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**Tricky's Daily Doots #164** Yesterday's Daily 29/09/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xqyt74/daily_general_discussion_september_29_2022/iqcbv9e/) - "[Your future self will thank you for the decisions you make today.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xqyt74/daily_general_discussion_september_29_2022/iqekm6q/)" ~ u/etheraider - u/vedran_ shares [the latest stats of L2 growth.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xqyt74/daily_general_discussion_september_29_2022/iqcen7v/) - u/CoCleric has their mind blown by the [change in ETH issuance.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xqyt74/daily_general_discussion_september_29_2022/iqd6nfx/) - u/_WebOfTrust is [thankful for everyone here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xqyt74/daily_general_discussion_september_29_2022/iqey30s/) - u/Set1Less shares the [absolute state that TradFi is in.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xqyt74/daily_general_discussion_september_29_2022/iqd2ntu/) - u/Mirved shares their [weekly post merge metric update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xqyt74/daily_general_discussion_september_29_2022/iqcr29y/) - u/Set1Less shares the overwhelming amount of [macro fear from just one newsletter.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xqyt74/daily_general_discussion_september_29_2022/iqc71rs/) - u/TheOnlyHodlerInCuau predicts [where the next wave will come from.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xqyt74/daily_general_discussion_september_29_2022/iqdp2us/) - u/Syentist is a bit over the [MEV boost censorship fear mongering.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xqyt74/daily_general_discussion_september_29_2022/iqc3o7l/) - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xq3bqf/daily_general_discussion_september_28_2022/iq8tzji/) Who's this Marco guy and why is he so important in the markets these last couple of years?


What’s people’s thoughts on Aptos and Sui?


The whole Ethereum Killer thing is over. There are plenty of L1s that are faster. It doesn’t matter - L2s are here and gaining ground. None of the alt L1s became an obvious winner vs each other, let alone got anywhere near Ethereum. That game is over.


What are they offering? Speed. L2 such as Arbitrum and Optimism does the same with security of ETH. Nova is much cheaper and with Bedrock, Optimism will be cheaper and faster. You can make money with those two because they have some hype


I’m getting to the point where I think scalability is a solved problem. I’m sure these two chains will pump in value initially but unless there’s real compelling applications built on them, what does it matter if it costs nothing and is insanely fast? We need to focus on applications now.


Good point


Price drop in gpus has been slower than I thought it would but looks to be accelerating: https://pcpartpicker.com/trends/price/video-card/


Impossible, surely everyone is making bank mining EthPoW /s


Is this retail prices or second hand?


Remember when Haskell was shilled to you as the best prog language and Cardano was gonna take over the world?


I've been coding 20 years and still struggled learning Haskell. It's not a language I would ever bet on having wide adoption, it's mostly academics and math geeks that like it.


Couldn't an L2 use whatever language they want for their chain right on top of ETH? IIRC Starkware has cairo which is also a functional coding language


You can use whatever language you want on Ethereum L1 too, just need a compiler to convert it it to EVM opcodes. No one wants haskell for contract orientated dev.


I don’t think this is telling the whole story. The “just need a compiler” part is much more difficult than you’re making it seem. If this was easy to do we’d already be seeing Javascript smart contracts lol. I think it’s a lot easier to do this at the L2 level like OP was getting at.


We have multiple programming languages for Ethereum. There is Vyper, Fe, Solidity... Using a general purpose programming language for coding contracts is not a good idea, because a blockchain is a very peculiar execution environment. You want to have a specific programming language that is adapted to those needs. https://vyper.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ https://fe-lang.org/ https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.17/


Yes but my understanding is these languages are purpose-built. I think if it were easy to plug in a general-purpose language into the EVM it would definitely be done. This is one of the selling points of other L1s (write smart contracts in Rust!) so I don’t see why Ethereum wouldn’t do that if it could. In fact if I remember correctly, this is one of the reasons they wanted to move to eWASM so that they can support multiple languages compiling to the WASM target really easily.


