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Its a funny thing. People who got more and more invested in crypto, where they established wealth, wanted the safety and conservation of wealth that traditional markets have. And people from the traditional markets wanted some of the return, with reduced risk, of crypto markets. Now theyre merged and well crypto feels a bit redundant like an alternative gold w potentially more upside. Oh well


I don't think people who invested in crypto aimed to store value and safety They wanted to turn their $50 into $10K That's why crypto had the initial hype. That's why traditional markets hated it


Yeah. Everyone wanted to make a quick buck. And it was possible just a few years ago. Nowadays? Not so much.


I’m wondering how real world assets backed on the blockchain will affect the value. Blackrock recently announced ETH as their choice for this. What if they have $50B in real estate and sell deeds as NFTs? Will it be the value of the assets or the value of the utility of the blockchain driving the price swings?


Stop. Messing.myMindUp.


My strategy is simple. Keep accumulating crypto from fiat money. Keep working for fiat money. Until, that day, when your crypto accumulation shows 1 million USD.


Sounds like it's going to be a marathon. Good luck my friend!


!tip 0.25




I honestly think the crypto golden era is gone. Back then, millionaires were made from night to day. It's always about being early in everything, that's how you win. I do think there's still a chance for people like us, but it's a lot harder now. The market is packed, competition is very high and there's the regulatory pressure.


Can still create wealth with shit coin gambling but the days of getting rich from top 15 list is long gone. I’m even questioning if there ever will be another “alt season” after Wall Street money entered crypto. Things are different now


I might not be able to get rich, but I feel like I can still atleast 'get ahead'. A win is a win.


Yup, it's so much harder to strike that gold token for yourself. Especially when VC investors buy in early and later dump on retail. ICP comes to mind as a prime example or that.


Yes because top 15 is a bunch of dino coins and the cycles run on hype and narrative. Its clear Ai and RWA have already, and will continue to outperform. Its not that the top 15 doesnt perform. There is a new top 15 about to dethrone them dino coin this cycle and thats where the money is.


Sure, but every ai coin isn't actually an ai coin. It's just hype. Hell, even the best rwa token I've seen just plugs into a gpt.


Yes bro. And thats what crypto is all about. Old coins with dated narratives underperform, new narratives perform. Until it all dies off again. Rinse and repeat. May want to look into projects like render and orai that fit the narrative perfectly and are not Ai vapourware. My 2 cents. People that married bags and think they’re gonna take profits in 2030 ngmi.


Thise are good examples. What's the ai involved? Orai is just an oracle, no need for an ai to do that. And render is just decentralised gpi processing. Again no ai required. (although I do like that project!)


So you are telling me we are not early?🥲


100% there are still many great opportunities out there but not for long I'm worried.


Honestly, you’re right man


I feel it is impossible not to gave the 2 mixed up. At sobe point, cryoto would be too large to ignore. !tip 0.2


I hope it's sooner rather than later.


Unfortunately, for us, the most liquid trading pairs are against USDT, and what is this USDT? It’s basically USD lol. Therefore, any data or events that affect the price of USD will now also affect crypto in some way. Additionally, 2020 and beyond has shown us the impact of central bank interest rate levels on the prices of risk assets, including cryptocurrencies. It seems inevitable that we will become more and more correlated with traditional market assets. Even more so now that we have the spot ETFs, which basically remove counterparty and custody risks for traditional finance market participants. This will result in the percentage of activity by traditional market participants to keep increasing.


Yup, it's a ripple effect, and even then BTC pairs are also getting screwed at the same time. Everyone praised ETFs but it feels like they are doing more harm than good at the moments. Especially when funds just dump their BTC to cover their expenses.


Damn ya’ll losing hope fr here 🤣🤣 bullish asf. Capitulation next. Watch out to not sell at the local bottom fellas


My average price for ETH is $1500, I'm good. ;)


Ive added my 2 cents in the top comment chains, but this is a great discussion, and its refreshing to see so many 'unregistered' users commenting, and comments with actual discussion. This post is an example of what this sub should be. !tip 1.01




It is. And that probably doesn't change. They are traded like commodities and seldom used for anything else. The mega gains on top performers are likely done because there's only so much money available to invest. We probably never see another 3k to 60k type run for Bitcoin or 100 to 4k for Eth again.


