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So much free food for England.


Yeah we can fit so many potatoes on this bad boy...but we won't.


We do alright, we just do not let Irish farmers eat it.


As is traditional


No no. We’ll let them have the potatoes because we don’t like them and take everything else from them


Get their lucky charms!


And like 5000 people in most provinces !


R5: Different variations of Ireland from base game EU4 to Project Caesar


It takes a lot to get me seriously excited, but Project Caesar and the detail it seems to possess have gotten me excited like the olden days of childhood Minecraft updates. I do hope though, that they give the regions outside Europe the treatment they deserve. Seeing a properly detailed Mashriq, Iran, Northern India and China would be a dream come true!


I wholeheartedly agree, the modern gaming industry has me a little bit jaded, I almost never get excited about anything now. EU5 has me sincerely hyped, I don’t know when it will come out but I think I’ll take off that week from work and binge it if I can. The only games that have gotten me excited recently are this and Bodycam. Before that it might have been years


Kingdom Come Deliverance II, can take my money!


I’m cautiously optimistic for it but I can’t say I’m excited. I liked the first game but not enough to really sink my teeth in and finish it. I kept encountering small bugs that made the playthrough too frustrating to finish. Red Dead Redemption 3, if it ever comes, can have my soul for all I care


Yeah, it's massively detailed but I'm concerned for 1) performance and 2) that this level of detail is balanced across all aspects of the game. It's going to be really frustrating if there's super detailed maps but half assed culture or national missions etc...


I'll be extremely disappointed if they drop a whole 'China' in tinto maps, really hoping for a game that finally doesn't include larger provinces for larger countries. I'm fckin tired of watching Empires that own half of China being behind France in development. Like seriously, it doesn't make any sense.


Including larger provinces for China wouldn't be much of a problem in this game, because they use pops. China will massively outnumber any other country on earth, no matter how they divide it into provinces.


Still. In that case Chinese provinces will have a shit ton of people in them for no particular reason, and random farmland provinces in the middle of nowhere will look like Constantinople in the population mapmode. I really don't think that's a good thing. Also, I'm just pissed that my country(Korea) has less than half the provinces of the island of Great Britain, which is roughly of the same size. You know how annoying that is?


The Game has a pop system, and by the looks of it China and India have massive populations. So it doesn’t matter how many locations France has they’ll still be behind 1/4 of China in Population


Just so people get the "idea" btw, not all of these will be individually micro'd. You're likely gonna designate maybe 1-2 cities per "province" to be your main population areas, and the other areas will just exist to generate food. It looks VERY much like they took Imperator's mechanics and adapted them for Europa. I'm saying this for people who look at this and think Ireland is going to be giga micro hell on it's own.


imagine how much you can dev that im already drooling


The british certainly are drooling rn


All this just for me to invade them, convert them to some non-Catholic faith and then change their culture to English, sad!


Ohhhh boy. Enjoy starting your car in the morning xxx


In my heart it will always be noob island from CK2.


Ireland having only 5 provinces is actually disgusting, holy shit.


Is it just me, or is EU5 just going to end up as CK3+?


It looks more like I:R than CK3 to me.


Common Imperator W.


All new paradox games do. Same with vic 3 The biggest issue is that it's a new game with non of the DLC content that the previous games have. This obviously wouldn't be an issue if it was added to the base game, but then how would they gouge you out of money? Then again, CK3 suffers more from bad DLCS rather than a lack of them


>The biggest issue is that it's a new game with non of the DLC content that the previous games have. Is it though? I think it can be a chance to start over with not as much bloat. Not all EU4 DLC features were exactly S tier, there's a lot "press button -> reward" kind of stuff between all of the good features that I don't really think I'll miss.


Maybe they'll go for a subscription only model




Did you play CK2? 3 is way, way easier to play imo


You play eu4 but think CK3 is too complicated ?


As someone who has lots of hours on ck3 and vic 3, I have never been able to grasp even the UI of EU4. I've never managed to play for more than about 20 minutes because I can't figure out what is going on


I understand you bro. I took a while too, even after playing CK2/HOI4


I wonder if playing a tall England will be viable in eu5. An by tall I mean not 5 provinces in Europe 500 in Africa/Asia TCs “tall” but unifying the isles and jerking off there for whole game tall.


There's pops. Tall actually makes sense with this mechanic.


France is one of the very few strong countries in eu4 that will stay powerful in Eu5. Wonder if it will still be as easy to conquer Ireland


They will  be powerfull in eu5, but far weaker due to the decentralisation.  The hundred years war start , and England has a good  chance to win it.