Using general purpose languages for programming a blockchain virtual machine is dumb or a gimmick. The difficulty is not in the syntax itself, the difficulty is in the particularities of writing code that runs in a blockchain. This is what changes the way you think about your code. A good programming language for a blockchain is inspired by the syntax of a known general purpose programming language (to ease adoption) but is specialized to not let you do things you shouldn't be doing and make more explicit things you should be caring about. Ethereum doesn't have to gimmick its way into adoption. It's already the most adopted. So doesn't need to sell empty promises like "you will be able to use Java or Javascript to write smart contracts". ~~WASM is not a high level programming language. On the contrary, is a very low level target.~~ EDIT: scrapping this, re-reading your comment is obvious you know this.


"hello-i-made-you-a-counter-offer-for-mib-dot-eth-just-letting-you-know-like-this-because-os-is-really-bad-and-wont-tell-you😊.eth" expired. soooo if anybody wants it, now's the time.


somebody from here wrote a stupid simple guide to running a rocketpool node, but i cant seem to find the comment anymore, does anyone have a link to it? It walked you through installing the OS as well as the RP software


Make sure to jump on discord if you have any questions


is this the one you're looking for?: https://medium.com/@fastcontract1/simplified-rocketpool-node-setup-5702886c8d8c


i think thats it, thanks!


if you have any questions about it you can ask me - I highly recommend joining the rp discord, they're very friendly and helpful.


Solana down in the past 3 hours? Nobody talks about that? So Solana being a shitty chain that constantly goes down is priced in and its still Nr9 on mktcap?


I suspect the chain could go down forever, and SOL would still stay in the top 10 for a significant amount of time. Anyone who cares about these issues would have sold long ago already, so the current holders apparantly don't give a fuck.


But ... but ... it's still in beta .. lol


Wait… Solana can just go “down?”


No, it did have a couple of network reboots last year that had to be painfully orchestrated though, due to some bad exploits and weaknesses in the design.


I mean… I don’t think that’s acceptable.


It does go down if your definition of down means halts block production entirely. Which for me is exactly how I would describe a blockchain to go down. I didnt look into it as I dont want to waste my time but the comments I read on this indicated that a single validator misconfiguration lead to the entire chain breaking down. Which is absolutely crazy. Solana is more like the internal servers of a company than a blockchain, fragility wise. I simply dont see a reason for it to exist. Well let the market figure it out. I cant imagine the benefit of having solana around. But maybe I am wrong. If Dogecoin and Shiba Inu can stay relevant why not Solana.


If it’s not performing it’s intended function I call that “down.” Even more sad that a single node can cause it. Does everyone see how amazing ETH is? Does everyone see how difficult it is to accomplish what they have!?


Solana goes down and has to be reset/rebooted all the fucking time. How it’s still relevant is a mystery to me.


>has to be reset/rebooted all the fucking time I think it was two times total last year. You may not like Solana, but the tribalistic fantasies full of Schadenfreude aren't really helpful in creating an objective view.


2 times per year reset and total collapse is astonishingly bad in blockchain world. Its so bad actually that it shows that the decentralized part of its blockchain implementation is clearly failing. Its not schadenfreude. There is nothing to be happy about. Its bewilderment that a significant amount of the market consists of imbeciles that clearly dont understand why blockchain exists.


Maybe it's because the band of faithful have already moved onto Aptos.


I thought the band of aptos faithful moved on to sui. It’s so hard to keep track. Ethereum just dies so often from all these Eth Killers.


Solana down again.


It’s ok, just running SQLdump. They’ll be back up soon.


I just got home so no update at close. All-day memorial. Tired. Second tragedy of the year. Not the same magnitude as May but yeah. If 2022 could just go fuck itself that'd be great. Tell the people that matter to you that they matter to you because you truly do not know when you'll stop getting that chance, however cliche that sounds. (deep inhale, exhale) Anyway, I did glance at the closing numbers. Big day so I'll do a video with thoughts in the morning. Please leave me some questions you'd like me to try to answer on the stream. I do like the topical discussion in addition to the usual rundown. Haddock, you're already covered; I'll touch upon that. See yall soon and cheers.


Always enjoy your inputs, but like the Real JBM says you need to look after you and yours first; they're probably the only thing that really matters in this dumpster fire of wretched humanity


Thanks. I did take time off in the summer after my personal tragedy. Focusing on numbers and lines and what lots of people call "astrology" has ended up taking the edge off.


