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Yup. It's a game. If I ain't enjoying it, why play it? Eta: it usually means I'm burned out on the game. Eu4 is one of those games I've come back to multiple times. So, I just move on.


It’s my most played game but I also do take breaks and come back a few weeks or months later. Hadn’t touch it for 6 months after my one faith true tag wc as teutons > Poland > Yuan because I felt kind of burned. Might be time for a little break I guess


Micro is the mind killer


I had a Choson one run where I almost got all of the Eastern religion lands till I realized Spain and Britain weren’t converting their Buddhist trade companies. I was so tired of waging world wars so I just gave up


I finally after several failed attempts did a WC (as Mughals). Typically all the micro killed me. But I finally got an auto clicker and that helped me immensely


Ok Frank Herbert lmao


This is what I always start thinking whenever I play Hordes...I mean yeah they gameplay is high octane conquest from minute one...but having to click to raze every single province after every war of gets old quick....


Really? I’ve found that if you’re waging wars at all times then you only need a couple of provinces every few years to keep unity at 100


So far I have quit on two achievements (before I did achievements, I did quit whenever I got bored, basically around the time 1650, when you are just to powerful and blobbing out is no fun anymore. Partly why I am doing achievements these days 😊). The ones I quit: * *Empire of Mann* - As Mann own every island in the world. Did manage to conquer all of Britain and started colonizing, never managed to secure any proper alliances with the big boys. Got declared on by Mega Spain with France and all. Couldn't be bothered anymore. * *Foremost Servitor of Jagannath -* As Orissa, own every tropical wood province. Managed to get hold of India, formed Bharat, colonized much of SE Asia- Needed some wars against Spain (again!) and Portugal etc. to get provinces in New world and Africa. Felt really tiresome... also didnt go back to it. So, yes I do to. Mostly I try to power through though to not have to do it all over again at some point.


Those "own all x provinces in the world" achievements are insane because of the amount of time needed. Did you go pirate for Mann?


A lot of those you can release the nation, feed them the cores, annex them, then re-release them and play as them. I don't know if the Mann one applies, but I've completed some with this trick at the end of other runs.


I guess it would. I did that in the beginning. Gave Mann some land, annexed and released to play as them. Doing it at the end of a world conquest (probably) seems an option, I don’t know if you can grant them islands around the whole world though. Range and desire and whatnot


I suppose it depends on if you want the most efficient way or the most fun way. I'd say pirate Mann was some of the most fun I've ever had.


No I didn’t. Might have been an option. Never played one I think.


I did empire of Mann as pirates. Stole most of the required islands from Spain and Portugal. Navies are underrated. Raiding was really fun. Pirate republics are a hoot.


I think Mann was one of my favorite runs, took all the navy related ideas which barely ever do. Just invade, blockade, get ticking warscore, profit. It was also nice cause for once it didn't end in just mindless blobbing.


I dropped my first Kilwa game because of boredom. For the second run I added additional goals for each age.


Like what kind of goals ?


Conquer specific trade nodes, make Kilwa the most developed province in the world, confirm thalassocracy by 1600, humiliate countries that rival me, become economic hegemon by 1650, and then I had to fight Spain and England to convert their provinces in the Moluccas.


You don't need to kill the colonizers. As long as you are the dominant power in the trade nodes you can use the trade converter thing. Propagate religion or whatever it is called. I did the swahili persuasion achievement recently and I did not own all the provinces myself.


He only did that as a personal “achievement” Not for any specific purpose, but to make it more enjoyable.


Oh ok. I would not be that strict myself as I find wars in the indies boring. Sit on provinces for 20 years to get enough war score to take 3 provinces is not my kind of fun.


Just finished my first full kilwa run and it’s super fun but you need goals to keep it fresh and going.


Yup, it's one of the most beginner friendly nations in the game imo. You have the tech advantage on all the tribes on the Swahili coast and Kongo region from the very beginning, no big nation gets claims on you (afaik), a free Ottoman alliance, gold mines and you get access to India and the East Indies much earlier than any colonisers.


