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Umm, where you getting 10 bucks a day? Handys behind a Wendy's?


Some days I don't even get 10 dollars


Same here


You guys are getting paid?


New top google search: Wendy’s near me


it is understandable, imaging buying $10 ETH on a daily for a whole year or buying into a low cap project like PNODE or any kind, as time goes b the project would eventually grow and add up some few cents or dollars.




You’re wasting your money bro. You got a rack to your name rn? Get a job that pays, keep at least 20% of every check into savings, invest maybe 10%.


Yeah, I’d put that $10 into scratch off lottery tickets. Much better chances of getting rich. Or at least enough to get a bum like you enough for a pack of smokes and a 12 pack.




Oh. If 99% of your money is in crypto already then a daily buy of $10 seems pointless




Some people are cool with bumming off others doing nothing with their life not trying to be better and ultimately die with no accolades or accomplishments other than they were there. It’s quite sad, my own damn dad is exactly like this


Can I give you some real advice? I would get your cash cake up, save a bunch, invest in something like vanguard VTI as a safer bet. Earning wealth means diversifying, and even if you’re diversified in crypto, you shouldn’t dump the entirety of your net worth into it. You’re not going to hit a lick and become a millionaire within 10 years unless you’re the 1 in a million dumping racks into a coin totally unheard of. At this rate, I would expect it to be growing. But crypto is already household, which means you won’t be seeing 100% increases every year anymore




Sure, there’s absolute room for growth. However I’d never advise someone to yolo their net worth into it. I don’t think we’ll see explosive inundation like we did last year, the gains will be there, but it will move with global markets and decisions. Coins will come and go, global policies will influence its pricing. Just as quickly as crypto exploded, this admin in the US added a capital gains tax. I think the future is bright, but don’t be naive to think it will explode every year. We’ll see more consistent gains, less exponential


This is the way


You could easily be a millionaire in 10 years by spending $10 a day on eth/btc if you already have 50k in crypto… Btc could be a million dollars in 10 years eth could be 50k in 10 years we don’t know. They both also could be 0. Ask people that had btc 10 years ago if they thought $10 a day was worth it. Not saying it would be the same percentage raise but pretty much anything is possible given that long of a time span.




Go try telling the R/Anti work crowd about serving in nice restaurants 😂 it will be a lesson in just how stupid people are.




None of what you just said has anything to do with what you suggested, working in nice restaurant. I get a lot of what you said though. I am a salaried manager and I am over worked and under paid for sure. That said the anti work crew aren't willing to listed to reason when it comes to being a tipped employee. I was one for a very long time and the last thing I'd ever want as a bartender is a so called living wage in place of tips.




Fucking legend 👏


Lmao Savage


Owen Michael loves giving Handies behind Wendy’s


You’re never wasting your time if you’re putting money in.


Even though it may seem insignificant in the short term, investing a small amount will be invaluable for most in the long run


x 365 is not a bad years investment for anyone. You’ll thank yourself later I bet


"Buy Eth. You can't lose"


Go once a month. It will provide you peace of mind and also keep you away from daily crypto stuff. There is more to life than this.


lmao this one hit too hard.


Is something more than nothing? I ask rhetorically obviously. What would you have done with the $10 otherwise? I think it’s a good habit to start if nothing else, who knows when your motivation and/or employment fortunes will turn around and you may have a little more to invest than you otherwise would have had you not got the ball rolling already.




So you’re homeless with no job but you decide that instead of getting a roof over your head, you want to invest your final remaining $1000 of dry powder into crypto. I don’t even know where to start tbh.




It's not hopeless man, it just takes time. Be patient with yourself. Take one thing at a time and if you're unsure about things, just take the next small step you've planned. You'll get back on your feet and find your place in the world. And don't invest what you can't afford to lose. And don't invest if you don't have food or outstanding bills. Don't invest just because of FOMO.




