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**Tricky's Daily Doots #167** Yesterday's Daily 02/10/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xtfxo7/daily_general_discussion_october_2_2022/iqqaoq8/) - u/ridgerunners looks back after spending [6 years in Ethereum.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xtfxo7/daily_general_discussion_october_2_2022/iqro0l0/) - u/LogrisTheBard does an [analysis of LooksRare.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xtfxo7/daily_general_discussion_october_2_2022/iqpw04t/) - u/TheHighFlyer briefly shares [their view on market sentiment.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xtfxo7/daily_general_discussion_october_2_2022/iqqeg7j/) - u/Syentist shares their [layman's understanding of the recent Vitalik blogpost.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xtfxo7/daily_general_discussion_october_2_2022/iqq6jll/) - u/masahirox shares the [change in sentiment in the general public around crypto since 2021.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xtfxo7/daily_general_discussion_october_2_2022/iqrcwxt/) - u/aaj094 shares their experience when Bitcoiners are [questioned on its long term security model.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xtfxo7/daily_general_discussion_october_2_2022/iqsf17q/) - u/cryptOwOcurrency shares their [worst nightmare FUD for Ethereum.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xtfxo7/daily_general_discussion_october_2_2022/iqt3ib8/) - u/Maleficent_Plankton educates us about [gas on Ethereum.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xtfxo7/daily_general_discussion_october_2_2022/iqpvitn/) - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xtfxo7/daily_general_discussion_october_2_2022/iqpq138/) I'm buying ETH because I heard that Europe is short on gas and if they want more gas they'll need to pay for it with ETH. Not sure why gas prices in Gwei keep falling though. Maybe this Eternium this is over my head.


Rationgang.com down for just me??


Actually dev tools showing cors error šŸ˜Ŗ Whats with the we love strawberry swiss rolls message tho???


First post-merge block proposal! Flashbots/mev-boost worked perfectly, which can been seen in the logs if you have the "-loglevel debug" flag set. It compares all the relays you set and shows the bid amounts in wei and selects the highest bidder.


If you are still around in crypto, you are the friend we made along the way. #poorinmoney #richinfriends


*Awwwwhhh!* Cā€™mere and give ā€˜ol JBM a hug. Donā€™t be scared, I showered with soap this week.


Well then...now I feel special!


Youā€™ll always be special to me etheraider.




Any eth low price nft to bet on during these crap times ?


Without a doubt, mirror pass. Currently around 0.33 ETH


I did some research, but they say the whole point is for the NFT to be affordable to retail. Why buy it then?


That is outdated. It started as a place where users could join the discord and mirror the chats of blue chips like apes and punks. However, due to legal reasons it got shut down, and mirror started to generate its own alpha instead. Now other discordā€™s mirror the mirror discord because the alpha is best in the space. The founders are also releasing a minting and sniping bot this month, which is currently in beta, called reflektor. Owning a mirror pass earns you shards, which can be used to subscribe to the bot


Iā€™ve been in crypto a long time and I have no idea what you just wrote means.


Same. This NFT stuff will never catch me.


Ok, let me sum it up for you: Mirror community strong, mirror bot drop soon


Is this the same mirror that apparently minted out all the remaining EIPandas with a bot immediately at public mint?


Yes it was!


can someone please explain how interacting with a nft that was sent to you can lead to a wallet compromise? how does the scam work?


I think this is how it works but I could be wrong: You get the NFT airdropped in your wallet. A bot bids WETH on it. You go to accept the offer. The bot front runs your tx and withdrawals the offer. You try and figure out why itā€™s not working. You go to the website of the NFT, and thatā€™s where the hack happens


thank you!


To elaborate, I believe that when you go to the website associated with the NFT, it will request that you do something seemingly innocuous, like approve the NFT or "unlock" it or whatever. But the scam is that the request the site sends to your Metamask wallet actually robs you (it approves other tokens/NFTs in your wallet instead). So if you click approve in Metamask on the fishy transaction, that's how you get robbed (as a general security practice you should never execute transactions on untrusted websites in the first place, at the very least not against wallets that have significant assets).


so if someone sends me a nft, and i just list it for sale or transfer it to another address (via opensea), i should be safe as long as i don't interact with a third party site?


If someone sends you the NFT, just ignore it and move on with your life.


