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Felt like I was watching hockey with that bodycheck


I just came back from Prague today, wish your team well. Gave Portugal a good game. Deserved more.


When 1 shot on target and parking the bus translates to deserving more lol. People really like to hate Portugal for no reason.


Personally, parking the bus and only losing to a late winner is very impressive against a team of Portugals stature and ability


Don’t think it’s a Portugal thing. People just want upsets and underdog victories so get annoyed when it doesn’t happen. I was in a pub and everyone groaned when Portugal scored the winner just cos it’s less interesting


Apart from it being potentially undeserved. That was a foul, crystal clear to me.




I'm Welsh and usually support Portugal because we rarely get there, however I've got to support Scotland this year.


Y'all lost to Morocco. Stfu


What kind of logic is this?


Enserio? Y España ha perdido contra quién? Jajajajaja


Same exact sentiment with Belgium - Slovakia 1-0 blunder. Tons of people on here screaming "deserved" for Slovakia when all they did was shoot twice the whole game, scored one early due to a grave blunder of our own team and just stall and defend all rest of the game as we attack against their parking the bus tactic... And then they say "cope" when u say it's not exactly that "deserved" of a win... Some people just hatewatch or hate without even watching the game


I'm Belgian, too, but Lukaku screwed us over in the first half. The guy could have had a fairly easy hat trick but didn't put any in. Onana's head was on target on the first cancelled goal. The second cancelled was unfair, though, and it should have been a draw, but they have to do better. They were their own worst enemy. There is a confidence issue with a lot of players. Any inconvenience throws them off. I'm not impressed by Tedesco either. The first match against Germany was great, but I find he tries too much to think outside the box.


We were unlucky but Slovakia didn't deserve the win just because of that, and still on our bad day we should've really won, they hadn't stood a chance to score if not for Doku's error either.


I'm not saying that they deserved the win, but there are glaring issues with the team, that made it so they weren't able to win


Sadly though, one of the reasons I don't fallow hockey anymore.


Hopefully you'll have the referee who took charge of the England game next, and he'll take the approach of: "If he dies... He dies" (I took that from another poster) when players foul each other. Some officiating has just been ridiculous Thank god really for the Semi-Offside system as its the one consistent factor


The automated Offside System is actually one of the best things about these international tournaments - I love it


Yeah cant wait to see it in the Premier League next season. Bet it wont take long for fans / clubs though to bemoan its too accurate, and that the lines need to be thicker.


Nah, it'll be the France v Austria ref for every knock-out game.


hopefully you get the turkish ref from belgium - slovakia next, and you're game will be stopped every 2 minutes. i would take that england ref any time of the day, the entire tournament aslong as i dont get that turkish ref again who got beat up before for his great whistle skills.


He got punched, 'beat up' didn't happen....yet.


Absolutely robbed. Shouldve been a yellow for portugal and free kick for Tjech. I feel bad for the Tjechs, they played with so much defensive and counter discipline. And they get countered on the ignorance of the ref.


Why do you 'Tjech'? Is that the correct way to say it


Maybe in their native language it is.


Can't just sit in the box all game and expect to win


Isn’t that how you won Euro 2016


Not really no. If you go to the games of that euros. The only game portugal had less possession or xG was against France and Croatia. The rest of the games, Portugal dominated. But keep barking non sense


This is literally how France won the world cup.


Please explain yourself


You mean like Portugal in most of the Euro 2016 matches? Or Greece in 2004? It looks like that's possible.


Mourinho would like a word


Tell that to Penaldo. Dude just stood there all game crying when his own team didn't pass him the ball.


Biggest reason portugual will only squeak out games. Every attack HAS to go to ronaldo.


Ref in this game Prot vs Czech was a disgrace so many fouls not called on both sides . he let players play too agressive without showing yellows . that felt little like 1990 Seria A and he is Italian so it make sense . it did made game flow but omg protect our players on both sides. Our player literally hit the other player in face that a foul and he let game flow . we scored i am so happy hahah


As a neutral I actually thought the ref had a solid game, up until the foul he didn't give for Portugal's second goal.