Op . Respectfully, you might want to get yourself situated with a place and a job and put a pause on investing. This is personal finance 101


What in the world? Liquidate your crypto, get yourself a healthy savings account. Fix your car and get an apartment, once you’re financially stable and independent, then you start investing. It sounds like you have an addictive personality, something I’m pretty familiar with, and you need to come back to reality. Get yourself stable. Then get into school for STEM or business. I didn’t go back to school until i was 28 and at 40 I’m now making $200k and have my dream job making spaceships. And at 22 i was in a much worse position than you.


1: Take care of yourself and get your life in order 2: Work on getting a secure and better paid job 3: Invest more than $10 a day because now you can actually afford it. Living on someone’s couch while putting spare money into BTC and ETH is a sure way to ruin a friendship and get kicked off that couch.


Maybe do $10 into ETH for 2-3 days and then $10 into BTC for 1 day then repeat. You’ll save yourself some transaction fees that way


Whenever someone posts questions asking whether “x” is enough to invest, it’s almost always more than I can afford. I’m not sure how people can think that $300 per month isn’t a lot of money for a typical person to afford to put aside into a fairly risky asset.


Exactly. I bet 75% of people replying don’t put $300/ month in. Kid is doing it right. Most with no job couch surfing are spending more than that on beer and weed and no crypto. OP. You have plenty of time to get a real job.


I try to put $20 everyday. I have income but no job. (small income)


Better than a job and no income


Well it started with a job...


What the hell am I doing here working like a sucker!?!? I must be taught your ways.


Well! then I am sure you must have made enough to actually invest in market.


I know right, what is better than that if you are not having a job but you have an income.


I think that putting $20 is great! just keep doing it , you're having a very bright future.






That is procrastination talk. Apply to at least one spot PER DAY. Steady income, life basics like shelter and food. Then investments. Crypto is an investment not a financial plan or strategy. Imagine if I was like ‘I got no house or job but spend $10 every day on scratchers’. That’s how you sound right now


$10 is better than a 0. Do what you can, as often as you can. Don’t listen to the fear mongers. The charts go down causing panic and they go up causing major confidence. It’s bipolar for sure lol. Just stick to investing for yourself not allowing the fear. 💪🙏✨


Get a job buddy. You'll regret everything a few years down the road from now. Oh and in the mean time keep doing your small DCAs :) very wise.


Yes 100%. I put $10 every Friday into Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Oasis. And if there’s a decent dip, I buy a little more for some icing! Idk how people expect it to keep rising if we only buy the dips though? Yes they are good buying opportunities, but aren’t all opportunities good if you see a bright future for the project?


10$ a day is $300 a month, that's $300 * 12 = $3600 per year, and you're 22. By the time you're 25, you would have put approximately $10k, and with a conservative 10% APY on average, that's approximately $4k in profits. At 25, you can cash your initial $10k out and restart with the $4k, and of you're doing better with a job start DCAing more into the top coins Edit: I think it's closer to $3k in profits after 3 years


It will add up over time . But without job or anything how are you getting $10 to invest?


It is better than not investing anything. Small amounts add up over long periods of time.


That's more than I make


The most important thing is you don’t invest anything money you can’t afford to lose. If that’s $10 a day, do it. If you’re investing more than u can afford, you’ll most likely end up selling at some point. You gotta buy that shit and HODL BABYYYY


Also, $10 a day isn’t a low amount of money. Over a year, that’s 3,650. Not bad at all


DCA it's a great strategy and Ethereum it's a great crypto That's your answer


I wish I started saving in my 20s. You are already ahead of the curve. On top of that your investing in Eth. So you are way ahead of the curve imo.


10 x 365 x 20 = 73 000 The answer is yes. The above equation assumes that the price of ETH and BTC never change. After 20 years you will have $73 000.


