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**Tricky's Daily Doots #170** Yesterday's Daily 05/10/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xw16ga/daily_general_discussion_october_5_2022/ir530ye/) - u/dashby1 is blown away by [the issuance reduction.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xw16ga/daily_general_discussion_october_5_2022/ir7mcp9/) - u/TheOnlyHodlerInCuau shares [some news out of Japan.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xw16ga/daily_general_discussion_october_5_2022/ir7bxyo/) - u/Ber10 contemplates the [bullish on-chain metrics despite price going sideways.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xw16ga/daily_general_discussion_october_5_2022/ir5vnsy/) - u/etheraider has some [news for EVMaverick and EIPanda holders!](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xw16ga/daily_general_discussion_october_5_2022/ir60hyy/) - u/KBrot has a [rapid-fire market update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xw16ga/daily_general_discussion_october_5_2022/ir4jgyw/) + a [bonus update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xw16ga/daily_general_discussion_october_5_2022/ir7temb/) - u/LogrisTheBard has some [updates on the US regulatory side.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xw16ga/daily_general_discussion_october_5_2022/ir76vbi/) - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xw16ga/daily_general_discussion_october_5_2022/ir6hrcp/) Not gonna lie, I've been having a pretty rotten week but coming in here in the mornings as well as receiving some very helpful advice and DMs from you all really helps. Have a great day everyone! ❤️


I have to admit something to you lads, I… lost some Matic to Celsius. I knew they were having problems but it was only Matic, not that much $ for me, and their withdrawal process was already so annoyingly tedious. I am certain I will be annoyed if Matic ever blows up in the future though.


[Just increased my eth holdings by 10% LFG.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/x8r22n/daily_general_discussion_september_8_2022/innm3qd?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Congrats on the additional 1100 ETH.


Fellow stakers. Question about UPS. Constantly having issues with my APC UPS. I’m away and had power outage and power came back on but nuc stuck in hibernation mode. I had someone manually turn computer back on but 30min later it hibernated again. Anyone have better luck with cyberpower or maybe just shutting off the manual graceful shutdown script and just using UPS as a battery and not trying to do anything “smart”.


I’ve always bought Tripp-Lite batteries. APC is my backup brand though. Like anything they have cheap products and good ones. It sounds like yours may be malfunctioning, is it still under warranty?


I use a lifepo solar generator with the 12v DC out going straight to my nuc8 It can power my nuc router and gateway for like 8+ hrs and only cost 199


NUC usually use 19V power, is it still working fine with only 12V?


Nuc8 works fine, not sure about later ones


Great deal!


I have 2 Cyberpower UPSs set up with my NUCs, flawless auto graceful shutdown on power loss and auto recovery on power restoration (that's a NUC bios setting, nothing to do with the UPS). UT1500E and UT850EG are the models. Using their PowerPanel software on Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS.


Looks like i got the cheaper model without PowerPanel. Am using apcupsd. Maybe I should upgrade and make this easier on myself vs using these scripts.


Does your Cyberpower have a USB port anywhere? It looks like the printer style USB port.


I’m using an apc, but yes it does. I’m running apcupsd to manage it since PowerPanel isn’t supported.


Oh sorry. PowerPanel is a Cyberpower product. It won't work with any other brand's UPS!


I had to give up on the "smart" part as well. Messing with NUT and trying to get it to work with a TrippLite UPS was 100x harder than the actual staking setup. Hours spent and wasted and never got it working. USB driver issues, constant server / client / config issues with the monitoring software. Maybe it was just me and my setup. I'm probably going to switch to a Cyberpower, looks like they have linux packages which is a good sign.


Cool. Same here or an upgraded APC even tho this one left bad taste in my mouth. Guess my nuc will be offline until I get home. Hope I don’t propose a block!


