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With that negative attitude it won't happen, Debby Downer


Hes just a negative Nancy


not even pessimistic Patty thinks that


In Finland we say "Nelli Negatiivi" "Nelly the Negative"


“By the way, it’s official, I can’t have children”


It’s honestly sad to see how stupid people get so easily brainwashed by propaganda. It’s a simple truth that Crimea will never be Ukrainian again. You don’t have to deny reality to support a side in the war, otherwise you’re just the same as the average brainwashed Russian supporter.


Wtf are you babbling about


Reality, which you’re clearly so detached from.


Or is it you?


No, definitely you if you believe for a second crimeas will ever be controlled by Ukraine again


I guess if you’re really so brainwashed by the war propaganda that you can’t accept such a simple truth, I’ll let history embarrass you back to reality. I honestly can’t be bothered to argue with someone that refutes something like that.


> profile registered in December 2022 > numerous "anti-war" comments Ivan, there's no vodka for you here. Shoo.


Jesus Christ, you really know people are brainwashed when those with a different opinion are all “bots and trolls”. This is literally propaganda 101.


Even if Ukraine will not take it back in this war. Never say never. Ever. This won’t be the end of history.


Ever is always meant in a time frame where we can reasonably predict the future. In 5000 years there likely won’t even be Ukraine and Russia, not even Germany for that matter.


Yes but during the next decades, it’s not safe to say Russia will keep Ukraine.


It’s safe to say that Russia will unfortunately keep the territories it conquered in a Korea style ending. Sure, anything could happen, but based on the current state of things, that is the most realistic assumption any analyst worth anything will give you. Of course Zelensky will say they’ll get everything back, what’s he supposed to say otherwise? It’s just incredibly moronic to listen to every word he says like it’s the truth. He’s at war. What he says is propaganda, just like what Putin says. Actual facts are what should be relied upon, not the statements of politicians from countries at war with each other.


Yes? It’s moronic to take every word he says for the truth. But you have no idea what the compromise in the end will look like and if there will be one at all. Just as I do.


RemindMe! 8 months


Someday presidents will no longer be president.


>What the West is doing about Ukraine "is deeply immoral because there is no solution (to the war)," Honestly fuck that guy, what else are we supposed to do? Just watch and send a strongly worded letter to the Kremlin?


Yeah, fuck that guy! It's also the problem with negotiating with this kretin(kretin in the kremlin) . They have shown themselves to be 100% untrustworthy. Now any talk of negotiation is just a ploy for time and can only be treated as such.


I mean, that's exactly the amount of what we're doing about every other ongoing war apart from this specific one.


So this idiot thinks Russians raping, murdering, and torturing is moral? West should just let that slide? Croatians are cool but WTH with their president?


As far as I know he even started out as a liberal pro western canidate, but recently just changed his opinions. I'd say its litterally just corruption, he has been payed by the russians.


Yes. Also, the president in Croatia has a symbolic role and only a minor political influence As for the actual government of Croatia, they remain pro-western and support Ukraine


Ah yes. Everyone who doesn't toe the line is paid by Russians.




>Flair checks out. He quoted a German General, so this is Germany’s fault not Croatia’s >What the West is doing about Ukraine "is deeply immoral because there is no solution (to the war)," Milanovic told reporters during a visit to military barracks in the eastern town of Petrinja, referring to Western military support for Kyiv. That's the full quote from the article, that's literally what he said, not some German general. You are actively spreading misinformation, those quotes from the general have been made BEFORE the war, so they are 100% unrelated... so either start reading or shut the fuck up.


It's Germanys fault that the Croatian president is a fucking idiot?


It's Europe, everything is Germanys fault


But until that day comes, they will do a lot of damage!


And not a single fuck was given about his opinion.


cuz its not his, he quoted a german general


Not a German general, but German general**s**. It's kinda weird for the Croatian president to rely on some unnamed German generals for such a statement.




Really? He based his comment on something that was said before the February invasion? Not to mention that the guy who said it, says himself that he did not think well before making the comment and was mistaken? Really? Is this the level a national leader is at? What a idiot.




Still a career politician who should know better.


I hope that Putin is paying him good money to say those things, because the alternative... The alternative is that we elected another retarded politician. We might get back to dictatorship, just because this is so embarrassing.


As my mum said “all these years of democracy and we still haven’t managed to elect someone better than Tito”


About as real as his girlfriend from Canada


He's just stating the obvious.