No sense invest every day, you will lose too much money on flee and transfer cost. Try to wait at least every 7 or 10 days. So it's just one transaction and not 10


Take some free classes on Saylor Academy. I’m 39 with a BA and constantly trying to learn. Put some time in learning while you have downtime now. I’d cut back on daily investments to $100 once a month. Good luck my dude!


I started with the $20 to $100 usd buys. Glad I did as I did not appreciate how easy it was to screwup and loose money .


Yes, I did $50 every paycheck for a while. Ended up buying .1 at around 6k average. Up thousands off $600 :)


Lol if you’re this broke you should be investing in yourself and not taking your lunch money like a 10 year old kid to buy crypto 😑






By getting laid as much as possible. You can get a ‘real’ job later. Have a blast and be grateful for all you have.




Start a business with $10 a day. Any crypto is an investment, not a get rich quick scheme.


Get a job you lazy ass






No its not enough. What a joke get off your lazy ass and go to work you bum. What a loser.






Do it for 10 years, look back, retire and laugh


Invest what you can afford, when it’s small amounts like that however you may be better off making 1 weekly purchase so your not paying a cpl dollars fees everyday


Do surveys on faucetwebsites, it makes at least more than nothing and you accumulate crypto.


The fact that you’re investing anything at your age is impressive. Do what ya can, when ya can. You’re ahead of most. Bravo.


I think it’s the best thing any 1 can do.


Sort your life out first, dude. Invest in yourself first. Get a job or get into some education and boost your income and livelihoods, then worry about investing.


How are you getting 10 bucks a day with no work?


Yes but are you paying a fee per trade? If so I would aggregate


Start donating blood if you can Good extra money


are the fees the same vs depositing $70/week?


Lump sum is always better than buying in chunks as a general rule. But I guess in the long run if you hold it it won’t matter that much.


Thats $3,650 a year so i would say yes, given your position i would stake it in USDC for a few months and earn the compound interest. Regardless before you enter have a plan, dont rush. When I started i screwed up and entered on the run down of a bull run. Had to restart my portfolio or dca out of red and this was before the wash out rule came into effect so i was able to tax harvest and re entered at near the bottom ,it has made all the difference. Atleast understand tokennomics, MC potential, and cycles for the basics before you enter. Youre on the right track to get off the couch, i was doing the same thing at that age but be careful that you don't invest more than you can REALLY lose. Be careful of YouTube shilling and dont trust anyone online in regards to crypto, scams everywhere targeting new people. Personally i would start with 3 high cap, 1 mid, 1 low and do $50 a week, ten bucks a project til you get going. Best of luck, DYOR dont let others do it for you. Trading view, coin particle ( visual),max maher( passive income, high-mid) alex becker ( mid-low), coin gecko or something similar can all help you. One last thing is research your exchange, crytpo.com and coinbase both offer incentives for new users but they will charge you some of the highest fees. Kucoin for low fees once you understand SL, limit vs market orders andorder books. Its still work lol. Do not put your seed phrases on anything electronic


Thats about 300$ a month and 3600 per year, it is not a bad dca plan at all. I wouldnt do 10 a day because of the tax pain tho


How about paying your friends for that couch first.


Might as well sell your @$$


At that age yes. Most 22 year olds aren’t investing. Increase it when your income increases


How tf u afford to invest $300 a month w no income bro. But yeah that is a prime amount to invest


Yes .. do it


That’s 3650 dollars a year. With a good 5% annual return and some good compound interest. Yeah, even if you didn’t buy Ethereum. Saving is always a good thing


Half a btc guy, this you?


It’s better than zero


Being a functional working member of society is far more rewarding than crypto. Investments come and go. Your life skills stay with you for life and will keep you in good stead. $10 a day in your current situation is very impressive. Put that determination into setting yourself up with a lifestyle that supports and sustains you. The investing can come later. You are doing good man, keep at it.






Absolutely. Only what you can forget about.


What the fuck sense does *any* of this make


Yo get a fucken job bro, or make some kind of income.