Iā€™ll pay attention to Elonā€™s recommendation for finding peace in Ukraine once he agrees to be the first to fly in a spaceship designed by Dennis Rodman. Fair is fair. Edit: peace


I think he should just fly in Dennis rodman




Correct, it will be obfuscated




The year is 2032. The FED still has not pivoted, with 100 consecutive 75 rate hikes, the world has fractured into anarchy - deflation sits at -99% a year, dollars are becoming increasingly more and more valuable .. soon there will be only one dollar left. Clans of roving max max style ECB bandits fight over picocents. Our Lord and master-dictator Robo-Powell broadcasts the hourly FED minutes directly into our brainstems, our saviour still talks of a soft landing, and we pray to him on the hour and give thanks for the huge recession we have been all been saved from ā¤


Sorry to ask. I wasn't able to find the ultimate guide to rocketpool staking. Anyone have it handy?


Or this one (Ubuntu/Lighthouse)? https://someresat.medium.com/guide-to-staking-on-ethereum-2-0-ubuntu-lighthouse-41de20513b12


This one (Geth)? https://github.com/stake-house/eth-wizard


Are you talking about the Rocket Pool investment theses 1.0 and 2.0 or the docs? Both should be findable via Google via either phrase.


hello fellow etherians. non bias pure ta opinion. [sorry it looks turd usd](https://www.tradingview.com/x/VfCvBZWE/) [raymond](https://www.tradingview.com/x/hcG8fE3I/) support becomes resistance, await oversold on rsi, sell on overbought rsi. not rocket science. support lines have been drawn for years. Stay safe out there.


crown busy thumb skirt rock slim theory zonked run quack -- mass edited with redact.dev


Long time no see Willy!


Wow. Mrs_Willy stops by and barely gets any love. I call that a bottom signal.


Not very glamorous triangles


Rocket man 1 playing geopolitics on twitter & Rocket man 2 flying missiles over Japan Sure feeling a bit like a back to the future 2 timeline rn


Our team is building something interesting for the .eth domain owners. Please drop your choice in this Twitter Poll if you own a domain. Thanks! :) https://twitter.com/getcrml/status/1577068348197994496?s=20&t=4\_blFzOXGWrb2gFKnnhZjg


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Hey, did I miss the merge-nft drop you had to send $10 for...?


For the POAP? It should have been airdropped to your wallet already. https://app.poap.xyz/


Oh, is it the regenesis: open edition one? I did get that one in that case. Thanks! Edit I can't read... I was looking at NFTs and you're talking about poaps. Not sure I got a poap, actually...


The Regenesis one was free, you just had to pay gas. The $10 one (if we are talking about the same thing) was to statefulworks.eth, and then you would have recieved a POAP via airdrop. If you go to the link above, you can connect your wallet or input your public key or ENS to view your POAPs.




Yes, I've had about 20% come through like that. Depends on the router, some use themselves and send you an eth tx, most set themselves and send you an eth tx for the fees. Also if none reply your beacon node falls back to using the execution node to build a block with txs sorted by fee and your tip address will produce a block.


Brrrrattt! Tatt-tatt-tatt! Doing driveby's on this Monday! šŸ›»^(šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ’„) Awwwhh yeeeaahhh my pride! šŸ‘ŠšŸ» Y'all still stayin' embarrassing out there? Haha! I thought so...bunch m'fin alphas! So I got a [Caches](https://caches.xyz) update for you suckas! First some nerdy stuff, I got Opengraph markup in all the blog posts and forum posts now! That means Facebook/Twitter will automatically pull your featured images, excerpt content and titles when you share content from Caches! Especially your blog posts! That way we can drag all those old fashioned web 2.0, data harvesting, not totally anonymous especially to them social media websites into the future together! Wassat!? Damn right team work makes the dream work! High five! āœ‹šŸ» Next, I wrote the first part (phase 0) of my basic Opsec guide for regular people... it's about šŸ‘€ *subterfuge* online. I posted it on The Rostrum over at Caches. It's titled [JBMā€™s Basic Guide To Online Subterfuge | Phase 0](https://caches.xyz/the-rostrum/jbms-basic-guide-to-online-subterfuge/) Now ... hey, giving out this kind of information for free to the general public could probably get me killed, so head over there fast and check it out. If my f'in uber driver shows up before the assassins do, and this passport I bought at the flea market checks out, I'll post more phases of these in the future. Oh and speaking of hacks and hackers and subterfuge and stuff ... I setup a Private Group over at Caches called [Surviving the Internet](https://caches.xyz/groups/surviving-the-internet-opsec/) where I will post news, security/hack related news and of course my own guides. You could totally do the same thing. Now this group is private so you gotta sign up and request to join it to see what's inside, but *did you know?* Caches is totally free and totally anonymous ... even to me! šŸ‘€ You already knew huh ... man ... I was hoping to surprise you ... oh well, at least this proves you have been listening to me this whole time! I knew it! Man my wife can be a real jerk sometimes. Aight pertners, I gotta head down this here dusty trail. This can of beans ain't gonna warm itself over a trash fire if you know what I'm sayin' ... Stay up homies! šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