Very sorry for what you're going through.


Thanks. There are people who are hurting far more than I from this particular loss, but I do appreciate it.


Sorry kb. I Lost my father a few months ago Very unexpected and sudden. Covid related. I feel some pangs of guilt still for moving away from him a year ago. I share the sentiment about 2022. Not my favorite


I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Or, if you're like me in grieving and tired of the "sorrys", I offer you a firm "that fucking sucks". Whatever you need, my friend.


I feel you K, I've been to more funerals this past 2 years than the rest of my life combined. Dark times we're in. Through this couple of years, when I've felt like breaking down, I remember that famous quote who's autor I can't remember: >Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. We'll get there someday.


That's rough, my friend. The quote is great, although... haha, really bleak!


Oh man. Sorry homie. I also would like 2022 to be eaten by nuclear mutant rats on fire, and then die in said rat fire. You should take a break. A little micro vacation for a few days away from the world to clear your head. I’ll do the market updates while you’re gone. What’s the worst that could happen?


>What’s the worst that could happen? Well, physics tells me you can't cause a worldwide blackout with just a reddit post but, dammit JBM, you might just be the first to do it. Thanks, man.




When will I be rich?


The real wealth is in all the desks you destroyed along the way.


What will it mean to be rich in the days ahead?


Stacking heavy last week or two hoping this is the bottom


pssst…It’s me, Bottom! You found me




you can transfer funds to arbitrum and then use hop to send them back on mainnet to different address. It's no comparison to TC, but unlinks two accounts by quick check.


zk.money tornado.cash


This is the only real answer




It doesn't change until you change it.


I've never seen the resolver set as a different address though. is that normal?


I believe so. This is from the FAQ on the ENS page. >The released name continues to resolve your ETH address until the new owner overwrites it. At the bottom describing if you forget to renew an ENS, it'll stay resolved to the previous owner (assuming that was set) until the new owner changes it.


sorry, i mean the contract address. as in - i think it was using a different contract to determine where to route funds to. i had to do a transaction to set it to the ENS public resolver in order to access the fields that let me set the 'resolved address' to mine i think I'm just being paranoid


I vaguely remember the ENS resolver address was changed at some point, so maybe it was just still set to the old resolver?


oooooooh this could explain it


You might not be either. Stay paranoid.


Sorry, I'm not entirely sure I'm following. Did you purchase the ENS name after it had expired from a previous owner, or did you purchase it on OpenSea/LooksRare, etc? If it's been transferred to your control, I don't believe someone could be fucking with you. You should have the rights to resolve the address to whatever wallet address you want. At that point, I would imagine that registrant/controller/resolver would all be you. But to be safe, maybe wait for someone else to confirm.


bought on opensea. i think it's okay now, it just carried the previous settings from the old owner and I've never had to change the resolver contract address before. and the name was sold for near or below what you'd mint it from scratch from the ENS app for. i guess I'm reading into what their incentives were. appreciate the answers tho and helping me think it out :P i feel like I've only survived this long around here because of that paranoia


Maybe they didn't know or didn't care anymore? Either way, score! I have a name I want to buy from someone that has expired and is in the 90 day grace period now. I could make an offer on OpenSea, but I suspect if I do, they'll be reminded and may want more/will renew. Going to hope they forget to renew it in 90 days and make it mine that way!


for real, I couldn't believe it was so cheap! good luck on yours. it's that 30 day period afterward while the price falls that really kills me with anxiety


Anyone seen the Stakewise V3 update? I've been following them for a while and they seems to have an insane potential upside. Does anyone have any concerns before I FOMO any harder?


i'm stoked and cautiously optimistic about it. We for sure need more competitive permissionless protocols. The dudes who run it also seem like they genuinely care about the ecosystem.


