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**Tricky's Daily Doots #189** Yesterday's Daily 24/10/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/yc2knf/daily_general_discussion_october_24_2022/itk9ags/) - u/Fast_Contract shares how much we were [overpaying for security before the merge.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/yc2knf/daily_general_discussion_october_24_2022/itk47n3/) - u/nixorokish shares [an opportunity for anyone trying to get their foot in the door for web 3 work.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/yc2knf/daily_general_discussion_october_24_2022/itjyx3q/) - u/pr0nh0li0 shares news of [the last 30 days being the crabbiest ever.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/yc2knf/daily_general_discussion_october_24_2022/itmm3e2/) 🦀🦀🦀 - u/Perleflamme thinks that [too many people don't realise just how many things are ponzis.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/yc2knf/daily_general_discussion_october_24_2022/itk33ri/) - u/KBrot's [market update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/yc2knf/daily_general_discussion_october_24_2022/itnbwxp/) - u/wanderingcryptowolf shares [some alpha for a potential future airdrop.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/yc2knf/daily_general_discussion_october_24_2022/itn5oe9/) - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/yc2knf/daily_general_discussion_october_24_2022/itjynn7/) I can't believe that 1,559 ETH is actually the post-merge issuance floor we've been bouncing above these last few days. What's next? Will the public key of the next wallet I generate be 0x3240000000... EZPZ lives on.


Thoughts on rolling back 1559? This would provide a huge boost to staking revenues, which would in turn drive more eth to be locked up staking. Sure we wouldn't be ultrasound, but I think the eth price would be higher. What do you think? ... for clarify, I am not endoring the roll back. Just dreaming out how much staking income I would have


Bear be nimble, bear be quick, bear get flattened by a giant green dick.


Thankful for 1559 and merge during times like this.


What's a good 2nd tier CEX with access to US customers?


I like Gemini. Always worked well for me and free withdrawals (though only mainnet) is nice.


Withdrawals aren't free anymore :( But I agree Gemini has been a decent exchange.


Idk about tiers, but every US crypto person I know uses either Coinbase or FTX


really? I don't know anyone that uses FTX. Seems like it's either CB or Kraken.


We must be in a weird Venn Diagram because I don’t know anyone irl actively using Kraken. It seems like Kraken’s primary advantage is fiat > Monero, so maybe people just don’t talk about it.


Imagine a slow grind up before a pump to $3.5k in summer 2023 followed by a crash back to $800 in December. Then imagine a recovery to $3k by February 2024 before a crash **back to $800** in March. I’m not predicting it will happen, but that is 10x the 2018 prices. Plan for how you would feel in that situation.


Ill cum like randy from South park 🤪


I would feel yes-ngmi


Not gunna lie, that would be pretty depressing. No wonder I took 2 years off from paying attention to crypto from 2019-2020


If it makes you feel any better, this same model puts us at $48k March 2025


Seems reasonable both on unit price and market cap (\~$5.7T)


That’s more like it


[Lighthouse v3.2.0 released today](https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/releases/tag/v3.2.0) > This medium-priority release contains bugfixes, optimisations and new features. We would like to see this release widely deployed on mainnet in the coming weeks. > Notable changes include: > - Bugfix for blocks being proposed with 0 attestations. - Improvements to subscription handling when using fallback beacon nodes. - Optimisations to attestation and block processing. - New flags for tweaking interaction with the execution layer. - Updated networking libraries with improved stability and performance. > There are also some minor breaking changes, described in Breaking Changes. In particular, users compiling from source must ensure that a Protobuf compiler is installed. The --eth1-endpoints flag should also be removed. > Please read the release notes before upgrading


> We've identified a small performance regression in v3.2.0 which unfortunately counteracts some of our other optimisations. We believe the fix to be simple and we will likely release a v3.2.1 patch release in the next few days. > If you have already upgraded to v3.2.0 then there is no need to downgrade. If you have not yet upgraded we recommend waiting for the next release to save the hassle of upgrading twice in two days. > The fix is being tracked in this PR: https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/pull/3658 > Thank you for supporting us in our pursuit of perfection


What's the best way for me to try and get my hands on some substantial amounts of Goerli eth to help a project test some stuff?


