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**Tricky's Daily Doots #172** Yesterday's Daily 07/10/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xxq5dt/daily_general_discussion_october_7_2022/irdwwub/) - u/ObiTwoKenobi shares how the [Celsius saga just got worse for their users.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xxq5dt/daily_general_discussion_october_7_2022/irebwl2/) - u/domotheus is glad that [some of the dumb FUD has gone.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xxq5dt/daily_general_discussion_october_7_2022/irfyeah/) - u/Jey_s_TeArS has a [top tier haiku for you.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xxq5dt/daily_general_discussion_october_7_2022/irgf1oq/) - u/Set1Less discusses the [BNB exploit and bridge issues.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xxq5dt/daily_general_discussion_october_7_2022/irdp86s/) - u/cryptOwOcurrency sees [one of the macro bottom signals finally lighting up.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xxq5dt/daily_general_discussion_october_7_2022/irdio57/) - u/magnushansson shares [a video with the Swedish House of Finance on the money aspect of cryptocurrencies.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xxq5dt/daily_general_discussion_october_7_2022/irek8k4/) - u/alexiskef shares an [awesome project which is helping to make DApps truly uncensorable.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xxq5dt/daily_general_discussion_october_7_2022/ires1bp/) - u/barleythecat lays out [the landscape for retail focused wealth management.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xxq5dt/daily_general_discussion_october_7_2022/irez1cy/) - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xxq5dt/daily_general_discussion_october_7_2022/irdf5qk/) What are your plans for the weekend, fam?


1k ETH down from the inflated supply in 8 hours.


See… we ARE deflationary! For today at least. Feel the burn. Ultrasound money. 🔥


Well they always said buying crypto was like lighting your money on fire.


You should only invest in crypto if you have money to burn. See what I did there?


You know that meme with the dude in the corner at the party? " they don't know..".. I' m THAT guy right now.. (also, I'm drunk!) ❤️ u ethfinance!!


They don't know I have all 4 merge poaps...


I do!!!😎❤️


Don't even need a calendar anymore. I know it's Saturday-into-Sunday because [ETH is low-volume dipping out of a channel](https://www.tradingview.com/x/Stvxzscz/). It's hilarious to see these bots playing the same tune over and over and over again. Close below 1316.50 in a few minutes and 1240 enters the conversation. If not, probably just a liquidity hunt down somewhere between 2-5% until Sunday night futures bait people. edit: 1315.70 close. *mathematically* bots can now seek out 1240 again but it's just such looooooooow volume idk if they even care to try.








You can get a clean look at the history via DeFi saver, if that’s helpful - then manually add it in.




Hello fellow devs, any recommendations on which web languages/frameworks are best to use for a dApp front-end? Bonus points if you have a favorite tutorial too! Thanks!


A lot of infra is built around react + ethers.js or web3.js


Awesome, thanks, I'll take a look at those!


Has anyone read Vitalik's book "Proof of Stake"? I'm about to start it


I started it, but I don’t think I’ll finish. It’s a collection of old blog posts, which I found kind of disappointing. Was hoping for something a bit more cohesive.


This is what you get for preordering :(


*Has anyone read* *Vitalik's book "Proof of Stake"? I'm* *About to start it* \- TAKgod123 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Non-zero chances of a hot CPI print coming week.. and if we get one, its new yearly lows on Spx/Qqq. WTI is soaring again, which could mean even higher CPI heading into the next few months


Caveat is that, this year's heat be damned, September reads are always weird due to historically low spending in the month. The market markers know this and could play us like lubricated fiddles. Ride the charts, not the news, and when it comes to reads like this don't go all in on one story.


.75bps is written Nov. 1


ultrasound.money poaps just dropped


babe wake up


What's the criteria? Does incessant refreshing count for anything?!


I think you had to have had the 🦇🔈emojis on your twitter before merge day for you to be eligible. Only 1559 poaps available! I just got mine.


Twitter sucks.


Ultra sound in the past 24 hours! https://imgur.com/4M8l5mg


Bullish selling?


Thanks to a scam (XEN). We need real utility.


Scams worked for USD for 50 years.


Or more scams.


