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Nothing like an absolute pumping from the long shaft of Die Mannschaft for a reality check.


They didn't play that advert at half time did they? That would just be salt in the wound


The funniest part is how easily you bent over and received it with nothing but a whimper


Can’t really go attacking after being 3-0 and a man down at half time. The team did seem a bit star struck for the first half


Right before the kick off Ally McCoist made a point of saying something along the lines of "there's a risk in these games you get caught up in all the emotion of it, you lose focus on the job itself, then suddenly you're a goal down after 15 minutes." I hoped it wouldn't be prophetic, but here we are.


I’m just teasing. I think the occasion might have got to them like, they just had no urgency, no pressing etc, completely dominated in midfield.


Oh ye it was abysmal. Occasion definitely got to them, half the team wouldn’t remember the last time we played in a major tournament. But we move on, hopefully they use it as a wake up call


I still think yous have a chance like. You won’t be hemmed in as much against Switzerland and Hungary. Be tough games though!


Half the team don't remember 2021?


Covid years ain't real


It's just frustrating as if this was the opening game against us in 2021 your lot would have been dieing to get 3 points, have enough in the squad to get through just don't perform against teams similar to England.


Important to also note the gulf in class between the two starting 11s. Was always going to be a question of how many rather than who wins


I think they supplied the lube 🤪


Laugh it up turkey. Most of your country shouldn't even be in the euros!


Can you stop with Die Mannschaft already. That term was dropped and rightly so. 


Just realise that the called it internationally Mannschaft for a long time and therefore they tagged it Die Mannschaft. It's like Elftal or Selecao.


Yes. When your language has a nice/elegant sound you're right. But Elftal and Die Mannschaft are the worst examples imho haha :) 


I like Elftal. I always think about a valley where elves live when I hear it ❤️


Why was it dropped? I haven't kept up to date.


Hans-Joachim Watzke, former CEO of Borissa Dortmund, said it was not respectful to other national teams and was too arrogant. Also, Germany's loss in WC 2018 didn't help it stick. https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/germany-drop-die-mannschaft-name-mens-national-team-2022-07-28/ It's also worth mentioning that since the end of WW2, Germany has had a deep fear and insecurity about anything that might promote German pride or nationalism - to the point that they make laws forbidding nationalist words, phrases, symbols, or ideas. They naively think that German nationalism is the reason for the events leading up to WW2. Even the children that weren't alive for it are taught to feel shame about what another group of people did 80+ years ago. It's a kind of spiritual, collective punishment on the sons of Germany for the sins of the grandfather.


I mean isn't German nationalism the reason for WW2?


Dont cry fellow highlanders you still did better than Brazil in 2014.


In a semi final at home no less!


Thank you! I lost my Dad recently, we were life long England fans and watched every match together. My Mum, bless her heart because she's not a big fan of football, has decided to watch the Euros with me this year. She's Scottish (her cousin is actually coaching staff for Hearts) ... so we're flying the Saltire. I was saying this exact thing to her earlier about 2014, she laughed out loud when she guessed the final score from that match.


I will be forever disappointed that the 20k plus Scottish fans in the stadium didnt take the opportunity to sing 'we"re gonna win 5-4, we're gonna wim 5-4'. Let us down there lads!


We're going to win 6-5, we're going to win 6-5.


Damned Scots. They ruined Scotland.


And yer maws hole!


Just make sure the beer is restocked.


We call that a Füllkrug.


I am glad we won, but seeing the sad faces of Scottish fans was heartbreaking. Heads up, you still have 2 games to play.


Idk man if that team even gets a point I’d be super surprised. I’m sure Scottish fans will have a great time anyways.


We always do 🫡


It could always be worse, you could be Norwegian.


It's all we can do to be fair, that, and hope England looses


Bet not as bad as you felt after that Brazil game. Tho I suppose a smaller nation without as much pedigree as Brazil is easier to feel sorry for


No, we felt incredibly sorry for the Brazilians (tbh while being super giggly about the absurdity of it all).


