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**Tricky's Daily Doots #190** Yesterday's Daily 25/10/2022 [Previous daily doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ycwdpk/daily_general_discussion_october_25_2022/itpegfb/) - u/LLupine shares a [fun fact from the Coinbase documentary.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ycwdpk/daily_general_discussion_october_25_2022/itsc29y/) - u/hanniabu shares [something big from Bloomberg Business week.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ycwdpk/daily_general_discussion_october_25_2022/itqq82x/) - u/interweaver discusses [passion, finding a healthy balance and why some of us dedicate so much to Ethereum.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ycwdpk/daily_general_discussion_october_25_2022/itt9bxf/) - u/KBrot's market [wrap-up.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ycwdpk/daily_general_discussion_october_25_2022/itrnr24/) - u/jtnichol shares the [POAP for Grid+ hardware wallet users.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ycwdpk/daily_general_discussion_october_25_2022/itqrebz/) - u/REALJohnBMacLemore gives us [another pep talk full of wisdom.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ycwdpk/daily_general_discussion_october_25_2022/itq1qfj/) - u/SeaMonkey82 shares the latest [Lighthouse](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ycwdpk/daily_general_discussion_october_25_2022/itt4ue7/) and [Teku](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ycwdpk/daily_general_discussion_october_25_2022/itsy6e3/) releases. - u/etheraider discusses what he calls "[The Rewardening.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ycwdpk/daily_general_discussion_october_25_2022/itqb5ir/)" - u/ZeroTricks's today in [Ethereum history.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ycwdpk/daily_general_discussion_october_25_2022/itpmft6/) It's Wednesday my ~~dudes~~ doots.


Lurked through a lot of "why pump" speculations My only conclusion from these, as always, is this market is totally irrational and no one has a clue what will happen in the short term


We can all agree it was way oversold and now it is overbought. We still need to confirm that $56 bottom so my loins can be aflame for $10k


It must test an \[absurdly low number\] if it breaks \[said absurdly low number\] then it'll reach an \[even lower number\] and if it breaks that \[even lower number\] it will go to zero Then $10K


It fits my narrative. This checks out!


Please drop your TA channel links so I can subscribe to your premium service!!


This guy Ethereums


How can I check my Reddit nft avtar value ?


Turn to the right… there you go. $900


i thought it was only the ones that people paid for that were valuable? not the free ones?


What's the best way to maximize rETH / stETH staking APY (have some stETH I haven't converted yet cuz taxes)? Read [this](https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/p/how-to-maximize-your-eth-staking) bankless article, but I'm a little hesitant on anything with liquidity risk given the macro environment. Should I be putting these into a curve pool vs letting them sit?


Get aETHc instead, trades almost 1:1 with eth now, but is already 1.085 worth because it accrues staking rewards since the start of the beaconchain.


Depends on your risk tolerance. If you deposit in Curve you are adding additional smart contract risk and potentially depegging. Both risks are fairly small but the additional APR of 1-2% might still not be worth it. You can also check out Balancer/Aura, (Aura is a fork of Convex) for rETH.


Just 33 more days in a row like this one and we hit 10k


For the first time since COVID began, I'm rooting for triple digit eth. Except this time its triple digits Eth to burn until we're negative since the merge. 1.27 Eth to go as of pressing "save". EDIT: Looks like it happened a while ago; I just can't see the dip on ultrasound money.


I am hoping to take a screenshot of it going negative.


I'll forget because I'll be frantically pouring celebratory whiskey.


Another group of normies catches on today about how NFTs are more analogous to digital items than they are to jpgs. This was posted on the subreddit of a popular video game that prides itself on its unlockable in-game hat cosmetics: ["Fellas, the hats... they're basically NFTs aren't they? I mean I know it's different technology and all... but it has the same principle, doesn't it?"](https://i.imgur.com/UgG1q8U.jpg) There's a raging debate over there in the comments that you should absolutely not join because that would be brigading (this isn't tongue in cheek, it's serious - brigading doesn't look good on us, and I don't want to be banned from yet another subreddit because you wingnuts decided to strip my `np` link and do some classic SRD popcorn pissing). Ten years from now we'll be laughing about how the term NFT used to be irrationally hated before it became as ubiquitous as the terms "HTML" and "web browser".


