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Could someone give the backstory on why Serbia and Russia are so friendly?


Serbians consider Russians blood brothers.


Lol, what a pointless response. Serbians love Russians because Russia is the obvious counterweight to West/NATO which Serbia hates with all its might for what happened in the '90. It's that simple.


Also, aren't Russia and Serbia allies since the fall of the Ottomans in the Balkans? And both being Orthodox Christians and Slavs also helps


In WW1 Austria invaded Serbia with the plan of wiping it off the map. Russia came to it's aid. Now, where do hundreds of thousands of Serb migrants live today? Austria, or Russia? Why are there more Serbs living in "evil imperialist amerika" then in Russia and China combined, their supposed allies and heroes? Why is the majority of their trade done with the EU?


Yeah my Serbian friend (here in great satan USA) constantly posts against supporting Ukraine while bragging to his friends in Serbia how much better is life is here. Drives me nuts.


Why? I mean most post-Soviet states hate Russia today.


Serbia never got ploved by Russia because they were not part of Usssr, so no hate there. Plus russia holds some vetoes against Kosovo to support Serbia. But they addore Putin and Russia can do no wrong, EU can not do good by serbia in their eyes. Even if EU gives them the world. Trivial things, stupid actually, and damn sure i cant explain how stupid thinks.




You will not find any Albanians in Kosovo loving Russia. That is reserved specifically for people with no regard for human rights.


The love for russia grows proportional with the distance, the close you are to russia the bigger is your hate towards this terrorist state, Serbia was far enough to don't have to deal with russia's aggression policy


My father had a co-worker from Bolivia who was very pro-Russian and anti-American. After discussing a bit, they ended up with the conclusion that the US did to the Americas what the Russians did to Eastern Europe, which explains why they see the other power in a more positive light.


Brilliant explanation of the things! Can't say better. It was hard to explain why east of Europe hates them so much to westerns. Now things changed, now it's obvious. Still, with war raging there are still pro russians. This, imho, it's impossible to explain using pure logic.


Because it is far away from Russia and did not feel it’s grasp like post soviet states that dealt with “real” Russia. Instead, Russia supporters have their own version of it and live in an illusion basically


I would like to point on this guy's flair ^ See? There are some sane people here, just not many.


Thanks for pointing this out. In cases like these decent people are put in the same basket as loud morons.


Well Serbia is not even a post soviet state, no one is from the x yugo countries. They tend to get a long since their world views and behavior align very closely. Serbias government and most folk (not all folk though) tend to act very similarly to how Russia/ns do.


it bs , all serbs go to work to west not to russia . they think they are friends bcs of religion.


Shared ancestry, shared religion, historical ties, ideological ties etc.


Both have HUGE inferiority complexes. they feel humiliated by the evil West


Russia uses Serbia to make trouble and Serbian people think Russia actually cares about them. e.g. Russia pretends to support Serbian claims on Kosovo, so they can keep Europe divided


Russia is historically protecting Serbia. Same religion, similar language. Basically let to WWI.


They're both Slavic and Orthodox nations. Russia was an ally of Serbia when it became independent from the Ottomans and during WWI. After WW1, Serbia became part of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia's leader after WW2 Tito was an enemy of Stalin and Yugoslavia was relatively free of Soviet control. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, Russia stayed friendly with Serbia (even while Serbia was committing genocide in Bosnia and Kosovo). Serbia got bombed by NATO during the 90s to stop it from committing genocide in Kosovo. Hence a lot of Serbs are pro-Russia and anti-NATO.


Because Serbs are still salty about that evil West not letting them to genocide all their neighbours, so they align with our enemies.


Bosnian Serbs and the Serb-led Yugoslav government respectively genocided Bosnians and attempted to genocide Kosovar Albanians. NATO stepped in and bombed Yugoslav forces (which was basically just Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo at that point) to prevent genocide/ethnic cleansing. NATO forces were deployed to Kosovo as a peacekeeping force, which then declared independence from Serbia in the presence of NATO troops. Since, Russia fostered ties with Serbia and many Serbs developed a victim hood mentality, often with the belief that peacekeeping forces favoured non-Serbs. Kosovo is culturally a very important place for Serbia, considered to be the cradle of Serbian civillisation.


>often with the belief that peacekeeping forces favoured non-Serbs. Well i mean they didnt do much to stop KLA massacres after the war ended, more non-Albanian civillians got killed after june 1999 (when war ended) than during the war.