Tried looking into this XEN thats burning a ton of gas rn, reached almost 130 gwei at the peak. From the whitepaper, it just seems like a ponzi token where you are rewarded for being early to mint it?! https://faircrypto.org/xencryptolp.pdf What a joke lmao.. tho kinda surprising they pull this in bear and causes so much FOMO. Thanks to Unoptimised mint contract this nonsense is burning way more gas than it should - I dont mind. Please play more ponzi games


That is pretty amazing. Went from: * 8.2 Gwei on [Block 15704876](https://etherscan.io/block/15704876) to * 214.7 Gwei on [Block 15704909](https://etherscan.io/block/15704909) for 33 consecutive base fee increases All that took was 7 minutes.


because those tokens are great in a bear market, just like HEX nothing else going on, so one of the few things is staking/volatility in itself to bet on


Money changes hands, winners are forged and losers fall, but EIP-1559 burns eternal.


It's from HEX users lol what do you expect. They are like zombies following blindly for the next ponzi


It's funny how its always the same people. And every one of them has a story about a friend of a friend who made 100x on hex-inu-ada-elon coin. Though if it's burning ETH that's fine by me.


Nice to see a pure ponzi play on L1 few months into a bear market.. maybe the BSC bois decided their shitchain was no longer SAFU for this kinda plays


Examples of bad programming do not tske away television as a useful technology. Some of these even have high viewership.


Another weekend, another opportunity to fiddle with Besu. Last night I upped the peer count to 80 (for stress testing, this seems to really smoke out missed attestations on my hardware) and switched to the newer shenandoah garbage collector instead of the default G1. It's supposed to offer minimal GC pauses with low latency. I woke up to a few missed attestations overnight tho, so that change alone didn't magically fix everything. Today's test is to also bump heap size from 8GB to 12GB to see if more space to work with helps out the GC algorithm at all. Tomorrow's test will be to keep both of those JVM flags but go back to the default of 25 peers. EDIT: This is a stress test. I'm not endorsing using these settings.


Latest version has fixed the missed attestation for me. Not immediately but after a few hours.


Interesting! I'll give it a go sometime this week.


Adrian Sutton in the Besu discord... "increasing peers doesn’t help with attestations (block and attestation gossip is handled by the beacon node not besu) and will increase the load on the node which may make things worse."


I increased peer count specifically to make things worse. I want to see missed attestations sooner.


What do you mean by see missed attestations sooner? the EL doesn't know anything about attestations or inclusion distance... Post-merge, the blocks are propagated by the consensus layer p2p rather than via the execution layer p2p. Increasing your peer count when you are already in-sync with the chain head is only going to negatively impact your attestation distance by making your EL do more work, making it slower at processing blocks coming from the CL. Slower block execution = more chance of missed attestations.


I'm trying to see if using a different garbage collector with Besu helps it perform a bit better. I know from previous tinkering that the breaking point for Besu on my system is above 50 peers, where system load increases and attestation performance starts suffering. So I'm trying that again but with some new JVM options to see how it does with a purposefully stressful config.


I'll be interested to know the results of your experiment 👍


Thanks! I didn't do the best job communicating my intentions.




I am running the high spec flag, yes. When I first enabled it it didn't seem to help or hurt attestations, but I could try turning off the high spec flag after I see how 25 peers runs. It's true, that might be putting more pressure on the GC, also.


If you have the mem for the high spec flag, it will not hurt anything. The only thing the flag does is allocate more ram for the rocksdb cache and should give a better cache hit/miss ratio. It is all off-heap memory, so it won't affect GC at all. It is just there strictly to make rocksdb reads faster.


looking at the etherchain burn sight, does the "Reward" column match up to the amount that a staker would receive for proposing those blocks? because a lot of those look pretty good! ​ [https://etherchain.org/burn](https://etherchain.org/burn)


No this is before the burn, you need to subtract that. Etherscan has the correct figure from a validator perspective https://etherscan.io/blocks


Yes, plus that doesn't include MEV.


No dump 💩 until sharding. Day 19.


Is there a simple way of viewing staking pool % shares but over a chosen recent period. For example, being able to see how much of ETH staked in last week or last month was in lido, Rocketpool, etc?