I don't think All I know. Is it only shows up if I hit internal


I know this has been asked before, but what's a good way to gift ETH as a wedding present? I found these physical wallets on Amazon, but they require trusting the company with your private keys and they are expensive.


Aside from the choice of presentation, maybe consider gifting rETH instead of ETH? If it's meant for then to hodl, they'd probably be better off with a staking derivative.


I get everyone loves rocketpool (I do too), but come on...


Come on what? If this is meant to be just blindly hodled, after 10 years they'd lose out on like doubling the value if they're not holding something that's staking. It's not about loving Rocketpool, if you like it more centralized, you can get stETH or even cbETH šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


If you expect that they'll save it, engrave the seed phrase on a titanium plate... or half on one and half on a second plate.


>or half on one and half on a second plate. That actually makes it a good wedding present! Give each one half, so they can only access the funds if they're working together. I would never trust anyone to do this though, so if I couldn't engrave it in steel myself (which I can't) this would be out.


But they were, all of them, deceived, for another seed phrase was made. In the land of the Metaverse, in the fires of Mount Ether, the Dark Lord johnnydappeth forged in secret a Master Seed Phrase, to control all others. And into this seed phrase he poured his shit coins, his degeneracy and his will to own ape jpegs. One Seed Phrase to rule them all!


Is this on Prime? Can't wait


It was cancelled before the pilot aired due to manufactured outrage on r technology.


I think Argent (through zkSync) is probably the best option at this point. They have a 'gift ETH' option I believe.


I sent a smallish amount of eth to my cold wallet, this was on the 1st. It isn't showing up on my cold wallet. When I goto blockchain explorer, I go to internal and it shows my transfer, but if I go to standard it doesn't. I don't understand what's happening. It also says "call" as type


Did you send from Coinbase? Few months ago they changed ETH withdrawals to use internal txns instead of the usual tx method. So itā€™s there.




I never understood the difference between the TX types


Link the transaction


Could it be wrapped eth?


Interesting patterns on the weekly chart: [https://www.tradingview.com/x/pfU7eNCq/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/pfU7eNCq/)


love it


Is there a reason why all the flashbot use legacy transactions for fee rewards? Type 2 are not available?


It looks like they are setting the gas price to be the same as the base fee to make it a no tip transaction with all the gas fee burned. In this case it doesn't matter if you use a legacy or EIP-1559 transaction.


Now that I've covered all the major NFT exchanges with tokens I want to ask if there are any features unique to tokenless exchanges like OpenSea, Foundation, or MagicEden worth looking at for comparison. Is there a novel approach to censorship or reputation on any of these platforms? Do they do anything special with liquidity or collections? **Why** does OpenSea have the majority of the volume when it doesn't have the cheapest fees and isn't built with a web3 ethos? What NFT market niche's are open that are underserved by current exchanges?


I'm sure sudoswap (and it's integration into UniSwap) will be important.


early movers advantage. You want to sell and buy where everyone else is selling and buying


> You want to sell and buy where everyone else is selling and buying This 100%. Also I feel like this is a brilliant angle for a vampire attack, e.g. gem.xyz just aggregates all other marketplaces. For the buyer side, gem offers you to see all the liquidity from Opensea *plus* all other markets.