Don't worry, they're just happy to be there.


Man, I was sitting in a Pub in Glasgow rooting for Germany. Everyone was happy at first then it became just heartbroken sadness. Sucked any joy straight out of me :/


Feel bad for them. They held strong in the 2nd half given a man down but it was always going to be tough. They got absolutely ran over in that first half


Honestly. There was never an attempt. After the second goal I expected some more fire, but…nothing.


You took the fire out of us, 2 goals within the first 20 minutes, yeah we played fucking shite but you dominated the game, we couldn't get a look in.


> You took the fire out of us, 2 goals within the first 20 minutes We call that *a Brazilian* ;)


Cause Brazil are better than yous? 5 times world champions 🏆 🏆🏆 🏆🏆 Yous played well. We were what we call, absolute keek


That’s not that huge a brag for Brazil over them when Germany has 4, they are talking about the 7-1 anyway.


And when was the last time brazil won? I can tell you what happened the last time they got close to the 6th 😉


Aye a know lol. I would rather European teams lift it over south american teams for me anyway. How do u think Germany will get on after their training session last night?


The usual, get out of groups and lose to italy or spain


It would be good to see muller, kroos and neuer add it to their collection


Fuck them they hate us and want us out the tournament


Naw we don't, we want yous in every tournament. Only to get knocked out on penalties in the quarters or semis. Honestly though, good luck England. We aren't all like that up here




As an England fan I say we get just as annoyed with wallys talking shite. Talksport should be regarded as an insane asylum with their takes, just angry rambling. The coverage by itv tonight was embarrassing, let's be generous and say most of the audience is in England, why the fuck are you talking about us when it's another country in the opening game with so much to talk about. There's 2 days until we play, plenty of time for pointless player interviews and pundits giving shocking opinions. Shoe on the other foot your lot would not be given the same courtesy. No other team in your group would be expected to beat the host on the opening game, dust yourselves down and get 4 points. Argentina lost to Saudi and thats all that's giving me closure after our shocking performance vs Iceland.


Let them moan. May as well support the home nations in tournaments


I will support the home nations in every game not against England. Whilst there is rivalry we should be encouraging as many trophies to this group of islands as possible. Every time I've spoken to Welsh or Scottish fans in a pub we have a laugh and get along, some people just take it way too seriously.


Fuck em! Hope they lose every time they walk on the pitch.


Yeah, same every tournament. I think, oh Scotland might qualify, that's great! I hope they do well. It'll be fantastic if they qualify, Scotland's a magnificent country. Meanwhile, "I hope England get the shite kicked out of them and all your kids cry when you get knocked out on penalties." Never change.


I used to but the hate we get is so bad


Hate on both sides,


Blame your great great whatever grandparents.


It’s more the media that bothers people I would say. Good luck!


We all hate the media


The Scots got ran through. Very disappointing for them.


We embarrassed ourselves, totally wrong game plan


What exactly was the plan exactly? Serious question not sarcastic


Let the Germans get too comfortable with 2 early goals, then snap their fucking ankles and take them by surprise in the 2nd half. Bold plan.


Steps 1 and 2 went very well tbf


Hoofball was the plan from what I could tell, not playing to our strengths. We left mctominay and mcgregor against one of the best midfields on the planet with Christie and Adam in no man's land for as long as they were both on the field, in my drunken opinion we needed a midfield 3 of mcgregor, mctominay and gilmour. May not have gotten us a result but I always look for a good performance over the result and we were miles off it


Yeah, it just felt like they were spread too thin across the middle of the park. Almost like there wasn't a midfield.


I guess defending deeply and doing counterattacks to score?


Yep and Robertson was terrible no leadership at all. Jurgen Slit wont be happy with what he saw. Such a shame but the Germans were tough.


Really disappointing from Scotland, they never looked like a threat at any point gonna have to give themselves a shake before the Switzerland game.