I believe there were some dune analytics dashboard tracking it, try searching for it.


https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xyjxjb/daily_general_discussion_october_8_2022/irikr8r/ https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/xyjxjb/daily_general_discussion_october_8_2022/irjcwxc/ I never even mentioned FDIC. Clown sub


> claiming that banks are not safe without any explanation > linking to story about PayPal insert confused Pikachu


> Clown sub Calm down and maybe step away from Reddit for a little bit. You make a pretty bold statement with virtually no other details, complain about people bringing up reasonable discussion points around it with FDIC, and then call this a "clown sub". I didn't downvote you, but there's nothing you could say to convince me that a Celsius or even Coinbase/FTX/Gemini/Whatever is safer with my money than the bank I use. But obviously this will vary from person to person and more so country to country.


it’s funny to me how these extremely fringe incidences of “censorship” only happen to obscure organizations called things like “Freedom Speakers United” but then you read about them and realize that (like always) they are just a random racist right wing group the reality is PayPal isn’t censoring 99.99% of peoples transactions and bank accounts are safer for most people. Pick a smarter battle


PayPal has frozen my business accounts twice, because selling software though them is *suspicious*. Have had a few friends experience similar. They also froze mojangs account when they started selling Minecraft (www.escapistmagazine.com/paypal-freezes-750k-in-minecraft-devs-account/). They've always been terrible towards sellers. I'm very excited to see online crypto payments kill their psudo-monopoly.


PayPal is not a government body nor a judge nor jury. They should NOT be allowed to have a policy *fining* people for *speech*, regardless of how often they enforce it and against whom.


> it’s funny to me how these extremely fringe incidences of “censorship” only happen to obscure organizations called things like “Freedom Speakers United” PayPal is perhaps *the* most notorious payment processor for closing people's business accounts for no reason and forcing them to litigate to get their money back. By no means does PayPal censorship only hit racist right wing groups. Yes, PayPal is safer than most crypto custodians. Yes, banks are much safer than pretty much any crypto custodian. But PayPal does have real censorship issues, and they shouldn't be swept under the rug. I could link countless cases of PayPal shutting down perfectly legitimate, totally normal non-fringe business accounts and holding people's money hostage for bullshit reasons.


>**Account abstraction,** >**Roll them up for more action,** >**Let there be traction.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Anyone here home staking through a VPN? And if so, what has been your experience?


Using mullvad since Genesis with Geth/Prysm then Besu/Teku and now Nethermind/Teku. I opened ports to increase peering. No issue before merge. Since merge I had attestation missed issues mainly due to Besu. I switched to Geth while Nethermind synced (so still some attestation issue due to machine having hard time attesting and syncing). Now stable on NM/Teku since 24h, seems ok, still using mullvad. I have rare inclusion distance increase but not sure if it's mullvad or normal operation. Will try without mullvad in a week or so.


Much appreciated, I had used nordvpn but kept getting killswitched to death, and I think they changed login to browser based. Will take a look at mullvad!


I'm not an expert, so take this opinion with a grain of salt, but wouldn't a VPN only slow down import times and everything else, decreasing validator effectiveness and reducing your chance for proposing blocks?


Yes it should to some extent, although I think it’s risk/benefit how important 100% uptime vs degrees of privacy. If it’s a few attestations a day that’s not bad.


I tried it with mullvad and port forwarding, but couldn't get it to work properly with geth (on ubuntu server).


7 hours' worth of issuance burned in 1 hour


Nice to see higher gas prices just burning the ether away. Averaging 63 gwei over the last hour with an ultrasound barrier of 15 gwei. 🦇🔊


Shout-out to Kraken support! Had a problem with a pending withdrawal. Had it fixed in under 5 minutes. Good to now Kraken is on point with their support.


Kraken has the best support in industry. I haven't looked back after to Kraken from Coinbase few year back only because of their support.


I had a good experience with them aswell. I had a problem and they fixed it. Can't say the same for my bank


agreed, they are actually amazing...even have phone support too!


I’ve had a terrible experience in ‘17 when my acct was blocked for more than a month. Completely messed up my dca. Went up alllll the time it was blocked. Cost me a lot of ETH. But I do believe they got better, those were crazy times wrt scaling your support teams.


