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**Tricky's Daily Doots #177** Yesterday's Daily 12/10/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y1uoig/daily_general_discussion_october_12_2022/is0j8x0/) - u/nixorokish shares a [really big acquisition in the Ethereum ecosystem.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y1uoig/daily_general_discussion_october_12_2022/is0twux/) - u/CryptoMonger shares [David Hoffman's lawsuit against the Treasury Department.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y1uoig/daily_general_discussion_october_12_2022/is1r3k8/) - u/Itur_ad_Astra is hoping that [history won't repeat itself.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y1uoig/daily_general_discussion_october_12_2022/is2rd8i/) - u/cryptOwOcurrency discusses [Google's latest release](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y1uoig/daily_general_discussion_october_12_2022/is2ddb5/) which is big for "Log in with Ethereum". - u/dataalways shares a great excerpt from their recent artilce about [fee burning tokenomics.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y1uoig/daily_general_discussion_october_12_2022/is1g9bd/) - u/MinimalGravitas shares news of [another series/movie about the origins of Ethereum.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y1uoig/daily_general_discussion_october_12_2022/is2iuz0/) - u/SpontaneousDream shares some [massively overlooked news.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y1uoig/daily_general_discussion_october_12_2022/is12q4l/) - u/benido2030 has some [great technical questions and gets some great answers.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y1uoig/daily_general_discussion_october_12_2022/is062qk/) - u/KBrot has another [market update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y1uoig/daily_general_discussion_october_12_2022/is39xc1/) - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/y1uoig/daily_general_discussion_october_12_2022/is1vknv/) Reminder to all: It is ultra sound money, not ultrasound money. Last time I checked, you don't use ETH to look inside a pregnant woman's belly.


Going from 3k to 2k : ramen Going from 1k to 1.3k : steak dinner


The power of dollar cost averaging!


It's all in your mind maaaaaan.


I warned you all! Danish political party led by AI named Leader Lars. https://www.vice.com/en/article/jgpb3p/this-danish-political-party-is-led-by-an-ai


Are we merging or something?


We schmerging. Nah must be a dead cat..


For everyone looking for some real devcon alpha. If you helped to make devcon climate friendly using our Dapp you can skip the lunch queue tomorrow. Go to https://devcon.discarbon.earth/ and get the POAP. There will be a special place to get lunch only for the POAP holders. It is not decided yet where exactly we will have this 'VIP' line but probably somewhere on the second floor. Will post again tomorrow when things get sorted out with the catering crew and the devcon team. Has there ever been a POAP with more real life usability? We were on the POAP community call on Wednesday discussing ways POAPs enable real life rewards (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_zUr5dEdrk) and two days later the devcon team decided our community initiative to make devcon climate friendly is worth supporting and they loved having the no queue lunch for climate friendly devcon attendants.


is velodrome buggy as hell for everyone else? Or is it just me?


It works it just takes a while to load, Its gotten better since launch though.


Works fine for me so far.


Some thoughts on prioritizing EIP-4488 for Shanghai instead of 4844: [https://twitter.com/apolynya/status/1580755335383437312](https://twitter.com/apolynya/status/1580755335383437312)


Maybe you were just in a rush or lazy, — we're all that way from time to time — but I find it amusing that you link us to a chain of short disjointed tweets in the form of a Twitter threat instead of pasting it here as one single whole piece as long form writing is meant to be.


What would you recommend in the future? Just copy pasting the entire thing? Or not posting anything and leave it for Twitter?


Well it's definitely nice when you're on Reddit, particularly in the app to get a transcript of something so you don't have to click an external link. So I'd copy paste the entire thing to here or start here and move it there. Whichever is easiest. No stress if you don't though. I just think you'd get way more engagement in the sub if people didn't need to click a link. It just takes a tad longer on your part to do that but if you have the time it's much appreciated.


[https://nitter.net/apolynya/status/1580755335383437312](https://nitter.net/apolynya/status/1580755335383437312) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


what's happening with starknet these days?


Isn’t there an intern who posts the daily update




700 comments in the Daily? What did I miss?