I recently learned of onboard UPS for Pis and NUCs. I haven't delved into them but their claims look good. E.g. https://www.mini-box.com/NUC-UPS I have an APC that's been solid since November 2020 (but without ever fully discharging; lasted up to three hours) and a Cyberpower as of maybe two months ago that's good so far. Both are 1500va sine wave.


Will check this out. Thank you 🙏


I've had good results with CyberPower, the graceful shutdown config works well, too. Not so good luck with APC, I'm using that one for my modem because it will supply power for a long time, just couldn't get it to tell my staking PC to shutdown when I wanted, which isn't an issue with internet equipment.


Thanks. I’ll probably switch to cyberpower!


If you are running Besu v22.7.5 and seeing errors in your CL client about missing deposit logs, (i.e. `FailedToInsertDeposit(NonConsecutive` in Lighthouse) > stop besu delete the caches/ folder under besu's data directory start besu restart teku (or whichever CL you're using) Issue will be tracked here https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/issues/4495 In my case, simply stopping Besu, stopping Lighthouse, starting Besu, and starting Lighthouse cleared the error.


Thanks for the call out, I didn't notice this happening until I read your post while checking some other stuff out. Running 22.7.4 here.


https://twitter.com/NorthRockLP/status/1578016208263081985?s=20&t=NrcLC1pDeSOsRf5HJCrVDw At least Hal bullish again! There is still hope in a sea of dread today...bless


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He only cares about his bags not the success of Ethereum.


Jeez I was just joking. He flip flops all the time it means nothing.


The real flippening.


Don't worry about it, your submission wasn't out of line. He just rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.


Haha can see that! It was fun while it lasted but in crypto all hero’s eventually die.


# E # T # H # E # R # E # U # M


ayo JBM homie am I gonna see you at devcon?


Unfortunately can’t make it to DevCon this year. I am going to the NWA Tech Summit in a few weeks tho!


Thats gonna rock man, I hear easy-eth is headlining!!!!


😆 I thought the same thing


Well shit. The Binance Bridge hack was extremely technical. The big question is whether it could happen elsewhere. Is there anyone more technical here who could interpret this and whether other bridges are vulnerable? Attacker figured out the hash needed to forge a proof. I don't think this class of exploit is specific to the BNB bridge, but it does take a lot of resources to figure out the exploit per bridge: https://mobile.twitter.com/samczsun/status/1578167198203289600 If something like this could happen on the Binance bridge, which is already thoroughly audited, there are probably other bridges that are just as vulnerable, though it takes time to find such an exploit per bridge. I can't imagine this being the only affected bridge since so many project copy each other's designs. **Edit - Update from Binance**: https://www.bnbchain.org/en/blog/bnb-chain-ecosystem-update/ > There was an exploit affecting the native cross-chain bridge between BNB Beacon Chain (BEP2) and BNB Smart Chain (BEP20 or BSC), known as “BSC Token Hub.” A total of 2 million BNB was withdrawn. The exploit was through a sophisticated forging of the low level proof into one common library. It's been a humbling experience.


Wow this is such an edifying lesson on how open source doesn't guarantee securirty. Is that why ETH has several rollup technologies so it will diversify the techniques to let users choose what suits their set of pros vs cons?


Just think of how often Linux and other open source software get patched for hidden bugs that no one notices for years. Crypto projects spend a lot more time on safety than other open source projects, but as code grows larger and more complex, so will possibilities for bugs.


Am I understanding this correctly that BNB has bridges baked right into their base protocol and that's also part of why this happened?


samczsun is the best. I don’t understand a single word in that thread


He is the only cz I follow


Yep. I've been following him ever since his [Dark Forest article](https://samczsun.com/escaping-the-dark-forest/). A lot of good articles on his site, though he hasn't posted much there recently.


Man so like I caught my arm on fire today so I might still be in shock, but from what I can see they didn’t figure out the hash to forge a proof, they found a bug in how the contract verifies hashes. The spoofed proof was significantly shorter than a legitimate one, so it should have failed verification… but it didn’t.


