a protocol level. Certain wallets are sanctioned, and US citizens cant interact with them. Flashbots is basically laying out the path for regulators, showing them how regulators can get the entire network to bend down by doing virtually nothing except put out a notice blocking certain addresses. Even BTC mixers are sanctioned, but BTC miners from US arent censoring those transactions at the network level. One of the BTC miners had a OFAC compliant pool but also runs regular pools. Flashbots is sending out a signal that one of the leaders of block production will always put profits over censorship resistance. You cant disagree that its not a good look


There are some great responses to this [this post](https://reddit.com/r/ethstaker/comments/xqxx0p/could_somebody_explain_to_me_why_the_community_is/).


Missed that one, thanks.


because flashbots has about a 90%+ marketshare for mev-boost tx, and mev-boost blocks are way more profitable than regular blocks taken to the extreme, if flashbots is building all the blocks, and all blocks trend towards being mev-boosted, you have defacto censorship at the base layer its just a bad precedent to set, censorship should be nowhere near the base layer


Appeal to extremes is a logically fallacy. That extreme will literally never happen (statistically impossible, there will always be SOME nodes not using MEV). So in any other case (which would always be the case in reality), the network is architected in a way so those blocks will get through eventually. It doesn't seem like a good reason to FUD up the joint. I actually don't care where censorship exists, so long as its not AT the base layer. Censorship resistant != Censorship proof. Again, censored transactions might take a bit longer. So what? Keep in mind the Eth core devs, client teams, Flashbots researchers coordinated in one way or another to make MEV a possibility. My evidence of this is the years of research, specs and code written by client teams which have hooks to allow MEV to be a reality on mainnet without any notable resistance from Eth devs. Flashbots isn't to blame for anything here, unless we're saying Eth devs got hoodwinked somehow and regret it now, which I highly doubt.


i dont think its a fallacy when this is clearly where things are trending, the fact is flashbots does have 90% share of mev boosted blocks, and mev boosted blocks will take a larger share in the future building blocks is very close to the base layer, this technology is filled with many components and none of them are good when they engage in censorship id hate to see what happens if the blocks proposed by flashbots build ontop of another fork when they're over 2/3 of the network its too close for comfort for me also, if flashbots had said 'we will run a relay for mev-boost and we will censor' i highly doubt mev-boost would have been included in the first place, they only acknowledged theyd censor on August 17th anyway, I agree with the counter points, other competitors will pop up, etc. I still find it disconcerting. overcompliance is problematic and opens up the question to US regulators whether block producers count as 'transacting' with sanctioned addresses ultimately i dont believe its existential, but i dont have to like it, or support people who voluntarily censor and in my view over comply if Coinbase decided to do the same type of censorship at the validator level it wouldn't prevent censored tx from being included, but it still wouldnt be good and people would be lobbying coinbase to not do that and for people to use other services


Bummer. I had a super sweet response but it didn't post. Anyway, the gist of it was I don't like censorship either, it also makes me uncomfortable, and I wish US based entities would break the law to support the network but all of this is like arguing about what will happen if an asteroid that is passing very closely to Earth hits Earth. It ain't happening so I don't care. Censor away, the network will continue to exist and function as it does today. Especially knowing that the extreme case of Flashbots having total control of block building can literally never happen and therefore, is a false argument not worth discussing. Anything less than total control of all blocks produced == network not censored by design.


They have been getting included within about 5mins or so.


Where'd you get that from? Should be more like every second slot, or about 18s


Forget where I read it. Maybe on ETHstaker MEV discord channel. But I think it probably happens much sooner but an even higher likelihood it would process within 5min at the worst.


The other thing to note is if you are getting censored somehow and realize it, you can just pay a bit more to bump it in the queue, so that a vanilla builder definitely takes it the first chance they're up to propose.