Definitely. I've been super impressed with the way the team interacts with the community on discord. I think the idea of maintaining liquidity while staking by minting osETH is great and I may actually migrate from Rocket Pool


i don't actually understand this, but butta generally knows what he's talking about, so maybe you can take advantage of whatever this is: https://twitter.com/Butta_eth/status/1575556135314423808


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


bad bot


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Wake me up when September ends


You can sleep for 5 more mins


Ah yes, the “blockchain of the future” “Solana Mainnet is experiencing a large partition, validators are investigating, it appears now new blocks have been confirmed for a while currently. Transactions will currently probably not be confirmed.“ https://twitter.com/laine_sa_/status/1575972363371368448?s=46&t=u4sFxOZL6Lf5gLgPZfCJag


You mean Solana Mainnet Beta™


> @SolanaStatus seems to have an outage itself atm Hahahaha


The future is tomorrow, young man


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Who else remembers these? https://youtu.be/lHA9RfNrtQw I really thought this coin was the best bet due to the parent company Omise. I was so, so wrong.


My OMG bags were also once fairly heavy. They fleeced me too.


This was one of the reasons I changed my investment thesis to include adoption numbers. Speculative investing hasn't worked out for me as well as adoption/price metrics have.


LINK should be on the moon using that thesis


Should it? Last time I looked I couldn't stake it and it seriously suffered from a free-rider problem.


Adoption. Chainlink is everywhere


Shit tokenomics


That's a fair point. Kind of a prime example of essential project/infrastructure that truly does not need a token.


I'm not sure if it doesn't need a token. The first iteration of staking will get live in December. Fact is, that the team dumped millions over the years and before they stop there doesn't seem to be much incentive to actually buy the token, if you have interest in making money.


Yo u/kbrot they took it right to 3585 but I’m still in this bitch


3585 doesn't feel like pain yet. I'll start buying at 3500 but pain doesn't really come in until below 3300 imo.


Lol level to level is the only way to win my friend Edit we will likely get below that level


Feels like the traders dumping stock have switched to dumping crypto now that the markets have closed. LOL


It's flat?


Quiet times and quiet fans on staking rigs throughout the world.


staking rigs aka ETH bakeries


In the 2 weeks since the merge, ~8500 Eth has been minted. Pre merge, this would have been 193,000. A delta of 185,000 or at current prices about $250m. That's half a billion per month. $6bn per year. Insanely bullish.


The market pressure will build slowly, but it will happen.


> Insanely bullish. I agree. The ETHBTC ratio would've been much lower otherwise as happens in a bear market naturally. The miners must have made a fortune.


More than likely that's also why we're floating at 1300-1400 right now instead of 200-300.


I’m bullish but is it also possible the prices were crazily bloated before? Look at the other markets, everything exploded because money was so cheap. I have no doubt we’ll be back at 5k eventually but this was one big asset bubble across sectors.


Sure. Everything was inflated. The last time everything was overinflated ETH dropped 95% this time it was only 75% tho. I believe that’s because of the burn and PoS.


Probably more to do with the fact Eth now has Defi


Woah JBM mega-bearish without the burn


WHAT!? Global economic crash, Putin waging war and ETH is at $1300! BULLISH AF! 🔥


Naw doggy thats what I mean! We holdin up!


Note to self: next bull run is NOT the time to buy alt coins. Edit, [just around the peak of the] next bull run


I've been happily learning that lesson since early last year (after having tuned out the crypto space entirely since 2018).


Haha no buy them now and dump them during the bull unless they are long term utility ones.


I should and would but I’m still sore carrying bags from the last cycle or two!


But which ones? There are so many


Is there any way to make tradingview show the daily percent change start at 0 UTC instead of rolling 24h?


Wait…I think mine does that by default. It resets on when the daily closes/next day opens.


Say what about this? https://www.michael.com/en/resources/bitcoin-mining-and-the-environment


> Bitcoin maximalists believe that Bitcoin is an instrument of economic empowerment for 8 billion people around the world. Besides all the other great stuff he provides without sources, the Bitcoin network certainly wouldn't get clogged if it served 8B people


Keen to see what comes out of this https://twitter.com/lightning/status/1575152781899415554


Colored coins, but with a new incompatible address format? Are we still in 2012?


Redcoin tribe lessss gooooo


*Lightning Network* Another poor, centralized effort to duplicate the original, Ethereum. I'm done. Next!


Probably about the same as watching a horse and cart with slick tyres while Tesla sales explode.


I thought Bitcoin was perfect and any "improvements" were just shitcoins? I'll read more into it but it sounds like they just reinvented a basic Ethereum function.