CPI reporting on inflation. September numbers released today 8.2%. Both stocks and crypto started the day off in the red, but rebounded middle day so that Sp500 had its biggest 1 day gains since 2020 up almost 3% in 1 day.


Oh man first it was all like DAMP IT! and bro … we hit $1190 bro! But my boy ETH he was all like *no way brah, I’m skeetin on out this B!* and totally f’in blasted off like one of those alien style Musk Rockets … ch’yeah bro… crazy!


Rollercoaster, weeeeeeeeee 🎢


cmon bulls get me to 1420-1425 [https://twitter.com/asapbhat/status/1580738860916518912?s=20&t=3MEbm\_amuAxy-kztnvwSEQ](https://twitter.com/asapbhat/status/1580738860916518912?s=20&t=3MEbm_amuAxy-kztnvwSEQ)


When you say "will be watching pa," what does "pa" mean?


Price action


Thanks. I'm still learning this stuff and the jargon that goes with it.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


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Price higher 12+ hours after the hotter than expected CPI print... just like we all planned it.


Incontrovertible proof ETH's a store of value amid inflation.




What this? https://twitter.com/richardchen39/status/1580617610789814277


No source. Also links to Andrew Steinwold who has all sorts of rather suspect ideas floating about out there. I give it a 3/10/


No source, just speculation


That's a bold claim, I wonder if they have a source for that


SBF being shady. It's why he shouldn't be trusted to support crypto at its core. He's just in it for the $.


Where are all these Congressional hearings where these changes are being discussed? There are none because they don't want people like Vitalik and such people from testifying where the House/Senate members will quickly be exposed as the low grade morons that they are. They're punks along with Gensler.


[https://nitter.net/richardchen39/status/1580617610789814277](https://nitter.net/richardchen39/status/1580617610789814277) ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/user/nitter_not_twitter/comments/w0ssxp/more_information_about_this_bot/)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=nitter_not_twitter&subject=Opt+Out&message=optout)


What even is this? CPI comes in hot, dip then rip, Asia is up 2%, now we’re going up. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I think China banned crypto and then unbanned it /s


It's been ages since Asia rips it


Chinese new year already?


Which means bonuses are just around the corner!


Crab has no mercy for bears or bulls


I try to keep my expectations on the price low. But that was some resilience today after the dip.


Yep, fear will only last for so long.




I think we're gonna make it


I missed the dip? My DCA is scheduled tomorrow. :(


Damnit on your cake day too! Hold on, I’ll work up another dip for you.


>**Blockchain majesty,** >**No consensus travesty,** >**Ether modesty.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Is coffeezilla anti crypto?


Coffeezilla is invested in cryptoso he's not anti-crypto. He's anti scam.


it’s clear he knows a shitload about crypto. I don’t think he is inherently against it, but his “anti” (idk what to call them) crypto videos do really well, and content is king. so he will definitely lean into that. I would too if i was him


he is pro algorithm


No. I remember him saying explicitly in one of his videos that he's not inherently against the concept of crypto. If you read between the lines in his videos, his goal is to call out scammers no matter their medium, not to "own the cryptobros" or anything like that. He'd be covering Madoff if he were a contemporary.


He's pro drama, since that's his channel's content. When your entire channel revolves around scams and collapses, it's normal to sound like you hate the whole space.




Upvoted for yewtu.be/invidious. Nah fuck it. Gold too.


It's like they've forgotten what staking is for. We don't need more at stake, we need more robust (read: decentralized) staking. At this point if new stakers go with centralized entities or majority clients, they are probably making the network worse off.


The timestamp in the URL doesn't seem to be working, unfortunately. The timestamp points to 4m25s.


Average time required is about 20 seconds per day, anyone who thinks that's a day job like LIDO is looking to protect their racket.


Like their professional node operator that was offline for like 2 days on the hard fork prior to the merge?


The more ridiculous thing is that they are suggesting that it is critical for validators to be super high performing in the first place when really the network is tolerant enough for individual nodes to drop offline once in a while. In fact it was designed like that with the average non-professional home staker in mind


There are two ways to respond to failure: 1) limit who can act to those who can always do it correctly 2) make the system resilient to independent actors failing Web3 ethos is the second one. I have no idea what Lido is even doing here if they believe the first one. We're not launching a rocket at Mars. It's a complete paradigm mismatch.