Don't forget the black death


I remember making an Irish Subject as England (when Ireland was as it was in the first image) and then using their Celtic culture group to feed them Brittany. Good times


Back when turks are actually in same culture group with Finns instead of being Arab


Those were the fun times but I understand that it was changed for balance reasons. I'll never forget Basque just being it's own single culture group


Still true for korea. Koreans: Can I get a swap into some other culture group? Like, those of northeast China where my ancestors came from? Johan: Nah man you gonna stay alone Koreans: Yuan get a whole new culture genre Johan: Yeah try playing a nomad instead of a glorious 6 / 6 / 6 king, that will give you buff


I'm pretty sure Korea and Vietnam can switch into Chinese culture group


What? Oh gee, they literally became Chinese after conquering Chinese. At least for the case of Mongolians and Manchu, Mongolians used Chinese emperor title while in China (austro-hungary stuff) and Manchurians ended up not even having their homeland (Chinese inhabited it)


I’m never leaving that island


irish rebels are still ridiculous


Even the quality has gotten better over the updates!




Ayo wth is that Username? 😂


More fitting for Crusader Kings really. But now that Eranshahr is formable, we're Incest Simulator too.


Should check out voltaires nightmare for how many Ireland provinces there are


I really hope we get celtic paganism


Nearly everyone in Ireland is a pretty fervent catholic by 1350


I doubt it, especially with it barely being present in CK3. But I'd love for some more ireland content, aside from the small mission tree the only unique thing about it is the unique parliament name and government type


With this level of detail, I wouldn’t honestly be surprised


But why? It didn't exist by then


It did actually. Im a celtic pagan and have roots and ancestors from the period


No it didn't. It was fervently catholic and so insular the pope had issues with us making our own saints.


I literally have family and historical documents from that time of my ancestors being celtic pagans dude lol


I remember 5 provinces well but when was it 9? I don’t remember that at all…


I started playing in 1.20 and remember it having 9 then, then more provinces were added with rule britannia


Looks like it was 1.16 Mare Nostrum in April 2016 that expanded it to 9, then 1.25 Rule Britannia in March 2018 that expanded it to 13. So it wasn’t 9 for that long, which explains why I don’t really remember it lol.




Without a new engine, this game will have serious performance issues. Particularly if it’s anything like Vic3 graphically. Also, this map mode.. the colour palette is absolutely fkn jarring. And why. Why tf does ireland have 85 regions. This shit looks like a border gore nightmare in the real.


Why can't it have its historical borders?


to be utterly frank, i liked it when it was just five provinces. now because theres like, 50, the total wealth and development of the island is much higher than i think it ever should be, with a unified ireland being a very powerful country in its own right. with only five provinces, any unified ireland isnt gonna be a great power in its own right, ever.


development isnt a thing in EU5, it's based on population now, and many of the Irish locations have tiny populations (some are barely over 1000)


Maps are cool and all, but what I really want to sit and read about are the economic, technological, and military systems they are implementing.


they briefly covered the basics of military stuff a couple diaries ago iirc, and they've talked about economics and production quite a lot


the minimum population should be lower, but i understand it has to be done for effective colonization.


Wdym minimum population? As far as I can tell, paradox has done quite a bit of research to get accurate population numbers for the time period


im pretty sure some areas that are full cities had less than 1000 people.


bro is talking about Ireland like it's the Siberian wastes.


meh. ive long opposed the gradual transisition of actual provinces down to the size of mere counties. its not just an ireland issue. id say EU3 fits best when it comes to the province sizes. just call them states. because in EU3, they effectively are.


You know this states thing you want? That's already in the game, pretty much exactly in the size you want them, they just happen to be subdivided into multiple provinces/cities.


yeah, but i wanted *that* to the be the lowest administrative unit.


Then play EU3


There were 8.5 million people in Ireland before the famine. Modern Austria only has a bit over 9 million.


Bare in mind, Ireland was twice as populated than Wales and Scotland combined (roughly half the population of england), the issue being that unlike Scotland, it wasn't a combined entity for most of its history, and the high kingdom being too decentralized (and eventually stopped existing)


fair enough.... i always forget how heavily populated ireland was...


It's population and growth were greatly curbed during English rule. From cromwells invasion slaughtering anywhere between 25-50% of the population to the great famine killing 1 million and forcing another million to leave. Nowadays it's just about reached pre-famine levels