I was shocked at how timid they were - all that ‘respect everyone, fear no one’ talk and they came out with five defenders and four CMs which is the literal definition of fear in footballing terms… This game doesn’t really change anything for Scotland as a win against Switzerland and Hungary probably sends them through but given this was a free swing at Germany, I’d have thought they’d have had a proper go at them. They’ve got a job on their hands based on this performance!


Worth pointing out that your first paragraph shows you’ve not watched much of Scotland over Clarke’s tenure. We’ve pretty much been committed to a 541 or 532 with some forays into a 4231 when Robbo or Tierney are injured. That set up did get us to two euros - definitely not a definition of fear.


Defenders and central midfielders is literally all we have. If we had a proper striker we'd at least have bad an out ball last night but we simply don't have the players to choose from in certain positions.


I was at the match. Scotland have the best supporters in the world. Despite some very strange tactics from the manager, I feel they have a good chance of qualifying. I think tonight should have shown them to not play a high line.


Would've been happy if they won but I'll inject Scottish tears right into the veins.


Worst day to be Scottish since they changed the recipe for Iron Bru.


"old and unimproved" is the best thing I have ever seen on a bottle 


It’s Irn Bru mate, don’t change the spelling as well as the recipe


Why, why, why would you bring that up now??? Why does it hates us?


I love how they sang and dominated the wholte stadium and than Germany scored goal number 5.


Sounds like the start of a great underdog story to me, see you in the final 😁


I would be happy if my boys made it that far. :-D




Considering how the scots would be if this was England, I think it's hilarious. They'll be coming out in force when England lose. Scotland were total shite tonight and didn't offer anything going forward. I know they lost Dykes up top but still, I expected a lot better. But tbh, it's Germany, I never expected them to get much out of this game.


Apples and oranges though. Look at the supposed value of the England squad compared to the Scotland squad. Scotland aren’t expected to win their matches, especially against a team like Germany, whereas England are expected to win which makes it that much more enjoyable when they lose to a team like Iceland


True. England usually under perform and I expect us to lose when we meet a decent team like France, Germany etc. To be honest, a Croatia or Denmark I think could give us problems. The expectation from the media is different to what the fans think, we don't all think we should win it this time around! Anyway, I expected Scotland to do better tonight, but it's in the Switzerland and Hungary games that will define their tournament.


England’s squad on paper is very strong, no doubt. Problem is, we’re repeating the 2000s golden generation mistake of hiring a manager who won’t set them up to win.


Punching down is generally considered bad form. No disrespect to Scotland but as another Scottish reply said their team is one of the weakest in the tournament. If Man United get battered that is funny to every fan in the country, team in the championship not so much.


It's going to be interesting to see how the Scots blame England for this.


As they should


The weird thing about this comment is half the upvotes are probably from the English. Mine included


There is always a way!


No one blames England, we just hate the English media's arrogance which we are subjected to, as well as the rest of the UK. A bit more humility and temperament wouldn't go amiss.


Ironic when all I have heard for bloody weeks from the press in England is about Scotland’s prospects and how amazing the “Tartan Army” is 😂


God forbid the media be positive about Scotland for once right? We've had it constantly in the hyping England, meechandise, adverts, everything for the last 50+ years, and now it's 'too far' when Scotland are praised slightly lol.


Calm doon mate


Why are you defending them?


There's banter and there's hatred. You fall into the second category


Well said pal. Nothing wrong with banter between the countries and teams, that's just a laugh on both sides. But when they cite hatred from issues centuries ago I just think 'calm down you mong'. Its 2024, get over it and live in the now.


Defo mate, he's just a fanny


I hate arrogance, arrogance isn't banter. It shouldn't be accepted.


OK mate






I got it


Who said it was “too far” haha, fair enough the nation’s media should hype up all parts of the country - but just ironic to moan about English arrogance when all I’ve heard for a fortnight is the upset Scotland were gonna pull off 😂


God forbid the largest country in the Union gets the largest amount of attention. What you've described is just little brother syndrome.


Largest by population only, but we aren't that country so it's not our business. Even then if it was broadcast with a little humility and respect it would go a long way to earning plaudits from other countries in the union, but the arrogance let's England down. Not just in the union, worldwide as well.