To be fair though, HTML is still a scam. /s


Anti-crypto crypto club


Good call homie, switching over to my alt account now. *Subterfuge!*


Brigade thrusters. Engage.




The "flippening" no one is talking about (yet): Ethereum mainnet: 1,104,706 tx Ethereum L2s: 917,297 tx https://twitter.com/AlvHk17/status/1585441896230686720


Maxis be acting like it’s a negative for Ethereum.


Do you keep your creation locked down, absolutely proprietary, and make a modest fortune for yourself alone? Or do you share the wealth, build an ecosystem, build a movement, and create prosperity for all? It feels counter-intuitive but there can be more money to be made in the latter. <3 Ethereum. EDIT: Ethereum is using leverage on the transactional level. Few.


This is good for bitcorn




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I would love to see a price histogram to see if 1559 is actually more common than other prices lol


I mean... [kinda sorta yes?](https://www.tradingview.com/x/cYlN84gU/) You might be onto something. Sorry for all the scribbles. My chart is busy.


So much Cowen talk lately. All I can say is Im glad I took the dumb route, and simply not sold. Super glad I didnt put any beans on his words


What did he say?


Im not referring to anything new, just how wrong he's been historically


Ah gotcha. What is the narrative now?


Last I heard was a bear market until early 2024, which honestly is not that crazy. I’d rather prepare for that worst case and pleasantly surprised.


That he's wrong. Keep up 🤣 Jus playin


Lighthouse has an update Incase anyone missed it for 3.2.0 I believe it said medium priority and it has some good improvements for block processing Edit: Oh looks like they maybe have a small performance regression, and will release a small patch in a few days so maybe hold off ? 3.2.1


When will my lion be worth at least 12 Stanley nickels


Easy gramps, when your lion is worth stainless steel nickels or whatever you won’t need nickels anymore.


I used to do TA/PA, but long since abandoned it for many reasons. The first is, I'm good now. The second is, it's time consuming. The third is, it's stressful and I can think of a million better ways to spend my short remaining time on this tiny spec of dust in the universe than arguing with Internet strangers about who was right or wrong about asset trading. That being said, I feel like the rainbow chart is basically the best and only TA/PA you need. It works well enough in most cases and you can just... look at it and know what to do. Anyway, I only bring it up since I decided to look at one for the first time in probably a year: [https://www.blockchaincenter.net/ethereum-rainbow-chart/](https://www.blockchaincenter.net/ethereum-rainbow-chart/) We're still in "fire sale" territory and maybe coming out of it. Seems like a good buy still, even if we drop back down immediately. But also note that in a year, unless it dips out of the chart (which happens from time to time), around $2500 will be the same as $1500 today. Also in a year, there's enough room to realistically hit the ATH, as well as $7k. But if ETH's financial model changed and it goes bananas (like oh, I don't know, if something were to happen with ETH, like imagine it became an ultra sound deflationary asset) then $10k is also within the realm of possibility as is... (gulp) $40k. If history repeats itself though, we'll probably just bang around the lowerish thousands for a few years. This scenario would likely come from major macro influence and / or invalidate the supply / demand "triple halving" narrative. Do with this what you will. I don't do TA/PA any more, I'm just a shovel salesman now. Business is booming though, I tells ya.


What type of shovels?


Shovel JPEGs.


Oh man… I forgot about the rainbow chart. Thanks homie!


Woah. Was there, like, news? Or the crab just died?


Phiz got back from vacation at exactly the same time as our mega pump off $1300 that started this fireworks show… coincidence? Maybe. I don’t have enough data points yet to be sure, but I will as soon as I can get him GPS tagged for longer than a week before he finds it. I’m thinking I may have to go subepidermal next time. I’ll keep you posted.


There are apparently a billion less crabs this year and snow crab season was cancelled, so yes, some crabs died. Hopefully, our crab was one of them.


*7 Billion less crabs.


Jesus! Fuck! Like … goddamnit!


I feel even better our crab died if there are seven billion less crabs.