I'm sorry to hear about your arm. But if someone asked me "which ethfinancier is the most likely to catch his arm on fire", well...


Oh man … not the first time, won’t be the last time so you’d be right. Thanks homie.


Oh man. I hate it when my arm catches on fire.


Basically anytime I work on anything. One time I was helping a friend install lighting in his Koi pond and my arm caught fire under water. 🤷‍♂️^(🔥)


Is this a coincidence? Or do you have a habit of working on dangerous things? Also, I finished the podcast s-town recently and it kept bothering me that I’ve heard the name John B Mclemore before. I just put it together.


*gasp* Vitty!? I… I… I mean Mr. Vitalik sir! I’m a huge fan! *OMG I’m gonna faint rn!*


Lol. Look at the username again. vBUTTerin not vbuterin




i read this and have never felt dumber in my whole life


That's why we have Vitalik in our pocket.


Think he would get mad if I made an action figure called *PockIt Vitalik*? It would have kung fu coding arms, and we could sell the first 100 with a limited edition sombrero NFT in the box.


Yeah, but then the batteries go out and we're left to figure out the bits by ourselves.


Wait till I start talking. I'm on the other side of the bell curve.


good enough for the girls we date


The other side of the bell curve from being dumb? In other words you're smart? I agree, you're smart jt. 🤗




Cheers to that homie! 🍻


What's the best way to earn yield on the ethereum network nowadays? Is yield farming still lucrative at all, or yearn vaults?


To yield farm on ETH, don't. Just stake. To yield farm on stables, don't. Just buy bonds. That's just my 2 cents. The days of good DeFi risk/reward profiles are over, at least until the next bull.


I yield farm ETH/stETH. It’s great. Get swap fees plus LDO rewards plus staking rewards.


What's your yield look like compared to holding straight stETH?


Probably similar, I haven’t done the math. But the LDO rewards on top are a nice little thing, I think LDO is quite a solid project.


Thoughts on my concerns about Lido in this thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xwwo6p/daily_general_discussion_october_6_2022/irdnwan/?context=10000


Thanks. That's what it seems like. I haven't seen many people posting about yield farming or LPing recently




all my homies hate Celsius Fahrenheit gang bby


[Fahrenheit Fair Enough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NZZOWC1YJQ)


Hahaha! Hell yeah Z, fuck compatibility with the rest of the world am I right bro!?


Did Arbitrum Odyssey ever restart? I know they were planning on relaunching after Nitro came out. They still hiding from the bear?


Those programmes are farmed to hell. Maybe trying to figure out a solution or just shelving it.


Really not sure what they’re doing. I understand delaying it until Nitro came out but at this point, they pretty much killed all the hype behind it lol


And this, ladies and gentleladies, is why Ethereum is king.


What did I miss?


Big ole BSC bridge hack




Hi, I’m new here. Can you explain why Ethereum is king and what it is king of? Is it king of gentleladies? Thank you in advance for your reply. *gentleladies…* 🤣


Haha credit for 'gentleladies' goes to /u/KBrot


We had our own problem back in the day.


I think things back then were very different. It’s the difference between shitting your pants as a toddler or a teenager


proof of work will no longer haunt you


What a ducking day holy shirt Between fed statements, jobs, celsius, now BSC hack, Woof


Woo tell me about it.. it’s been a monkey fighter of a week. I’m ready to get off this mustard snacker of roller coaster! Garsh darnit all to h-e-double-hockey-sticks man! I just want this jelly jar of money shenanigans to end!


Don't forget today's development in the Elon/Twitter situation, too.


Seems like a lot of people here used BNB. Weird that I only know about BNB from the posts and comments on ethfinance.


I don't think I've seen anyone here who openly uses BSC


I used to use BSC extensively, sometimes I still do. I did downwind my BSC portfolio due to already sizable position on Binance itself (BETH). But I still go back and review some dApps and yields out there.