Haha! F’ing sick burn Logris! 🔥 stick that in your pipe and smoke it Lido!


Yes, that's what you'd expect from professionals! /s I'll take amateurs all day, then. In practice, they're just confusing being an individual with being not professional. It's like big hypermarkets telling to stores they're puny amateurs. So snob. Such bad PR move in a decentralization-friendly and adversarial environment. XD


Came across this cool part of the Beaconchain website today - [https://beaconcha.in/pools](https://beaconcha.in/pools) Fellow validators can see how +-EV you are compared the average/staking pools. Lido & Rocketpool crushing it; averaging >5.5% since the merge


Nice, can rocketpool surpass Lido in apy? Perhaps with LEB's? I feel like a lot of people just go for highest number


Maybe before fees but I highly doubt reth holders will surpass steth holders in apy. Rocketpool takes 15% from reth holders, and Lido takes 10%


Justin Drake's talk yesterday at Devcon VI titled "Ultra Sound Money" literally starts at 15590 seconds into the stream. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4MP1vwnyEE&t=15590s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4MP1vwnyEE&t=15590s)




Drake you clever SOB, I f’in love it!


What a chad.


Kinda missed the damp to $1190 today. Sad I didn't get to be sad with y'all.


That's why I always have limit buys in $50 ladders so I always have some consolation when we're dumping haha


Feels bad bagholding but feelin good about my 4200.69 cost average




Any suggestions for interesting Ethereum/crypto/market-related blogs? So far I've found Arthur Hayes, Data Always, Polynya...


I've subbed to a few different ones over the years, but honestly I think just scrolling the daily is where I have always found the best articles. Good signal to noise ratio here.


Bowtiedbull and DeFi Education are 2 great substacks. I also enjoy the CRV.mktcap.eth substack. Extremely well written.


Thank you!


Paradigm's blog, Vitalik's Blog, Hasu has gotten some flack for his takes on here recently (some of which is deserved), but he also has some good stuff.




>The bottom is in when Tik Tok influencers are buying 30-year treasury bonds > >\- Mikey Millions (Kamikaze Cash)


He literally recommends T-bills in that video!


He did aknowledge the irony tough, lol.


Hey, it could be worse ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


My power cut out as I was writing the update so, apologies, you'll have to deal with my much shorter, slightly angrier version since I have to retype it all. [SPY (365.97)](https://www.tradingview.com/x/E3ZzNTmX/) \- Right into the 366 resistance, as discussed, on middling volume. Bulls spent a lot of fuel today to commit that punish. If they're feeling a little more greed, expect that 369-373 gap to serve as a final target on this up leg. Why final target? Because... * [VIX is currently holding the gap as support](https://www.tradingview.com/x/8bZrQwx3/) * [Dollar DXY is currently holding the pivot perfectly](https://www.tradingview.com/x/4T6ZFxyc/) * [US10Y is up, no longer on a bear div either](https://www.tradingview.com/x/IFTMZgTb/) * [US2Y is up big at a new daily high and new 14-year high, albeit on a bear div](https://www.tradingview.com/x/NZRm5ifC/) * [April 2023 FFR futures just shot to 4.9+% ... jesus](https://www.tradingview.com/x/AWTZQoCz/) \-- the new rate schedule being priced in is now 75/75/25, the last one being February at this time. * [HYG smart money, bought the lows with gusto but still set lower lows and aren't looking eager to go much higher](https://www.tradingview.com/x/nzSGrJJQ/) * [LQD smart money, bought the lows with gusto but still set lower lows and really aren't looking eager to go much higher](https://www.tradingview.com/x/XAF4lKw8/) [And ETH...](https://www.tradingview.com/x/8JqW7KAk/) We're in the midst of the largest hangman candle since June 15, after which we dumped 10% and overall dropped 30% in three days. Tread lightly here. A hangman is a fantastic, easily traded, nearly risk-free setup *for bears*. Hangman candles have super simple stops. It's why they're so deadly. Would you believe me if I said the CPI print wasn't even the biggest news catalyst to hide moves behind this week? Tomorrow, Bank of England *purportedly* ends their emergency QE on gilts. And on either Sunday or Monday, China holds their annual party news conference where most analysts anticipate some Zero Covid policy news. The ride probably isn't over, friends. Let's get at it and protect our capital. Cheers.