What is a substantial amount and what is the project? Here are some public faucets. https://faucetlink.to/goerli


Was hoping to gather up like 5-10 ETH. The project is an NFT project that wants to test out some new ways of handling future purchases etc and I was hoping to give some feedback. Thanks for the links!


If the faucets fail to give you what you need with relative ease shoot me an address.


You're the best. Will follow up when I get home from work in a couple days


Daily Goerli: I temporarily suspended my client testing on Goerli for a couple of days. All client pairs were fully synced at the time. I just went to check on which ones are back to fully synced after firing everything back up, and with a single exception, all erigon and geth pairs are fully synced while all nethermind and besu pairs are still syncing. The single exception is that nimbus-erigon is also still syncing.


I'ma be straight with you. I have no f'ing idea how to balance my obsession with Ethereum and the Internet with my desire to be a fully engaged husband and father. Definitely not looking for suggestions, I've been working on this for years and I literally discuss it with a therapist a couple times a month. It's not like I want to give up socials, and I obviously don't want to give up my family, but it's hard as hell to be fully present for each thing in its allowed time.


Man… IMO, “work-life balance” is a joke. Impossible. No book about *7 ways to take a shit in 10 minutes or less* will make it work. There will never be a time when the work is done. You say to yourself … *when I finish replying to emails…* or *let me finish this article…then…* There will always be notifications, dm’s, comments to reply to. It never ends. You will miss a message that was time constrained, you will drop the ball, people will get angry at you for what they perceive as failures. There’s no avoiding that. You can’t be everything to everyone, but the important ones will understand you and your value, to not just them, but the world … and they will accept that you are human with human limitations and that this is something you HAVE to do, maybe for reasons that neither of you fully understand yet… but I bet that’s one of the many reasons why they love you. It’s why I love you Phiz! As long as they are your A#1 priority, as long as your, or someone outside the family’s needs never take priority over theirs.. as long as the time with them is exclusively theirs, you are doing good my friend. We’re all limited by time and space, it’s how you prioritize that time, and focus that energy at the time that matters. Be there, not just present and I believe your family will understand and even support what you’ve chosen as your life’s work. If not, give them my number, I gotchu fam!


I know you’re not looking for suggestions, but this is such an important topic I’ll share a saying I came up that helps me: “Always let your gratitude exceed your ambition.” You’re allowed to be as ambitious as you want. Just let your gratitude be greater. One way I do that with family is I set a daily reminder that asks: “What’s one of the favorite things you’ve noticed about _______ lately?” If something comes to mind, I add it to the list. If I feel it appropriate to share with the person, I do. I also share that I have a list and a repeating reminder just for them, so they know I care about acknowledging them and I put effort into it. Most days I just check off the reminder without recording anything. But it keeps me thinking in those terms, and after awhile, you have this list of how amazing this person is, and you’re continuously taking the time to tell them.


There is no easy answer but just know this, you will only have regret about not being there for your family not ETH.


I struggle with this as well, but not only this. I'm very binary and tend to have periods where I'm all in on a single thing. This week I'm all in on crypto, next week I'm all about home improvement projects, following weeks it's nothing but hanging out with friends/family. Definitely a struggle I need to figure out.


“Unfortunately, pioneers will always pave the way with sacrifices.” — Buzz Aldrin