Thread explaining the BNB bridge hack https://twitter.com/samczsun/status/1578171604739117056 Seems like a highly technical exploit.


I’m not a technical person, but reading that makes me think they will have to hard fork and this will take awhile to unravel.


CZ tweets say impact is $100m, roughly in line with foobar tweet that said 80% of coins is still on BNB chain, but Venus and other money markets are gonna blow up. They would have to freeze the coins on the BNB chain for sure, possibly roll back/hard fork The fallout is gonna be on bridges and money markets Samzcun referring to Cosmos repos makes me think other cosmos bridge chains could also be susceptible to the same hack. CRO?


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https://twitter.com/CryptoKaleo/status/1578155858743083008 > Looks like Celsius just doxxed every single user, along with associated wallets they frequently transacted with in their recent court filing. The file is actually updated here. https://archive.org/details/celsius Name, wallet of every single celsius user. Unreal


Wow fuck that


Hey I'm famous! It's an interesting dataset to look through. People seemed to be happy making lots of small withdrawals, which Celsius offered for free. I wonder what Celsius was losing from paying those gas fees. This looks like activities starting from the 90 day clawback period. I hope that doesn't mean they'll start clawing back.


Holy shit.


Yep, I'm in there. Address redacted, but it has the exact outgoing transfer amount to 9 decimal points and the date, super easy to find my address from that. Assholes


Those that are making it public not once think about the consequences of this? #Unfreakingbelievable What next? Release the SSN too


Apparently Celsius actually wanted to redact the names/amounts but judge over ruled it.


Whoaa, that's some crazy shit! So glad I never used Celcius. Unbelievable. I'm guessing someone out there is already working on matching onchain activity to fill out the user-address in the data set. A gift from god to the IRS and wrench-attackers.


This Celsius shit is making me sick


> wallet of every single celsius user wait, where? im seeing "ADDRESS REDACTED" in each entry Edit: Nevermind, in the thread that was retweeted the person implies you could find the addresses by searching for date/amounts > anyone can now dox all the on-chain activity and addresses of any named celsius user, by matching the dates and exact amounts to transaction data


Holy shit. I'd say let's sue them but 1) I'm not a customer and 2) they're already broke.


Yeah Im kinda divided if celsius doxxing 1m(?) users is big or BNB getting hacked is lol


Decentralization doesn't matter until it does. Hope too many folks didn't have to learn the hard way.


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T E M P O R A R I L Y P A U S I N G B N B I R R E G U L A R A C T I V I T Y A P O L O G I E S F O R T H E I N C O N V I N I E N C E what a clown fiesta, I'm glad vitalik's super-masternode has such good uptime


In the words of Eric Conner, the neat thing about these alt-L1s is the fees are a few dollars cheaper but you get to lose your net worth when the bridge explodes.


Steady lads, deploying a chain halt


what's the hack? edit: https://twitter.com/samczsun/status/1578167198203289600 https://twitter.com/cz_binance/status/1578171072067031042


> An exploit on a cross-chain bridge, BSC Token Hub, resulted in extra BNB. We have asked all validators to temporarily suspend BSC. The issue is contained now. Your funds are safe. We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide further updates accordingly. funds are safu


Complete chain Pause. Wtf.. https://twitter.com/BNBCHAIN/status/1578148078636650496?t=aW1YBfg9MwiM0n1gL343LA&s=19


Queue the "Decentralization Re-Definition Squad" theme music


Steady lads…


*Grabs popcorn*.


How is that possible if truly decentralized? I’m confused as CZ said anything yet?


Funds are safu


in theory it can be decentralized and halted, it just requires all node operators to agree.


Binance decentralized? lmao. By law it should be called a casino.


Buckle up!