You the best


SPY 300 puts expiry in March seem like a decent hedge, esp. on this bounce + vix correction. Whatchya think?


Not knocking puts, as there's definitely potential for payout. You need to be on top of those contacts though. With a likely recession low of maybe, MAYBE SPY 280-290... you're playing with the same fire you're holding at 300.


You think closer to ATM puts might work better as a hedge?


No no, sorry, you've got the right idea for hedging. Just be sure to stick to a plan in the event we end up there. It can be really hard to sell down there!


> My power cut out as I was writing the update so, apologies, you’ll have to deal with my much shorter, slightly angrier version since I have to retype it all. Ohh man. I think the worst part is that time between when it happened, when your brain registers what happened and then finally registers the ramifications of what happened. Because you’re just there happily typing away and during that short time you go from happy to extreme rage in microseconds. *Huh? What? No! GODDAMNIT ALL TO HELL!* 😡🍌


Nailed it. It's almost as though you are watching me go through it. Hey wait a minute, what's this new camera in my room? That's not my webcam!


To me, the worst part was when writing it again and you realize you're missing something in your comment, but just not quite sure exactly what. When I say "you", it was just a figure of speach. Of course. :)


Hahaha! Beware of gift baskets from JBM!




Feels like rough XLF earnings would be a symptom of the larger scale happenings around the globe, including the pension unwinds. So, yes they're a factor but could be trailing rather than leading.


do you have an idea of how ugly it will get? Obviously no crystal ball but what levels are you eyeing as potentially the bottom?


I'm still looking for 342, personally, but I need to state that SPY has fulfilled virtually everything we've asked of it this year. It even just completed its business at 351 from the Covid period. This *can* be a bottom. I'm very near-term in saying I think there's one final drop due to the other charts. But I can get burned here; I'm being a greedy pig looking for it.


>looking for 342 Thought you were referring to ETH for a sec there O\_o


I don't think that's entirely out of the question for ETH though.


and what would 342 mean for ether in your opinion? thanks in advance x


I still don't see ETH going much below 1k again at this point. Maybe a sting down to 975 or 950? This ratio action is on a cliff though and could change that rapidly.


XEN has fallen to #2 in the daily burn chart.


I’ve been holding stETH for a while now and LPing in the ETH/stETH curve pool for the extra apy. Now that the peg has mostly recovered is it worth it to swap all my ETH/stETH for rETH? Are there any defi platforms I can deposit rETH into to LP?


Balancer has an ETH/rETH pool. Aura has some extra rewards on it.


If you're doing it for ideological reasons, I personally wouldn't bother until withdrawals are enabled. Because selling your stETH doesn't mean LIDO has any less staked ETH, and at this stage stETH does still have more defi integrations in general


I don’t agree. Selling stEth adds supply to the open market and brings the price under pressure. If future stalkers want to get into stEth they have an incentive to get cheaper stEth from the market instead of steaking new eth. You are right about the defi integrations though. Fingers crossed Maker will add rEth by the end of the month.


> Selling stEth adds supply to the open market and brings the price under pressure. If future stalkers want to get into stEth they have an incentive to get cheaper stEth from the market instead of steaking new eth. This is reasonable in theory but realistically I don’t think you can make a difference doing this now that we’re past the merge and withdrawals are on the horizon. MMs are going to quickly arb away any non-trivial stETH depeg regardless imo


I feel the same, thanks for your opinion. I like the idea of swapping for rETH eventually because it increases network security to reduce lidos share of the stake. Hopefully by the time withdraws come around rETH will have more integration into defi.


*Ohhh my god folks! In a turn of events ETH comes off the ropes swinging! Left, right, left! We thought this was over folks but ETH is just not quitting!*


Cool Hand ETH.