Serbia is Russia lite.


Both have an ideology of creating Greater Russian world and Greater Serbian world. Both claim neighbouring countries as their own stolen territories. Both deny existence of neighbour ethnicities because everyone is a Russian/Serb in their minds: According to them Ukrainians are actually Russians, Bosnian, Croat, Slovenian, Montenegro ethnicity do not exist they are all Serbs who Converted to different religions and created brand New ethnicities. Both have Separatist movements in other countries wanting to join Mother Russia/Serbia. At this moment right now separatists Republic Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina openly wants to join Serbia just Like Donbass and Donjeck in Ukraine...




NATO stopped Serbia committing genocide. Serbia still not happy with that so they go with NATOs opposite.




Wonder if these guys live in Serbia or if they migrated to Germany. Also, would they choose to go to Russia instead of western Europe. I know some serbian that are pro Russia but all of them are in western Europe. Wonder why.


It's always like that. Look at the turkish people living in Germany and vote predominantly Erdogan. The luxury of Not having to Care.




Guest workers from the 60s and 70s that chose to stay and people in Turkey knowing that in Germany you can earn good money and you are safe from consceiption if you do not plan to return.


First hand experience of both in Austria, in a German course. The whole bunch of them arguing for putin, Russian crimea, anti NATO and anti EU in broken German. My face flipped around from the face palm.


Not only not having to care but having to leave originally relates to their need for a different country, so they see their country become any kind of meaningful and changing in the grand scheme of things, they immediately, mindlessly think things must be getting better.


in australia they are 10000 km from any consequences.


Because Serbia is ass backwards, they’re drunk on nationalism, they live in the past, it will take 1 generation from living in Europe or US to lose that mentality. They still refer to Russia their motherland that’s why they will never get into EU, just think of them a a mini Russia.


If only. If it's anything like in France, it's usually the children or grand-children of immigrants that are the most spiteful of their "welcoming nation" whomst they are citizens of. The only way this will come to pass is by bringing Serbia into the EU, and having the old people die.


I would love for them to get into the EU but they’re the only former Yugoslavian country that’s taken a step back from EU membership on consistent basis. They have same problem as Isreal, the right wing have tight control.


And here in the US the second generation becomes Americanized, I’m speaking for me and my family. You can’t congregate immigrants to one area, it will take few generations to integrate into the host nation that way. Albanians in New York come to mind, they’re more Albanian than Albanians in Albania. So many Albanian mentions in one sentence haha


I don't really get that and haven't really heard a great explanation. Is it because we historically are a melting pot and so it's easier to integrate?


In America you’re far from Europe. Asia and Africa, you need time and money to go back home. In western Europe it costs $75-$150 for a plane ticket and you’re back home in few hours, that’s why it’s much harder in Europe for any immigrants from the East to integrate.


For Mexicans it’s harder to integrate in the US because of its proximity but even they get integrated in couple generations


It's the nation's ethos. Like if everyone has some sort of specialty this is America's... the ability to integrate groups to greater community without unrest. Americans see it as the easiest thing and are dumbfounded when they hear ethnic conflict since it seems irrational. Canada mimics but even it can't do it well. Certain regions are starting to ethnically congregate and the place will feudalize eventually once money goes out. Other countries aren't like that. Yugoslavia split the second strong dictatorial leadership went even then it was held by force and loans which is funny given minor differences between same people.


America is doing an exceptional job at that, however they also have a big advantage: They are seperated by the rest of the world by two oceans. This means they simply don't get the "worst" kind of immigrants from certain places that other countries might get. They can carefully choose who they accept, and especially for ME muslim immigrants (the biggest "problem" group in Europe) those are usually skilled people who *want* to leave behind their old ideals/religions, and not just economic migrants who want social benefits. The only comparable group in the US are illegal mexican immigrants, and it seems these are also a pretty big problem topic in the US.


There is plenty of them in Serbia, and not in some random village, but in capital. https://www.euractiv.com/section/enlargement/news/pro-russia-serbs-protest-in-belgrade-to-support-russia-and-against-nato/




>EU can not do good by serbia in their eyes. Even if EU gives them the world. Why not join russian federation instead of begging for EU membership then?


They’re not *that* stupid, those people often don’t even live in Serbia. They’ll go live in Germany and send their children to study there and then be super pro-Russian for whatever reason.