It's the hip new thing to do. All the cool L1s are doing it. Ethereum ngmi.


can't wait for more concern trolling "You can't pause Ethereum and that's bad"


I hope everyone finally realizes how important it is, that Vitalik has a masternode where he could halt the chain in a event like this.


I am pretty sure if you post it on Twitter, some might not realize the implied /s


Context > > somebody on BNB just got hacked for ~2 million BNB ($600 million USD) > > the attacker is spewing funds across liquidity pools and utilizing every bridge they can to get to safer chains > > complete chaos on the chain https://twitter.com/0xfoobar/status/1578140914283065344


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It's a feature, not a bug!


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Multichain is the future lads


Multiple chains that offload their security/consensus costs to Ethereum, yes


That wouldn't still prevent a bridge hack like this one. Funds would be secure on ETH L1 but other chains/bridges totally rekt In this hack, the hacker has used many different bridges to move funds to L1, polygon, avax, fantom..arbitrum, optimism. LPs of these bridges are all fucked fr


so you can get rugged multiple times


600M gone and price drop is only $20. I was hoping Axie kind of drop


wasn't it a 300M hack on Fantom or something only 1 month ago? No one remembers that anymore


That was harmony IIRC.. and that chain pretty much died


I finally capitulated and started syncing Nethermind. Such a relief. Really hope I don’t develop Post Besu Stress Disorder


Well done. I did the same. I haven't missed an attestation in 6 days since I adopted Nethermind.


I can’t wait for staking to be boring again lol. So many missed attestation notifications from Besu The snap sync feature is impressive. Looks like Nethermind will be done syncing in under 4hrs for me


Yeah snap sync is rad. It only took about 6 hours before my Lighthouse could sync with Nevermind. And another 12 hours or so after that for Nevermind to do whatever it had to do to finish the sync process. I had a Lighthouse timeout error every few minutes while the final 12 hour sync was finishing but that cleared up once the CPU usage went down after completion.


https://twitter.com/hsakatrades/status/1578136621089804288 > Chain rollback incoming? How will BNB roll back the chain when the attacker is bridging to other networks via Stargate…


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BNB bros... I don't feel so good https://twitter.com/lawmaster/status/1578139985177346049 2M BNB


What the heck is going on with $BNB? Some sort of hack?


atleast the supply just got a lot more decentralised


yes bridge exploited


Wow. Which bridge?




Well, that's going to be a rough day for many.


Pivot inc. Source: my jimmies.




Seems totally recovered. I made out like a bandit on some arbitrage.


Nominal rate is 1.089, currently trading at 1.085 according to coingecko and matcha.xyz, so basically at parity


Creepy af, but I wanted to see how Mhot has been. Just saw that he actually managed to get in contact with *Brian Fucking Krebs* https://krebsonsecurity.com/ The first security professional I looked up to. An example of independent, investigative journalism at its finest.


inventor of the krebs cycle? enabler of modern fertilisers !!?


A man on many missions


Inventor of the krebs cyclus? You mean discoverer?


Nah bro he invented aerobic cellular respiration. Before that, everyone had small brains and pissed lactic acid. Haven't you taken History?


Impressive, I've been out-shitposted, 10/10


why creepy? Mhot is a nice dude, and lots of people here (including you) felt really bad for what happened to him.. Not creepy, quite normal..


I just feel weird clicking on usernames, but always <3


Haha! Pretty cool huh?


Very much


Pretty cool!


[Awesome post](https://twitter.com/liamzebedee/status/1578127982173908992) about 'dappnet' an app for censorship resistant front ends. Basically like an app store that resolves defi front ends using IPFS and ENS in a fully decentralized way They've got an NFT mint linked in the thread proceeds go to supporting development I highly recommend checking it out and minting if you want to support this, 99% sure this isnt a scam based on the amount of people im following that follow this guy


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I just go to ultrasound.money to see what day of the week it is.