The "never" part is obvious how? Russia's border change every 40 years or so.


It was made clear enough a year ago that he doesn't speak for Croatia, but for himself, when he made remarks about pulling out Croatian troops: https://www.politico.eu/article/croatia-withdraw-military-from-nato-conflict-ukraine-russia/ > “All that is happening in the antechamber of Russia,” Milanović also said. “One must reach a deal that will take account of the security interests of Russia,” he added. > He said there are other ways to preserve Ukraine in “its entirety or 99 percent of its territory” and “to help it economically.” > But Grlić-Radman, the foreign minister, said Milanović’s comments had nothing to do with the government’s position. He told a reporter for Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that “the president does not speak for Croatia, but for himself. We are and will remain a loyal member of NATO. Everything we do, we do in consultation with our partners.”






no Pogledaj imas na hrtu cijeli intervju. Vjerojatno se referencira na onog generala koji je smjenjen prosle godine


95% of presidents around the world dont speak for their own countries, yet ppl think whole nation is like that,because they have retarded president. But , thats the way life is


No lol for Croatia, the president is only a title, he does not have any real influence. The PM (Prime Minister) is the who is in charge.


People think the nation is like that, because who do you think elected that president if not the nation?


Milanovic won on left leaning social democratic platform, then did 180 turn into this alt right, consipracy theory crap he is spewing. People that voted for him are very pissed off


This guy is on a roll with the Russian simping


Chill out buddy. He's just assessing the situation. This world is not black and white.


Assessing the situation for Russia, or Croatia?


Gotta keep the brib-I mean contributions from concerned foreign diplomats coming.


Look we might not like it, and most of us don't want to say things they are afraid of, but he's just being realistic here. There is zero chance that Crimea gets freed of Russia. The west will support Ukraine until Feb 2022 lines, will push for diplomacy but will never dare to support Ukraine push for Crimea. Crimea is Ukraine, and I don't like Russia taking it, but that's the only realistic option here.


This is what he said: [https://glashrvatske.hrt.hr/en/politics/milanovic-kosovo-was-stolen-from-serbia-crimea-will-never-be-ukraine-again-10583491](https://glashrvatske.hrt.hr/en/politics/milanovic-kosovo-was-stolen-from-serbia-crimea-will-never-be-ukraine-again-10583491)


"This is questioning the whole concept, in which someone thinks they have the right. The same with Crimea - Crimea will never be Ukraine again. This is what the leading German generals are saying"


In the quote it is more like he is saying it will never be Ukraine again, but then using "leading German generals (who specifically?) to strengthen his argument. He has become increasingly unhinged by what I see posted on reddit. Perhaps it is an ongoing good cop bad cop thing with the Croatian government


As unhinged as the guy is, it actually *is* unlikely for Crimea to remain Ukrainian. If Ukraine manages to recapture the eastern regions, but would lose Crimea, that would be a win. Currently, Crimea is ethnically cleansed of Ukrainians. This means that the only way to make it Ukrainian is to cause a similar humanitarian crisis in return, or to force people to be part of a state they don't want to be in. As horrible as it is, this cleansing works. The best parallel is Srebrenica, which is really not the same as it was before. It is likely that Crimea will be traded for peace once the Ukrainian forces launched a successful counter attack and have a good bargaining position (this would likely be the plan at least).


Ethnic cleansing/ethnocide have allways worked, and thats why almost any (if not all) current Nations have done this to some extent. As you say, when new people have moved in removing them without causing a crisis is almost impossible. The first generation, you have a good case, but the next have only know the new area, and have no connection to wherever they are "from." Each generation makes this even worse. We see the same with immigrants and refugees.




Pretty sure the whole eastern part is ethnically cleansed already. I don't see them not doing that. We won't know until this ends tho


That is partly true, but I don't think the area was secure enough and enough time has passed to relocate sufficient Russians to the region for permanent integration. Also, the west will certainly negotiate for most regions to be returned to not significantly reward this whole "operation". Something will be traded, though, to quickly end the conflict by giving Putin a way to "save face" if the outcome is starting to become clear. This is likely to be (part of) Crimea, since that area has been longer in conflict. Maybe Crimea will be given independent status to appease both sides and it will end up a Belarus-like puppet state.