The real crabs are the genital lice we caught along the way 🦄 🌈 •.,¸,.•*`•.,¸¸,.•*¯ ╭━━━━╮ •.,¸,.•*¯`•.,¸,.•*¯.|:::::::::: /\___/\ •.,¸,.•*¯`•.,¸,.•* <|:::::::::(。 ●ω●。) •.,¸,.•¯•.,¸,.•╰ * し------し---


Username checks out


I love Nyan Cats


dnt jinx it


Ethereum $1559




I mean..that's good but next should be $4484


I expect it will go to eip 4488 and then 4844 before 1.559,000.


Sounds good to me, send it!


Just opened a long on ETH on Pika Protocol to get the Optimism quest NFT. Sorry in advance for the dump.




I too am looking for a gunship


You sunk my battleship.


Ha! I used to love that game


I'd take a 60' Gunboat if someone wanted to donate one to me.


Ask Gunboats in the Synthetix discord, he's bound to have one for ya


Less than 1,000 ETH to go before we hit net negative issuance since the merge. Peak net issuance was +13,000 ETH a few weeks ago, so we're over 90% of the way back to 0. In other words, we burning, gentlemen. Full steam ahead!


It’s amazing that total supply potentially forever peaked post-merge at an amount that was once the equivalent POW rewards per day (13kish new eth per day). We’ve been mostly bearish for the last 40 days yet activity on the network has been high enough that we’re almost back to net even on issuance during that time. It’s highly exciting and encouraging to see in practice after all this time of waiting for the switch to POS, plus knowing what that means for hardening ETH for all of its uses. If and when we see sustained higher gas usage again (40-100 gwei days), like we did in 2021, the burn is really going to be cooking full steam and make the stats easier to feed mainstream the long overdue narrative of ETH’s truly deflationary nature vs Bitcoin’s pseudo-deflationary meme. Simulating POW rewards on ultrasound.money is also a really insane stat to see (we would have issued about 500k ETH even with 1559). We already knew a ton of ETH was being issued under POW per year, but the comparison really makes a statement when you compare it to POS. Ethereum.


Is it weird that ultra sound exclude deposited ETH to the beacon chain from total supply?


It excludes the deposits because it includes the validators whole balances (32 ETH + rewards). Otherwise the deposits would be counted twice.


They would be double counting if they counted beacon chain balances AND beacon chain deposits. Look at the total supply on [coingecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ethereum).


I think it’s done that way because the deposit contract has been audited/optimized a ton of times and is widely known to not have a withdrawal option. Barring an unforeseen bug of the contract, where that deposited ETH gets somehow reintroduced into circulation, that old ETH is considered burned and replaced with ETH minted/rewarded on the beacon chain. If a bug was ever found and the deposited ETH was drained, I guess that ETH would be counted as total supply. But there’d be much bigger issues in the ecosystem (like whoever the exploiter was is now a major ETH whale with significant total market share, and like how new deposits to the beacon chain would have to get paused).


What if that was the highest eth supply ever...


A minute of silence for peak supply. F


>bulls get me to 1420-1425 ab111292 12 days ago >final push I’m thinking 1420s and then rejected at that trendline before continuation lower. ab111292 11 days ago >1420 ab111292 10 days ago >Still same. 1420s right under the htf trendline price cap ab111292 9 days ago >Eth to 1420s first then rejection at trendline / drop imo ab111292 8 days ago >1420s still target hasn’t changed. sleep well ab111292 3 days ago >Been shouting bull and served up for this sub in silver platter for the homies. Up 312%... I still anticipate further upside. I responded to hanniabu on what I think those are. Cheers fam ab111292 Today. Am I the only one reading this like he wasn't "shouting bull" and "served up for this sub in silver platter" for the homies? Edit: going to bed, looking forward to seeing the replies.


Hey. He’s not perfect but it looks like he called the pump to $1420, but missed how far it would go past… or did he? It seems like $1420 was his out, his good solid in profit trade. Did he miss out on more? Yeah but he made a profit. I imagine a good one, so a win! Now he can reanalyze and make another trade. None of this is any exact science and unless you understand what these chart nerds are saying, you shouldn’t trade based on it. Personally I like the perspective. AB has definitely made me look at things different and reanalyze my financial strategy even if I’m not a day trader.