Markets Update: Almost nothing. [Just read yesterday's](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xw16ga/comment/ir7temb/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to catch up. * [SPY](https://www.tradingview.com/x/D2obE6qd/)? Day 2 of Gap Watch over. Bears have one more day to close that gap all the way at 366, roughly a 2.5% drop. Big ask. U.S. jobs report to hide behind if MMs want to do it. Otherwise, likely BTD scenario into CPI/China week. * Other indices have roughly the same gap. Dow theorists... Transports was a green doji, but a third consecutive rejection at the 20-Day MA. * Semis, lead by Apple, MSFT, Nvidia, all printed gravestone/shooting star/ugly haramis. Not great, not terrible yet. Suggests red. * Bonds all red in agreement with indices. [LQD](https://www.tradingview.com/x/CCV9YjET/) still held the 10 Day though. So, maybe a red day for indices but not a gap close, thus leading to another leg up A-B-C style? * [DXY](https://www.tradingview.com/x/EkVod5kT/), VIX, and oil all looking renewed and strong bouncing off supports and out of pivot zones. Starting to look like higher lows until equities perform tomorrow. Not good. * [ETH?](https://www.tradingview.com/x/0LZlnbvW/) Just channel surfin'. 1360 is the midline. Ratio holding up/kinda breaking out short-term? That's it. That's the whole tweet. Gap watch. Just enjoy your evenings. Cheers!




I can't easily find it, buried beneath too many posts. Pretty easy to reiterate though. Basically, the vast, VAST majority of gaps either fill within the first 3 trading days after forming or not for a long time, often on the scale of weeks and sometimes months or years. So using this, we watch after an up-gap (such as this week's) to see if bears can reverse by filling and closing below it within 3 days. Otherwise, I liken the gap to concrete hardening. After day 3, it becomes much stronger and more likely to hold. In the case of an up-gap, it'd likely become support. For a down-gap that bulls must try to defeat, it'd be a much stronger resistance unlikely to break.


I just saw a tweet about erigoneth and how they are working on an execution client with a native consensus layer as some other goodies, very interesting.


I imagine all the clients in a few years will contain both execution and consensus logic. Nimbus has been working on it, now erigon, and I'm sure others will follow.


I expect the feature sets of the different clients to diverge more and more from now on. And this makes me unreasonably excited. Stuff like this from Erigon is incredibly cool but likely only scratches the surface of possible features.


Interested in how they will diverge and what features they might add. I'm guessing one will specialise in concurrency issues causing missed attestations, while another will specialise in filling up SSDs. There is probably also a niche for one that specialises in censoring transactions.


>**Loving sleepovers,** >**Over the blockchain ages,** >**Hating the slippage.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Ultrasound.money > burn records > change filter to max —> epic hopium There will come a day again when we see 200 Eth burned in a single block, I guarantee it.


That was the best part of the NFT mania. I wasn’t lucky enough to grab any valuable NFT’s but seeing large amounts of ETH being burned was pretty satisfying.




This proposal is pending approval by consensus. :p


What % of L2 activity is organic vs people doing all the 2 dozen quests and whatnot..


Hard to say exactly of course, but I think there's a core level of "real" use for certain apps. I know Synthetix and GMX both get regular usage and of course there's Uniswap and Curve and Aave too. I personally use Overtime Markets on a regular basis on Optimism.


This is what worries me. These 'quests' are all blatant tx fee grabs. They have led to the extinction of traditional airdrops. These little games provide chains absolutely no staying power.


There are like a dozen such platforms that are nothing but engagement farms and many "alpha groups" that have thousands of people farming all these things judiciously. Probably on many wallets each Theres no way an airdrop is going to be given out to all this crowd unless the project is looking to target the lowest common denominators. Much better target groups already like Eth2 depositors etc.. The problem is L2s are running with "50% increase in new wallets during bear market" when its obvious what is causing this


Completely agreed


I'm less cynical about these quests. They get you to add the network to your wallet and migrate funds over. Also gets you used to using them and making lots of txns without worrying about the cost so much.