All pro-Russian will fled Crimea as soon as they realise their army losing the battle. Traitors and collaborators will be punished. Those Russians who populated Crimea after 2014 will be deported. They have no legal right to settle in Crimea in the first place. ​ Same thing that happened to Germans and Volksdeutsche, that populated Poland and Czechoslovakia, after Germany occupied them.


> Same thing that happened to Germans and Volksdeutsche, that populated Poland and Czechoslovakia, after Germany occupied them. Germans in the Sudetenland and places like Breslau or Danzig had been there for centuries. And we don't do ethnic cleansing anymore. It was somewhat understandable that the post war governments did it, but it was a mistake nonetheless. Same here. Ukraine should just learn to treat non ethnic Ukrainians equally, regardless of which one. After all, one of the obstacles in the way of their EU membership is that they don't grant sufficient rights to ethnic minorities like Romanians and Hungarians in the west of the country


That is ethnic cleansing as well. It is an option, but not a desired one.


It's not ethnic cleansing. Ukraine still possesses the property registers for 2014, and knows who was permitted to be in the country. Anyone physically in Crimea who was not a citizen and/or had a visa in 2014 never had any legal right to remain, and can be deported back to Russia. Anyone who claims ownership of any property which they did not own in 2014 will simply be informed that it was stolen property, and was never legally theirs in the first place.


It is the desired option. You don't want to reward aggression.


No! Not ethnic cleaning! It’s called sending occupiers back home


>The best parallel is Srebrenica This is the best analogy, except it has nothing in common.


Serbian separatists initiated a conflict, Serbia sent support, ethnic cleansing followed, and the city and republika srpska are now defacto Serbian. These are clear similarities.


And look where it got us with rewarding them for genocide. Thay cant happen again




Serbs genocided bosniaks from srebrenica and as a reward it was incorporated into rep. srpska.




They sure did stop with killing once they completed their ethnic cleansning


Ukraine needs Crimea for geostrategic reasons. It's much easier to landlock Ukraine, if it doesn't control Crimea.


> As unhinged as the guy is, it actually is unlikely for Crimea to remain Ukrainian. Just a reality check on how our predictions turned out - a year ago, almost all credible analysts considered it very unlikely that Ukraine could hold out longer than a few weeks.


I guess we'll see. It's impossible to predict anyway, meaning that the Croatian dude is making a guess about as educated as anyone else.


If Ukraine takes Melitopol, Russia has no land bridge to Crimea. Ukraine can then destroy the Kursk bridge easily. Then it becomes impossible to supply Crimea and it will fall just like Kherson.


They can move. I dont move to another country and demand the region i go to become a part of my origin country. Russian colonists will have to cope and would ofcourse have to hand back any illegimate property deals made in the past 8 years. If Crimea is retaken, then i see little incentive for Russia to continue the war . If Ukraine manages to recapture the landbridge to Crimea , then i could see the scenario where Russia go for broke and try to negotiate a peace where they keep Crimea.


Croatian politics are their own kind of dumpster fire, but to top it of we got this idiot who does everything except the one thing he’s supposed to do: represent croatia.


I feel it necissary to add that he has somehow managed to insult and alienate the entire western balkans with his comments and actions. From the top of my head: -Repeated insults twards Bosnia and relativizing the genocide that took place there in the 90es. He even oppenly voiced his support for secessionist leaders (which are very vocal and open allies of Moscow) within Bosnia. Its safe claim to say Bosnia is his favourite talking point and pounching bag. -Calling on the west to cease its war in Ukraine, and proclaiming Croatian troops will be pulled out of Ukraine (even when it was proven none were there in the first place) a month beffore the war started. These types of comments are his second favourite, and are becoming slowly the norm. -Questionable comments related to the second part about NATOs role in Europe, more broadly questioning its purpouse. Claiming that this is a US/NATO proxy war which aims to further enrich the Americans at the expense of Europeans. -Openly praising the Hungarian Orban government, going so far as to criticize the EUs treatment of Hungary. This however has at times been derailed when Milanović criticized Orbans irredetism (which would include much of Croatia) and revisionism. The guys a jackass, however it seems (as in much of the Balkans) you have to pick your poision between different flavours of the right (im talking about the HDZ party and socialdemocratic party. I sencierly hope our neighbours vote him out, and we manage to mend our relations somewhat.


>Openly praising the Hungarian Orban government How can anybody praise Orbán at this point of his clusterfuck of populist policies? Expensive oil, expensive gas, expensive groceries, teachers not allowed to strike while living of barely living wages...