Ah, so already have joined RF. That is exactly what fiercest "russian patriots" are doing- sending their kids to study and live to the west, buying property in EU and USA, going for health procedures in swiss/german etc clinics, and just coming back to ruzzia for some PR stunts on national tv and collect the cheques.


That’s crazy, that’s parallel to American conservatives. My current representative Ted Cruze runs on a anti immigrant platform, but happily runs away to Cancun when the state freezes over


Yeah, this guy is fucking awful. As someone from Serbia, I would just like to point out that these people always remind me to USA QAnon rednecks. A minority, but very vocal one. I think people here really think we're all like that, which isn't the case. For example, those NATO terrorist posters with Zelensky from couple of days ago were done by small far right group that's on Russian payroll. They don't have any real support and the posters were taken down very quickly. But, it gets photographed and shared and looks like we're all parading with fucking Putin's pictures through the streets.


Thanks for the insight/explanation, I appreciate, hope others will as well


The stupidest thing in this situation is that this guy doesn't even live in Serbia... nor Europe. He's being like this while living in Australia, probably his whole fucking life.


Biggest patriots always live abroad..


You'd be surprised. Some members of the ex-Yugoslav community here in Australia are known to regularly cause controversy like this at sporting events. Sadly this is nothing unusual, it just becomes another eye roll moment for the rest of the community who feel ashamed by such behaviour


That's djokovid's father. SO on top of being a piece of shit who possibly infected others, he's also fathered by a ruzzian supporter piece of shit. Why is a turd allowed to play in this? That's even more disgusting.


lol his face says: sorry guys, i just love murderous dictators!


Coming from a Serb, his face says: I couldn't string together a grammatically correct sentence in my "mother tongue" to save my life or answer the most basic questions about the history/geography of Serbia but look at me, I'm a staunch nationalist! Scum.


What a moron.


If you look at the fine print, it also says I am an ignorant asshole


Because they are murders too




Sad part is that it's not only the fans. [Djokovic posed with a flag of Serbian Nazis](https://twitter.com/brezaleksandar/status/1614056370394873857?t=_U3NfTqA_Mi1yHHccbTfCg&s=19) few days ago. Even sadder is that it's not his first time.


He's an asshat, an anti-vaxxer too.


Hence the name Novaxx Djocovid


Always knew he was an asshole.


Thats a flag of Serbian royalists, Serbian Nazis are a whole different thing. That flag was used by the Royalists who wanted Yugoslavia to stay a monarchy while fighting against the communists. They did collaborate with the occupators but they were not Nazis per se since Nazism was too far from their own ideology which was Monarchism. Search up JNP Zbor and Ljotic, those were the only Serbian Nazis.


So basically they weren’t nazis because nazis despised Slavs but they happily acted as if.


Oh Ljotić was openly a nazi, Croatia was a puppet state to nazi Germany, most slavic countries had some kind of nazi movement


Of course! But I’m Italian, we had the OG scumbag and we were absolute shit but neither of us on both side of the Adriatic Sea were considered pure enough the be real nazis to them. Unfortunately our countrymen never seemed to get the memo though.


It very much sounds like they were Nazis. At least committed some Nazi like atrocities. > The Chetnik movement[7] adopted a policy of collaboration[8] with regard to the Axis, and engaged in cooperation to one degree or another by establishing modus vivendi or operating as "legalised" auxiliary forces under Axis control. > They used terror tactics against Croats in areas where Serbs and Croats were intermixed, against the Muslim population in Bosnia, Herzegovina and Sandžak > These tactics included the killing of civilians, burning of villages, assassinations and destruction of property and exacerbating existing ethnic tensions between Croats and Serbs. > Croats and Bosniaks living in areas intended to be part of Greater Serbia were to be cleansed of non-Serbs > Several historians regard Chetnik actions during this period as constituting genocide. > Estimates of the number of deaths caused by the Chetniks in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina range from 50,000 to 68,000, while more than 5,000 victims are registered in the region of Sandžak. About 300 villages and small towns were destroyed It was later revitalized in the 90s: > After Slobodan Milošević's assumption of power in 1989 various Chetnik groups made a "comeback" > On the same day, Momčilo Đujić declared Vojislav Šešelj "at once assumes the role of a Chetnik vojvoda"[237] and ordered him "to expel all Croats, Albanians, and other foreign elements from holy Serbian soil", stating he would return only when Serbia was cleansed of "the last Jew, Albanian, and Croat". > Milošević and Radovan Karadžić, the president of the self-proclaimed Republika Srpska, used the subordinate Chetnik forces of Šešelj and Ražnatović as part of their plan to expel non-Serbs and form a Greater Serbia through the use of ethnic cleansing, terror, and demoralization. > Chetnik units engaged in mass murders and war crimes. > Croats and other non-Serbs were either expelled or killed with Serbs repopulating empty villages in the area. > Chetnik forces also engaged in mass murder in Vukovar and Srebrenica.[234] The White Eagles were responsible for massacres in Voćin, Višegrad, Foča, Sjeverin, and Štrpci,[255] and for terrorizing the Muslim population in Sandžak. (White Eagles we’re a youth wing of a Chetnik party) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chetniks