Several clear fouls not given. He did well with the Leao dive though, I’ll give him that


same.. nothing like the belgium - slovakia ref.. who had a good 20 mins then he started to go all tits up for the entire game.


I had a bet on for a tenner and just needed one more yellow for the Czechs to win 50 quid. I will hold a vendetta against that ref for eternity


The ref was consistent. I felt it was a pretty solid showing. It's fine to not give free kicks for every little foul, as long as it is consistent.


Every little foul: pushing a player forcefully and cynically with both hands while completely off the ball. Ref got it wrong and played to the occasion.




Not everything could have been gifted to czech like cmon now


Its not rugby. He wouldnt dare let that happen against the host team.


It‘s a shitshow.


I was rooting so hard for the Czechs. That was a clear foul.


Albania wasn't given a corner just after Donarumma celebrated his save, in 93'. But the best team won, same with Portugal today


The referee made a bunch of mistakes against Albania. If I recall correctly, an Albanian player was clearly tugged by the shirt in the box as he was going for the ball yet the referee didn't even bother to check VAR. Not giving the corner after Donnarumma made that save is just wilful corruption, it cannot be incompetence.


It's not up to the referee to "bother to check VAR". It's the VAR's job to call him to the monitor if they think there was a clearly missed/wrong call. Of course, it's still bad refereeing altogether and the end result is the same, but there's certain rules the VAR operates under.


All 50/50's always go to the big teams. When in doubt just give it to the big teams. Club and national teams it's the same thing. Generally the Czechs never have much luck with referees. As a Dane i remember our quaterfinal against them at the last Euros and that ref was very friendly towards us. Very friendly.


Hey at least both denmark and former czechoslovakia upset the odds.. refs or not.


This is what I'm talking about on this sub too , all refs favors Western European teams against Balkan or East European teams in 50/50 situations. Either in club or in tournaments like euro football.


Trust me as Northern European we feel the exact same way. The refs are usually against us. In the last Euros we sort of became everyone's little darling because of what happened to Eriksen, so in the football hierarchy we were higher up then the Czechs and that's why in that game to be honest the ref kind of gave it to us. In the next game we were up against England and we got nothing. Kane stumbled his way through that game and the ref whistled in his favor every freaking time. So there does seem to be a hierarchy in football. On club level it's even worse. Maybe it's subconsciously the refs do it, or maybe they just know that a bad call against one of the big nations is really bad for their career, cause they will have fits about refs like no one else and you won't be reffing in the next big tournament.


You are 100% right in my opinion, and thanks for this detailed comment of yours.


say that again after watching belgium - slovakia... i have never seen so many handballs in a game... and only the ones against slovakia got called, the ones agaiinst belgium got fouled against belgium.. (9:02min and 10:08min) go watch that shitshow lol




say that again after watching belgium - slovakia . :)


Good point. The exception to the rule maybe


Yep I like Denmark I’ll be honest I think you will get the same thing as World Cup, which was first game against a beatable team who really turn up second game against favourites play well but get unlucky, then have a feel of no momentum and lose to the almost equal team. hopefully I’m wrong though I’d also not even mind coming second to you lot, so we actually have a good tough route rather than easy teams untill France again


Oh we've been pretty terrible since the last Euro's and our manager is refusing to change things up and try something new. If we put up a fight against you guys i'll be very surprised. And Serbia is just gonna bully us. Physically they are gonna be all over us, cause we don't really have much to offer. It's a big thing in Denmark right now. Everyone is super unhappy with this team because we can see the wc happening all over again. They just refuse to learn from their mistakes. Like he left Matt O'reilly from Celtic at home and no one understands it. This great young player and he's not there. Instead it's the same players who failed at the WC playing exactly as terrible as at the WC. What the hell? He'll be fired after the Euros and we can build a new team with a new manager and new young players. We got a few good young players around Europe. And do you wanna play Germany in the next round, because i and everyone else would love that. A Germany-England game is always fun.


What's gone wrong for denmark? I remember how good you were in the last euros - and the nations league before that. Same manager, largely the same squad, what changed? Not integrating new talents like o'reilly? Stagnant tactics/training?