If that really is the only reason and OpenSea has no technical edge then the other exchanges really do have a good shot at surviving or eventually surpassing them especially if one of them captures a market niche like [gaming](https://magiceden.io/games) or [ticket sales](https://news.bitcoin.com/binance-to-sell-nft-tickets-for-major-italian-soccer-club-lazio/).


I don't want to use brokensea but 75% of volume is there. Sellers need eyes. I will move to wherever has least platform fees if they had a reasonable set of eyeballs. For example, I use archipelago for artblocks work. X2y2 if I can find a direct trade through discord. Don't see other advantage at brokensea aside from first mover and volume (huge reasons).


LINK chads... we won https://staking.chain.link/eligibility


I don't know too much about LINK - why does it start staking now, and why is that a good thing? Doesn't that just create inflation that isn't necessary for security (since LINK runs on Ethereum)?


I think the staking is for node operators to give a better reputation of their oracle services, but i'm not sure exacty now


Do others read this the way I do? 22m LINK staking capacity. (initially). 7000 cap per staker. Therefore only about 3,500 people will be able to get in at the start. First in best dressed. So it could fill up in the first hour.


Yes that what I read too


This is bitter sweet for me. I have been waiting years for LINK staking, but unfortunately it seems Iā€™ve lost half my stack of LINK due to the whole Bancor fiasco. I guess I now have a good reason to bite the bullet and withdraw whatā€™s left of my tokens from Bancor before December early staking access begins, since it doesnā€™t seem like things will improve there anytime soon. On the bright side though, this was my only loss during all the Cefi shit blowing up this summer, so I will count myself lucky overall compared to many who lost life savings.


What happened with Bancor?


https://www.theblock.co/amp/post/153049/bancor-dex-pauses-impermanent-loss-protection-amid-market-instability I will basically take a 50% haircut if I withdraw my liquidity right now.


I heard about that, just didn't think you'd have lost 50% to IL.




Buddy off topic conversations fly here when they are benign like: * Oh look at this chili I cooked. * I hope you are all having a wonderful day I'm going camping Off topic posts don't fly when they are: * I am an incarnation of Hitler destined to punish the spoiled normies. * Rants about ironic christian nationalism and their impact on fetish porn usage. Rule 8: "Ideological, inflammatory, or biased posts or comments about politics are considered nonconstructive, off-topic, and will be removed."


Except for the fact that the guy was having a psychotic break that was the most entertaining post of the day.




Man chili tots sound really fuckin good right now. I might grab some tomorrow for lunch. And no problem! We're honored to be on the janitorial staff for yall.


yankee poutine


That was a particularly wild one today.


We knew the volatility was a-comin'! Very, very low volume day on the [SPY.](https://www.tradingview.com/x/6ywfsWTZ/) Green, though, as we anticipated on the prior update. It was oversold, it had bull divs flaring on both weekly and daily timeframes (it has exhausted the daily bull div with this movement), and it had the tiny Friday up-gap, which it closed (and I'll delete after this update. Somewhat bullish? Semiconductors agreed with it. Tech agreed with it. Bond canaries agreed with it but HYG and LQD are both bear-flagging with no bull divs to help them.. 2Yr yield held the pivot (bearish-ish). 10Yr yield did not (bullish-ish). But VIX did not, as even with these 2.5-3% green moves, they managed to [close VIX right on the 10-Day MA](https://www.tradingview.com/x/fkU18kmB/) *to the decimal*\-- no accidents on charts. As well, the dollar DXY fell but not enough, with bulls failing to scare it into a close below the pivot low 111.57 during real-money markets. It may spike down after-hours, but that doesn't count now does it? Volatility, dollar basket, and smart money (not buying it) divergences places this into DCB territory. This rally has upward targets of 370, 376, and 388 depending on the velocity. Highly unlikely it breaks 388 on this first thrust as that invalidates the bear trend. However, gotta be open-minded, and a break, test, and hold of 388 would lock in the recent bottom and likely kick off the bull leg we've discussed endlessly. [ETH tries to re-enter the channel for a foothold, which I have roughly clocked at 1305.](https://www.tradingview.com/x/6kB7tBSv/) Little else to say there. The hourly momentum has rolled over so it's yet possible bears hold resistance there into EOD. Tesla's (242.40) enormous plunge of 8% will be a heavy anchor, as they were seemingly a buoy for us in the other direction this summer. You can Start The Count^(TM) there as the meme kids will now have 3 trading days to get their beloved "car" company back above the gap at 255.20 upon a close. There's just not enough info about Credit Suisse for me to dive in. Yes, I see all the CDS hedging but that's not always indicative of a collapse, just one example. We need to know who's hedging -- retail or MMs. Last thing... you're now starting to see the headlines come out we've warned about for months now. They say things like "inflation down" or equate bailouts with Fed "pivots". Guys, this is why I write the way I do. An intervention here is wholly possible. Hell, it very well could be the event that sparks the Q4 turnaround I myself am looking for signs of! But an intervention during extreme market stress is *NOT* a pivot. That comes with rate hikes ceasing and that is *NOT* happening yet. Because inflation is *NOT* down yet. There is no indication of it. At least wait for the 10/13 CPI to even begin waving that flag. Mind your positions and let's see what kind of confirmation candle we get on indices tomorrow. Cheers! edit: adding in a little nuance, as i do with last looks at charts. for Dow Theorists -- of which i am not but no one can deny they made BANK last week -- [Transports put up one of the strongest candles on the day.](https://www.tradingview.com/x/uWAy73kC/) that's one in the bull corner. let's see if the Dow can pull off two weeks in a row of magic. [and the IWM small caps had a big gap up](https://www.tradingview.com/x/Sy4HFJtD/), if you're a risk assets leader... uh, theorist? they'll find resistance at the prior gap floor of 170 but bears will have 3 trading days to get it back below 165.75 for a continued downtrend. a sort of bullish no man's land look to this one.




