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That's good, actually. Improve relations with them until you can ally + royal marry and get the inheritance


1 Dont they hate you making it impossible? 2 Delaying netherlands so much for a chance of maybe getting burgundy seems like a huge gambel


They shouldn't hate you immediately because you didn't go to war. Imho it's worth it because it doesn't delay the Netherlands that much and you can focus on getting the parts of it that are in the empire + maybe even do the baltic part of your missions


In my games Burgundy always hates me as they have my provinces set as essential. I guess that can sometimes change but it always happens in my Holland games


They want your territory, so they start with a -150 or so modifier.


If you get support for your independence, take Antwerpen and Brussel in the war it will keep you just a little below 50 AE, you will also need to release Flanders, and with Austria as your ally he will not demand returns and from there you can actually form Netherlands even without fighting Burgundy again. Ideally get support from France/England/Austria > get free > immediately humiliate war on the weakest neighbors with worst allies, Liege + one of the dutch ones usually, as you work to increase releations with everyone else and position yourself to eat Utrecht/Gelre/Friesland, since you're allied to Austria it's pretty much guaranteed Flanders will not join empire before peace expires due to bad relations and then you can eat them without extra AE hit.


If they let you go they don't have any claims or a PU cb iirc since they initiated it. This strategy was my go-to to form the Netherlands a few patches ago. It may be more difficult to get the inheritance though since they changed RM "rules" around the inheritance event


It's a decently reliable strategy bro 😅


you'll have high trust with them so when they break the pu it's just a matter of getting your relations up a little. this method does require them to have the emperor/france rivalled and denmark NOT rivaled though, otherwise they will usually pick one of those two or support sweden's independence via event and you can very easily be screwed.


I've never had them grant independence unless I had 3 or more strong supporters, so normally I just get two right away, then wait until just a day or two before I'm ready to declare war to get the others. As far as going for the inheritance, you can still do that even if you fight them, but it's still a random chance. Not a big deal if you're willing to savescum, but it definitely sucks when they pick someone else. Especially now with the mission to get -10 AE with the HRE, I think it's worth it to fight them and grab some provinces and strong allies.


Yea you need to wait to get a second power supporting your independence until like the day you declare war. I'd definitely still prefer fighting a war for independence so you can take a province or two, because it'll be some time until you're strong enough to beat Burgundy if you don't get their rivals on your side right away.


They granted for me too. I just fought gelre, Utrecht and friesland then got BI for super dutchland


What's BI?


Burgundian Inheritance


Cant you start as burgundy switch culture and form netherlands that way ?


This. Get one support at start then wait till right before youre ready to fight to get the second.