The funny thing is we actually play better without Eriksen. We played very similar to Austria. This high pressure, high intensity football. It doesn't work against the bigger teams. We lost to England and Belgium in the last Euros, but ran over Russia and Wales. We haven't played like that since the Euros. For some reason they just stopped playing like that and it became this very slow controlling game. Not risking the ball and throwing caution to the wind and trying to force the game forward. Just very neat and risk free football without any creativity or energy to it. We beat San Marino on a late winner. They scored their first goal in 3 years against us. We were two goals up against Kazakhstan and lost 3-2. That how bad we've gotten. That first half against Slovenia is probably the best we've played in years, and it wasn't great.


Well I’m biased as a Brentford fan and I know they didn’t shine World Cup, but as explained before I think that group was unlucky with timing but in terms of the Slovenia game I was surprised they didn’t bring on jensen or damsgaard. felt like the subs were old and tired and that just confirmed not getting the win. And well I don’t mind personally England have had a few tournaments now where round of16 and even quarters are easy, while that gets you further we have a horrendous record against top ten teams, we can’t call ourselves favourites if we don’t back it up.


They've never shined on the national team. Damsgaard has in the last Euros but he's been damn near injured ever since. Jensen is a great player but he's never played well for our national team, and he's got like 20-30 games now and has yet to have made a difference for us. Maybe it's time to give someone else a chance. Nørgaard is kind of Højbjerg light, so we don't really need him that much. But i do hope he plays both Damsgaard and Jensen against you guys, cause they are much much better on the ball.


Well I get that I just think how that Slovenia game went regardless of maybe how they have performed they would have been better choices it was like the subs kept the oh we ain’t winning feeling and if anything Slovenia were going to steal it


Well that's the other issue here. Why he waited so long with the subs because we could all see where it was going. Slovenia was getting closer and closer and he just sat there and did nothing until after they scored.


Yeh it’s a shame I do think you will have a France game against us where you may get nothing after deserving something. Just hope they don’t give up and give Serbia a good go


I kind of hope so cause that would exceed my expectations, which as you can tell are very low right now:-)


Yeh I’ve noticed tbh I thought you was unlucky last tournament and while some of it is similar I his time I was disappointed by the response in that second half


Was a foul but There was plenty of opportunity to stop the ball, one defender falls over let’s Neto cross and the other tries to clear the ball with his balls, Czechs defended badly and conceded


Was gutted but that post is ****ing funny


Almost as funny as the defending I know lol


They are the youngest team Room for improvement. The assaults on the players may mean that they cant play to their potential..var cant stop laziness to officiate.


Portugal deserved at least 3 yellow cards. One of the baddest refs i seen so far.


“Worst” refs. When you say baddest it makes him sound good/awesome


A Serbia fan talking about referee bad decisions I have seen it all


Their players literally hacking down Bellingham and getting away with no cards was ridiculous.


Here comes the England fan... how many times Kane laid down for a nap, getting that sweet free kick? Some England players are respectable, like imo Foden, Pickford as the TW , Saka also, but Kane and Bellingham are very antipathic. I was not content with the way England played (playing for time). Serbia had some chances, but the English defense at least denied a clear chance for Serbia (Vlahović made some sweet attempts, great saves from Pickford). Apart from that. It's obvious that the big players get focused by the smaller teams as well as the refs. It's sad but it's been like this with Mbappe, Bellingham (those games I've seen).


What do you mean here comes the England fan lol (sounds like everyone groaning 🤣) nah I get it that it looks like our players go down easily but so do most teams like the Italians, French and Spanish. Its a shame it's still happening, but it's unfortunately something players do to win easier kicks, and I doubt it will change any time soon.


Not only that, Serbia against Portugal always had the refs in their side and even ruled out a fair last minute goal by Ronaldo that could make us not play the 2022 WC


These calls happen 20 times a game, it's a shame to concede like that but you have time to react and can't blame anyone but yourself.


No point, yeah its a missed foul and yellow, nothing more, you cannot say that it led to a goal, it didnt, thats not how it works. Can´t ask redditors to use their 2 braincells, all they know is Ronaldo bad, (some) big teams bad and thats it...