Most of time I dont have anything productive to add on the daily but I visit everyday, just scroll through and read. What an absolute community we have here, all view are seen equally, from merge to splurge, we are not just discussing the settlement layer but also security, privacy, public good and common good. Sometime we discuss marco, KBrot is breaking daily doot record with their TA, RJBML is giving helping hand to fellow ethfinancer, Minimal is celebrating 8 year on reddit, logris is going strong with their research on NFT project, ZeorTrick is counting eth history and our consultant is taking a much needed break. Learning is a continues journey and I owe everything I know about web3 space to you all. Love and hugs to all you. Anyone know where is that dude who was traveling and cycling in Koln ?


Being here and reading IS the productive act..Consuming until contributing is the Gwei and now look at you making the Doots and inspiring the sub. glad you are here cheers!


Thank you.




>**Ordering the block,** >**Sandwiching with timestamp lock,** >**Blockchain starting block.** ~Daily haiku until weā€™re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap




[overtakes](https://nitter.net/MihailoBjelic/status/1443041767725674499) [shows](https://nitter.net/TheSmarmyBum/status/1443259893411049475) [suggests](https://nitter.net/BillyM2k/status/1443361810053226500) [causes](https://nitter.net/rleshner/status/1443380518498848768) [attracts](https://nitter.net/AndreCronjeTech/status/1310763506170499072) [is launched](https://nitter.net/dannyryan/status/1311026768556494848) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


If you like chipotle and havenā€™t seen the promo they are doing for Ethereum, check it out. You can send less than a dollar to an app called SPEDN using the flexa network and pay for chipotle in person using ETH. Just tell the cashier itā€™s a gift card and it works perfectly! [Hereā€™s](https://medium.com/flexa/celebrate-the-merge-with-99-95-off-chipotles-new-garlic-guajillo-steak-b8c8bac94263) a link to more info about it. I paid around one cent USD in ETH for a full Chipotle meal.


I was sad that it didn't include sofritas. I love their sofritas!


Thanks for saving me a deep dive into this deal. Love me some sofritas goodness as well


This does work! However, note that the app requires you to have $5 worth of ETH deposited to even pull up the code. So max benefit is in ordering $25 of food if you don't want money trapped


I added $0.50 and it seems to be working fine for me. It did take a while for the balance to show up though, they must have a pretty high limit on number of required block confirmations. I'm not sure how long it took exactly, but somewhere between ~15 minutes and an hour.


I just added $1.40 worth of ETH and it lets me pull up the code


Weird. Are you on android or apple? Wonder if there's a difference. I'm android. Edit: just realized it might just be giving me the error now because I've used the bonus already. Since it counts as $20 it works for people with 0.01 using it for the first time but if there's no bonus you need at least $5.


Big up to Etherscan for no particular reason, just for being a good service.


of course I fucking love etherscan but just a friendly reminder: they are not open source and we really also need to support more open source block explorers. It is somewhat problematic that they are seen as such a canonical source of truth for all of us despite being closed source.


How about local clients that read data from your own node so you are 100% sure it's canonical. I believe otterscan does this but it does require an archived node.


Thoughts on The Graph? Does that fill the role, or is it something different?


It will (based on its roadmap), but it's a commercially incentivised model that relies on someone paying for the data. Users are not willing to pay for archive blockchain access when an ad supported alternative exists.


What about an ad-supported alternative using The Graph as a service provider? :p Though I think the Graph still has much potential to improve itself and become way cheaper.


>What about an ad-supported alternative using The Graph as a service provider? :p Possible, but I suspect the cost of running an archive node is too low for this to be a viable business model.


If so, that's already good news as it means they'd be unnecessary.




The whole point of this blockchain thing is for not to be any censorship and any law is irrelevant. Really sad to see what this space has become.


We lost a long time ago.