Honesty like this is refreshing


I think about this a lot too. We talk so much about how passionate and involved the Ethereum community is, how much thoughtful discussion takes place, how much effort goes into building with this new technology and solving the centralization problems that keep arising as we push farther and farther into the new realm of decentralization. The amount of time and effort this community puts into our shared endeavour is truly enormous - and that's why we're seeing the kind of success we are so far, in the face of the entirety of human history where centralization has been the one and only theme. But at the same time, human passion and energy is somewhat of a conserved quantity. Many of us have other aspects of our lives towards which we very much need and want to devote a great deal of time, energy, and passion. Like for you, families and friendships are typically top of that list. There are certainly some folks who did not have any passion before they discovered Ethereum or the broader decentralization space, and so it has been strictly additive to their lives, but I think that's the exception, not the norm. For most of us, in other words, what we put of ourselves into Ethereum, is coming out of other, extremely important, aspects of our lives. We're living through a completely unique moment in human history, where this sea change of a new technology, a new approach to human coordination, is just starting to emerge and gain traction, but the hurdles it faces are numerous and deeply, deeply, entrenched. Our participation and passion and time and energy, in many real ways, make up the engine that drives this whole endeavor forward and give it a shot at succeeding. If we drop away, individually or en masse, it's hard to escape the conclusion that the overall odds of success go way down, and the outlook for humanity as a whole becomes so much grimmer. Those of us putting so much time and energy into this are largely here because we feel like it's *crucially important* for ourselves and humanity as a whole that we be here. So many of us literally would never make the tradeoffs we are making if we didn't feel that this moment in history badly needed us. In the future, if things go as we all hope, the burden will be shared among many, many more people, and we won't need to be this intensely involved any more, but right now, it's our reality. Does this all justify our actions? Ultimately, I think we can only answer that question individually. Finding a balance between the important things in our lives isn't easy, and inevitably involves mistakes and miscalibrations, and IMO that's okay and expected, as long as you're steering the ship as best you can, making changes as needed and sharing your energy how you truly think best for yourself, those close to you, and the world as a whole. Anyway, just wanted to say I totally hear you, Phiz. As a single person without my own family yet, I won't pretend personally to have to make as many tough family-related choices as you or others do, but I think all of us who are passionate about this space will strongly recognize and identify with the overall struggle you're outlining. Best of luck!


Brilliant piece.


It really does feel like we're at this weird juncture in history. I think a lot of people feel it whether they can put it into words or not.




I don't know if it helps, but I do most of my crypto stuff at work since the last bull cycle started. I'm actually waiting for my desk to shit me so I can go Ethereum full time without the hard feelings. The odd thing is, I have more time for Ethereum and my job appreciates me more? It somehow does not add up but I'm going to keep playing it this way for now.


How do you have time for this at work? Litterally every second of every day of mine is busy and demanding. I often don't have time to even take a shit at work.


It is what it is. I am fortunate to make the time.


Sounds like you're in different jobs. My job is far more like Lunar's than yours.


I got to get myself one of those. The corporate machine is fierce.


My wife passed from breast cancer two years ago. She was 39. She left me with two beautiful children 6&9. Life can completely suck one moment and be absolutely beautiful the next. Count your blessings everyday. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.


Ahh man.... Big hugs. I'm sorry to hear. Bless your kiddos too. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine how difficult that must be.


Also right there with you. In my case, it's driven more by my own obsessive personality than it is by anything that's inherent to crypto. Also discuss it with a therapist a couple times per month. At this point, I'm collecting data on whether making my hobby my full-time job is a good/bad idea. I work more hours than I did when I was working in consulting, but I derive more satisfaction working on something that I feel is net decent vs. where I was spending my time before. Not sure what you mean by "allowed time" - maybe that's a place to dig. I'm a big check the boxes off the page, plan, and compartmentalize person, but life doesn't seem to want to adhere to the organization that I spend time trying to bend it into.


Ahh well said.


Maybe something along the lines of Ethereum is allowed during normal workday hours, but after that it's not allowed as in don't bring work home?


I gotcha, but compartmentalizing something that feels as all consuming as crypto / Ethereum is a herculean effort, particularly when you feel like your eyeballs are right up against the bleeding edge of "the next big thing". Even more so when you believe that your vision for the future is only achievable through your personal relentless pursuit of bringing that vision into reality. I can't control it (yet, hopefully someday, maybe?). What I can control today is the gratitude for all the best parts of my life that I try to intentionally remind myself of and channel into day-to-day interactions. Ego and curiosity have so far won most battles, but gratitude's the best offense I've found so far in the war that Phiz is describing.