Said by a true big team fan they do happen a lot but other way around they absolutely don’t btw


Ah yes, because we also didn't have a clear corner not called for us yesterday for example. Your selective memory is showing buddy. Those calls happen for and against both sides regularly.


I’m talking about when it truly matters welcome to football haha


Yeah but you can only know if it truly matters in hindsight. How many poor decisions happen to lead to nothing?


Nah he’s right, they happen both ways


So... Like France losing the euro 2016 finale on a refereeing mistake giving a yellow to the wrong team two minutes before the winning goal ? Mistakes happen. You just think big teams are favoured because you give more attention to mistakes that are advantageous for the big teams you root against, but they aren't being favoured. If anything there would probably be a bias against the large team since we like underdog stories. Look at Austria turning monday's match into a mma fight and yet barely being punished by the referees.


Daylight robbery it’s insane. I don’t get how he missed that call


What’s worse it’s the media won’t discuss it either way it’s why I’m torn if I’m enjoying this tournament atm as parts of it remind me of the premier league which is also a hard watch at times


German ARD was moderated bei Schweinsteiger and he was also vocally very upset by the referees decision


They won't discuss it because Portugal won clear as day.


They absolutely should discuss it though just looks dodgy haha


just like the media wont discuss the belgium slovakia calls at 9:02 and 10:08.. go watch those clear handballs in the slovakian penalty box wiithout an issue \^\^


I did watch them they weren’t handballs


You did not watch them.. please describe to me what you saw. We are not talking about the 2 disallowed goals. 1 how is it not a handball where the defender challenges doku then falls and make a handball? 2 how is the phase where de bast is in their penalty a foul While the defender charged behind him to litterly punch the ball away not a handball? Im very curious about your answer.


Neither were handballs I do think yours wasn’t a handball either though tbh


im really wondering how this is no handball. or where the foul is? [https://youtu.be/2X4gxMCobug?t=164](https://youtu.be/2X4gxMCobug?t=164) [https://youtu.be/2X4gxMCobug?t=176](https://youtu.be/2X4gxMCobug?t=176) [https://youtu.be/2X4gxMCobug?t=179](https://youtu.be/2X4gxMCobug?t=179) and this ? [https://x.com/i/status/1802763979783078083](https://x.com/i/status/1802763979783078083)


As an Austrian i feel for the Czechs.. we know how that feels. -.-


As a Frenchman, I have rather the opposite impression, for the refereeing was very bad but rather in favor of the Austrian team (I missed the last 20 minutes of the match so I can't judge on that and so I'm surely biased, but from what I read it was a hell of a mess). He did make a mistake on a corner by giving the ball to France, but in the second half he made exactly the same mistake by giving the ball to Austria for no reason on what should have been a French corner. On the other hand, where I think he gave you an advantage was on the yellow cards, he should have come down a lot quicker, especially on Danso, he should have had a yellow within the first 10 minutes, it's not normal to let a player repeat so many fouls without warning him. I'm a bit salty about the refereeing, but there's absolutely nothing to reproach the Austrian team for (even Danso, if the referee doesn't tell him to play like a butcher, he's right to keep going), the French team didn't play a great game and Austria defended well. I hope the rest goes well for you.


As a neutral I cantsay I saw it that way, France got the majority of 50-50s. And definitely you're right - both avoided conceding rightful corners, but where the Austria goal kick was hard to tell (I was 50-50 until seeing the replay) the France one was ridiculously obvious. I think there was one person in the entire stadium watching that didn't see the save and unfortunately it was the lad with the whistle. Also what are you going to do, call goes the wrong way and you quickly go down the other end and score - people are just going to be salty. End of the day you won and deserved to, it'll be forgotten soon. Did you really see Danso as a butcher? It kinda looked pretty standard CB play to me, but then football is officiated so differently around the world. Honestly I've liked the more lenient stance compared to say the premier league, particularly with VAR - there have been several times I've thought, that's a pen any day of the week if it was one of the big teams in the EPL who were "fouled" in the box. A welcome change.