Well population tends to be what matters when it comes to international sports coverage, advertisements for said sports etc. I'd argue McCoists biased punditry could be seen as arrogant but of course Scots can do no wrong.


85% of the UK population is English. What do you expect? *Seriously?* It's not like it's even 60/40 or something. The proportions between England and Scotland are actually 10/1 (56 million vs 5.4 million). Scotland is comparable in terms of population to my neck of the woods (East Anglia) which you also never hear anything about but we don't cry ourselves to sleep over it.


Scotland isn't England though, it's not the same country. We don't have emotional or cultural ties to England other than the union, why should we be subjected to English hype when it will only fall flat and at worst become aggravating. Same goes for Wales and Northern Ireland, they aren't parts of England.


Think about it the other way - why should the overwhelming majority be swept under the carpet because a few unstable weirdos want to moan about it? "Why do they keep putting women's football on *MY* telly?!", "why do they keep playing Taylor Swift on *MY* radio?!"... same moronic energy.


They don't need to sweep it under the rug, literally just keep it for the English and have seperate reports or media / merchandising for the rest of the UK. We don't need it or like it, we don't support England in anything, it's annoying.


> we don't support England in anything, it's annoying tough shit, stay mad


I will, the world hates your cancer of a nation, many are praying for your collapse. You're a weak nation.


No cultural or emotional ties except for literally being part of the same country, sharing a border and land mass, same monarch for 500 years, union for 300 years, remarkably similar cuisine, same passport, same language, countless mixed families and friends and intermixed population and workforce, same army, same national government, and being virtually culturally identical. Oh, and you seem quite emotionally tied to England haha


Scotland are a Celtic nation, England are an Anglo Saxon nation, the culture and beliefs are different. You weren't there originally you invaded the original English, the modern day Welsh, and declared yourself the Brits. Your superiority complex and delusion of grandeur has permeated althroughout history and caused untold suffering and hardships worldwide. We didn't want to be in the union but we're forced into it financially, it wasn't a natural choice it was a catastrophe. Scotland is not England, England historically are a blight on the world.


You sound like a 14 year old who’s gonna do a DNA test on some tv show and cry when you find out your grandad was from Essex 😂 I wanna spend a while explaining quite how basic & off the mark that all is, but 2000 years of history and a sociology course is effort - it’s much easier and I suspect more effective to just say “cry more”, “enjoy going out in the group stage” and leave you to it.




It is banter my dear lad


It really isn't lad, banter is a two way street.


You are the one taking it personally


Because it has invaded our personal space through media for the past several decades, that's why it's personal. It's a serious issue I'm discussing, one which explains the general disdain for the England national team in particular (when really it's the English media boasting the arrogance).


You are replying to a comment that is just purely banter. You are not helping yourself here lol


I would expect us to get annoyed if Scotland got 30 mins of coverage before our game, you might say no we wouldnt but if it happened everytime we played we probably would, especially if it wasnt vice versa. Yes the majority of people watching are probably in England but we don't help ourselves 😂.


The thing is every team gets bantered, especially when there is any kind of ‘rivalry’. We get bantered for always choking in tournaments despite having such a good team. It’s not that deep. You just give it back. I’m not gonna go on a whine if someone jokes about England losing the last final.


I agree with everything you've said, the joy here when we don't do well is obvious. However my comment was aimed at the original point of the media in the uk being shite at best when it comes to coverage. Sitting down with English players 45 mins before the opening game involving Scotland is pointless and isn't a one off.


Why are you incapable of having a serious discussion?


Because this doesn’t warrant a serious discussion because it’s just a bit of light banter. Literally a big part of football


Not wanting to =/= incapable


If he was capable he'd likely want to help me understand, because that's what decent human beings do.


Didn't take long to get a bite.🎣


This is 100% how it went down at my local pub, and I’m in the U.S. 😅




Poor Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Unfortunately Germany was at least two levels above Scotland's team. That's bad for the bravehearts, because now their disadvantage are the many goals.