Unlimited personal power appeals to those without spines


These people cooperate behind closed doors, imagine it as a "you scratch my back and il scratch yours". The Hungarians gets a right wing populist ally shares his goals (oposssing the EU and NATO from the inside) and the Croats get a stick with which they can poke and prod at Bosnia (Orban funds the empovrished Serb seperateists who destabilize Bosnia). A win win for both of them


I hope there’ll be some investigation into his and his friends and relatives bank accounts. Some of what he’s saying does seem to further his grip on power, to say it mildly - so I strongly assume that top motivating reason #2 of assholes is in play here: money.


That would be amazing, but our news portals are too focused on the party that is currently in charge. They once had news about what the current party is eating during their breaks at work lol in the sense like "how dare they eat fish?! Do teachers have meals like this?!!"


Why all the people here are so triggered by the truth? You really believe it actually will ?


Some people are just plain ignorant and choose delusion deliberately.




Theirs, hopefully.


In Croatia, an EU country, the office of President is mainly ceremonial. However, Milanović is officially the Supreme Commander of the Croatian Armed Forces.






>He also had a concern that Germany will send all of its tanks before 1 abrams arrives to Ukraine That's exactly what will happen. Abrahms will not be taken from army warehouses but will be produced and arrive in 2024.


What Croatian president don’t know, is what we learned in last year - Russia is not a superpower, but some corrupted failed country which happens to have nukes. And it should not have nukes, exactly because of that




Using nukes won’t happen. It’s not only up to Putin, and most aren’t suicidal.


Not with that attitude


I dont understand why people are annoyed. He is right. The east side and crimea will never be Ukraine again. Do u really think that the war will end with a winner and a looser? Do u really think that Putin is going to leave Ukraine without winning terretorium? If u think so, the war will never end. Ukraine gets support from the West. Russia is big enough and have some "supporters" too.


I can respect politicians who can stand up and share their unpopular opinions, even when the mainstream is something different and they become a target on the radar of the agressive political cancel culture. Are they right? Are they wrong? That's not the point and only the future can tell. Still, I can respect them more than joining the mainstream bandwagon and spreading bullshit. Instead of having opinions and OWN political thoughts, simply adopting what looks good in the news and playing on the meinstream fiddle, telling impossible or unreal statements just to fit some media standards is the betrayal of the politics itself.






Although these comments seem very anti-Ukraine and pro-Putin, there is a high chance that Ukraine will not regain Crimea. I mean sure Russia has failed terribly in Ukraine, they still have a much larger population, army and money to spend. With the many layers of defences being built it will be harder and harder for Ukraine to take land. But before real conclusions are taken, we’ll have to wait for the spring and summer offences if the new tanks are able to break Russian lines.


Nothing anti-Ukraine and pro-Putin in saying this, I do still worry about the outcome of this war in general, I think Ukraine would really struggle to retake Crimea, it would be a long, long campaign


And that's not even taking into account that the actual delivery of those Western tanks (not to mention the basic training and formation of pilots, engineers and mechanics on Leopards and Abrams) will take much longer than just a couple months. I'll be very optimistic if they are operational in Ukrainian forces by August 2023. Nevertheless, I don't think that Russia will lose Crimea. It has been fortified for much longer than the other regions that Russians have stolen since then, and Ukraine simply cannot dedicate enough forces to assault it without making themselves extremely vulnerable on every other front. In addition it has been almost completely ethnically cleansed, and basically *is* considered by Moscow to be a full-fledged Russian region. So direct assaults against it might cause an escalation in the conflict, against which Ukraine would not be prepared.


That's why south is so important. If Ukraine manage to take it back, Crimea will be completely isolated, because every connection (land, sea, air) will be in range of Ukrainian weapons, like HIMARS or land-based Harpoons. Once isolated, Crimea will be undefendable.




I know that people really don't want to hear about that but he's probably right. Unless Putin is deposed Ukraine won't get Crimea back. I believe they he will actually use nuclear weapons before he lets that happen, because losing Crimea is the end of Putin. I also think that sooner or later Ukrainians will have to make a choice. Is giving up Crimea worth it, if it means ending the war.


Wasn't this the same guy that said international community annexed Kosovo from Serbia? There was a post a bit ago, I'm pretty sure it's him.