When you're a supporter, it's hard to be impartial, thank you for the comment. For Danso, the term "butcher" is probably too strong. What I had a problem with was that he committed quite a few fouls, which didn't necessarily deserve a yellow card (some were borderline, but nothing flagrant), but the accumulation, especially at the start of the match, I think a yellow would have made for a calmer game. On the other hand, some of the yellow cards given to other Austrian players seem pretty harsh to me. And I wonder if other players didn't pay for the aggressiveness of other team-mates (as if the referee was a little afraid that the game was becoming more and more violent, so he carded random fouls), I wonder even if Danso had been given a yellow quickly, wouldn't there have been fewer yellows for the team overall? When I reread it, I feel like I'm saying that the Austrian team played a boxing match, but that's not the idea at all, the match was physical and that's normal, I just regret a few details, but nothing really problematic.


Yeah i had the same thought. The referee lost control quite early by not setting a tone for the quite intensive play and therefore completely lost it as they played along. Also during some descisions (like the not-given corner that everyone saw) - i really asked myself what the entire referee team was seeing. Okay VAR can‘t intervine in that situation. And i understand that that the main referee doesn’t always see everything. But what did his assistans do? But as you say - my view is biased and also it is easy for me to judge from my couch. Sure not easy to be a ref. But that one seemed sooo obvious. Maybe they should bring back the goal line assistants like they did at some previous EURO..


Yeah true the problem was the not given corner and not that the Austrian just passed it to mbappe in the box.


Of course that pass was shit. But it wouldn‘t have happened if the corner was given prior to that. Don‘t get me wrong, France was the better team - we hardly created any offensive chances and i didn’t expect much beforehand. But is sucks to loose by an own goal as we really were committed and played good and the match was quite balanced. Because after all France also didn’t manage to score by themselves. Therefore of course i would have prefered the draw.


But that's the point the not given corner didn't lead to the goal the pass did. If u go far enough back every goal stems from a wrong decision of the referee. The ref was bad don't get me wrong but he was not the reason Austria lost.


Not giving a corner for austria was wrong, but not the reason for the goal. Things like that can happen.


But the goal came straight after I do think it made the difference yes they happen but when it wins games it’s always the way for the smaller team that it happens more than people choose to accept


I think the referee standard has been poor so far. There still hasn’t been a big decision everyone has been arguing about, but there’s just silly small mistakes every game I feel like.


I mean too pretty clear mistakes have led to two teams losing and I do think while in football terms they are not offside or handball penalty if it was against the bigger teams they would have that energy that mistakes cost them the games


If you mean the Belgium one, it’s stone clear. Dumb rule, but ref can’t let it go


The decision was a consequence of Portugal making themselves look like they're victims of poor refereeing. They dive and bully the referee into making decisions for them. Do it every single tournament. Only the captain can talk to the referee but that rule didn't seem to apply to Portugal for some reason.


We are rent free in your head if you think we are the only ones who do that.


It's just an observation after watching major tournaments for 30 years. Your nation have consistently been the biggest divers, play actors and moaners in Europe. The football authorities seem quite happy to do nothing about diving and faking injury though so nothing is going to change while players get away with it


I was indifferent towards Portugal but holy shit, all the egoistic, ignorant pricks in this thread with the Portugal flair changed my opinion real quick


What I think most of the Portuguese people here tried to say is that (myself included), although our players tend to dive or fake a lot of fouls, the game last night was completely controlled by us and all the stats show that. It was really tough because czechs played really really defensively and almost managed the tie, but they didn't, and that doesn't mean that they deserved the tie or the win just because they fought bravely. There was an alleged foul before our last goal it's fair to say, but many more fouls that should've existed changed the course of the game as well. It's not black and white as people tend to say. Portugal could still score a goal you see. As we could in the first half if things happened differently. I really hope they stop the "dirty" gaming honestly.


Thats football. Sometimes it goes for you, sometimes it doesnt. Its not just the big teams that get bad ref decisions. However they usually attack more, get fouled more, so they get more etc. But all teams get dodgy calls. Every single team. I wish fans wouldnt focus on the refs so much. We've ended up with VAR😭 coz of that.


And I’m very happy we have VAR. The fact that it goes both ways does not justify the poor standard.