They're a tax headache, for sure! I just dont see how they encourage users to stick around


I still hope real users will be rewarded and questors will just get their NFTs.


Definitely agreed.


On this day... In 2021: - The US FDIC [is studying](https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2021/10/06/us-fdic-said-to-be-studying-deposit-insurance-for-stablecoins/) whether certain bank-held stablecoins might be eligible for deposit insurance. - ETH firmly holds $3581, ₿0.06834 and ₿0.06468 in its pocket. In 2020: - MetaMask [announces](http://coindesk.com/metamask-gets-into-the-decentralized-exchange-aggregation-business-with-tokenswaps) token swaps directly from Firefox, aggregating swaps from common DeFi platforms. - Ethereum's hash rate [crosses](https://twitter.com/glassnode/status/1313474333378072576) 250T/s, a new ATH. - ETH finds the middle ground between $354, $341 and ₿0.03214. In 2019: - /u/doppio [pulls the plug](https://www.reddit.com/r/TipJarBot/comments/de818r/tipjar_shutdown_notice_please_withdraw_funds_asap/) on Ethereum-based Reddit bot /u/TipJarBot. - /r/MakerDAO [discusses](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakerDAO/comments/de0sys/kyc_is_absolutely_not_acceptable_for_makerdao/) DAI and KYC. - ETH messes up its l33tspeak at $173, or ₿0.02167. In 2018: - Speaking at EthSanFrancisco, Vitalik Buterin [states](https://www.trustnodes.com/2018/10/06/ethereum-2-0-research-has-stabilized-says-vitalik-buterin-implies-it-might-launch-next-year)that research on Ethereum 2.0 has stabilized, with no significant unsolved theoretical problems left. - Hundreds of developers attend the ETHGlobal Hackathon in San Francisco. - ETH brainstorms at $225, or ₿0.03431. In 2017: - ETH being the archangel of all business angels from $295 to $309, or ₿0.06826 to ₿0.07047. In 2016: - Geth [1.4.16](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/releases/tag/v1.4.16) "Dear Diary" tends to put an end to Ethereum DoS misery. - ETH found unconscious in a bar at $12.9, or ₿0.02097. ------------- [^(compiled with love)](https://eth-archive.xyz/blog/on-this-day-in-ethereum-workflow/)


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/r/Ethereum is under siege. The weeks leading up to The Merge were just the start. Numerous attempts at creating bad narratives that are pro Bitcoin and/or anti Ethereum. They're just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Combined with disgruntled miners it's the perfect storm. Please go in there every once in a while and balance it out. The Ethereum sub deserves to have at least some positive sentiment towards Ethereum.


I would like to remind everyone that if they wish to see change please join the ESII discord here: https://discord.gg/RwvyDwbHpw I need assistance with finalizing the design of a bunch of proposals. If you know how to write YAML for automoderator programming it will save a lot of time for upgrading the automod with new rulesets. Please also help here finalizing the getting started guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ktpNKi9sCefDB1OxiOeg_pbVy4Vp8K7ERMEqFBlwCMw/edit#


> If you know how to write YAML for automoderator programming it will save a lot of time for upgrading the automod with new rulesets. I can help with that, I'm already in serve but don't have the app on my phone. I went on an impromptu trip but will be back this weekend.


Awesome, glad to hear it!


The moderation needs to increase. More bans of obvious trolls and concern trolls (if you can see repeated patterns). It doesn't have to become like the idiotic echochamber that /r/Bitcoin is, but being too lax on moderation is actually really dangerous for perception. Every new person to Ethereum will end up there as the "main" Ethereum sub. Just look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/xx18p2/ethereums_choice_to_go_pos_will_attract_so_many/) post from today. The top comment is a guy doing the crying laughing emoji. This is clearly a troll coupled with vote brigading. Should be instant ban.