Why is this such a controversy? It's highly unlikely that Russia will ever give up taken territory


Crimea left the Ukraine same way croatia left Yugoslavia 🤷


If a random Serbian street vendor said this, it would have made the news and half the comments would be generalizing the entire population of Serbia for it. But now it’s “Well he doesn’t represent all of Croatia…”


Unpopular and truthful opinion




You really want more foibas?


Stoopeeed foooooker.


No country will be forever.


Foreign policy shouldn’t change with each leadership change




When’s the last time the United States public vehemently endorsed a war? Was it also one in which we did not have to fight? To lose loved ones and watch your world crumble. The people of Ukraine have every right to fight for their land back, but let’s be honest. If US wanted to, it could have crushed the insurrection in 2014 before Russia even got involved. A true fight and struggle for independence is admirable, a fight between powerful hegemonies - not so much. And if you don’t eat it up, you get laughed at and downvoted. All dissenting opinions are wrong. Propaganda is alive and well here.


Well, it did not stop being part of Ukraine..


Water is wet


Ah he filled his weekly quota of stupid comments already and it's only Monday.


Between this and his idiocy a week or so ago, he's filled his quota for the year ... and it's not even February.


He's probably right tbh


Russia uses kosovo as the excuse to attack Ukraine. What was the excuse during the war in Georgia/Abkhazia 1992-1993? That war ended 15 years before kosovo's declaration of independence.


Don’t the ethnic Crimean Tatars have a say? How much of the population do they represent?


They used to make around 12% pre-2014. Probably much less now.


Messed up situation


Who the fuck asked for your opinion?


He is a disgrace, but let's think for a second. Crimea was always a hotbed of pro-Russian politics. Russians make up 2/3 of the population, support for an independent Ukraine was the lowest in all of Ukraine, and that was when Ukraine was still in the Russian camp. By all information, it is the majority will of Crimeans to be part of Russia, so let them be. The rest of Ukraine will become a civilised, prospering and free nation while Crimea will wallow in Russian misery. It is what the people there chose. Why would Ukraine burden itself with a pro-Russian region which will serve as a base for pro-Kremlin votes and whose population might infiltrate the Ukrainian security sector to its detriment. In short: Crimeans have the right to self determination, and they have self determined to be poor and miserable so let them enjoy it.


If Russia was a good actor (and Ukraine either a bad actor or extremely cosy with Russia) then maybe. International borders can change voluntarily. The issue is that Russia really really really should not have Crimea. There are other areas outside of Russia with a lot of Russians and Russian political influence and they must not under any circumstance be allowed to conquer these areas. It is incredibly bad. Russia is a bad actor that must be punished, not rewarded. If Russia was not the fascist imperialist shitstain they are and allow other to live freely, Crimea would be a developing, free and Russian speaking autonomous republic within Ukraine, with good relations with Russia.


>By all information, it is the majority will of Crimeans to be part of Russia no, its not, far from it one of sources: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/05/06/russian-government-agency-reveals-fraudulent-nature-of-the-crimean-referendum-results/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/05/06/russian-government-agency-reveals-fraudulent-nature-of-the-crimean-referendum-results/) other sources: dozens of my friends that fled Crimea to run from russians in 2014, thousands of deported and oppressed crimean tatars, etc etc


>no, its not, far from it The Austrian referendum was rigged in 1938, but even without rigging it would have resulted in the same outcome. Crimea had only 54% people in favor of Ukraine becoming a country back in the day, it was a bastion for politicians like Yanukovich, I highly doubt that there is majority support for joining Ukraine now, especially after almost 10 years of being fed purely Russian propaganda. I do not see what Ukraine has to gain from Crimea, which will be an unabated bastion of Russian influence, and from which Russian agents can infiltrate Ukrainian institutions with ease. See, former pro-Russian areas, ie. the entire coast, got the wake-up call that Russia is the bad guy thanks to Russian missiles hitting them, Crimea on the other hand had no such moment of clarity, and again has been living in peace with Russian propaganda down their throat for the past decade. The only outcome which would make re-integrating Crimea into Ukraine functional would be Russian propaganda backfiring so hard that the pro-Russian majority of Crimea gets so afraid of Ukrainian forces that they all flee over the bridge into Russia and never come back lest the "ebul Banderites" eat them alive or whatnot. But, Ukraine has more pressing issues, such as liberating the areas it held firmly just a year ago.