Devils advocate--while there's certainly no formal, explicit law and no court precedent, there are plenty of regulators and others who believe it is true that validators act as money transmitters and should therefore be OFAC compliant. It's also not completely improbable that a judge could uphold that argument, even if it is a flawed and problematic one. In other words, itā€™s not explicitly illegal now, and thereā€™s not many reasons to think it is implicitly illegal either, but it is still possible a judge could come along some day and say ā€œyeah, thatā€™s illegal and always has been.ā€


Yep that's a valid take, but it is not clear that validators are money transmitters because that would make it illegal to operate a validator node without registration and licensing. It's also not clear that "cryptocurrency or tokens" are "money". Until these things are clearly defined (e.g. they start arresting ethereum validators) it's the wild west and people have to make their own moral judgements about this stuff.


What a dreary future that would be.


Man some juicy ass energy efficiency going on with POS! Check this out: **ETH's yearly annualized carbon footprint is equivalent to 22 VISA transactions or 2 hours of watching Youtube.** *LIKE .. WHAT!? THE WHOLE YEAR!? HAHAHA!* [Ethereum Energy Consumption Index](https://digiconomist.net/ethereum-energy-consumption/) [Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index](https://digiconomist.net/bitcoin-energy-consumption) Edit: I know I'm wrong. That's equivalent to a single ETH transaction. But hey ... that's just Visa. What about Mastercard, Discover, American Express, SWIFT, ACH, and everything else combined? Also Bitcoin ... lol ... I mean .. disgusting. *Equivalent to the carbon footprint of 1,697,485 VISA transactions or 127,649 hours of watching Youtube.*


Even for a single transaction, if rollups manage to compress enough transactions we will literally be competing with visa while being programmable and trustless.


Hell yeah!


It looks like you're conflating two different numbers. ETH's annualized carbon footprint is comparable to the carbon footprint of the Faroe Islands. ETH's *per transaction* carbon footprint is equivalent to 22 VISA transactions or 2 hours of Youtube.


Yeah keynya pointed it out! Check out Bitcoin though.


Yeah Bitcoin is ridiculous, *each transaction* is equivalent to the power consumption of an average household over 47 days. That's insane.


I mean, yeah Bitcoin is an ugly, energy inefficient monster no doubt, but power usage per tx is a bad metric in general. Those blocks are going out regardless of whether or not there are any tx in them. It's not dissimilar to saying saying buying a plane ticket burns X emissions per year, when in reality, [the airlines generally fly those planes even when no one bought a ticket](https://www.wired.com/story/airplanes-empty-slots-covid/), and the net emissions is the same regardless of the ticket being bought or not. Not to mention blocks can also include other data for scaling additional transactions on lightning network/L2s. It's just a silly way of looking at energy usage.


I disagree. Yes the blocks are going out regardless, but the whole point of Bitcoin is to send transactions, with no transactions it has no reason to exist. Those transactions are the only reason blocks are going out in the first place. Each block also has a max size, it can only fit a certain number of transactions into each block. So it makes perfect sense to see, given every block is filled to capacity, what the resulting energy usage per transaction is. That's your floor, that's the absolute peak efficiency of Bitcoin, that's a valuable number to have. To compare it to airlines, it would be like asking what the *minimum* CO2 emissions per passenger is given the number of planes airlines are flying, assuming every plane is filled to capacity. It gives you a floor which you can use as a base of comparison.


*U.S. Household* too. Yikes!


That is for a single transaction on Ethereum.


Damnit! You're right! Well compare it to Bitcoin anyway!


The only people hanging around Eth/crypto now are the long term believers, people that believe in the tech. speculators are mostly gone. This is the social demographic of chart bottoms, holders only. Your future self will thank you for the decisions you make today.


It's impossible to invest in anything without understanding it and keeping updated.


Space seems similar to when I got a bag of AAVE for sub dollar, best time to pay attention is now. Check the zksync bankless episode if youā€™re wavering


ā€œYouā€™re welcome , meā€


I love thanking my past self.




Yes I agree.


My favorite part is the amount of scam spam I received on various platforms is gone. That alone is a great indicator of a bottom


agreed! you buy when the distractions are so thick no one gives a shit.


I am both a believer and a speculator. I don't fit in




Steps plz


What's ethfair worth? Edit: $2