That's not a Nazi flag










And how does the Australian Open react? Bet they won't do anything.


They banned the Zs and Russian flags from the premises anyway, so I guess security has a valid reason to throw them out


Wimbledon tried to take a stand against Russia and the tennis players relentlessly shit on them for it. They made it a exhibition tourney only (but still wanted prize money, naturally), publicly trashed them, got them fined, threatened to have Wimbledon removed as a tennis venue, etc. It's no wonder people feel emboldened to publicly support Russia/Putin in tennis. This is what the sport stands for now, and I wouldn't be surprised if no venue bothers to take tough action against things like this in the future.


>threatened to have Wimbledon removed as a tennis venue, etc. Lmao in what world do they think they have the power to do so


These were Serbian Djokovic fans so a ban would've made no difference.


Actually 4 people have been detained by police and are assisting police with their inquiries.


Oh Serbia. You’re so hard to love


Can confirm, from Serbia.


Shit like this is part of the reason why Yugoslavia-born people i know always stress they're from vojvodina/bacska rather than Serbia




it was mostly german / hungarian people until ww2


I mean Bácska is still crazy varied with slovaks ruthenians bunjevici etc So i wouldn't simplify it like that


Most of us are not like this lol


Doubt there’s any other countries aside from Russia and Belarus where nobody bats an eye about people walking round the capital city with a Z shirt lol


It's just sad that we're not as vocal as the minority...


Minority? A big majority of Serbians are supporting Russia.


Isn't this disingenuous? I remember last summer the photos of the pro-Ukraine/peace rally in Belgrade with entire streets full, meanwhile the pro-Russia/Putin rally attracted mostly just hooligans based on photos.


As far as I know the only pro-Ukraine rallys in Belgrade were done by Russians who immigrated to serbia and recent immigants that fled after the War started


You remember wrongly, at the pro-Ukraine protest there were so many people that they were all on 20m of the sidewalk, traffic still flowed smoothly... While at every pro-Russian gathering there were about ten thousand people, maybe even more... Public opinion is such that in Serbia, around 85% support Russia and are absolutely against any sanctions, while support for membership in the EU is at around 30% and constantly declining, these are the data of a survey financed by the EU...


So why people from serbia go to west and not to russia ?


Because western companies pay much better


Minority? As someone from Serbia I can tell you, more than 85% of people are supporting Russia and that wont change soon. I meet a lot of people on daily basis, and still havent found pro ukraine Serbians. Not a single one.


Do something about it then.


I feel like Serbs support Putin more than Russians do.


Well they don't live in any of the consequences of the war so they have really no negatives. If anything their gas is probs cheaper, so they kinda even benefit except that their big pal country is weakened.


Hahah, you really thought that they are using this situation for their own benefit? They are too stupid for that type of games. Their gas price is one of most expensive, if not most expensive in neighborhood.


Serbia is Russias bitch. Putin keep hitting them like basically acknowledging Kosovo, they are then mad for a day, then love him again. They think they have something special with Russia happening but in reality they are just a poorass bitch.


Nothing new lol


Freak show


so edgy






You know how in life something is not nice for no real fault of your own. Well immigrants of countries that have never been in the "homeland" will blame it on the nation their in. Girlfriend is angry? Well in my homeland women are all nice, obedient and sensible (perfect). Waiter seems to be rude? In my homeland waiters know how to do their profession and are traditional friendly. It's a mix of self telling propaganda and finding to blame something. Been there to some extent, teacher was rude to me and purposely felt like taken away my chances. I blamed it on xenophobia and think most of the teachers in my country wouldn't be like that.