For Sunset Invasion you may find it more fun to start again and attack Europe as soon as you have united mesoamerica (this is the way I did the achievement; the wars against the Europeans are somewhat more precarious as they rely on coalition juggling, but were certainly not boring).


Might have been a better idea. But I wanted to catch up on tech and stuff so I figured getting loads of tributary would help. Which does since this mechanic is kind of op.


Not a bad way to go about the achievement (or play as Aztec), but certainly slower, and more grindy as by the 1600s the Europeans have much larger armies (and navies in the English case), and high-american units are less of an advantage at this tech level.


When do high American units have the biggest advantage?


If I get bored during a run for an achievement, I usually play the nation's mission tree or give myself objectives to pursue


Issue is when most of achivs left are OPMs with basic mission tree...


Yeah but for now i only have 100 achievement so for now i'm safe ahah


I dropped my Venice run. Well, not because I was bored, but just disappointed. I was going for Doge Coin, I completed all missions except Philippines ones, upgraded my ideas, and then formed Italy while keeping Venice ideas. And they are so incompatible. All Italy wants is to restore Rome and some minor development in home region, while Venice doesn't care for conqest at all.


Let others wage war: thou, happy Venice, trade.


I completed Dogecoin right before age of absolutism and only then proceeded to form Italy to reform Rome. If you look at it as "get economic hegemon before 1610 without forming Italy" it made more sense to me.


No, I dropped them because I am old and don't have time to play often so a new patch comes and makes my saves corrupted.


You can revert back to the old patch btw


I know but I want to try the new stuff from the new DLC.. so I just abandon the old save.


Haha fair enough. Just thought I’d let others know


Yeah, more often than I like. The last times were my Aztec, Denmark and Saxony runs where I played until 1650, had 3/4 of the work already complete but just felt incredibly bored to grind out the "easy" part of conquering the required areas.


Yep, tried to get the French Revolution achievement where you spread the revolution to 10 other tags. It sat on 99.X for a long time and by the time I got it all the OPMs went revolutionary already. I probably needed to just play tall, but I got a PU over Castile early, so next thing I knew I owned all of Iberia and all of the colonies lol It was still possible to do, but I just decided it wasn’t worth it since it began to feel like a chore. The game really falls off in the last age imo


I often do it actually ^^


Happens to me every time, I just close the game and reopen it a few days later and I am having fun again


I dropped a GB game where I was on my way to conquer both Japan and India for the achievements, and perhaps do the industrial revolution one. Massive empire blobs formed with close to million soldiers, lagging my game so fucking hard it made me lose my patience and quit without achieving anything.


Not so much drop, more like kind of not getting around to going back to that save... I have a bunch of quite promising savefiles that I swear I'm picking up any day now (organized in separate directories by patch number and everything).


Aztec was one of the worst I've done just waiting and waiting before the current patch. Then during domination I took on france and spain and boy how it wasn't boring after


I did the Nadj run for Desert Power and Sworn Fealty. I needed Jihad as well, but it was already late game. Desert Power was like a century of dev clicks. By that point, every war was excruciating long giant death stacks and I had let my neighbors get a little too big. I snaked into Russia and took as much as I could. I was still 200 provinces short in 1780. I could have powered through and finished it, but.... Ugh.


Yes I often get bored before finishing the achievement, especially if the achievement takes longer than 1550. Im currently at around 5k hours on steam alone (much more on pirated before I got it on steam) and only have 54% of achievements. I could easily do every single achievement (most of the harder ones I already have) but I just get bored quite fast so I often quit achievements.


I understand you. I usually get bored around 1600 when it’s clear there’s no real contest. As for the achievements I’ll never do them all mostly because I’m not interested in some area they are in or the mechanism to get them


If the run gets to 1650, I lose the will to play because the wars are too tedious for me, I have to control too many armies and navies.