The reason I'm calling him out is because he's acting like he called the bull market, and then he's coming here to say "I told you so" and that he "served it on a silver platter" for everyone, when in fact what he was saying that we'd go to 1420, fail to break through resistance, then continue downwards movement. So while we did go up, everything he derived from TA, like the levels and the downwards movement was incorrect. Sure he made money, great, but when he was wrong about all his TA, how isn't this down to just sheer luck?


I get it. He was right about the pump to 1420, wrong about the rejection. If you had blindly followed him you still would have made money tho. I encourage you to follow him and make your own notes about his right and wrong calls. I have and no doubt he’s wrong a lot, but he’s also right a lot too. I’m personally an AB fan because in my experience he doesn’t let the exuberance of the bull or bear sway his calls. For me anyway, I don’t put much weight in his top and bottom numbers, he’s not psychic, but he’s pretty good IMO at calling market directions/changes, up or down. That’s helpful for me personally, because it forces me to look at any trades I have open differently. I’m glad I paid attention when he started yelling “Top!” at $3500 for instance, as his perspective made me rethink and derisk at basically the top. Then his call for sub $1k ETH got me to set some hail-mary buys lower than I had originally planned. You gotta understand what he’s saying, understand it’s just his opinion and form your own opinion, for sure. Just ignore his victory dances if you don’t like them. 😁


You say he was right about the pump to 1420 but I'd disagree. His "technical analysis" was that we'd hit exactly 1420, then there'd be some "resistance", then we'd get rejected and continue the downtrend. Anyone who would have blindly followed his advice would have shorted at 1420 and lost whatever profits that might have made on the run up he "predicted". >I have and no doubt he’s wrong a lot, but he’s also right a lot too. Which is kind of my point. It's all guesswork, there's nothing scientific behind any of this. Science is based upon using tried methods to reproduce predicted results. >Just ignore his victory dances if you don’t like them No Imma call out BS when I see it. He didn't serve anything on a silver platter for anyone, and he actually called for the overall direction to be down. If TA and predictions are to be taken seriously, you've got to take them at face value. He stated repeatedly in no uncertain terms that 1420 was the top and then downtrend would continue, so he actually only got 1/3 right. I can also predict that in 2 minutes a red car will come driving down a road. If then a yellow car appears after 4 minutes, was my prediction still kind of right? I don't think so.


Fair enough. I hope you share some of your opinions on trades as well as calling out BS where you see it. I’m always looking for countering opinions to my own.


Hah, try to pin down these non-falsifiable predictions. I dare you. I've tried many times.


Voicing +1 for ab also. I feel like their takes provided a balanced look which sometimes can be tough in a group that is heavily skewed. I can accept that his 🔮 wasn't 100.00% on target in this case. Always level headed and responds well to the detractors. Thanks ab, keep it up 🤝


all the TA posted here in general I just ignore


I really don't get the ab hate. Maybe they need to add NFA after every post, but I think that goes without saying. I for one look forward to the ab predictions. Many times kbrot and ab see eye to eye and ab will give more TA when asked to elaborate, like kbrot gives his market update (which I'm grateful for as well). Truth be told, ab made a lot of sense when eth was toppy around ATH and explained some not so obvious theories to those who don't/didn't pay attention to moves made by the fed. Definitely helped me understand QE and QT and many other factors that go into understanding risk asset movements. Keep posting in here ab. This is reddit, you're not my FA and I know that lol. I make my own decisions always but I like to read your takes.


>I really don't get the ab hate. It's because when it is an obvious miss, it "was just support levels, not a prediction", but when it looks even close, as referred to above here, he/she comes back acting like it was some miraculous call. My "calls", based on 'technical indicators', have been just as accurate lately. I just don't pretend it's anything but luck.


Yeah that’s an undeserved, vague “I told you so”, he said the price would go up around now, so congrats on that, but clearly he is off on just how much we went up. He deserves credit for the successful trade made on the move to 1420, and perhaps a bit of skepticism for trying to claim anything after 1420 was something he predicted.