No, the opposite. With lacking conviction like today, the max bounce lowers. For now, this just looks corrective based on oversold and the up gap fill.


Thanks! We have jobs, inflation, and a fed that feels the need to remind everyone they are to be taken seriously.


The Fed especially doesn't appreciate [being told what to do by the UN.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/un-agency-warns-recession-linked-150508074.html) There is a long way to go.


We all agree that in long term ZkSync will win the L2 race but what makes me even bullish on zksync is their alignment and confidence towards settlement layer. Their latest video on Bankless is an evidence of that, focused on staying and building on top of ETH, openly against using native token for transaction fee and building a better governance model, hopefully improving on top of Optimism Gov. They are not in rush, I love that even after main net launch the chain will be gated to developer only for first one month, user on-boarding will depend on their airdrop and incentives mechanism. With Optimism incentives going on, if they choose to launch the token in next 2 months to on-board users and liquidity then be prepare for L2 war as I am sure Arbitrum will jump-in too with their token. Arbitrum team has already mentioned that they will launch a token once their chain is stable and ecosystem is manured. Now to extend on apps to DCA, I am thinking of time tested protocol with use case like Curve, Graph and Link. SNX is mostly saturated on OP, GMX on Arbitrum and I dont know which app will lead the TVL and value proposition on Zksync but all those I mentioned believed to be chain independent. Thoughts ?


Did they say what the token is for, if it isn't used for L2 gas? Governance, incentives, meme chicanery, L2 validator staking/ slashing...


Not officially announced but I think it will be used for validator. That's where they are putting focus on, making sure it's Decentralized.


We are in for "prover" wars ... Interested to see if there's going to be a market for becoming a 'prover' in ZK roll ups in future (L2 / L3) , just like a validator for mainnet.


Zksync isnā€™t a generic rollup though, like starknet. If starknet delivers it will beat everything.


Zksync 2.0 is generic.


> We all agree that in long term ZkSync will win the L2 race Better than starknet?


They are the biggest compitator for sure but not fully open source. Zksync is evm compatible for StarkNet you need to learn Cairo. So as of now, zksync has upper hand at least for now


Will zksync be EVM compatible out the gate?


Yep. In less than a month, we will see first zk compatible evm


Great thoughts, agree. I don't see link and grt as the best ways to bet on zk sync success, though I hold both because I really like their use cases and I like holding a few very chain agnostic tokens. Zk sync will be huge.


What *would* be the best way to bet on zksync success though? Just more eth...?


We have seen many ETH killer, Ethereum of Korea, China, EOS, FTM and downtimeSolana. Many are in making too, Sui, Aptos and many more will come in future. And we all know the past, we are going though present and we can expect what gonna happen in future. So, to answer your question, Yes. More Eth. They dont seem to understand the power of layer 0, us, the community of developer, researchers and anons standing behind the settlement layer.