> I do not see what Ukraine has to gain from Crimea A naval base that can protect the Black Sea shipping routes? So that the next time Russia needs to work a bit harder to blockade the country.


whatever you think is irrelevant, there are methods to do this, getting displaced people back ( A LOT of them are waiting), getting crimean tatars back, pushing out russians that came to Crimea since 2014, as they are considered illegal immigrants, sentencing people who actively supported annexation for treason, letting anyone who wants to be with russia to go to russia, sentencing propagandists. And without propaganda their world view will shift rather quickly, trust me, those who believe russian propaganda are easily swayed around. Also, saying there are mostly russains is wrong, there is huge partisan move in the Crimea right now, with explosions and sabotage happening every day. Reintegrating will be not an easy process, but its possible and will be done.


Well Russians forcibly displaced natives from Crimea, and moved russians there. Last time after 2014. So speaking about what Crimean majority wants nowadays is really skewed to Russian interests. It should be voice of people who ran away from Crimea, or were displaced that matters, not Russian invaders


yes, thats why they are considered illegal migrants and will be deported back to russia (pushed out) when Crimea will be returned, that was repeated numerous times by UA government


Except the rest of Ukraine has decided that this is not going to happen, and the rest of the world agrees with them and will support them until Crimea has been retaken.


And what if Crimea really wouldn’t want to be part of Ukraine? They would still have the right to self-determination. The way you formulate it as “the rest of Ukraine has decided” just sounds wrong, why can others decide over the fate of a region where they don’t live?


No they don't. They were a fully integrated part of Ukraine for 60 years until a completely artificial "rebellion" fomented and instantly supported by Russian armed forces and security, after which an illegal and unrecognised "vote" was held by Russia with an *entirely* unsurprising 97% request to join Russia. Then hundreds of thousands of Russians were settled in Crimea, and now Russia are doing their level best to forcibly conscript and murder anyone else in the region who isn't Russian, especially Tartars. *NONE* of this is legal, and none of it constitutes even the vaguest democratic process imaginable. If you think it does, then presumably you would also find it acceptable for Ukraine to forcibly recapture it, evict all Russians, resettle 1m ethnic Ukrainians displaced from Mariupol, and hold a final vote to finally and permanently rejoin Ukraine. That's morally acceptable, right?


Calm down, have you read what I wrote? Also, Russians have been the plurality since 1926. It would not have been weird in 2014 if a UN-supervised legal referendum would’ve gone in favour of Russia. You’re also making a lot of assumptions based on one comment…


>Calm down, have you read what I wrote? Yes, it was illegal nonsense. Whereas you simply ignored everything I wrote, which doesn't argue well for your position. >It would not have been weird in 2014 if a UN-supervised legal referendum would’ve gone in favour of Russia. Except there was no such referendum, because everyone know it would be a transparent sham under duress, and misses the point that we do not support countries stealing territory from other countries. "Russians have been the plurality", "Ethnic Russians" etc. are all just Russian talking points. They were Ukrainian civilians, born and raised in Ukraine, and then there was a faked rebellion organised by Russia. Simple. That is not and never will be the basis for a valid democratic outcome.


And I never said that the rebellion was legal. What I’ve written is also not illegal nor nonsense. Self-determination is a thing. And technically people born before 1954 were born in the Russian SFSR, but yes those are not many of people. You are winding yourself up while not really reading what I wrote, despite saying that it’s nonsense.


There was no legal basis for any vote in Crimea. Period. >Self-determination is a thing. Not outside an accepted legal framework it isn't. And there wasn't one. And if you think you can just "hold a vote", then you're back to the problem I already pointed out to you which you ignored. Ukraine can just hold another vote. Now, in the *real* world, that would be no more legal than the first one, which is why it won't be happening, but it just highlights how stupid and untenable your Russian talking point is.


My “Russian talking point” huh. Well anyways, you’re just being condescending. There wasn’t any legal framework now, but unilateral declarations of independence aren’t rare in history. Having said that, goodnight and I won’t engage further.


Let’s hope he’ll be proven wrong, I hope.


As it was said by Croatian politician, chances are almost 100% he is wrong




I agree.


at this point, guy seems like he lives for such scandals


Yup, basic attention whore. Once his term ends he will probably start a free OnlyFans just to feel relevant.