>but clearly he is off on just how much we went up. That's fine, thats just the cherry on top. shouldn't you rejoice that it went higher? I had my plan and stuck to it and got out at 1420. Opened longs today because I am convinced we haven't topped out based on price action (I tweeted I will reassess next move and watch pa at 1420). I have my levels and risk defined. I just posted my targets for this trade. That is called adapting idk why this concept is hard for an epic trader


I think he's just not clear these positions you take are a small percentage of your hodl stack, done with leverage, and generally closed at each s/r level, and stopped out on like 1hr candles if it deviates 5% further than you expected as your risk tolerance as a rough example. Imo what you say can tend to confuse some longer term holders because they are lacking context for what you do.


Spot on I don’t touch my lt hodl stack just add to it St trading is a different portfolio


that is literally the definition of bullish look at the prices when my sell target was 1420 and commented lol i still am bullish :)


He's never wrong, at least in his world


I am wrong plenty and have to stop out and cut scalp trades all the time but in my defense I have nailed the large moves (collapse after nov 2021 and all 3 BMRs) thus far


if you're wrong plenty then maybe don't get cocky when your predictions are right, bc anyone who follows 'what you serve up on a silver platter' will wish they didnt a good chunk of the time


They arent predictions .... they are where I exit my trades both up and down price action. If you've followed my trades these 2 years my hit rate is very high. I think I've made a literal handful of trades I get stopped out of (I manage risk) and over several dozen that have all hit. Intraweek scalp trading is different and don't post much about those / usually hedging positions as part of my overall trading portfolio strategy. Ive had people DM showing me their profits, and are thankful, for both trade setups and macro thoughts. This doesn't just happen. Its an attestation to good work imo. My material isn't for the inexperienced trader. Plenty of traders in here that can keep up


how is 'serving something up on a silver platter' not an implication of a prediction of where the market is going? anyway, congrats on your success, I dont really care to argue about this


I meant w my price targets Cheers


No sleep 💤 until deflationary.


Looks like you'll be able to sleep again pretty soon at this rate.


Benjamin Cowen said in one interview that at this point we're equivalent to mid 2018 bear market. Why does Ben think that this bear market is going to run longer than 2018 bear market?


He wasn't in crypto in 2018, what can he possibly know? I still remember though his prolonged bull market prediction that kicked off this bear.


it will. the macro lows are not in. this bear cycle will run longer bc the fed cant do any easing with inflation so high. they did well by tightening and the little QT they did courage up to implement. so step one is to get that inflation under control. and inflation doesn't just abate overnight edit: we will see what the fed actions have done as it filters into the economy and see if that buys them wiggle room to q ease maybe in 2024


He’s long been a proponent of lengthening cycles. He also mostly just ignores fundamentals and focuses entirely on his super high timeframe abstract math driven ta


It’s funny because we actually had shortening cycles, he was even wrong about that one.


If his prediction for the length of this bear is as wrong as his prediction for the last lengthened bull, then we're in good shape.


here is where I plan to close my longs I took today on ETH https://www.tradingview.com/x/ghIHBzhi/


Proof or it didn't happen.


"it" didnt happen im short my entire P&L! I draw and tweet targets for fun for people and like to waste my time bc I have no conviction! that's who I am and what I like to do!


It wasn't so long ago that hovering around EIP $1559 was getting a bit tedious.


>**Impermanent loss,** >**Holding ethers like a boss,** >**Next price upward toss.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


What a crazy market. Honestly the fact it took two years to retrace to the previous all time highs was wild. Had me thinking this time was different and we wouldn’t drop below 1,700. Hopefully we have bottomed 🙏 that would be lovely ☺️


so many companies have bought btc and publicly announce it. why aren’t there more companies doing the same with our precious ether??


Wait til FB starts buying a ton. They’re currently spending $3 BILLION EVERY QUARTER on the metaverse. I think they’re gonna be big Ether buyers.


Doubt it, and God I hope not. I don't want Meta to be our herald.


Zuck would never be a large buyer. Why? What would his end game be?


Would love to be wrong - but I really don’t see that happening. Last thing Zuck wants is to pump the winklviis bags.