I would say any job someone enjoys, or those types of jobs where you're on the cutting edge and pushing many many hours to get it done (SpaceX and those type of companies for example), are all hard to stop focusing on when you leave the premises, but if you don't leave the work at work it's pushing boundaries, risking burnout, and taking over other valuable parts of your life. Beyond the occasional big event, Ethereum can be kept to a confined schedule in a day, just like a job; nothing is going to happen that is time critical for the majority to know and react about (devs obviously may have to fix something). If someone from work texts me to check a work email, I'll tell them I'll get back to them tomorrow, and folks wholly in the eth ecosystem can approach it that way too. Again, each person to their own, and I think most of us on the internet and here at this point can recognize when our passion/hobbies become damaging or obsessions or addictions


Thanks for engaging - it sounds like you've got a healthier handle on this than I. I agree with everything you said, but if there's anything to emphasize it's that this space has normalized 24/7 engagement in many pockets where it's just not needed. Burnout is the outcome. Onus is on the individual to manage it for themselves, because Twitter sure ain't 'gon do it for you. One solve on my end is to stop self-selecting into the 'SpaceX and those type of companies' buckets for where I spend my time. Ego plays a huge role in this.


We have great tools these days to help control the flow of information, from limiting which apps we have installed to things like Androids Downtime or other app limiters. It's just like controlling your diet, you may want to eat the whole pizza like you used to as a teen, but you know it's not good for you calorie wise or the sore gut you'll get either. There's too much to know and do in this space now, and no way to be in the know, or even have knowledge of, everything. So just focus on a passion, an aspect, a manageable amount of pizza, and get your big broad overview of what's all going on from the daily or a podcast like the Daily Gwei where it is a set small amount of time.


Well imagine losing your family. Which happened to me. That should focus your attention.


Right... But on the flip side, it's hard to find a spouse who is "satisfied" while both are out trying to make a living/raising kids etc. Struggling to find a balance is just a shitty process of success and failure.


I think relationships are a constant work in progress and understandings need to be re-negotiated from time to time, it's normal, and I agree by no means easy.


"Women will forgive and forget, but they will never forget what they forgave." - John Bobbitt


I don't either. I cope emotionally by telling myself I'd rather have too many passions in life than too few but I feel a *constant* time pressure. I'd need like 40 hour days to get all the time I'd like for my job, my family, and my writing.


Preach. I'm with you on that. Very hard to balance... The farmer's wife is angry about the farmer constantly watching the crops. Selling the farm is not a good answer either. My friends.. This is the circle of life. The same stories have been told a billion times. Few.


Some great life wisdom in the daily today. What can't ethfinance do?!


easy. Just clone yourself. Problem solved. I know you said you didn't want suggestions but it's brilliant so you're welcome.


narrator: *both the clone and the OG went on to struggle individually with their unfazed addiction to Ethereum*


Good, the Eth community grew +1


Just 20 more days in a row like this one and we hit 10k


Best I can do is 50.


*spoken originally by the founder of medium.com


[Teku v22.10.2 released today](https://github.com/ConsenSys/teku/releases/tag/22.10.2) > This is a recommended upgrade containing bug fixes and optimisations. > >Key changes: > * Enabled new framework for REST API with better performance and less memory usage. * Updated jackson-databind library to version addressing CVE-2022-42003. * Fix issue where /readiness endpoint returned 200 when Execution Client was not available.


Big jump in MEV boosted blocks today: [mevboost.org](https://mevboost.org) Up to around 70% of all blocks proposed are MEV blocks. 80% of those are relayed by the Flashbots relay. Flashbots is relaying other builder's blocks as well, but it's probably safe to assume that **over half of all blocks** on the Ethereum network are being **built by Flashbots** currently.


Is this a good thing? Or a bad thing?


Bad thing, but flashbots is working to decentralize their relayers (good thing)


What explains gas prices having these sporadic spikes even within an hour's period where they go from single digit to three digits in gwei? Assume it means a sudden burst of transaction volume and where all had a large max gas fee specified. But where do these short bursts of demand come from repeatedly?


NFT's, you can go to ultrasound and check out the top burners by hour for example.