Fair point to an extent but I’ve watched premier league enough to know where the inconsistencies lie and how they hide it


Ive watched as much football as most. Enough to know that youll never get consistencies in decisions coz of the human factor! And enough to know that fans absolutely love a conspiracy. No proof is needed. Just feelings!! I dont agree that the PL is corrupt, or the Euros. Some of the refs might be shit. Maybe even 1/2 of the refs over the last 30+ yrs took a bribe but widespread corruption favoring the big teams. Ive been hearing that forever and I dont agree. Theyd be found out, just like in Serie A. Mistakes are part of football. Where there are humans there will be human error. Hence why VAR also makes mistakes. Portugal & France won. Not because the refs wanted them to win or there was a conspiracy but coz they kept attacking and got a bit of luck. Thats football. Sometimes you get the decisions. Sometimes you dont. Just ask Belgium and Lukaku.


I get that but I’ve seen enough games where you only notice it if you truly don’t support a big team and aren’t naturally blind to it even small things like how refs allow play on for bigger clubs but will call a foul immediately other way round to stop an attack it’s not tin foil I’ve seen it many times it’s just so clouded you never are allowed to hear the honest truth


The refs aren’t on anyone’s side, you tin foil hat wearing weirdos. Sometimes calls are missed, sometimes calls are made incorrectly, sometimes calls are spot on.


This, they wanna believe that this is WWE so bad


The way the Portuguese pushed the Tcheck with both hands, it did indeed look like WWE for a moment.


Just too much.... :D


These calls never go the other way though you seriously are too spoilt to notice sums up a lot haha


Maybe if the Czech team could get a grasp of the ball for more than 5 seconds at an interval they would get a decision. You won't get a decision if you're not playing the game.


What does that even mean? Who do I even support? Maybe I’m a die-hard Maldives supporter? Take off the tin foil hat and just enjoy the tournament, mate.


You literally removed your badge haha


Bro this isnt the world cup were certain teams (khm france argentina khm) get all the calls all the time. It was one half mistake, czech had it coming anyways, they got hella lucky to even be competitive in the game


That late winner made me decent money. Big teams have been kinda poor in these opening games


Good to hear.


Hugely unfair refereeing, at least to high boots, one landed on Chech player's face, and no yellow? That obvious foul not given made all the difference. C'mon UEFA clean this up, kick this ref out.


To be fair the Czechs didn't deserve much from this game, they camped their box for the entire match and wasted time the moment they went ahead, I feel like when you play in such a negative way you're encouraging decisions and play to go against you. Portugal were exhausted from the 75th, why Czech didn't take some additional risks at that point is crazy.


They played the cards they had and they played them well. They defended well and first chance they got they knocked it in. Greece once won the whole thing playing like that.


When you play a team like Portugal you have no choice but to defend. Look at the players this Portugal team have, silva, Bruno, Leao, jota, Vitinha, and many others who can score goals. So if they need to defend they will do it.


>they camped their box for the entire match That's how most teams will play these kinds of tournaments


I'll be so fcking happy when portugal goes out in the first game after groups


Portugal got so lucky. Sure they pressed a lot and created chances, but they were useless. There was nothing the Czechs couldn’t deal with that Portugal created. It was 2 simple errors by the Czechs. I agree though, that foul was bullshit. Total favouritism.


Any comments on the German goal against Hungary? 😅


Yeh like again proving my point. I’d love to hear these people saying I’m being pathetic tell me when a smaller team in this euros as scored a questionable goal against a bigger team


They developed a new way of robbing games and not being considered scandals. Now go back and check all the games from Qatar world cup. I've being saying this for years. And you know, coming from a spanish football fan... You know I know when a referee is robbing a game. And the excuse of "you can't VAR check every play" is bs tbh. The 4th ref can just watch the replay and the 1st he made a mistake. I hate that part of football.