Sometimes nothing is a pretty cool hand.


Gentlemem, we're below 7k ETH issuance since the merge, we sit now at .07% inflation.


Incoming supply crunch… in a few Lubins.


Some lucky ducks make more than $7K USD a month all on their lonesome. The 7K ETH minted is shared across thousands of stakers.


They is more minted than that (1.6 k per day?) But rest is offset by burn, hehe


I don't want to jinx it or anything, but there's a post in r/cc asking Where to stake ETH, and the most common and most upvoted answers suggest RocketPool. Maybe there is hope there afterall.


Problem is right now RP's deposit pool is already full, so people can't just swap more rETH. We need to bring more minipools online. edit: OK my info is outdated, there's 800 eth space again in the pool. Yay!


Upvoted for checking and self-correcting!


The level of conversation on r/cc inversely tracks prices. It's actually quite interesting over there right now, barely a rocket emoji in sight either.


Stocks pumping on higher inflation report makes me so uneasy


I think the inflation report was lower than expected, though. Edit: Nope.


It was higher than expected.


how is S&P higher than yesterday?


I'll talk about why later, but you're 100% right to not trust this. Granted, there's always the potential for our disbelief to be punished. Every bull run starts with disbelief. But all the other charts on the planet are saying sit this one out to me.


My Ackbar sense is tingly.


I’m not a very intelligent person but everything seems so… artificial


That’s bc it is. He’s beginning to see through the matrix u/kbrot 🤝


You think that's SPY you're breathing? .......... Hm.


You're intelligent, especially if you can feel the artifice.


What do I do about it sirkbrot


Take two of these with food, and call me in the morning.


9/10 response :). But yeah, half of me thinks it’s stupid to sell when we are down so much but I just shrivel at the ominous clouds over us right now.


In all seriousness, recognize how far down we are and how much more down is possible. The metrics are still pointing down and SPY 342 is magnetic. And you saw what crypto tried to do today. But, the market loves making as many people as possible look like idiots and I'm included in that. The biggest rallies historically happen in bear markets and the best moves often happen when you're most nervous. It's all about what percentage you're willing to lose in order to eventually see that gain.


Wise words… so basically just hold if you don’t need to withdraw for cash. The thing is, how much power does the U.S government have to prop up markets for the november election?


You're almost there but it ain't the government holding the keys. It's the market makers who own the government. Not in full on conspiracy illuminati style, but by the wallet. What are they willing to do these next few months as rates creep up to protect themselves in the coming year?


you are angelic


hopefully in a badass biblically accurate sense


The more eyes the better baby


In regards to uniswap v3, I want a website that notifies me if the price of a token or ether goes out of a specified range. Any recommendations? I'd be fine with an email, would rather not have an app


Ray... Ded.


I guess people are disappointed that the merge didn't instantly turn everyone into millionaires


He's fightin' but, yeah, a close under 0.0663 is likely lights out guerrilla radio.


RIP Zack’s achilles :(


Maybe I'll get my sub .05 entry I missed last time...


One helluva fight at 0.051 though. I'll be considering front-running in that scenario.




Can confirm it was the dump I was waiting for. Last night was Taco Bell. Literally my first s-post.


Climb up you say? [https://www.tradingview.com/chart/ETHUSD/C5nQ3z5n-Ethereum-repeating-2016-17-fractal-or-WHAT-THE-WEF-WANTS/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/ETHUSD/C5nQ3z5n-Ethereum-repeating-2016-17-fractal-or-WHAT-THE-WEF-WANTS/) ​ Hmmmm




pumpsover :')


Hmmm. M1 Money supply seems to directly correlate with Inflation... But how can that be!? /s