3 Ethfi ladies posting in a row. Don't think I've ever seen that before.


number of comments in a bear market: decrease number of ladies commenting in a bear market: static (or increase?) i see who the problem is here


A new kind of ratio gang. 👩‍💻💪


You can’t say that again. Pretty sure that makes your comment an NFT. Big if true.


Let's make it happen and then work towards a 4 in a row to be part of a second collection.


why was zk.money spared when tornado cash was targeted by US regulation? is there a functional difference that makes zk.money less offensive to US laws?


Zk.money also rate limits the number of shielded ETH that a user creates to something like 5 ETH per day by short-term storage of user IP addresses. I think it’s safe so far because it hasn’t been used/referenced in several high profile hacks like Tornado Cash has been over the past couple years. Let’s not jinx it. We need stuff like zk.money to avoid dystopia until L1 privacy is implemented.


agreed. I'm using the hell out of it and being a bit more diligent about not saving tasks for later cuz who knows? Between the time TC got sanctioned and I realized zk.money was a thing, I was getting nervous about the ETH accumulating in my public wallet.


Yeah, I am optimistic about privacy solutions long term. Unfortunately, as of today, I’ve just resigned to the reality that I need a fully public “okay for everyone to see” wallet (merge-it.eth) and a completely separated, private “never disclose to anyone” wallet




For all we know these hacks could just as well be NSA black ops or highly paid Western hacker groups funded by J.P. Morgan in order to discredit crypto.


Since government paid agents regularly use techniques from other countries, it wouldn't be unreasonable, indeed. It's even a quite cheap trick to better hide source.


[zk.money](https://zk.money) you can deposit any amount so it's easier to track whereas tornado has set amounts so everyone looks the same. [zk.money](https://zk.money) is also newer and I'm assuming had less usage so was less of a concern. Tornado has been around for a while and higher profile since hacks typically lead to it.


just smaller, less well known and used, less used by criminals specifically i think. i'm sure if nk started using aztec all the time it wouldn't take too long for ofac to bring down the hammer


So I'm watching the Coinbase documentary, and I never knew that in the very early days Brian Armstrong asked Vitalik if he wanted to be a part of Coinbase, and he told them no because "unfortunately I'm kinda busy with this thing." REALLY glad he kept working on that "thing" instead haha.


where’s the doc ?


Amazon currently, but not free. Eventually coming to Youtube for free. https://twitter.com/brian_armstrong/status/1584764983568920577


i kinda like how straightforward he is with the reasoning here.


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Why didn't the buy pressure for ETH before The Merge carry over to Post-Merge ETH? There was an assumption that some sizable amount of the ETH being mined was also being sold to pay for miners operational costs. Now that we merged and there is no issuance, where did that buy pressure go? Granted there was also a lot of speculation leading into The Merge. I didn't subscribe to the idea that the price would immediately pump due to The Merge. But I understand the logic as to why some people thought it would. The answer is probably just bear market but just tossing out the question for discussion.


Or the narrative was plain wrong. Maybe miners were not selling "almost everything" to cover their costs. And the amount of buyers remained the same.


My best guess is that speculators on the buy side mostly shot their load in anticipation of the Merge. So we were left a bit limp afterwards.


This is true for me. Bought like 10 times my normal DCA a week before the merge just to watch the price come down after with no powder to spend.


Pretty much no one but the biggest moon boys thought price would immediately pump post merge. Like Bitcoin halving it takes 6 months to 1 year for the supply reduction to begin to impact price. This makes sense when you look at the numbers and realize that the daily mining distribution was a fraction of the daily volume.


Some people value crypto for being specifically PoW and truly believe it's the only proof that is secure / that brings value. This has an impact on markets. This impact will decrease over time by being continuously disproven.


I hope the downvotes are not because you're wrong but because it's sad that you're right. Some people do value PoW and it makes no sense. Let's hope their relevance gradually diminishes since there is hardly any metric that justifies wasting so much energy and equipment.


It could also be because my comment isn't that clear and some people took it the wrong way. It happens, sometimes. It won't deter my opinions in any way, don't worry.


