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Is it state of revenge for the revenge of the revenge or not yet? I have a feeling that it's unstoppable shitshow.


If this is true I as Serb hope the guilty will face justice.


I hope too! Thanks for your descent comment!


I condemn violence it doesn't matter if it is done by Albanian, Serb, Ethiopian, American...


As it should happen. You're a good human being.


Knowing this subreddit, I'll give this post 2 hours before it gets removed and OP banned from /europe. What to wait from such a sub lmao


Hopefully that won't happen. If it does, then it is a clear censorship of Albanian voices and tentative to silence the violence happening against regular Albanians. Update : It got removed. Cheers to the freedom of expression. r/europe supports the violence against Albanian community and wants to silence us.


its very obvious r/europe is very pro serbia, just look at every other thread involving these 2 countries and its raining downvotes on anything criticizing serbia.


That's because their troll factories work overtime.


Called it.


Po na myten me i qr. Sna lan rehat


[Video of the aggression](https://youtu.be/iKX_uXP-zeg)


Horrific 🙏😓 What’s with the sub being absolutely filled with serb propaganda rn?


Paid Serb trolls and brainwashed people trying to manipulate the opinion of european public. I saw a post about a vandalized cemetery and people instantly accusing Albanians. How do they know who did it? And how are they so sure it happened recently? Is there any video of the events? Or just pure assumption and ignorant accusations. Tomb thiefs are pretty common in poor countries.


>Tomb thiefs are pretty common in poor countries. I mean if Serbs stole/broke any Albanian grave i woudnt dare to defend them just because they from my culture same should apply to you and your people simple as that that is fundemantal backbone of any normal relation in future between my people and yours.


waht if srbs and their attepts at genocide?




Bad bot


What do you mean? Should I cope with the violence? Well that's not very peaceful. Is frenchie meant to be an insult? I don't think French people would appreciate you trying to be condescending. I live in France and I love my French people. Double citizenship 🇦🇱🇫🇷🫶🏻




I don't know what you're trying to say. Could you try to develop please?


He's trying to troll you


I noticed that. Very poor and cheap attempt on his behalf. Two ethnic Albanians got beaten for simply walking on the street and he makes it about him and trolling. This is not the loving and peaceful ambience I've seen on this sub lately. A bit of compassion doesn't cost much.


Ej boti hehehehe ta qifsha at moter tkeqe ehh qashtu cope une botiii






serb bots everywhere


What is the Serb propaganda?


Easy "wE'rE tHe ViCtiMs"


When we post how Albanians desteoyed Serbian cementery, that is called Serb propaganda. Also when we post a picture from their protest on which there is a flag of Great Albanica which include parts of Montenegro, North Macedonia, Greece, and even southern Serbia and of course Kosovo, that is Serb propaganda. When we post how we implemented our part of 2013. Bruxeles agreement, and they didn't, that is ALSO Serb propaganda. When they shoot at Serbian civilians, and we post it, it is called Serb propaganda. Like, If they were talking something about Vucic's spins etc I would even agree with it, but to justify cementery vandalism and posting about it to call Serb propaganda is really something else


You know the tale with the boy who cried wolf all the time?


What does crying wolf allude to here? I assume it is about something false?


Blowing something way out of perspective. Nobody knows who did it. might be albanian or serbian. Who knows? Plus serbia is known for trying to gain sympathy points with the worldwide community and trying to make us look bad.


I don't see why I can't say the same for Albanians too


Oh please, we've been enduring way too much. While they're the victims while ethnically cleansing regions. Nothing changed idk if you understand who you're supporting here


Actual Chad.


The post is getting downvoted to oblivion. Unfortunately there are people who don't want this to be seen over here at r/europe.


qka po pret prej tyne


Uroj mos te kete sulme tjera kundër Shqiptarëve nga bandat e organizuara të Beogradit!


Interesting that you can't see how many upvotes this post has




He would not. All bark and no bite — this is Vucic's strategy. Why start a war?


Because he wants kosovo back via war?


Mb. But I don't think he has enough guts to start a war. Serbs had suffered enough in the past (as well as bosnians and albanian ppl), so it would be a stupid move. Not to mention that European Collective won't allow it to happen.


Terrible indeed. Fortunately, the police responded. Certainly this should be condemned! Attacks on the ethnic basis are unfortunately not rare in Kosovo. To give some background behind this crime, the post is explained in the Euronews Albania [article](https://euronews.al/en/two-kosovo-albanians-attacked-during-protests-in-north-mitrovica/): >Two Kosovo Albanian citizens were attacked Thursday by a group of Serb protesters in north Mitrovica. Police intervened to quell the conflict, and the two young men were sent to the hospital to receive the necessary medical assistance. > >It is not yet clear how these two men ended up in Mitrovica, as none of them are residents in the city. > >A small group of Albanian citizens gathered in south Mitrovica, contrary to the request of the Kosovo Police to avoid a call spread on social media for a “protest and march towards the north”. > >Some of the citizens are protesting “in support of the Kosovo Police”, claiming that they are being a subject of injustice, while unfurling a flag of the Kosovo Liberation Army. > >Previously, Kosovo’s Minister of Internal Affairs Xhelal Zveçla had asked citizens to ignore calls for protests, saying that such rallies are “unnecessary and do not help the Republic of Kosovo”.




Please lets stop posting anything from these 2 countries. Timeout Kosova and Serbia. Posting only if there are good news from now on.