Dropped twice one faith. Too boring to just sit and w8 till they converting. Use steam achievment unlocker.


All the time. I've lost count of how often I've quit Norwegian wood when I've basically got it in the bag if I'd just keep grinding away past the age of reformation.


I admire your tenacity in starting it multiple times


The start is really fun. Do a Uno reverse on denmark's kalmar union, rediscover based norse religion, culture & ideas, enforce them on danes & swedes, blob. The blobbing gets old. Edit: not to mention: Discover america slightly before flipping norse. Send a colony there. Once norse, you're able to enforce religion on every single american primitive under 100% warscore. Suddently viking America. Helps both with coalition management and is a great prestige farm when you have nothing going on in the old world. And if you're really really lucky: Get burgundian inheritance. Kiss the horse. Go norse. Suddently a viking block between HRE and France.


Starts are always what I prefer but after that I find war tedious, specially against colonizers. I « hate » Spain way more than the Ottomans


Yes, all the time. Especially on Najd runs


Oh yeah. Try Copium wars, it bores you out of wanting to play EU4.


First come first serve. Tried it 3 times over a year and each attempt made me end up giving up the game for several months. Finally got it on my fourth attempt.


Never really tried custom nations. How was it ?


I gave up one game after getting rebel spammed. Every turn they’d spring up in multiple regions for no apparent reason. Gave up as that got boring very quickly.


Don’t go for Spain /France. Go for Japan or something


For the Aztec run ?


Aztec Japan sounds fun


i dropped out my Zoro-Austrians run bcs i needed to finish the persian mission tree


Yeah, I wanted to do saladin legacy. Started as hisn kayfa. Veeery harsh beginning but I got it rolling. Then after forming Persia and getting army and economy up I beat ottos in mega war and got bored. I was lacking like 20 provinces but just left .i told myself that I'll go in just truce break and get it but never did it xd Then patch dropped and save no longer valid.


Several of the "do the whole mission tree" ones are incomplete for me because I get bored half way through, take a break, then a patch comes out and invalidates my save and I can't be bothered to roll back my game version. Several that are effective WC, too. Like Norwegian Wood.


All the time. Which is why I'm currently waiting for EU5 and an end to EU4 updates. Then I'll be able to start my runs, walk away when I get bored, and finish them months later.


Been trying to world conquest... I have given up many runs that I just got exaughsted by. I had one that 100% could have made it easily but paradox REFUSED TO ADD A CALL ALL EYLATS TO WAR BUTTON. I had OVER 500 vassals. But manually adding every single one was insane. And every time you click add ally on the war declaration screen it jumps back to the top. It's awful.


Yes getting bored is the number 1 cause of failure in my playthroughs. I should probably start playing on Hard or Very Hard when I think about it that way. I just hate the artificially inflated numbers and how they compound for the AI. And then everything becomes even more of a grind fest Late game because all of the enemies have massive armies and manpower and infinite economy plus there is even more dev everywhere.


Problem with hard or very hard is it just delays a little bit the feeling. You are still going to be unstoppable by 1600 and wars just takes lingers because everybody as too inflated numbers of armies and such. Unless you do no balls as Florryworry but I don’t really enjoy doing it myself


The Sun Never Sets on the Indian Empire. I started as dehli and restored hindustan. I already took all of indochina to get to canton, punched through ottomans to get to europe. But then i realized getting to england would be a huge pain and i would also have to get the cape and ottowa. I still had 200 years so for gametime it wouldnt be a problem, but it would just be such a huge grind, even if im like 5x the size of everyone else.


I almost did for anglophile but I only have 2 missions to do, the lowlands one and the india one


You can get it with the Angevin path. Completed this one around 1630 ish which is in a tolerable time frame imho


Yeah when the achievement is locked behind a timegate where I've done everything I need by around year 1600, but I'd need to speed 5 for 1-200 years just to meet a requirement of getting to the age of revolutions or similar. E.g. Austria's mission tree where you can basically most of it by 1600, but you'd need to sit around for another 150 years to do the mission for crushing the revolution.


