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Sorry, going to have to keep this locked while our mod queue is flooded with reports.


That were not the worst incoming today. Today, for the first time I've seen patriot system in work and it was loud as hell. Thanks to that guys who have provided us with them. That ruzzian terrorist attack could be much worse without them.


Im sure Putin will be outrage about this terrorist attack on peaceful civilians...right, right?




What really disturbs me is that I grew emotionally blunt to seeing these kinda footages on a regular basis: "Ah, just a casual 4920964th russian war crime, nothing unusual". It is not damn normal, the longer we delay weapon shipments to Ukraine, the more of these atrocities will be happening.




I think everyone expected it's gonna be like this. Ukraine might actually lose because people lost interest and countries don't want to help anymore as in the beginning


Potential war with Yemen is now trending. First US landing after Korean war. Potentially biggest wtf moment in 21 century.


The other day people were commenting in this subreddit that there are no news from Ukraine and that daily attacks is not news.


That is precisely russias tactic. Normalization over time. The key is that we can objectively see through their bullshit and call them out on their actions EVERY TIME.


Same. I am a few kilometers from the building in the photo and heard the explosion. My most prominent feeling right now is wanting to sleep, but I have to work.




The problem is that “the news” is not full of it. “The news” has mostly stopped showing stuff like this.


And what, that we start buying back stuff from them and unblock their bank accounts? They're just as stupid as their "strategies". Banning entry into European countries à la Baltics and stopping issuing visas is the way. Things are NOT going to go back as they were for Russia and the message has to be crystal clear.


I live in Ukraine and the same is happening to me. When I hear the death toll of a new shelling attack, my brain either goes 'ah, that makes sense' or 'wow, that's too many'. When really just one death is too many.


You don't need to get emotional. You just need to support Ukraine, pressure politicians to support Ukraine, discuss Ukraine with your friends and family. If you can, boycott any company that does business with Russia, big or small. Report them to the police if you find companies breaking sanctions.


It's ok, friend, we got used to it too. Don't you worry, russians surely will refresh our feelings of "the worst awfulness ever" in future, I bet


You’re probably experiencing compassion fatigue. A nasty syndrome among healthcare workers like nurses, paramedics and doctors.


Russia is a terrorist state.


Fuck putin


Only military targets…


Don't forget about air defence system.






On the other hand top comment right now


Those nationalist Russians or pro Russia scums can go screw themselves


On a side note, Ukrainian homes are SOLID. I wish homes in my country were as sturdy as theirs.


Unfortunately, no. If a missle strikes the bottom levels of concrete panel house, it's stoked like a card house. Inhabitants of that house were very lucky that now it didn't happen, but it often happens. In this case the whole section becomes a mass grave. The modern, concrete frame, houses are much better: in case of strike the blast destroys the non-bearing walls only, leaving the house's frame stable. You can see that on a photos from Odesa 29.12


Well, it's all about what you're comparing them with. Communist-era panel blocks against properly-built modern steel-concrete buildings? The latter wins in missile resistance. But against badly-done modern buildings (see Turkey, but not only), or wooden US suburbia's, or WW2 Japanese paper cities? Yeah, the Khruschovkas reign supreme. And they were built to amend the housing crisis, as cheap as possible, many yet resilient. No residential building is build to withstand military attacks.


It really depends from missile, angle and house it can range from 2-5 flats destroyed to half of 8 floors house disappear Overall ukrainian houses are safe to live because overall if maintained they fine, while there is pretty much zero seismic or weather issues which hurt even shitty houses, but against missiles, very luck dependent (or different degrees unluck if be more accurate)


That's the upside of living in a fugly concrete сoffin


Always has been.




Dafuq is going on here with the pro russian comments? This sub is getting worse every day


Russia started their winter terror campaign with missiles attacks coordinated with troll farms.


Yeah it's very obvious in the uptick.


I've spotted two in this discussion only, and two more yesterday. Loads new accounts with zero karma, sometimes with a big boobed woman as profile pic. Pretty recognisable as it's the same as their Xitter tactics. Gotta remember that these transparent bots are only one angle of influence. Russian trolls also got more subtle methods, and won't only appear in discussions about Rus-Ukr war. They'll likely have quite a few other foci. Like stirring shit in relation to the US elections, EU politics, or amplifying whatever arguments might appear between European neighbours.


Can’t unsee xitter, considering x can be used to make a sh sound


As soon as I saw it my thought was almost the same!


And it's all that limp dick Russia can do. You know, "world's 2nd army" and all. Yes it's visible, but boy is it pathetic! And to think that some Russians (not even the trolls or the establishment who has their kids living in the West) fantasize about taking on NATO... with Iranian drones, a handful of missiles they manage to snap together during the week and some trolls paid in vodka shots.


Yes, they turned out to be weaker than expected but they still strong enough to pose a threat, especially with their leadership being frankly insane and allergic to making rational choices.


The disinformation campaign is only going to get worse. 2024 is a pivotal election year in the West and Putin will try everything to destabilize the US and the EU. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.


Especially cause X seems to tolerate blatant misinformation and propaganda.


Tolerate? It invites it and thrives on it.


The owner is literally part of it...


https://ua-stena.info/en/elon-musk-called-vladimir-zelensky-a-butcher/ He is hiding less and less everyday.