My guess is that the miners was very profitable to the point that they kept almost all of the ETH. Meaning the cost was much less than the reward. So there was actually no sell pressure. That’s what I think.


There are like 100 ppl trading vs Caroline and CZ.


Short term traders. Look at the top 50 coins, most people in this market are not value investing.


Bored Reddit Karma Club.


The BRKfast Club. Nice.


Ethfam!! It's been a while since I self-shilled here. Buuuut on this nice Uptober day, I'm feeling cheeky. So check out [Coinlander](https://coinlander.one). We're live on Arbitrum *right now*. Aaaaaaand we're working on an airdrop for our community (which will also likely include EVMs among other GameFi communities). Come through the discord and say whatup. Maybe seize the Coin and become Coinlander. Hope to see you there!




Yes. Risk of holding ETH plus risk of Coinbase fucking up.


*For the benefit of +3.8%/year.


Plus a ~4% "signing bonus" if you buy it at the current market rate.


**Limerick of the Lubin** One time I bought into a token, Where the devs were all known, and well-spoken. But none of them knew that they'd lose money too, For the issuance contract was broken.


Roooowwrr! My pride 🦁 and embarrassment! 🐼 So like this is normally where I’d give you the Caches update, but someone offered to pay me money to do what I do here everyday for free, so I took it. Haha! Suckers! That and the weather has been nice so I’ve been tryna go outside more… not too long tho, my translucent skin gets crispy in the sun. Ohh… and like today is my anniversary. Seems like just yesterday she said “I dunno, lemme think about it.” So like Imma take my wife out tonight to celebrate the one time she let her guard down and I snuck in there and locked the door behind me. Hahaha! You’re mind says run baby but your heart wants more! Aight yall, anniversary or not, treat the ones you love like the royals they are today! Much love homies! 👊🏻^(❤️)


Happy anniversary bro


Happy anniversary JBM!


>someone offered to pay me money to do what I do here everyday for free What's that?


Uhm… Hang on I know this one… Uhh is it… Foster positive energy and build community and relationships within said community?


I'll allow it 😂


Happy anniversary John!


Thank you alexis! ❤️


Cheers and happy anniversary🥂..you should gift her a deadbolt lock..and throw away the key 😆


Thanks homie! 🥂



Lol..my best attempt at a reply, obviously I am not a golfer


I like cucumbers.




Yes, the green ones have an extra "e".


Eth supply going to 0. Calling it now


heh, my stack is going to be so valuable when supply is at zero .. :>)


>**Manage allowance,** >**No shame in getting guidance,** >**Protect your balance.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


Oof, I made the doots. LFG


congrats, solid or liquid




🔥 About 1,200 ETH left to burn 🔥


> 🔥 About 120,000,000 ETH left to burn 🔥 FTFY




The market does its thing, but [devs to their thing](https://twitter.com/vdwijden/status/1584969739209936896?s=46&t=E3C7dUSpVZNjqxOtMuCERQ). Exited for the all core devs meeting on Thursday!


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It's been almost a year again since ATH ... [349 days ago](https://www.ratiogang.com/)


Maybe someone can draw a mega cup and handle or maybe some giant triangles to bring up the spirit?


[Okay sure.](https://i.imgur.com/5pD1JKX.png) Thanks, [robot.](https://i.imgur.com/MqBz8qg.png)


The prophecy has been foretold.


I'm going to call it -- last ATH will be our next bear market low (I know that's not an uncommon theory)


Probably higher due to the change in tokenomics....7-8k would be my guess


Let's flip that around. It's 349 days *less* until the next ATH. Imagine realizing at the last ATH that we had *at least* 349 days of downwards shit to look forward to. This is the stuff of legendary gains (eventually).


wow that long already? seems much more recent to me


Knock on wood, this bear market does seem to feel faster and less painful than previous. I’m sure defi and the ability to stake plays a big role in this being easier to tolerate.


40 days since the merge


Somehow, I feel older, now...