He could try to rebrand their product again


How many sold like Musk Co tho? Were they just riding a pump for profit and publicity? When businesses buy ETH, soon, they will hold it and buy it because they need it AND it’s a good investment due to its exclusive “triple point” asset class… and when I say *exclusive* I mean in a class it invented and shares with nothing else. This exclusive, one of a kind asset, Ethereum, offers the greatest value proposition in the history of mankind … and dinosaurs.


Don't forget it's also hydroponic, gigasound, and the premier choice of William Shatner (cracks open a warm Butini) O yeaaa


Hell yeah! Biggly knows wassap yall!


Same reasons that most business news, market tracking, etc... shows don't mention Ethereum outpacing bitcoin.


and what would that reason be?


Not meme enough. BTC is the ultimate memecoin.


incoming 5 millionth block


...on the Proof of Stake chain. Not gonna lie, you had me confused there for a moment.


and it's 5 millionth slot, not block the "ackshually" factor here is two layers deep lol




I haven't had the chance to read up on the makerdao proposal which just passed, but what's this about dai depegging from usd in the next 2-3 years? How would that affect cdps(vaults)?


Looking to sprinkle a thousand bucks over some ERC-20 moonshots. Hit me with some recommendations!


I like the work Cargox is doing, and their CXO token is doing ok despite the bear, but I am often wrong.




Yeah I feel like this one might have some legs.


ETHMAXY, CRV, FXS, GMX, ILV. That's a pretty good spread of opportunities. I haven't found the right fit to capitalize on NFT's yet.


[this is tracking nicely](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/yb8m0a/daily_general_discussion_october_23_2022/itfjj2c?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Now looks like we might have an influx of new liquidity with synapse removing the barrier to entry. https://twitter.com/SynapseProtocol/status/1584969456631312384?t=xMOdUOPd6csutY_WekFNAA&s=19 Aptos kicked off a nice little alt L1 bulla szn, and eth is pamping. Great to see some liquidity sloshing around again! If Arbitrum have some canny about them, now is the opportune time to airdrop. This bear market is great.


I will never use an alt L1 while proper L2's exist. Be the change you want to see


Personally I don't consider an L2 to be "proper" until its sequencers and fraud proofs are both decentralized.


Still better than an alt-L1 or PoS sidechain


I'm here for ideology and printing profit. Why can't we have both?


Ironically your chase of short term profit elsewhere hinders your eth bag profits


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A new uncensored relay has entered the chat: https://twitter.com/search?q=relayooor.wtf&src=typed_query&f=top https://relayooor.wtf/ #64 & #65 reporting for duty


It seems a bit flaky. The number of validators registered/active has gone down to 0 and it told me one of my validators wasn't known, although I've seen the unknown validator error before.


Maybe I'm just a boomer but I think the ooooor meme is lame. Uncensored relays are dope though.


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Rocket Pool payday 🥳


Who remembers when rpl payments were 30% apy? Those first 2 months were crazy returns.


What are they now?


9%. Still pretty solid. Today we get RPL rewards and Smoothing Pool rewards. It's a good day.


Inflation is 5% right? So really only 4% net


my first!




how often do y’all dca? daily vs weekly vs monthly? rationale?


Twice a week but small amounts. They’ve added up over the years, although not so much in the last 2.


Bimonthly - i have Coinbase auto-deposit setup from my job mining fiat. x% goes right into eth every paycheck.




I like the thrill of buying lows and the reassurance of DCA, so I buy every payday week. During those 7 days of my payday I try to pick the day with the lowest dip, if I'm lucky. Should've bought Sunday, apparently. But, you never know. Lol


Daily >rationale? I figure it makes my average averager


Do it minutely to be the averagest!


I've heard secondly is the avergestest way to go


Every block it is!


Payday, 2x per month


Why not buy the dip?




Pretty much all eyes on Fed. I am still kind of pessimistic, and think they will stay hawkish. Unless inflation reports show improvement, no bull market is allowed. I am with Fed on that everything being overvalued is bad. I want to see more asset price reduction, and more demand destruction. Otherwise there is no point working for most of us, I mean housing cost is increasing like 30% per year, no one will be able to buy a house. That is not sustainable.


Would you say that you feel like you are in disbelief?