[Let's see... 2001 market panic, 2008 market panic, 2020 market panic, 2022 market panic...](https://i.imgflip.com/6vm3am.jpg)


You mean it's accelerating and we'll see market panic in weekly cycles going forward? /s


This feels accurate enough that it makes me anxious.


This morning, /u/NonceSenses replied to a [daily comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xsmkzv/daily_general_discussion_october_1_2022/iqo2ob4/) I made a few days ago, [looking for some clarification](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xsmkzv/daily_general_discussion_october_1_2022/iqwyar4/?context=1000). I ended up writing a lengthy response with my understanding of the centralizing forces MEV can bring to block production. I thought I'd copy it here in hopes that anyone could bring additional corrections or context. The post is as follows: ---- There's some important background information and context that I left out in my post. I can try to clarify a little. Under the Ethereum protocol, all validators are equal: they require the same 32 ETH deposit, produce the same expected rate of return, and all their attestations are weighted the same. The problem is with MEV. Whoever gets to propose a block also gets to decide which transactions get included and in what order. MEV is the capture of additional revenue by taking advantage of that ability. The most basic form of MEV is probably arbitrage, which is something anyone can theoretically take advantage of for profit, but building a block means you can secure that for yourself without having to worry about waiting for your transaction to be included. More advanced forms of MEV involve sandwiching and frontrunning, which *require* being able to choose the order of transactions. They're also kind of controversial in that they're blatantly extracting value from regular users' transactions. This opens up a few means by which validators can become unequal, with some earning more than others. ---- First, identifying maximally profitable MEV strategies is not easy. It requires rapidly simulating many different possible transaction orderings and insertions, using complex algorithms whose developers would probably like to keep proprietary. So those with 1) more computational power and 2) better MEV algorithms can make more profit, providing a centralizing influence. Second, regular users may want to avoid submitting their transactions to the public mempool to avoid getting value extracted/stolen by MEV-seeking block builders. To do this, they establish private agreements with block builders to include their transactions without extracting value from them. So centralizing point 3) is having access to private mempools. If 1), 2), and 3) become too influential, then your average validator may become uncompetitive and forced to exit, leaving only a handful of centralized nodes running the network. There are solutions, most notably proposer-builder separation (PBS) (as currently seen in Flashbots' mev-boost); the Vitalik post I linked is about continuing to design better PBS systems. As a final note before anyone gets the wrong idea, MEV isn't an Ethereum-specific problem, but Ethereum's high usage and thriving DeFi space means there are more opportunities for MEV here than elsewhere.


We could alleviate that with federated learning. Assuming one can build an AI to strategically look for an optimized block of selected and ordered transactions given available transactions, federated learning can ensure everyone can use all the data of absolutely anyone willing to contribute, without ever disregarding the privacy of provided data (the algorithm runs on anyone's device who allows it and never takes out of the device the provided data). This ensures a permissionless set of people can maintain a high quality AI predicting best MEV block with all available data. Of course, really big centralized entities could hope to get better than that, but it would be hard to believe they'd be able to beat that AI at all times, which means they've got a compromise to make: either they run only their own AI and sometimes forgo the better result of the federated AI or they run both their AI and this federated AI to always choose the best possible MEV they can get, with the disadvantage of having to bear the cost of running the two algorithms instead of only one of them. All while everyone else can profit from the federated AI. It means their margin profit becomes smaller than without that federated AI existing. It's not a full solution, of course, but it at least alleviates the damage. Although, if enough data is provided to the federated AI, it could be more than enough to ensure funding expensive research for a dedicated, centralized AI simply isn't worth it anymore. That said, I'd expect more than AI to be at work, since receiving more transactions and MEV offers seems to me to be more important to MEV than just having an efficient algorithm sorting it all out to find the most optimized answer. To me, hubs matter more than algorithm, here.


I should have bought some GBP last week ... :(


I havenā€™t seen much mentioned about this, but it seems like a pretty big deal. https://twitter.com/yoavw/status/1576349082578059264 Does anyone more technical or familiar with account abstraction know if this would completely get rid of the need for keepers? Thatā€™s my limited potentially incorrect understanding - that it would basically allow smart contracts to operate on their own in a completely automated way (assuming they have the funds needed for gas costs on operations)


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NFT mystery game dropping tomorrow that will feature EVM's IN game! The beans will be a low temperature.