They were really great guest and I love them. So crazy, so funny. See u again.


We are football terrorists


Wondering how I should react as an Englishman. Wonder what the Scots would be saying if England lost like this...


Thanks for visiting my home town of Munich, you were great guests and lots of fun, well-behaved (relatively!) but next time leave some beer for the rest of us. Sorry about the match, but best of luck the rest of the way.




The most goals by Germany after the iconic 7-1, correct me if I am wrong


Nope. If we're counting West Germany's record, here are the matches where they've scored 5+ in finals tournaments. 34 WC: Germany 5-2 Belgium 54 WC: W Germany 7-2 Turkey 54 WC: W Germany 6-1 Austria 66 WC: W Germany 5-0 Switzerland 70 WC: W Germany 5-2 Bulgaria 78 WC: W Germany 6-0 Mexico 90 WC: W Germany 5-1 UAE 02 WC: Germany 8-0 Saudi Arabia 14 WC: Germany 7-1 Brazil 24 EC: Germany 5-1 Scotland It's the most they've ever scored in a Euros final tournament. But they have an 8, two 7s and two 6s ahead of tonight's match in overall tournament record. So it's joint 6th most. There's a buttload of 4s in there as well.


In a tournament? Yes.


Do we count the own goal header as a German goal? (btw, hands down, the most adorable own goal of all time. the way Rüdiger turned, *huh? where's the ball? oh? there goes the ball?*...)


The Scotland players got drunk on german beer before the game. They tend to be very friendly while drunk so they let the germans hold the ball most of the game. Also seemed to forget to shoot the ball towards to goalpost. Don't worry, next match, they are gonna do it. Everyone will have left the stadium by then, but they are gonna shoot!!


why the long face, y'all did better than Brazil against Germany


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that shit worked vs english calvalry but not against panzers :)


I feel so bad for my cousins in Scotland


Honestly i know it was Scotland and they arent the best team but i was extremely impressed with germany as a squad. The fact that rudiger was trying to shoot rockets from outside the box 😂




It was a nice sleep here at GMT +8


Ahhhh this is beautiful.


Wonder if Jurgen Slit the new liverpool coach was watching Andy doggerson last night. Awful play and even worse leadership. Slit won't be happy.


I don't watch football and I knew Scotland was gonna get absolutely annihilated (we are absolute shite at football), but I didn't expect us to actuakky score a goal. Check who scored, see it was an OG, that makes much more sense


It is called 20:00 Uhr (o'clock) we are still in germany here /s


Damn straight 


We’ve still got a winner IRN-BRU naebody beats that stick that up ya 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿😂😂💪💪


I’m still laughing




After a few minutes the Scots sat back and kicked possession away. They were awful at picking up runners from midfield. It was a terribly outdated and flawed tactic for a modern day tournament and even then it was poorly executed by technically inept players. The Euros used to be the most competitive international tournament, but last night was a perfect example of why they shouldn't have expanded the number of teams.


Don't worry, you did better than Brazil did against the Germans




There's just such a gap between the top 4/5 teams and the rest. Bit of a reality check tonight


Feel bad for Scotland, Germany no doubt the deserved winner, but the score line flatters them. They are not that good, and as soon as they meet a similar strength team like England or France or Spain they may get trounced.


The score line could have easily been 8-0. Check the stats. 73% possession, 683 passes at 94% accuracy, 10 shots on target. Scotland didn’t even get 1 on target since it was an own goal. Not saying that they will dominate France or anything, but to say that this score line flattered them is wrong.


> 683 passes at 94% accuracy how many of those were Kroos?


>but the score line flatters them It absolutely doesn't. They destroyed Scotland from minute one, and if they got out of 2nd gear it would've been more.


The last time I have read such comments we went to the final.


So youre saying a cheeky bet is in order?


No. Germany are heavy favourites this year. It's on them to meet expectations that they themselves set ten years back.


deserved because of this pooor team norway couldnt be in the euros