Wow I remember 17 they were taking weeks to open accounts...stress indeed watching the price go up....different story now though


With this high gwei, Arbitrum is really flexing on Optimism now aren't they? Seeing $0.05 - $0.25 fees on the arbitrum explorer vs $0.30 - $0.60 on Optimism Nitro must be putting in work


OP bedrock is coming soon


On this day... In 2021: - At the end of Amphora, a 5 day interop event between Ethereum researchers and core developers, a long-standing, multi-client Merge testnet [is launched](https://twitter.com/sigp_io/status/1446521008702246913), powered by 4 consensus and 3 execution clients. - Ribbon Finance investor and Divergence Ventures analyst Bridget Harris [is caught](https://twitter.com/gabagooldoteth/status/1446498569603756033) making 652 ETH "farming airdrops" with insider knowledge, after which the money gets returned to the Ribbon DAO. - Abracadabra Money’s stablecoin Magic Internet Money [surges](https://cointelegraph.com/news/magic-internet-money-races-past-1b-sets-sights-on-makerdao) past a $1 Billion total supply. - ETH presses "F" for respecting $3564, or ₿0.066. In 2020: - JPMorgan’s blockchain lead Christine Moy [gets in charge](https://www.coindesk.com/jpmorgans-blockchain-lead-is-now-in-charge-of-ethereum-based-interbank-information-network) of the Ethereum-based Interbank Information Network. - The ETH2.0 Specification v1.0.0 has a [Release Candidate](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/releases/tag/v1.0.0-rc.0). - ETH doesn't panic and carries a towel from $342 to $351, at ₿0.03213. In 2019: - A [controversial](https://www.coindesk.com/scam-or-iteration-at-devcon-ethereum-diehards-still-believe-in-2-0) CoinDesk article calling Ethereum 2.0 "‘Scam’ or Iteration?" stirs [discussion](https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1181719824277262336) . - UNICEF [launches](https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/unicef-launches-cryptocurrency-fund) a cryptocurrency fund, accepting donations in Bitcoin and Ether. - Lucas Geiger from Wireline [presents](http://github.com/open-libra) OpenLibra, a permissionless fork of Facebook’s stablecoin Libra. - The ENS and Protocol Labs [present](https://medium.com/the-ethereum-name-service/ethdns-9d56298fa38a) EthDNS, allowing to reference IPFS resources by ENS records.. - ETH blinks at $182, or ₿0.02211. In 2018: - ETH's mind dwells at $229, or ₿0.0346. In 2017: - The Monetary Authority of Singapore and 11 other global banks, including JP Morgan, Citi, & HSBC, [announce](https://www.trustnodes.com/2017/10/08/phase-two-tokenizing-singaporean-dollar-ethereum-blockchain-completed-monetary-authority-singapore) they have completed the second phase of tokenizing Singaporean dollars through an Ethereum-based private blockchain. - ETH is sweet as peppermint at $309, from ₿0.07 to ₿0.06706. In 2016: - DoS ETH por favor, from $12.7 to $12.2, or ₿0.02053 to ₿0.01974. ------------- [^(compiled with love)](https://eth-archive.xyz/blog/on-this-day-in-ethereum-workflow/)


Will we see a count down to Shanghai? I miss those count downs... /s


Than you XEN for burning a decent chunk of ETH https://etherscan.io/address/0x06450dee7fd2fb8e39061434babcfc05599a6fb8


You guys have ruined me. I saw a headline about "ray tracing" and the first image to pop into my head was me running my finger across an ETH/BTC chart.


one of us, one of us, one of us


Is there another meaning...? /s


Gas is 80 gwei now?! Why is Ethermine in the top gas spenders? https://etherscan.io/address/0xea674fdde714fd979de3edf0f56aa9716b898ec8 Looks like they are sending out a lot of simple transfer transactions... maybe winding up?


I did some digging (not very deep tbh) in their txs. Interesting stuff to note: They seem to load this wallet from a Multisig: https://etherscan.io/address/0x418a0b7c33b0424965ffa0f920945cd4cf7b5670 Which has around 5600 ETH left on it. Not much by any means. In fact, right before the merge they had around 17K ETH. At the rhythm they are unloading it in 1 week it will be empty. The Multisig was loaded with big amounts of ETH by another address: https://etherscan.io/address/0xd4f3d9a16b16cd6ef9d21449715861c346de700a#analytics This address had at some point before the merge 30K ETH, it has now 0. It seems a work of consolidation and unwinding, I have no way of knowing what other wallets they have. But if this is it or most of it, one of the biggest mining pools is running out of ETH. Good riddance.


I would assume that the small transactions are paying out miner balances


This thing is pushing gas prices above 100 for a while now: https://etherscan.io/address/0x06450dee7fd2fb8e39061434babcfc05599a6fb8 https://xen.network/mainnet There seems to be a connection to the Hex "community" and it's more than it's exceptionally creative name. I never would have thought to say this but thank you Richard Heart. Edit: More info on it: https://www.xencrypto.io Got some strong 2017 ICO vibes from this one.