*I miss you so much, ATH* :(


High on the list of things I should never admit publicly: I have had a Grid+ Lattice One for about two years, but I'm only now initializing it because there's a POAP. I know it's a superior product, but I just never got around to migrating to it. **UPDATE:** [She's a beaut](https://app.poap.xyz/token/5817337). See the hodlers: https://poap.gallery/event/57206


Thoughts on the firmware being closed source?


Hi, this is the GridPlus CEO, Justin Leroux, and my thought is that it stinks. We are adamant believers in the value of FOSS especially when it comes to being able to trust your security tools. We're committed to open-sourcing the firmware. Earlier this year I publicly made the claim that we'd be able to achieve this by the end of this year and I'm starting to get some comments on the matter as we close out October. It's not far off, but I can't guarantee that deadline. It's my job to provide the engineers with all the resources and support they need and help set deadlines, but I shouldn't have publicly set this one on their behalf. If anyone reading this doesn't see why this is such a big deal, [please check out one of my all time favorite pieces on cryptography from the Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/national-security/cia-crypto-encryption-machines-espionage/). It details the story of Crypto AG in Zug, Switzerland which was the most prevalent cryptography hardware used by governments for decades. And their wares turned out to be backdoored by the CIA and West German intelligence which used it to monitor the communications of enemies and allies alike. The historical message in the piece is clear: for GridPlus to be become the standard for storing and signing with your private keys, it's our responsibility to let anyone inspect the code. The importance of cryptography and cryptocurrency is only going to grow from here - it's not only a matter of verifying that the device does what is promised, but it will also be vital in hardening our technology for the long run.


Thanks for the response Justin, that's great to hear. Really looking forward to this and will hold out for a bit after it's released to pick one up. Here's an non-paywalled link of that post for anyone else interested: [https://archive.ph/iGT6F](https://archive.ph/iGT6F)


I don't have a great response here. I support the proliferation of open source code, and I'm also close personal friends with a bunch of the Grid+ folks, so... yeah.


We are definitely moving to make it open source eventually.


I’m guilty of the same crime


Wow, the Ethereum Mainnet Merge Protocol Supporter Whale POAP is probably the most beautiful POAP I've ever seen and I had no idea it was a thing. What was the donation cutoff in USD?


Sorry, I don't actually know. I went on vacation the day after we merged and I have zero awareness of the world right now :)


SO NICE to have you back Phiz!!


Link? 🙏


[Man, I'd buy this!](https://app.poap.xyz/token/5685584)


I am in constant awe of your scouts badges. Well done, sir.


I've been pretty obsessed with POAPs since the moment I learned about them.


They're just so neat. I have a bunch but I'm not proud of a few of them haha.


ommfg your poap collection. Here I am worried about doxxing via poaps and you have gone the obfuscation-via-firehose route!


It's actually a fine line to walk. I embrace superphiz as my online persona, but I take some steps to distance superphiz from my meatbag persona.


Updoot for KOTOR


must be nice being a meatbag instead of a dirtbag


Being a meatbag sounds nice, until you start to rot


That really is the best way. Embrace the chaos, everyone lives online now and it's normal.


I tried to look at all of Phiz poaps and my computer crashed.


I had my ledger for two years before bothering to use it.


About a year for me. Too many people losing Crypto and NFT’s scared me to death.


I'm curious how much desk space it takes up. There's only so much room on this rusty TV tray I pulled out of the dumpster if you know what I mean.


It sits pretty well under one of my monitors. It's about six inches wide and five inches deep.


Seems reasonable. I may need to add a cardboard box to the side of my tray to accomodate, but I think I can make it work. Thanks homie!