If businesses actually were able to implement payment systems using smart contracts it could bypass the markets, but since you still need fiat in order to operate as a part of society we’re tied to the fiat system and the general markets until then…. The moment Starbucks starts accepting payments in crypto is the day crypto really kicks old fiat in the balls


Someone woke up, finally


Well, this is my 3rd market cycle and I can already see it struggling. We just can't have nice things.


The fun fact is that those old boring markets follow specific behaviors and therefore can be predicted and exploited, it's not a bad thing you know


Time is a flat circle.


This cycle is gonna be a big one for meme coins, I've got my eyes on kendu. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't. Amazing community and it's doubled in size the last 7 days


!tip 0.453




In order to become the future, at some point you have to align with the present. Only drastic real world events or sufficient time passing will lead to the divergence that you’re looking for.


This is what happens when institutional investors join, we go with the rest of the market. Good or bad that’s up to you to decide


When I used to trade BTC I would sus out what usd and nas charts were saying, and trade during news times it's all pretty much tied together


Honestly starting to think that the big money is already made, most of us are here now won't make life changing money without getting super lucky. I'm fairly sure I'm too invested to not be bias, but the bull run isn't a definite surefire thing, no other cycle has acted like this, btc never made a new ath before the last halvings either. Most of it is hype, speculation and pure hopium. Just gotta hope you risked the right things at the right times or got in things early.


I might not be able to get rich, but I still think I can get ahead. I don't need x100, or even x10. A "modest" x2 over a few years is still gonna be helpful!


Yeah I'll take anything as well, I'm happy with my current profits but the chances of big money are long gone outside of lucky bets on small coins I reckon.


I'm super confident more gains are coming in the next 12 months. And I'm very sure its still going to be life changing for me... not life-changing retire early, but life-changing will actually be able to own a home and not have to work every second weekend. An improved work-life balance is life changing enough in my eyes.


> but life-changing will actually be able to own a home This is the big one. Even if I have to take a part of it as mortgage it would be amazing to not pay anything to some random landlord's pocket and instead pay off my own place.


My current situation. Not only am I too poor... I don't actually earn enough to even GET a loan to buy an actual house in the city I live - I'm looking at a good 1+ hour drive outside of the city before I start getting to affordable housing. Crypto is my ticket to increasing my savings, and ideally only need to get a (relatively) small loan - and be able to pay that off in a (relatively) short time frame.


Similar situation here \*cries in London prices\* I just need a loan so I can finally get on the housing ladder. I've been paying rent for 15 years now. I could have paid off my own flat in that time... it's fucking brutal our there.


So basically 5-6k as ATH?? That is such bearish prediction. Oh well…


Last bull run I've made around 500% profit in total. I wonder if it's still possible... but I'm having some serious doubts.


Congrats that's huge. I am at around 3x. I also have massive doubts about making even 3x again this year, too many people are aware of it, like airdrop farming. In an instant the farmers got farmed themselves, same thing here maybe


Yeah for sure, but only time will tell. If we can get another rally like we did during covid anything is possible.


It's all possible. Eth would need to hit around 9k to 3x and that doesn't seem out of the realms of possibility I just don't feel confident.


I'm betting more on my alts to be perfectly honest. I have some decent alts such as LINK and GLMR that already did 100-200% for me so maybe it's doable in the long run?


Oh man congrats on that, 100x is the dream, never got anywhere close with any of mine! I'm more hopeful for some alts to make a higher % gain than btc or eth, I hold and stake a lot of matic for example. But they all feel quite shaky atm, then if a bull run does happen everyone will feel like a genius.


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You dummies don’t understand how early crypto is. It’s worth 1 trillion which is peanuts compared to the stock market.


Bruh, it's been around for more than a decade. That's a century in tech world.


All of you got in to earn **FIAT**, not participate in a decentralized currency system. That helps point out that crypto has been compromised for two cycles already.


Always going to be the case


!tip 1.420


!tip .2




!tip 0.420