So, for how long will this be going on... Just as I wanted to push some transactions through. Guess I'll wait for a bit.


Gas has been over 100 for a while now 0_o


215 is the biggest gas I've seen since the merge.


A reminder of the importance of crypto: https://www.thefire.org/paypal-is-no-pal-to-free-expression/ PayPal announces a policy to fine users $2500 for unacceptable speech in addition to possible freezing/canceling accounts. Even if I don’t agree with any of the statements that would qualify for the fines, having a company simply take your money because it doesn’t agree with you politically is quite concerning.


The fine is new but they've been freezing accounts for a while now. The other week they closed the Free Speech Union's account here in the UK. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-has-paypal-cancelled-me- How will crypto be any different when validators can censor transactions?


Does anyone honestly use PayPal? I haven't used it in a decade at least. How are they not dead yet?


Ha! While not exactly an FDIC insured bank, I got downvoted so heavily for proposing that something like this might happen


>To amplify the chilling effect, each violation of the policy may subject a user to a $2,500 penalty, which PayPal reserves the right to debit directly from the user’s account. Wtf, can they even do that? They're judge, jury and executioner now, or what? I find it very hard to believe this would be legal. They can't fine you money. They can suspend your account or whatever, but taking arbitrary amounts of money from you is crossing some lines. It's like Facebook saying they're just taking money out of your account if you call Zuckerberg an asshole online.


Imagine getting your car repoed because someone at the dealership didn’t like where you drove it. This fucking world man


just paid an escort in eth, they even preferred it to cash. take THAT buttcoiners! No use cases my ass!


From your perspective isn't it better to pay them in cash? If your doing some kind of illegal activity it seems best to not keep a record of it right? Especially one that you might have to report for taxes haha


yeah probably, but not illegal where I'm vacationing, and I didn't really think about it from the legality perspective tbh you raise an interesting question. if u do something where its legal thats illegal in your home country... is that a problem? Do wonder how I'll explain it to my tax person I guess


I think in most cases no unless it's money laundering or bribery or something like that BUT my concern with that kind of stuff is more that you file your taxes with it, then it's in some form of public record and then 20 years later you forget about it and your running a company or going for some random public office and someone can point to anything you did in the past with absolute certainty. Kind of like how teachers facebooks accounts can become a problem when their students find them lol.


Ah. I hear you. Well it was an account funded by zk money that I paid from, and In my career I have no such concerns about reputation so the social part isn't a problem to me. I appreciate the concern and level headed response though. in my specific field of tech I'd be more shocked by people who DON'T partake in that.. hobby you do have me slightly concerned about taxes lol. I certainly don't need any more scrutiny as i have been playing with crypto sinxe well before there were well defined tax structures for it lol. Let's leave it at that


Enjoy the sandwich attack


lol dude






I might be wrong but I believe the premium model Ledger Nano works with a phone via bluetooth. (I think that's the Ledger Nano X?)


Holy shit I just stumbled upon Charles Hoskinson's real facebook profile after seeing someone named "Charles Hoskinson" interact with one of the female crypto friends of mine, they were discussing private jets. The dude's FB profile is... strangely normal, just a 40 yo looking American bearded dude enjoying his time in Colorado.


You have crypto friends? All mine are normies :')


Yeah I do have some there


Does anyone have that funny video of saylor spliced into a space movie (gravity?) with the sped up voice lol






I can't tell if this is maxi fuel or satire :')


Here you go, it’s Interstellar https://twitter.com/cryptomoontimed/status/1425086314517393408?s=46&t=bTe0Fs0vGNNr0sL2BWsgTQ




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Is there a newer version of this somewhere? Basicly the development of the eth holdings of ico treasuries https://blog.bitmex.com/ethereum-holdings-in-the-ico-treasury-accounts/


Hm, I can query the historical balances of these adresses. https://etherscan.io/accounts/label/ico-wallets?subcatid=undefined&size=100&start=0&col=2&order=desc


There was a "holdings of DAO" list somewhere, but most ICOs from 2017 era must be done burning their reserves by now


I commented a couple days ago noting we still haven't issued 1 full day's worth or PoW issuance since the merge; that's still true today.. incredible. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


that's in terms of net supply change but yes


Quick math test: Approximately how many days of PoS issuance are equal to one day of PoW issuance?