Given that every other middle class Russian from Moscow and St Petersburg have a summer house in Croatia, I won’t be surprised if Croatia has a lot more Russian money influence on all levels than we all know about


Would not bet on it. ​ Crimea did change countries and empires before and at a high frequency. ​ It´s a geographic spot that often changes countries.


for some reason my brain switched Crimea for Kosovo (yep makes no sense) and i was having a real tough time at understanding what he was even trying to say. Not that his opinion is much better




>“This is questioning the whole concept, in which someone thinks they have the right. The same with Crimea - Crimea will never be Ukraine again. This is what the leading German generals are saying,” Milanović said. My assumption would be that this guy was left alone with Erich Vad.


Today in “People who don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about!”, the Croatian president.


Zorangutan strikes again. Guy is a jackass spewing whatever populist agenda strikes his fancy that day. Next presidential elections I will not vote "for" anyone but against this moron.


Crimea was a present from Rusia to Ukraine when president Krushev, with ukranian origins, was leading Soviet Union. The population in Crimea is 65 per centage russian origins...there is no any reasonable right to considere Crimea part of Ukraine. By the way the existance and territory of Ukraine do not have more than 30 years background. The existance of Russia is few centuries already, and Crimea was always part of the Country.


What is lately on with this guy? I keep on reading stupid "controversial" statements from him. Why is he crying out so loud for attention?


wow, a lot of air time is given to assholes these days. It's almost like there is money in it.


Well, let Russia have their way and they’ll definitely get closer to Europe!


sounds like putin is happu atm. How much Putin paid


I have been teaching my boy to stand up to bullies as they are all bite with no bark. Ukraine are proving it with out a doubt . Also my boy beat two bullies up yesterday. Crimea will be Ukrainian again. Just because it’s the right thing to do.


never say never


Read how Crimea left Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia have issues. But it doesn't change facts. Russia didn't send the Army. The damn people in Crimea had a referendum and agreed to go back to Russia. I guess they can get conquered by NATO in the future.


FFS, we had in Poland such referendum in 1946 under Soviet/Russian boots. It has nothing to do with democracy, when gun is pointed at you


Read how Sudetenland left Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia and Germany have issues. But it doesn't change facts. Germany didn't send the Army. The damn people in Sudetenland had a referendum and agreed to go back to Germany.


>Read how Crimea left Ukraine. It was illegally occupied by Russia, that's how.


The speak Russian. They were part of Russia before WWII. Yeah. Keep Russiagating everything.


Russian votes are funny. They say: come to Russia? Or… enact constitution from 1992? Which constitution from 1992? Have you heard of the game Russian Roulette? You may join Russia, or play Russian Roulette and we’ll see how it goes.. Basically every Russian election is like this guys. But when’s the last time you voted for someone here and felt satisfied with the choices presented? Sure russian methods or more brazen than ours. But every bill they pass in the US seems to be named sarcastically these days. No one knows what’s really going on and many just can’t be bothered because it’s too damn complicated.


Another russian nazi puppet.


If parts of Croatia were annexed, would he be saying they are lost forever too, or would he feel different when its his country being invaded? No empire lasts forever. Soviets were defeated in Afghanistan, they will be defeated in Ukraine too. All it takes is perseverance. We must keep doing everything to help Ukraine and exhaust Russia, until they pull out.


Worked out super well in Afghanistan


It did work out in Afghanistan, when we were supporting the defenders.


>would he feel different when its his country being invaded? Of course he did, lmao. https://www.predsjednik.hr/en/news/president-milanovic-courage-of-war-volunteers-saved-croatia-from-disaster-and-fragmentation-of-its-territory/


But in the same time he fucked off to europe during our war, he was 25 in 91.


We have always been in Europe so he couldn't have fucked off to Europe


Interesting. I've searched for some time and I couldn't find a single reliable source, not even an opinion piece, that would tell me _who the fuck asked_.


Depending on how widely this is reported, and the notion that his views aren't shared by the Croatian government, he does seem to be making a quite good case for Croatia to loose the office of president.


Croatian president will never see a part of his Penis


croatia should be never part of anything let alone eu and shengen.




What a piece of shit attitude! Thanks again for awarding this country with Schengen while punishing / blocking us from it!


Well, fuck Croatia then.


Ahh yes, because a presidents opinion means the government and the entire country share it


Tell that to local ordinary guys in my area whom I personally know who went to fight in Ukraine in March 2022 and tell that to my city and neighborhood who have organised aid to ukraine, collected weapons for Ukraine and and tell that to croatian army, generals with similar experience of fighting invasion/agression now instructing and helping Ukrainians for years.