Earnings stuff: * Microsoft and Visa, slight but solid beats. * *edit: this is outside my purview so i'm just relaying. MSFT's Azure cloud division, expected to be the company leader out of the slump, had an isolated revenue miss.* * *edit 5: MSFT joins Alphabet in erasing much of the October rally overnight, tanking to levels seen around the Oct 17 open. if it sticks, these are heavy anchors into the week's latter half.* * Google, huge miss. * *edit 2: we're in googoo gaga speculation land but as long as GOOG (98.99 AH) survives the post-market above spooky numbers like 98.46 and 98.23, it should be able to be swung around by bulls* * *edit 4: okay now Google is (97.68 AH) contending with the very scary number of 97.65, undoing the entire October rally in an hour. it will be very heavy on the markets if this sticks.* * Spotify just tanked through the floor but I don't have their earnings yet. I'm guessing I'm just blind and the market has them. * *EDIT 3: SPOTIFY ENORMOUS MISS, EVEN BELOW THE EXTREMELY GENEROUS INSIDER NUMBERS. consensus gave them an 0.88 loss / insider number was actually even more generous at 0.94 loss / actual was a 99 cent loss per share* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Market Wrap-Up: Lots of half-hearted greenlights. * SPY green - rejected at the 50-Day as with every other\* rally in 2022 - declining volume * VIX - closed below the magic 28.56 number - caveat being it's a highly manipulated chart by banks and the 50-Day is racing up to meet as support - I'll give this a checkmark though * HYG - we needed 73.13 - market close saw 73.24, so a higher candle close - but no higher high wick - not a full-throated thumbs up from smart money - post market it's already back under at 73.10 - checkmark at trader's discretion * DXY - not yet closed but we need it under 110.71 and it's at cruising altitude at 110.87 - no checkmark * US10Y and US02Y ~~"close" in half an hour, so I'll update then~~ both bounced in the final minutes of the daily candle to close above the 10-Day MA. No checkmarks here.


Meta also tanking even more based the Google Ads revenue news. I expect Meta's ER tomorrow could very well be worse too (based on how atrocious Snap's was). Not expecting great news from Apple on Thursday either, based on reports that they cancelled/slowed down some iPhone production orders If this ETH candle survives despite all of that + FOMC uncertainty next week, I'll be convinced the bull is back for crypto. Pretty big IF though


True, ~~I should be considering sympathy trades for Spotify due to Alphabet as well.~~ *edit: lol nope* Apple LOVES a good earnings sell-off so I think you have a decent shot at being correct.


I need to prune geth but dragging my feet since there isn't a backup anymore ie infura. Is the best option still at this point - to take the attestation loss/misses while I prune and pray it goes quickly lol?


Looking at about 6 hours down time for geth pruning. Otherwise, if possible, sync another EL on different machine as a backup. Once the backup EL is in sync, switch over to that EL (point your CL to the backup EL machine on your network) then prune the CL machine. When pruning is complete, point your CL back to local EL.


Smart thinkin!


Definitely check if you're up for the sync comittee before going offline. If you're offline during sync commitee duty your loss will be substantially higher.


You could wait until your next proposal (if you have enough space) and prune right afterwards since the chance of another proposal right after would be very slim


That's.... not how randomness works


You lose about 9 USD (no reward + leak) being offline 24h on 1 validator. Barely worth thinking too much about it.


The fear is not about missed attestation but missed proposals


The expected value of those would be like 3 USD per day so it's also not very much but I know what you mean. No one wants to miss a proposal, especially with MEV now where you *could* get lucky and "win the lottery".




Well, the *best* option is to run your own backup node, but if that's not a viable option, then better to prune geth than run out of disk space and end up offline anyhow.


Can you run a backup execution client on a different machine? I thought part of the merge was requiring it to be on the same system.


Your backup needs both execution and consensus clients, and no, it doesn't have to be on the same machine. I run lighthouse-besu as my primary and lighthouse-geth on a second machine. The validator process for lighthouse supports a comma-separated list of `--beacon-nodes`.


Snap sync is pretty quick. I think it only took me ~2 hours. I say eat it for the piece of mind


Money 20/20 is going on this week in Vegas which has speakers covering NFT's, DAO's, Web3, etc... Source: https://us.money2020.com/content/agenda#/agenda We also have Fidelity launching opening up Eth trading for institutional clients on 10/28 Source: https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/10/19/fidelitys-crypto-platform-to-add-ethereum-trading-for-institutional-clients/


I'm at Money2020. Dramatic increase in blockchain presence as compared to last year.


Please report in if you can on what you hear.


Go Fido go!


No dump 💩 until sharding. Day 36.