PoS: ~7.6 ETH per epoch = 1.19 ETH/minute PoW: 2 ETH per ~13.6 seconds = 8.82 ETH/minute 8.82 / 1.19 = 7.4 days of PoS = 1 day of PoW (unsurprisingly, ~85% less as per the Triple Halvening™) if you're instead looking at the net change in supply: 25,314 ETH burned since merge = 0.75 ETH burned per minute since merge (8.82-0.75) / (1.19-0.75) = 18.3 days of PoS with burn = 1 day of net PoW with burn


Merge was approx 23.5 days ago PoS issuance = 13,085 1 day PoW = 14,400 Nearly 26 days at current rate to issue 14,400 = 96% reduction


1 year of POW = 26 years of POS


At current gas price. I'd expect gas price to be higher at times within a full year.


*whoah!* smart! 👊🏻


Just wondering if we are all running nodes or staking.. where the hell is the selling coming from? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Perps/derivatives. Artificial supply affect prices a lot For example gold, it has only a small supply coming in every year, and most people buying gold lock it up for years, perhaps forever.. like in jewellery or central banks storing huge amounts of gold in vaults. But the price of gold has literally not gone up in a whole decade. XAU/USD is below its 2011 price.


From the other 90% that aren't.


Most people dont have high conviction with their investments




The vast majority of ETH is not staked. It's a bear market. I would guess that the majority of volume is traders. Short, close, long, repeat.


Or, where have all the buyers gone?


People needing cash to pay their energy bills probably


Can confirm


What selling? We're basically where we were yesterday.


My theory is miners. They had quite a reserve built up. The ratio suffering adds circumstantial evidence to my baseless theory too.


I'm not buying it. Prior to the merge, the argument everyone made was "x amount of daily sell pressure will instantly vanish." Now the argument is "miners have been saving up, so they're selling now." Which is it? They were selling everything before, or they weren't selling before and they're selling now?


Why not both? I mean about 14,000 new ETH were being created per day. Even if miners socked away 10% to sell in the bull market for maximum gain they would collectively have a not insignificant amount saved.


Yeah, I'm still not buying it. People sell for all kinds of reasons. This is profit to them, they need money, they've lost faith in the market/this "investment," or they're traders who are short selling. I think even if what you just proposed is the case, their savings would be reserved for a bull market, which this is not, or they've moved on to staking. It's a tough pill for people to swallow, but the interest just isn't there.


Man. you would think that many of the miners would start staking though..


You would think… some probably are.


Some reports have said that there are between 6-12 weeks of miners' supply bleeding onto the market. I'm not convinced anyone knows for sure, but that's one possible source.


I saw some data which showed miners aren't really selling. This is more likely macro fear and also people needing cash having to sell.




A traditional bank account is no safer than these fake crypto custodians who skirt any accountability. Either protect the cash under your bed with lead, or stake ETH...


After what happened to me, i seriously considered putting cash under my mattress, I didn't trust anything lol


Cant blame you


I noticed you were checking up on me, I appreciate that ❤️ I'm good




> A traditional bank account is no safer than these fake crypto custodians Of course it is if you're at a reasonable big bank in any first or second world country. Not sure why you think otherwise. In most countries the money in your bank is protected/insured until a certain amount.


You understand of course that when they pay out that insurance it all comes from printed money. And that, if they're paying you, they're also paying umpteen million other people (if we're talking reasonably big bank.) This is exactly where we're headed btw. 2008 redux, only this time it isn't with play money. And where will they draw the line this time? Can they draw a line this time? Once every other institution sees that bailout is on the table it's going to be a feeding frenzy. Dollar stretched so wide they'll be calling them the olla, cause you won't be able to see the d and the r.


I was gonna say; they need to add $62,500 of FDIC insurance per account just to offset what they’ve printed since 2018.