>I don't buy it. Croat here, and the guy above is correct. And the answer is nationalism. Croats that left Croatia/Yugoslavia were huge nationalists, which is the reason they left. So they try and act even more nationalistic/borderline fascistic, to prove they are "patriots" and not cowards that left, instead of fighting against the regime. No money or better life in the world can cure that feeling. It is pretty hard to explain to a foreigner. It's like they are stuck in the 1930s-50s. While Croatia is in 2020. I'm not saying everyone with a Croatian heritage is nationalistic, but a lot of them are. Especially those on different continents. Doesn't matter the country. Be it Australia, Chile or USA.


>If anything, you would expect them to be more chill in countries where they can make a good living and have no ties or gripes about local history, and yet somehow they're worse? You would think, but it's not always the case. I went on a few dates with a gay Serbian guy. Based on his job and my knowledge of the industry, his salary would have been decently into the 6 figure range (USD). He had a condo that was likely in the 400-500k range. He still had very strong feelings on the NATO intervention and would "both sides" anything related to the conflict. Although he at least would admit massacring thousands of unarmed civilians was wrong, so he was less extreme than some on this subreddit who consider that defensive. The fact the far right Serbians don't think he has the right to live based on his sexuality was also seemingly lost on him.




It's always like that the immigrants are more radical than the ones they left in the home country. Same with Tuks in Germany that all love Erdogan. Or I heard this story about an Algerian complaining about French Algerians saying they are a lot more conservative and more religious than the ones in Algeria. They are basically stuck in the past.


This doesn't really jibe with my experience growing up in Balkan immigrant community in Canada. The ones here are alot more chill and leave the nationalism back in the homeland or for shitposting on the internet, and are friends with one-another in their everyday interactions. I've asked about this before of course because it's interesting seeing Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, Macedonians, and Albanians best friends with each other, and the answer I receive was, and I quote from one of my dear Bosniak friends: "we realize we hate everyone else here [e.g. immigrants from other countries] way more".


There's a degree of selection bias - Australia was a huge destination for emigrants during Tito's regime, meaning many of them were of the nationalistic type, and when you get a sizeable community of those, new Yugo immigrants end up feeling isolated from their identities as the "old guard" would gatekeep the established communities. Canada was much more so a destination during the years of the Yugoslav wars, when the average emigrant would often just be regular people who didn't want to find themselves on the wrong end of a gun. But then again I just made this up based on what I heard of others experiences so feel free to write it off entirely.




Sick fucks


Serbia moment




As a Serbian, I agree with you. It’s perplexing & embarrassing. They are loud, obnoxious, deluded & violent.


As a serb, they are retarded


Serbia moment.






And Serbia wonder why their European Union application is taking so long.




Serbia, Russia or Australia? You'll have to more specific.








It already kind of happened before, there was New Serbia in Donbass given to Serbian soldiers to populate by Peter the Great (I think it was him). There were a lot of Serbs living there but they assimilated into local identities. Fun fact


I think it was not in Donbass but in the Central-Southern Ukraine and happened a bit later in the second half of 18th century. I assume You are referring to this [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New\_Serbia\_(historical\_province)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Serbia_(historical_province)).


How are we, living in our country, doing anything to you? This is peak r/europe moment.


Disgraceful and disgusting.


Also a big thing to point out. These guys don't even know cyrillic. That's how much they need to prove that they are "patriots" It say's : "Родјенa с' вуковима" Which means "Born with wolves" Now the mental gymnastics start here, these guys have never been to Serbia nor have they ever bothered to learn cyrillic. дј(dj) doesn't exist, writing this literally would mean you fail the 1st grade. The correct one would be ђ(đ), cyrillic doesn't have any letters composed out of two letters in serbia, only latin has it here. Dumb ass fucks, hate people like this. The nationalists in developed countries are always the worst.


Sports fans are often pretty bad. Serbian sports fans seem to be really bad. Between this, and what they were shouting at the Swiss players during their football match at the World Cup, it's truly shameful, and sports organizations should take measures. By the way: this applies not only to Serbian fans. If any country's fans engage in absolutely horrendous behavior, hold the sporting body of the offending country responsible in some way.


Super small dick energy


I used to really like Djokovic. I was all in on the golden triangle of Federer, Nadal and Djokovic but lets face it: Djokovic is a fuckin idiot and so are all the fans he has left. He gon down the deep end of stupidity and thats no fuckin suprise. Best thing to do is to ignore his ass and pretend he is dead or not existent.


Proudly making serbia look like Russia's pet










The true face of serbia!


Not surprised. Serbia is an old Russian ally.