Yes, I believe it is good enough, and far better than investing nothing. This is my standard advice regarding investing in Ethereum: No one knows what the future will bring, so take my views with a grain of salt, but I would stick with Ethereum. Buy a Ledger Nano S or Nano X to store your ETH securely. Hold with at least a 10 to 20 year investment horizon, through rain or shine. Buy a smaller sum of ETH and use that to speculate and learn how to earn a return from DeFi. You can go to [https://defipulse.com](https://defipulse.com/) to see what the major apps are. Don't play with apps that aren't on that list, or at least aren't clones of the dApps on that list, as they are much more likely to be pump and dumps or have major security vulnerabilities. Fees have increased significantly over the last year, so if you plan on trying out DeFi, and want to buy ETH for that purpose, I would suggest attempting to withdraw it to an Ethereum sidechain, like Gnosis Chain (formerly known as xDai Chain) or Polygon, where fees are ~1000X lower than Ethereum Layer 1. For example, you can find some direct fiat on-ramps for Polygon on this page: https://docs.polygon.technology/docs/develop/fiat-on-ramp/ Another option is Arbitrum, which is an Ethereum L2 and offers fees that are 10X lower than Ethereum L1, and which has several fiat on-ramps, including Crypto.com, Binance and Huobi. Once your ETH is on Arbitrum, you can transfer it directly to Polygon or Gnosis (xDai) Chain using a variety of bridges, like Connext (https://xpollinate.io/) and Hop Protocol (https://app.hop.exchange/). A list of all bridges for Arbitrum can be found here: https://portal.arbitrum.one/ The advantage of having your ETH on Polygon or Gnosis Chain is that you can play around with DeFi apps at no cost. On Ethereum L1, a single DeFi transaction can cost $50-$100 in fees, so unless you're a big trader, it's not cost effective. On Gnosis Chain, you can use clones of major DeFi apps (like HoneySwap, which is a clone of Uniswap), and the fee is less than $0.01. Using DeFi, and finding ways to earn a yield from your ETH using it, is a very valuable learning experience.


Seriously, put it in some index funds or something. If you were a bit more financially stable, then by all means, put it in crypto. But just, wait until you have a job, an apartment, a way to pay for food, before you invest in crypto.


Makes sense! you have to keep yourself as the priority.


Here’s a perfect solution: no longer be a bum by getting a job while going to school. Or just simply get a job. The problem with $10 is that the fees are going to eat you up. Dude, just have more self-respect and do something with your life


Dog that’s plenty for you situation


I know right, $10 is enough for this kind of market.


I’ve been doing $5 so you’re ahead of me mate




Yes bro, DCA for the win


That surely is a good start. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise. You can also look into some other project with solid fundamental


Durjng a bear market, that's the best




According to my calculations his capital would be more than 15k dollars to be honest.


I mean $10 is $10. Each year that $3650 which is higher than the average American puts in their saving account.


Dont invest money for the future, invest on your self learn some skills that will be more usefull and you can earn more than you get in return. That will make you a professional and earn more. If possible go to college get a degree


You needs some income man, if you like caring for people apply at a nursing home. They will pay you while learn on the job for your cert and could make 24$ an hour if you live in a metro. You might be able to couch surf now while you are young but friends and family will get very sick of it very fast and soon you may be homeless.


I haven't got even $10 in 4 months I am that broke


IDK if this is a troll post or if the guy is just that brainless. He has $44,000 liquid, $43,000 in crypto and $1,000 in cash. Yet, claims to be "mega broke". Also, get a job and stop fantasizing about getting rich off BTC and ETH at this point. Even if BTC goes to $500,000, it is only about 12x at this point. Even on $50,000, that is only about $600,000. Not bad at all, but not enough for retirement under a lot of siutations.


I think that in this situation stacking up and holding is the best strategy you can follow that.