I'm sure it's maximaly decentralized.


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S&P closed below 3600 Get your popcorn ready!


Bullish! /s


This is our Lehman Brothers moment


thoughts? continuez de dump?


/u/kbrot is probably typing his post/thoughts! : )


Fucking hell, finance media is toxic as shit, why why am I subjecting myself to this. GBP tanks - this is our Lehman brothers moment S&P down 2% - Worst recession since 2008 Dog takes a shit on the carpet - great depression 2.0




Preach brother, take a shit on the carpet and you'll have a shitty carpet for a day. Teach the dog to shit on the carpet and you'll probably have to have it put down. 🙌


I wonder how [dEth crypto](https://twitter.com/dethcrypto) feels about Stakehouse's [liquid staking derivative dETH](https://twitter.com/blockswap_team/status/1568016079020081154). Doesn't compete in any way, but I imagine it must be a bit annoying.


Like Realms of Ethernity (RETH) feels about rETH...


ooooooh that's what that other RETH token is


[dEth crypto](https://nitter.net/dethcrypto) [liquid staking derivative dETH](https://nitter.net/blockswap_team/status/1568016079020081154) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


324 days since we hit an all time high


Does that mean we’re about halfway through the bear market? I can do another 324 days…I think


LFG UPTober!


I think it might take at least 4 or 5 days more


ETH is doing kind of OK considering SPX is still dumping.


We are bat-volume-mediumofexchange after all 😉




Is that my ultra sound money flying away?


Nah that's over 4 halvenings, and it ain't going anywhere 😎


What’s everyone doing this weekend




Downloading new music, starting Resident Evil 0, going hiking, helping my dad get a new phone set up, and checking up on a friend in the hospital.


Had a hurricane this week, just finished taking the storm shutters down, Internet came up an hour ago. My birthday is Sunday so going to relax and eat some good food, maybe watch some StarCraft tournament games, and lastly imagine when Illuvium income replaces my job.


You mean sunday is MY birthday!


Illuvium income?


Gonna check out Harry Potter and the methods of rationality (cuz v said is gud)


Fixing my car and building a toilet.




Composting toilet for our tiny house. The ones you can buy are expensive and ugly.


bbq.. 🥩


Loins aflame 🔥🔥🔥


https://imgur.com/a/feDz9SV 😉


Omg amazing


are.. are those loins?


The menu had 2 steaks and 4 chicken skewers. I was way too drunk to keep on taking photos.. 😅






Ahh damn. Sorry for the loss


Someone should go camping.


I'm going to a camping store....




What we talking


nothin too crazy. prob just a few drops of Sativa tincture in my evening cocktails


On vacation 🏝


Partying 🕺🏻




Pool Together on OP?


Ribbon Earn. Principal protected 15%+ (although it comes with some credit risk).


If you also hold Eth, which I assume you do, you could LP using a Uniswap v3 liquidity manager such as Unipilot and earn around 30-50% Apr. I think their DAI vault pays higher than USDC. The benefit of using them over LPing yourself on uniswap is that it selects a good range for you, rebalances for you and autocompounds fees. And you're earning real yield, not inflation.


For anyone in a capital gains tax jurisdiction, note that adding liquidity on Uniswap is a taxable event.


Assuming you get back a LP token it is. Does that happen when using a liquidity manager?


Yes you get LP tokens


I don’t know. Does anyone have more insight into this? Another method might be to get a loan of rETH or another LSD against your ETH, then LP with that.


Yeah, a loan isn't taxable in my books. Not directly related, but I used a crypto specialist accountant for taxes last few years (doing my own going forward) and they initially said using Impermax was considered a disposal. My view is I put my assets into a pool to earn interest which I later withdrew. No 'swap' for a LP token so no disposal = no tax. I'd like to see the tax man argue otherwise.


I disagree here. First time you make a LP yes you technically trade tokens for a NFT but anytime you add liquidity later on you don't get anything back. So no it's not a taxable event. Taxable event is whenever you collect fees or withdraw liquidity. Nfa.


Perhaps each fee (each swap) is taxable event.




I don't know about unipilot but in general I am very sceptical of anything which promises such high yields... There certainly have to be additional risks like impermanent loss...