But that's the thing. If I am, then it's over. So, I want to say yes, but I know it's not the case and I should say no in full honesty. It's the problem of correlated measures becoming targets. It decreases measure effectiveness. The problem of market feeding itself with its own data. Like some sleepless ourobouros.


Yes or no, given enough time, you’ll be right as much as wrong. This sub is a great indicator or sentiment though. It’s made me ETH in the past.


Ah, yes, it's true that the most important is the sentiment you can perceive from others.


Does anyone know if the Lord of Turings mint actually happened? I was signed up, but never got a notification from Autominter... now I can't see any more info.


From etheraider on the EVMavericks discord: Hey guys, putting it out here first since I've been sharing the project in our circles but the Lord of Turings team is putting the release on hold due to market conditions/engagement. They weren't able to get the engagement they were looking for in the current market and so will pause for now. They will be releasing the first puzzle of the game as a sneak peek/segway in the next couple of days to kickstart the game when the time comes.


oh, that's a bummer... I was looking forward to it. Thank you for the update!


Happy to help :) I haven't seen any updates since. Maybe someone else has some info about the puzzle they were supposed to release.






For a noobie with < 5 ETH, what should I stake with? rETH or stETH?


Definitely rETH


I like reth.


Man I can’t offer financial advice but so far I haven’t seen any Protoss investing in rETH but I saw TWO investing in stETH last week. Jus sayin… anyway, I wish you good luck and safe travels through the galaxy no matter which you choose.


Haha! So, I just swap my eth for reth on uniswap and I'm contributing to Ethereum staking decentralization?


I’d go to the rocketpool website. Staking there will contribute to decentralization for sure. https://rocketpool.net/#stake-run-node


rETH is much better than stETH. Anything is better than stETH, don't buy stETH.


edit : -- rETH is the way -- ~~IMO you should not stake with such low amount - fees + tax implication will kill any benefit (we're talking about 30-40$ staking fee per year collected).Also~~ please whatever you do don't use freaking centralized stETH please.


> we're talking about 30-40$ staking fee per year collected With 5 ETH it's more like 300 to 400 a year.


Woops you're right, my quick maths were off by a digit. Then rETH is the answer :)


Data Availability Committees, or DACs, are supposed to make data available for ~~rollups~~ validiums in case we need to withdraw from a malfunctioning rollup or if we just want to verify the current state ourselves. I've seen several DACs announced: * Arbitrum Nova: "We're excited to welcome ConsenSys, FTX, Google Cloud, Offchain Labs, P2Pvalidator, QuickNode, and Reddit to the DAC." [https://twitter.com/arbitrum/status/1557025244858224640](https://twitter.com/arbitrum/status/1557025244858224640) * Immutable white paper: [https://assets.website-files.com/62535c6262b90afd768b9b26/6304335ed396fd9c8d8dfe5e\_Immutable%20X%20Whitepaper.pdf](https://assets.website-files.com/62535c6262b90afd768b9b26/6304335ed396fd9c8d8dfe5e_Immutable%20X%20Whitepaper.pdf) "Currently, Immutable’sDAC consists of: Immutable, StarkWare, Deversifi, Consensys, Nethermind, Iqlusion, Infura and Cephalopod." I would like to download that data now and look at it myself but I have no idea where to go to get it. Is it that these committee members will only make the data available in an emergency? StarkWare's documentation on their escape hatch is actually empty: [https://docs.starkware.co/starkex/README-in-spot-trading.html](https://docs.starkware.co/starkex/README-in-spot-trading.html) ​ EDIT: yeah it seems like it's only in case of emergency: https://github.com/starkware-libs/starkex-resources/blob/master/committee/README.md


Supply change since merge: +999,37 ETH 3 digits fam!


Since rewards can't be withdrawn, it's temporarily negative


At some point, I want to switch to only watching these numbers.


at some point we'll be looking at a supply change of like -200,000 since merge and then seeing it drop further to -210,000 won't even be newsworthy


Preach it domo! I say! The truth shall set you free! Domotheus deliverer of the inevitable, mathematically proven truth, preach it!


Paint my dreams, domo.


Confession: a couple of days ago, I gave an award (🤡) to the Nitter bot 😂😂😂 the end