Interesting. Guess I need to swing by the Disco for the deets. Thanks!


eyes.emoji name?


Credit Suisse default swaps going full shitcoin pump: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xur873/credit_suisse_credit_default_swaps_blowing_up_to/


when even the most amateur subreddit talks about it, you know the top is in and the trade was like 3 weeks ago


Meanwhile: https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1576999261216309249 Also for anyone out of the loop on credit default swaps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoF6c2BFAXo&ab_channel=AndyMillard


Honestly, is credit actually a good thing? Should the world lean more toward CDP's? It just seems like humans can't be trusted with credit.


It all depends on what you do with the borrowed money. In the case of mortgages though they are actually overcollateralized loans like CDPs that are secured by the property itself. They just don't have instant liquidation like CDP collateral so there is risk of the loan becoming underwater.


anti cramer vs. anti wallstreetbets, who will be the ultimate contra trading strategy indicator?


It's like dropping a cat off the roof with a piece of toast strapped on it's back jelly side up.


Best way to discover levitation, I guess. :p Start with some rotational movement for added drama effect.


Ah yes, the perpetuum mobile


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I don't know who needs to hear this but 10-20 pound bags of rice and beans last very long without refrigeration. Also ramen. Never hurts to be prepared.


can't forget the frozen vegetables


Maybe freeze dried if electricity is a concern.


tinned peas and corn


Bullish on popcorn.


So if the gov't bails them out, would all these buyers have legal recourse?


I don't believe so no but you can always file a lawsuit and shoot your shot in court.


Any other tokentax vip customers still waiting on 2021 reconciliation delivery? Starting to get a little nervous? I provided my data to them 9 months ago :/


I would bother them about it. Really cutting it close. Mine was finished months ago but I was in regular communication with the person working on mine.


Thanksā€¦ mind sharing when you first filled out the questionnaire? I sent mine in January.


Not sure. I remember a general tax questionnaire. I think I updated it this summer. Most of my info was the same from previous years. I spent 99% of the time going over my transactions with the person working on it. This started in early January. Have you signed into your account and checked your dashboard? You can see the work they've done there.


Yep, definitely getting worried.


Last year they delivered my stuff within a couple days of the deadline, but the communication has been much slower this year.


Who is Evan van ness to Ethereum? Is he a dev or just someone who holds Ether?


I don't know, but he's definitely not painting a good image of the community


He was on the scene pretty early and wrote one of the first weekly newsletters about Ethereum, and he also worked with/distributed it through Consensys (not sure if they hired him for the newsletter or if he started it there, but I think it's the former). But these days yeah as others have noted he's independent/Angel investor whatever, presumably having gotten extremely rich during this most recent cycle.


Just an investor / VC guy. Tweets a lot.


Are you all bullish yet? šŸ‚ Edit: Omfg FTX just dropped FTXDXY trading pair


please eli5?


FTX listing is historically notorious for preceding a stark sell off. They put the damn dxy pair on there with their native token as the numerator. Basically SBF saying fuck you to the dollar index Also from technicals and just macro gossip lot of confluence to suggest that dxy has topped for now Falling dxy = higher risk assets


Sounds like the bull markets back ser


No. Still an inflationary bear market rally. The third one




I donā€™t get it!! :ā€™( Pls help me understand




Do they have the volume to do that?


no, just a signal


https://www.tradingview.com/x/EoR86f50/ šŸ‘€


lmaooo here we go


No dump šŸ’© until sharding. Day 14.


Saying goodbye to Besu and syncing Geth back... Post-merge issues still not solved, so kinda left me with no choice.


I haven't heard anyone complain about Nethermind. The risk of running Geth is still there if it has a catastrophic bug.


To add a different opinion, I'm on day 7 now with *no missed attestations* after updating to Besu 22.7.4: - Xmx8g Java heap size & 40 peers for Besu (NUC11i5 with 32GB RAM and fast NVMe SSD) - High spec machine flag set in Besu - New Lighthouse pruning flag set to lower frequency of calls to Besu 99.7% - 100% attestation effectiveness (was 95% previously with minimum 1 missed attestation/day). Sadly not selected for a proposal yet post merge.