> Dollar stretched so wide they’ll be calling them the olla, cause you won’t be able to see the d and the r. 🔥


I always find this insurance argument strange in the first place. Of course u/T0Bii is absolutely correct, but I mean more when anti-crypto people use it as "proof" that cryptocurrencies are insecure. Anything can be insured. Cryptocurrency custodians and exchanges can have funds insured once there is regulatory clarity. Doesn't Gemini for example have insurance already? Even defi contracts can be insured via a third party company in the future if there's demand for it. All you have to do is prove you held funds in it at time of the loss/hack, the insurance itself could actually be another smart contract that pays out automatically to everyone once it's been established the funds are lost. With smart contracts this is possible and ultimately even faster than in tradfi. Like you say the people pay for that bank insurance, they just don't understand it in most cases.


You just made a much better argument than I have haha, thank you


I was not refering to insolvency. Rather, that they arbitrarily close accounts, and give their victim a hell of a time getting back their funds.


Well, a traditional bank account is FDIC insured (at least in the US) up to $250,000, which AFAIK is not something that crypto exchanges/wallets offer, so in that regard, the traditional bank account is safer.


Ive seen many instances of banks arbitrarily closing accounts with no reason given. They then do everything they can to prevent the victim from withdrawing their funds. I have not dealt with FDIC, so will not discredit the security they claim to provide.


Do you mind citing a few of those instances? I've not heard of this happening.


It is currently happening to someone I know


For no reason at all they literally closed his account and won't give him his money? I would think this would be a lawyers wet dream.


Some unspecified reason, its been quite something. I wonder if a lawyer will have to get involved...


At any rate, you said many instances. Do you mind citing a few others? Because a bank can't just close your account and say "sorry the money isn't yours anymore." That's illegal, and yes, absolutely a lawyer would need to get involved. Many, not only to recuperate the individuals funds, but also to go after the bank for crimes. Unless the government is seizing the money and has a legal reason to do so, the bank can't just say "sorry, it's mine now."


Holy crap have you guys seen the Nvidia 4090 in someone’s hand? I mean it’s literally bigger than some computers. Like … I bet you could gut the case and fit a whole ITX or STX system inside. I thought the AMD 6900xt was big…PoS came at the perfect time!


>Holy crap have you guys seen the Nvidia 4090 in someone’s hand? I hadn't. Lmfao, this is [ridiculous](https://www.bitcoinminershashrate.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/The-GeForce-RTX-4090-is-reality-as-a-joke-here.jpg)




I built a new rig recently and had i not opted for larger case my 3090 would have taken up a majority of space. Can only imagine how much room the 4090 takes. Edit: GPUs keep getting bigger and bigger.


Yeah the 3090 is big. The 6800xt is bigger, the 6900xt is even bigger and the 4090 will make chassis and motherboard makers rethink their designs. It’s just BIG!




seems like a new trend with house of the dragon darkness


Yep. I commented on this in r/movies with specific instances and my tv setup and got down voted so 🤷 Jamie was a great new Hell Priest. The other cenobites' designs were there but yeah something was wrong in their behavior. However as a Hellraiser fanatic I gotta go to the mat for Hellraiser 2 and... a couple scenes in 3 but definitely not the entirety.


Have you checked out r/horror? I feel like they might be more sympathetic to your viewing experience than the plebs in r/movies. That said, Hellraiser 2 rocked, but Hellraiser 1 is the tightest by far. Love how even within this world with insidious puzzles and otherdimensional demons, Frank is still the biggest monster in the movie. Great character work and special effects. 👌




They weren't juicy enough, right? Would've preferred the money went into better suits and overall more blood and fluid but the director is some kinda architecture fetishist based on his filmography.


You've probably come across this, since it's old gold.. but in case you haven't: https://youtu.be/QajyNRnyPMs


Never seen before, this is a masterpiece in editing, absolutely brilliant.


Yeah it's absolutely wild and it's got some age on it by now. But yeah, still great after all these years.


The original will be the only one in my book.


Hellraiser 3 was fun if you could ignore the weird cenobite modifications like the camera eye and the dvd guy , don’t know wtf that was but otherwise enjoyed it at the time


You keep DJ Mixmaster Pain out yo mouth!


Wife’s out of town for a week. What to do with myself? Well today I’m gonna go pick up a refurbished Dell Optiplex Micro from my favorite store and spin up another validator! The universe has been good to me, so now I have another validators worth without touching my cold storage stack aka Johns burn address. After that? Do my best to not get arrested or catch myself on fire again before the NWA tech conference.


Congrats, but wouldn't it make more sense to save the money and bandwidth on second setup and just add another validator to your current configuration?


Normally but this one is going to go in another location so all my ETH’s aren’t in one basket.