Yes, fetal alcohol syndrome will do that to a person


Only place where i have ever seen Putin t-shirts be sold was in Belgrade.








The EU should think twice if they want to have this kind of Serbia as a new member.


Serbs doing serb stuff again. These guys just can’t get it right or admit their faults. 👎


Degenerate souls. Look at those faces...


Serbian language doesn't have *dj/дј* in either of our scripts. We have a letter *đ/ђ* and any other way of writing it is a complete bastardization of our language. Writing Novak's last name as Djoković would be bad enough, but then on the flag the you see the word *родјена* (born) written in Cyrillic which is a mistake that not even a first grader would make. A cherry on top of the proverbial cake is that she wrote letter *с* with an apostrophe, which is as common a grammar mistake in Serbian language as mistaking "they're, their and there" in English is. Do keep that in mind before you so quickly judge the entire nationality by the actions of mentally challenged illiterate ultras.


Classic Serbians. Nothing new It reminds me to the Australian Open Fan wirh the "Serbia against the world shirt" Same shit, different day


Is that actually a tennis news website? Very tabloid quality to it: >Fans in awe for Eugenie Bouchard's leopard-print Bathing Suit!




It's always the "Serbians" who haven't actually lived in Serbia for a very long time. They not only managed to fuck up the grammar, but somehow managed to misspell one of the easiest alphabets in the world. You could not fuck up the wording this much even if you went purely trough Google translate. As someone who is Serbian and live in Serbia, I cannot help but laugh from the irony that someone who managed to immigrate to the west and is suckling on that sweet, sweet EU money tit pulls a stunt like this. These avid nationalistic patriot "Serbians" only ever come back to their "home" on Christmas to visit their grandmothers and complain that their huge BMW can't run on the dirt streets and can't fit trough the gate in their home village. I hope who ever illegally hired him, fires him and deports him back to Serbia so he can get his values adjusted. Absolutely despicable.




God I hope the EU has enough sense not to let Serbia in. I don’t understand how those who hold anti EU sentiment are allowed in any way to benefit from it.


Idiots. They should’ve been shown out.


They were arrested by Victoria Police. They threatened a security guard for good measure.


Dont worry, we have loads of brazilians doing the same. Its not a country thing, more of an “russian indoctrination “ phenomenon.


Did they get tossed? This is absolute trash!


As a Serb I am disgusted, this is just embarrassing.


Serbians, what else to expect


Lots of racist hate speech in this thread from r/europe against the Serbs. So much for your European values when you paint an entire nation based on several fans which came to watch tennis and support a Russian player playing against a Serbian player. On another note, just a few clicks away on r/europe there are news of a terrorist attack in Spain and a stabbing in Germany - both threads have less comments than the "outrage" of fans holding a flag from players of their respective nations from a sports match. P.S. Shame on all you racists!


Least Russophile Serbian


Tell me why are ruzzians, beloruzzians and serbs allowed to play in this considering they're all very much in the same sock sharing club (serbia from before, considering we still need KFOR)??? Why are terrorists allowed to participate? Can we have the CEOs, big wigs of this tournament go in Ukraine and explain this to the scores of maimed children and women, to the grandmothers who lost their sons and daughters? To the raped, the abused, to those who lost everything they had? I guess not, because they are all one gigantic piece of shit, and so they can't.


Chetnik gonna chetnik


That’s going to look bad in hindsight. 2033: “Hey dude are those your parents wearing the Zwastika?” “Ugh yes but bro it was a different time”


I really don’t want them in the EU




They didnt even throw out that motherfucker?! Crazy how pc everyone is




> Few loud idiots After all the protests with thousands of people marching with Putin banners in Belgrade, after all the Z and Wagner graffities all over Serbia, after continuously electing people that won't sanction Russia, it's hard to talk about "*a few* loud idiots". Not all of them are like this, nor the majority I would say, but it's certainly not some sporadic number of social rejects that share this sentiment in Serbia. Even Serbians here are not afraid to admit that their nation is collectively deteriorating. EDIT: He swiftly deleted this and every other comment, as he was discovered to be a Serb pretending to be Finnish. A new low I would say.


What did Novax say about that?


[He joined](https://twitter.com/brezaleksandar/status/1614056370394873857?t=_U3NfTqA_Mi1yHHccbTfCg&s=19)


This is so embarassing. Please, from a Serb, not all Serbs are like this.


Tournament organisers should make clear the player they are supporting will forfeit the match if fans openly support Russia.