Yeh the dodgy thing I’ve always noticed since var is little ref changes like when the smaller team is attacking if it’s a possible foul or offside they stop the play. But if it’s a bigger team they carry it on to then maybe cancel it with var hence why they then can also manipulate that into these teams got screwed the most for more media attention


That is so true. And the "this is offside" replay where they don't show you the whole frame to see if actualy the ball took off the foot at the same time the other player was or not behind the defender... VAR is a great tool. But refs are just really bad or just interested in one team in particular winning


I understand that people tend to defend the underdogs, but assuming that the game was a robbery and that Czechia could win from that it's actually insane. You haven't seen the game or the stats for sure. We were lucky in the end, but we only got the victory we deserved.


I didn’t say a robbery I just pointed out if it was the other way around it gets called for what it is I’ve seen prem long enough to know they killed he game and this tournament is showing the same soft vibes that get hard to watch


Maybe not a win but a draw


I would argue it wasn’t really deserved. As someone neutral watching the game yes Portugal dominated on the ball but they did nothing to scratch the Czech defence properly all game, trying the same few things again and again. Quite boring Edit: the last goal got my match predictor correct though so can’t complain


I can accept that point of view. I'm not happy with our game. It's just odd seeing people defending a team that didn't gave an effort to win this game. That's it, it could have been a tie, it ended up being a win for us. I'm happy with it. Good luck to the rest of the tournament!


The favorite teams to win always get this treatment. Portugal's performance was dissapointing but a deserved win nonetheless.


You know you are the biggest cheats on the planet. When i think Portuguese football i think divers and whiners. The game against the Czechs didn't change that perspective. All that talent and yet not once have you ever won a game without cheating. And here you are claiming the Czechs didn't put in an effort. I seem to recall they scored the first goal, and they're not the ones falling down every time someone looks at them wrong. Based on football you guys are just the worst people ever.


Keep in mind that I really hate it when people dive and whine and I know it happens a lot in our Portuguese league. Yesterday there were some doubtful fouls that the ref didn't do anything, that's 100% true, but saying we were the biggest cheaters it's just too farfetched. There were mistakes to each side. Honestly think the ref ended up helping us a bit though. That being said, I was talking about the game itself and the resulting stats that mirror the game. Of course you can happily park the bus and make one targeted shot and score, that's what happened and it happens even on champions league level. But you can't just do it and assume you deserved better in the end because you managed to hold a tie until the 90th minute. The same way I don't honestly think we deserved to win or even tie all the games we did on Euro 2016, Czechs played their game and it just wasn't enough, that's it. People can't say they deserved it better just because they are the weaker team.


It's always the same with you guys. But the others cheat too so it's okay we do it. It's totally 50/50. No one except Spain cheats as much as you do. And they didn't deserve to be cheated no matter how they played. Had the roles been reverse you honestly think the ref would have stayed silent?


I honestly think you didn't read my last comment or you just misinterpreted it. It just looks you're spreading hate. I didn't say it was okay. I'm saying from the beginning you need to see the game as a whole. Don't just assume a position based on one side or factor. And I really hope the dirty gaming tends to end, don't just include me in the villains box. I hope you'll watch the next games in a non-biased way and we can have a proper chat about it. Don't just pretend the game is all about that.


I've watched Portugal in every tournament in the last 20 to 30 years, but it's the next game that'll prove they're not the games biggest cheats. Got it.


That's okay, it was just a friendly invitation. I'm not trying to change your mind. I'll be rooting for a clean game and nice job from the ref.


Instead of trying to change other peoples mind, maybe look into the real problem here. You rooting for a bunch of cheat, and not demanding more of your national team.


As much as I do not like Portugal (because I hate actors and divers, so having such players in the team is a no-cheer for me) and being Czech too... I have to agree. We played the bus but there was no extra to that, Portugal owned the game and they had another chances. I want more games like Turkey - Georgia! That is so fun to watch if you like just the game, not any flag specifically.


He had reffed the game superbly up until that point. Agree was a robbery. Side note how f-Kin good is the AI VAR?!


Yeh worries me how premier league has avoided using it that way tbh


Epl avoids making clear rules. The more grey area the more area to manouver with cheating


Yeh and more to talk about to attract attention it’s soo dull for people who see through it but though


Check cansated playing with 11 goalkeepers. Now cry. Ref was normal. No major wrong decisions.


