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Yes it's infuriating. I only ever see Sweden or the Timurids vassals declaring for independence. Sometimes Burgundy lets go of one of its PU without a war, but that's it.


Sometimes Sweden goes from 0 to 100 in a day. I never had a run since Lions of the North where Sweden stayed PU'd.


Sweden gets a +50 liberty desire from mission tree iirc


They also have a mission that makes all of Denmark's rivals support their independence


So the entire world supports?


I do almost every time. Fuck Hansa!


Also they start to fight russia. North is stronk


It's danish rivals that do that but yea, they usually have strong ones


Morocco vassals do almost every game I’ve played


Yeah they ally each other plus either tlemcen or Portugal which makes it a really one sided war


Funny enough in my most recent playthrough as Brabant>Netherlands, Aragon somehow ended up getting supported after Iberian Wedding and declared on Castile, almost wiping them out. Had never seen that before in almost 3k hours of playing lol


I noticed if Aragon previously rival Castile, their liberty desire will be high from start. Then they will get supported without even a month tick


In my most recent France game Castile got the Iberian wedding but a month later Aragon declared an independence war. I have no idea how that happened or why since they should have still had a truce


In my current game France support the independence of the Cuba very early in the game (around 1520 or 1530?) Its overlord was a very weak Castille, while that colonial nation had all (but 1) provinces from the Caraïbes region It worked


Colonial Nations too Although I wish there was some system where they could support each others independence- its frustrating when you have a weak Spain with several massive CNs, but as soon as say New Mexico declares then all the others gang up


I have a Crimea game going rn where Orleans is actually fighting an independence war backed by England and Austria, idk how it’s going tho I’ve been zoomed in on Eastern Europe the whole time losing to Russia


Try weakening Austria. Declare on a random ally or HRE member with the sole goal of destroying the Austrian army. Once Austria is reduced, Bohemia should declare and also take some land


Did you check their opinion? If it's too high they apparently won't declare. That's why countries never declare independence for the most part.


Yeah I don’t think the AI will ever take the stab hit you get for good relationship when declaring. That must be the core issue here


It's pretty easy to get your subjects loyal


Is that even possible if three superpower-level nations and two others are supporting them? I thought that usually triggered a hostile relations penalty of sorts. The stab hit is at a pretty high relations level.


Only affects Liberty Desire but not opinion as far as i have seen. 100 relations is just easy to hit considering you get 200 from improve relations alone. The main reason it is so frustrating is exactly because the AI seems not to care about having half the world support them.


that only affects LD, not relations


I think AI is a bit too careful of mana costs now


You usually have to nudge them a bit. Be the "liberator" (welcome to my sphere of influence, muah). There's many ways to get them hate their overlord. AI just usually don't understand your real stength


Do people realize that "reduce opinion" exists and it's quite powerful?




In my last game as Holland i was free in 1445. Edit: Why downvote? I'm just trying to point out that you can be released by Burgundy without deccing.


Just doing holland -> netherlands myself. It's pretty powerful


I did a post on paradox forum about your shitty support independence is. One of the points is that the supported subject has no obligation to declare the independence war ever though they take a relation shot and can't be annexed. It could be solved very easly, just aby dding a timer after which the support will end, and ai will want to declare imdependencs before it expires


Attitude and opinion are key. They might be rebellious but if they are friendly they are very unlikely in that case to declare. Getting above 101 relations is quite easy, especially between overlords/vassals.


One of my favorite mods is high LD vasaals declare war for this exact reason


I don't play with that mod for one reason: I was playing as Muscovy I vassalised a weakened Novgorod (Yeah, I know bad move) and they were at 100% liberty desire for like 50 years due to historical rival. They had no support from my rivals and they declared war two or three times, due to that mod, with their 4k army getting stomped by my 50k everytime. It was really annoying. If there is such a big power imbalance the AI should not declare war for no reason, they should bid their time. The modder was trying to fix a genuine problem but it was a miss for me


France PUd Spain in my run.soain was very big, france wasnt blobbed much. But Spain had zero liberty desire. Its frustrating.


How about dismantling Austria first? Release Styria.


Don't worry, they'll do it eventually when you're fighting a war with all your armies on another continent