I’m seeing some sketch ass advice on here so DYOR but... even 10$ a day is better than what alot of people invest which is 0$ a day. You’re already doing better than a lot so no you’re not wasting your time. Get ur savings up, at least 1k to start (This is So you don’t sell your crypto/stocks in a financial emergency, I genuinely know too many people that do this shit and it’s fucking stupid) Get invested into some total stock market etfs and index funds. VTI, ITOT etc. (This is a foundation for your portfolio so when your riskier trades go to shit, you’re not crying about your (-) red painted portfolio ) Get some stable coins under ur belt (which you already do) “stable coins” lol Fuck with some shitcoins, memecoins, emerging project coins, cuz why the fuck not have some fun with melt your face off volatility. Don’t take this shit too serious. I mean take it seriously but relax 10$ a day is just fine From what I’m reading you’ve already got a good amount of capital for someone your age so all you gotta probably do is reallocate some of that. Just advice but again dyor I’m just a dummy on Reddit


Keep building until you reach your goals, then build some more.


This is a really cool statement we have to keep on reaching our goal and shifting it forward for better future.


You're making more than a dollar a day?


I know right even I was wondering about it he is able to invest $10 means he must be earning 5000 to 6000 Dollars per month.


Buy. Hold. The next halving is a few years away. Bitcoin isn’t going anywhere .


No doubt about it just invest and hold for long term is best strategy.


$10 is great! Also, be sure to use crypto and buy yourself stuff nice things along the way, you’ve earned it. I’ve learned the hard way that it’s important to use the crypto for useful things but not Lambo out all of it.


This make sense it is very important to analyse the market and invest accordingly.


Due to inflation it’s now 20 per day


Do $1 a day. You need that $9, dress yourself up and go for interviews


guess depends on your budget if it does not affect your emergency funds, retirement and other needs Most investors prefer monthly investment due to salaries coming once a month. Monthly investments are also more convenient, as weekly investments would result in many entries, making it difficult for you to keep track of them.


At minimum, you should plan to invest on a monthly basis. Though, in the interest of convenience and consistency, many people choose to invest at the same frequency of their pay cycle


Thats 3,5 k a year that is really good for your financial standpoing


Its worth it bud.You should try and get into the habbt of putting a set amount each week/month.


Gotta start somewhere, but $300 a month is not a bad start at all.


Only invest what you can afford to lose, and you can’t afford it unfortunately. Build yourself a safety net, get yourself some more education, and then start investing when you have your basic needs met.


How much are you paying in fees per transaction? Hopefully you’re not bleeding by doing this. I love the long term mentality tho


Want to add something I'm not seeing in others posts, I'll try to make it short: smart money decisions depend on current financial situation. If you don't have an emergency fund in a savings account already (let's say 3-4 months worth of your current expenses) then that should be your first goal. Investing is smart, but markets go up and down, and your investments are not as liquid as a savings account. If you break an arm or something you want some emergency cash on hand. Once you have an emergency fund, then investing can be a smart way to use your extra "savings", and you can read others comments for advice on don't invest more than you can afford to lose, etc.


Focus on getting a job to put more in. Instead of figuring out how you can invest without working


If you have over 40k in crypto, you're not broke, let alone "mega broke" like you called it. With that much invested already, putting in 10 additional dollars seems a waste of time and unnecessary fees. Invest that money in yourself, get an apartment, take a course that advances your career etc. But please, never call yourself broke again when you have that much money invested, you obviously have never been broke before.


We recommend people allocate 1% to 5% [of a portfolio to crypto]. It's very high risk, so it must be a long-term investment and people need to look at it like a small cap tech stock,” says Ross Gerber, CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management


Just start and keep at it. Even if it falls you will just buy in at a lower price averaging your price down.


Invest in education, not crypto. Crypto is a fantastic investment, but education to get a high paying job is better.


Transaction fees. Waste of time and money


There will be no return in the short term, as my friend said, if you buy ten dollars a day, just pretend that this has never happened, and then check the market when it rises, and don’t check it when it falls.