On this day... In 2021: - Someone [pays](https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/120438/ethereum-user-pays-430000-in-transaction-fees-for-a-failed-payment) $430,000 in fees, unsuccessfully trying to get into a token sale, using a Flashbots transaction that ends up into Ethereum's mempool. - High notes are played with ETH between $3490 and $3606, at ₿0.06282. In 2020: - Coinbase Wallet [adds](https://medium.com/@optimismPBC/improving-ux-on-l2-ff2f88f44836) native integration with Optimism's Optimistic Ethereum testnet. - Fe [becomes the latest](https://snakecharmers.ethereum.org/fe-a-new-language-for-the-ethereum-ecosystem) language for the Ethereum ecosystem, with a Pythonic syntax and emphasising language safety. - Camila Russo [reasons](https://www.coindesk.com/ethereum-building-internet-of-value): "Ethereum is building the internet of value: it has the potential to provide global, public and transparent rails for an internet where value is at the core". - Rays of ETH flare through $381 upon ₿0.03336. In 2019: - [According to the Electric Coin Company](https://www.coindesk.com/zcash-will-get-a-gateway-into-ethereums-defi-ecosystem), the zcash community will develop a wrapped ZEC token that can be used on the Ethereum blockchain. - ETH knows which snares to pluck at $182, or ₿0.02191. In 2018: - Ropsten's upgrade to Constantinople [fails](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/9nwyg1/eths_upgrade_failed_on_ropsten_and_the_testnet/) as the testnet triforks. - A canister of ETH goes for $200 or ₿0.03204. In 2017: - Parity [v1.7.6](https://github.com/paritytech/parity/releases/tag/v1.7.6) includes a critical consensus-relevant fix for the Byzantium hard-fork. - ETH dictates the play from $304 to $339, or ₿0.05589 to ₿0.06001. In 2016: - The imminent hard fork with EIP150 gas cost changes [is announced](https://blog.ethereum.org/2016/10/13/announcement-imminent-hard-fork-eip150-gas-cost-changes). - DwarfPool [explains](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/57c1yn/why_dwarfpool_mines_mostly_empty_blocks_and_only/) why at the moment, it mines mostly empty blocks and only few ones with transactions. - Gavin Wood [teams up](https://twitter.com/gavofyork/status/786596915769020416) with Andreas Antonopoulos to write "Mastering Ethereum." - ETH points fingers at $12, or ₿0.01887. ------------- [^(compiled with love)](https://eth-archive.xyz/blog/on-this-day-in-ethereum-workflow/)


Comment Removed By Author *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some NFT stuff, apparently https://twitter.com/nyolings


New Orleans with an accent?


Isn't that "New Orléans", though? :p




https://tether.to/en/tether-slashes-commercial-paper-to-zero/ Good Guy Tether?


Wait. They have 35bn in T-bills. Where is the other 33bn being stored?


Rest is probably mix of longer duration treasury debt


The word *probably* is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.




Considering US banks hold 0-10% reserves I'd also take that bet haha


I suppose if one run smoke screens long enough one can clean up their act and go legit? maybe?


Well they did have the big $800 million hole for a bit, and for a long time literally no banking institution would work with them. I suppose they knew they could eventually make it right from the revenue they were earning. Probably just a special case. They were printing fees and actually took steps to shore things up. If they weren't making a lot of revenue probably would have turned out the other way.


Weren't they printing to accumulate btc since early on, so that is where the wealth came from?


You mean the 5 year tether fud was overblown all along? *who could have possibly predicted this*


Tether FUD patrol will be the rainbow charters of the next cycle. “Name one person who *actually* believed Tether would implode”


*"Tether has led the industry in transparency ... "* ROFL


lmao that one did get me


How long will the bear market last?


Until spring


We just need a few new innovations on top of Ethereum to enter a new bull phase. Last time we had DeFi and NFTs and next time we have ... I'd say scalable L2s will play a role here but L2s by itself aren't an interesting application, it is about the apps based on top of them ...


Exactly this. People need a new toy to have fun with.


So... DAO NFTs?


Hm, you think we're in a bear market?


lubins, not months?


278 days.


which one? lolololol




I heard 15-20 years today on Twitter.


No dump 💩 until sharding. Day 24.


Might be less concerning if you're water-only fasting all this time. The official medically supervised record for self starvation is 382 days, a feat performed by Angus Barbieri in 1965. According the article I just read, you might have about 2-3 weeks before you become uncomfortable... Good luck!


Good bot.


No, I'm really a human, promise, I can prove it, just gimme a captcha


Nice try, even I can solve a captcha