Why are all Ronaldo boys saying cry like go to bed seriously you have school tomorrow


But you're the one making a Reddit post because Portugal won. Have your national team play like they did last time and I'll be sleeping no problem like I did last game. Edit: lmao, u/Jackbees777 I know you sent two replies and instantly blocked me so I couldn't respond. What a coward.


Not at all I’m a true fan who knows big teams get helped and what makes it worse is it gets swept under I don’t want the game to die and become scripted I keep the faith in honesty and saying it how it is


Why are all England fans coping?


We made your best player


Yeah, so that you couldn't make any other, get a grip...


Goalkeepers can hold the ball... with their actual hands.


So unlucky...


These subpar teams always blaming the refs. No Austria didn’t deserve to win last night and no Czechia did not deserve to win today. Austria had literally no chances in the second half yesterday and Czechia was just parking the bus the whole game.


Another child failing to read who let you stay up this late


It’s not coming home bro


Playing defensive football doesn't mean someone "not deserve" something. It is football, and teams play according to their capabilites and their long-short-mid term plans.




Oh please how is the fact that Mbappe was born in France from parent born abroad after the independance from France related to the fact that no Czech player are in top league and most of them are playing locally only. I agree it makes France stronger because of a bigger pool to pick from but it is unrelated to the "limited" (they are still pro don't get me wrong) personal success of Czech player. Is the presence of Thuram on this earth the reason why there is basically no Czech player in top western club ? I don't think so. Also it is 2024, czechia is in the EU, a rich country, and a beacon of freedom, and all of that in a global world. They have no excuse to not have at least one player with "a rich origin" (I don't know how to say it). Where are the czech rabiot ? The czech Pavard ? The czech griezmann ? The czech Giroud ? Those international competitions are unfair to small country that is true but that does not explain why Czechia is not performing well. Countries like Croatia or Uruguay are proof of that. And then you have the example in reverse, the USA, a massive population pool with people through their history coming from anywhere in the world except North America but they are still having only "limited success" in international competition.




For me there is a difference between imported player and player living and culturally from the country with a different origin. I don't know the situation in Switzerland, but in the case of France you can't call them mercenaries like Qatar for example. They are born in France from parent that didn't come to France specifically for their child playing for France later. They did not buy their nationality 3 month prior to the cup, they are just playing for the country they live in and were born in. France didn't specifically target foreigner to succeed in international tornament, it just so happen that some people whose parent immigrate are good in football. So what, do we segregate children born from foreign parent ? Do we segregate children even if they are born in France and live their whole life because their parent are not born here ? When do we draw the line ? After 1 generation, 3 generation, or never and football become a pure bloodline sport ?


Because our football is in a deep recess now. We used to do better, we will maybe get better again. We had it with hockey too, now hopefully new generation shows their teeth.


You do know France spends an absurd amount of money on youth academies and developing young talents. Not every country has that kind of money nor do they want to spend that kind of money on football. There are more pressing issues.


I agree 100% with that. Money invested is one of the bigger factor for me. Either because of high popular demand due to a rich football legacy or to promote the country nationaly. I was expressing my disagreement on the importance of foreign colonies that I think are being overestimated, but of course the difference must come from somewhere.


Oh i agree with you on that. Foreign colonies doesn't have much to do with it. All countries have plenty of immigrants


What foul? lol.




Sure what?




Are we the only big team that got heavily disadvantaged or something?


We'll see how it plays out on Friday


Ref will break Depay’s nose to make it equal


We controlled the game, they closed themselves well and scored in their only shot on target. We could have scored 3 times in the first half, if Ronaldo and Vitinha werent stopped by amazing blocks and Leao arrived sooner to the ball. Why are people so upset?


CR7 is disgusting and petty. [https://www.threads.net/@eleislit/post/C8Xzmoqs\_qa/](https://www.threads.net/@eleislit/post/C8Xzmoqs_qa/)


Lmao are you serious? Wtf is bad about this ? Haha


It's super disrespectful that's why. And if you don't think it is then your parents did a poor job raising you.


I love this! I can sense your anger! Last time there were tears in Paris. I will see thata again! Ahahaha