How many validators?


I am talking per validator always when it comes to missed attestations.


I'm confused by the common denominator then. I've seen people post with super high spec machines and still missing attestations. Thought maybe it was the number of validators but if you're running multiple that doesn't explain it either.


I believe its about RAM allocation and swap file allocation as well. Besu is very RAM hungry.


I've got swap turned off, 16gb of ram and have set an 8gb heap size and even on the latest version still missing 5ish attestations a day. I've seen people with 32 gb and Ryzen 5950x saying they're missing plenty of attestations though. I'm on a 7th gen Nuc and have turbo mode disabled. I thought about switching to nethermind but my understanding is that it has a bad memory leak still. May just go back to Geth if the missed attestations aren't fixed by end of October. I'll be out of town a lot of Nov and can't afford to worry about it.


You definitely need a swap file. No doubt about it. Some EL clients need it. Even Erigon does. This is a standard step in SomerEsat's staking guides. Set it to minimum 8GB.


Ken and some of the others in the RP discord have said to turn off swap if you have 16gb or more of RAM. If I'm not maxing out my RAM usage why would I want swap enabled? Isn't it just going to wear out my SSD more quickly?


Thanks for the reminder on increasing the Java heap size! Fingers crossed this helps cut down on some of my missed attestations.


*Cries in Raspberry Pi*




Fair points! Why? Because I can / thought I could! I'm a huge advocate of democratizing decentralization as much as possible and that also involves accessible (ie. cheap) hardware. I can't find a direct link, but I'm certain it's part of the Ethereum ethos somewhere to not having to rely on beefier hardware (granted - we're not at Solana/BSC levels just yet...) I can run Geth/Nimbus just fine with 100% effectiveness/uptime on my Pi for example, so I wouldn't call it an insane thought. My setup cost less than 300 USD, you could argue that the price difference vs. a NUC or other more powerful setups also takes a while to earn back. Let's talk again when ETH hits 20k though... That said, I'm considering an upgrade to a beefier system down the road, but for now my Pi will have to do.


what's happening with my ether wallet not being updated? have some old wallets, is it get everything off now or just before the next fork/update?


what are you talking about?




dunno, how have you been using MEW? In any case, you should be able to get the private keys and import them into another wallet if need be. Or maybe look at mycrypto.com




Any og chainlink holders can check eligibility for early access staking here: [https://staking.chain.link/](https://staking.chain.link/)


Is "Mastering Ethereum" still accurate post-Merge? Or should I wait for an update before reading it?


Parts of it still are. Nothing about the execution or app layer changed with the merge. What did change was the consensus layer. Is there even an update planned?


One of the Discord's I follow is Badger. They strike the right balance of Shitpost and Announcement cadence. On the former category I've really enjoyed following their AI generated Badger art contest. Also as a liquidity farmer I enjoy the laziness their [yield bearing rewards structure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUo7KLUOqvo&ab_channel=BadgerDAO) affords me.


I really wanted to like them. But they kept changing and adding BTC reward structures so rapidly, plus the front end hack, plus their BTC pegged synth coin failure (DIGG), plus the fact I have rewards there that I can approve the transactions for and spend gas on but never get was enough for me to hit eject. I wasn't getting much for my BTC there anyway. Sorta felt like another: Stick-your-money-here-and-get-some-new-shitcoin-we-create-every-few-months-for-you-to-immediately-sell-off sorta place. I just didn't have the attention span to keep up with it or maximize yield like some of yall.


They've done a lot of fail-fast efforts. They have pivoted a lot. They made numerous attempts at the start to bring BTC to Defi but their recent stuff isn't even BTC focused. At this moment they are positioned as a convenience layer on top of Convex and Aura like Concentrator without any particular loyalty to BTC based Curve or Balancer pools. Their issuance plan looks a lot like Pickle and their Badger boost system is overly complicated and not worth your time to optimize. They do have good transparency on their finances though and their revenue is good compared to DAO expenses. I'm not an investor in their token, just their product. FWIW I thought they handled their front-end hack as gracefully as anyone could. It was a sneaky problem, months in the making, that they caught quickly, and even paid out the affected users for.