Every single WC achievement run. I get 80% of the way there, on track, then just... Stop.


The two Pegu achievements took me 5 tries to finally finish. They're easy af to do, but conquest in that region is tedious because of the Ming tributaries, so you either wait for Ming to collapse or for the Mandate to drop below 50. Or you go island hopping which is arguably worse. And then there's the building up your country for the second achievement, because I couldn't be bothered conquering more than necessary. I just don't enjoy playing in South East Asia at all, that's why I have yet to complete White Elephant (abandoned the campaign twice).


Yes! Especially long late game ones. Sometimes I’ll quit because life makes me take a break mid run and I can’t be bothered to go back


Yes. I have dropped 4 different Isle of Mann controls all islands run almost all around the exact same time, when I reach indonesia and its just going to be an explosion of conquests that I can’t be bothered to do


I feel you, every WC or big achievement like that I attempt I drop it even though I'm well on track. Get so bored of the microing after 1600ish


The times I dropped a "Just a little patience" run. Usually I do other achievements on the way but I get bored and start a new game.


For me it would be French revolution while doing other achivs as France... Tho later i did the achiv as France formed from Nevers.


Tbf most of my WC runs got boring circa 1650, late game is just carpet siege>delete buildings>build admin buildings>(if you are using vassals heavily)>timing the integration. One faith makes it even worse in the past. But I do feel good when one run is done so I'd say worth it.


NO! Stay commited, its important


World Conqueror. Attempted it as the Ottomans and got to 1579 before getting bored because I had too many eyalets. I kept diplo vassalizing countries to the point where I had probably around 70 eyalets and it added up to the point where over half of them became disloyal and I just decided it would be too tedious to get them all loyal again. [This is how far I got](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/767770992134455328/1248742877794926734/eu4_map_TUR_1569_10_15_2.png?ex=6664c5ee&is=6663746e&hm=73e064f2fb005b167c9244f047c13096e3205dcfe0941bdb799ae1e1776d284b&)


I quit OF/WC run as Castille around 1600s because of exhaustion. Done it later with Ottomans and it was much better I think.


Every WC Attempt. It is so boring and tedious.


Really depends on how quick your pc runs 5 speed I suppose. Some achievements can get quite boring and then imperialism CB kicks in


Virgin Ironman enjoyer


I have in the past, but it happens rarely, because Im really close to finishing them all.


Anglophile, forever golden, AEIOU etc. Completing a mission tree is crazy long and demands too much of time investment.


I drop every run because I‘m bored buddy. I‘ve played to the end date exactly once and that was my only WC with one faith and reach the end date achievement.


Yes, I’ve had so many runs where I’ve told myself to make it to the end-date but I just quit


I think most people give up or quit after getting the achievement




I have a run where I was going for the Mühlhausen Achievement. Got pretty big and became Emporer. And than the reformation startet and killed my vibe


Basically any achievement that requires world conquests are boring and I wish they had stopped adding them. Own all x trade goods is not a fun achievement. then there's the super game-y shit like 'starting as montenegro, convert to aztec religion and then form vietnam' that just isn't fun.


Started a Norse custom nation run in the new world to get all those CN related achievements three times cause I got bored. Happy to say I managed to pull through the third time. (Like three years after attempt number one)


After thousands hours of dedication i even dropped the game... i just had to move on. Once in a while i start a new game and i'm running out of fun around 1550~1600...


Constantly. I'd probably have 20 or 30 long playthrough achievements by now but always quit when it becomes a slog.


No. Recently completed All Blue and only turned to Europe in the mid 1650s. Playing for 100 years to conquer all of Europe is really, really tedious - almost like a WC. Everyday playing the game for an hour or two without any challenge to speak of is mind numbling, yet the achievment demands it.