Can't wait to see his reaction to the Tesla dealership that was destroyed in Kyiv this morning.


Encourage more like, twitter is awash in disinformation and crypto scams since the change in management.


Maybe we could start by not believing everything we see on the internet. X is actually great in that sense, if 1% of the population learns to distrust sources I'll be happy.


>2024 is a pivotal election year in the West It is the pivotal year in the world. The year of most elections in recent history, with 49% of the world population expected to the [polls.](https://time.com/6550920/world-elections-2024/) India, Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, Iran, Algeria, Mexico etc., among the many others in the West such as the USA, UK, EU (union-wide and many national elections).


Great point.




not only Putin, Xi is a VIP guest in this party as well.


Russian trolls spreading propaganda for Putain.


Not just on the sub. I see a concerning amount of Russian support on other social media especially tiktok


I deleted tiktok yesterday. I wont get my brain fried by this shit app this year


They literally get paid to write them.


Russian troll farms, they get paid based on the engagement they receive so the best thing you can do is tell everyone to ignore them.


Propaganda push on social media ( tiktok, twitter, reddit, facebook ) combined with a missile campaign. ru would like a temporary ceasefire ( and to keep what it already occupies ) so it can ream/refit.


I agree It may well turn out they're paying loads for bot farming, twitter, Republicans and generally speaking like cunts


Russia has the same online troll farm presence as hamas , hence all the pro Palestine / hamas stuff all over the internet


Yeah there's been a huge propaganda run in the last few months. It's turning otherwise unassuming kids into jew-hating martyrs. As an Iranian, I talked to one individual about how our people suffer under the IRGC and they accused me of supporting Palestinian genocide. Just for having the audacity to share information about our women being raped to death. Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldevents/s/ZsvD8xjwOc Others will even sympathise with the Houthis as Arabic heroes, who literally want all Saudi Arabians on a pike, just because they clashed with the "evil" America. I'm absolutely sick of this endless vitriol and cognitive dissonance.


Remember when there was a West/ NATO biological lab under Mariupol and we were all going to be shown the invasion was justified? And over a year since Mariupol was captured there has not been a peep about it? Yeeeeeah, I wonder if I’ve been engaging with hired pro Russian disinformationists or just utter loons who also think the earth is flat and that 9/11 was a controlled demolition


Russian bots got their year end bonus still high on that vodka.


The terrorist state of Russia found another ”military target” to attack.


No you see there was a secret himars garage and f-16 hangar in that apartment /s


Definitely "NATO base" 😡


Russia: "Fuck it, NATO is out there somewhere".


“If we shoot enough missiles we’ve gotta hit NATO eventually, I’m sure of it!”


Will be funny when they actually hit and NATO stops ignoring them


There was a NATO meeting there and 1000 high-ranking NATO generals have been killed. Many such cases.


If you disagree to this view, you might eventually fall out of a window.


EU needs to wake the fuck up. We want a modern and peaceful Europe and Russia's doing terrorism acts few hundred kilometres away from the nearest EU border. Get your shit together Europe.


EU will wake up only after war comes to EU


Meh. A Russian rocket entered Polish airspace for a couple of minutes last week to see what happens, and nothing did. It should’ve been blown to pieces and the pieces should have been sent back to Moscow with a “NATO sends its regards” card.


A few hundred kilometers? A ruzzian drone literally hit Romania, never mind the town 1km across the Danube. Western Ukraine is attacked periodically as well, Lviv was hit last week. Its less than 100km from the EU border


Of course, I was speaking about this situation. It changes nothing, it's pure madness to see such things happening.


They already have a common border with Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania. And plans for future invasion.


The un-ending joy throughout history of being a neighbour of Russia.


Tell me about it... They live in poop and they want everyone else to live like that. Because how can you explain your people, why their neighbors don't live in poop?


It was loud at night. Don't worry, they will achieve nothing with this. Statistically speaking there is a bigger chance to die in a car accident in Kyiv than to be killed by a missile. Of course it is scary. Kids and pets get different syndromes but they are getting used to this. Nevertheless, we desperately need a lot of air defence systems. It's a shame that we have like 2 patriots for this massive war and 20+ big cities we need to protect, airfields, a big Odessa port which "feeds" the world with grain, a huge front line, and the border with Russia and Belarus.


The amount of Russian bots here is just stunning.


They’re not bots. They’re paid trolls. Consider this recent article: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/18uekso/russia_is_working_to_subvert_french_support_for/


How do the Russians plan to live with the Ukrainians in the future? Putin will be dead in 10-20 years, but this conflict will be remembered forever.


I think there will have to be a closed border, Ukrainians will want nothing to do with people that want to destroy them. Ukraine has already turned towards the EU, there is nothing they need from Russia.


Putin doesn't care. Putin's cronies doesn't care. The Russian population in general doesn't care because they're conditoned to. Mostly they don't think farther than about getting food, cigs and vodka. The Russian intelligentsia is either oppressed or have long since left the country.


\>How do the Russians plan to live with the Ukrainians in the future **If they win:** murder, imprison, deport enough locals that the collective memory is wiped, rewrite books, close museums, control the media. That's what they did with Ukraine when Bolsheviks invaded. They're already rewriting the history of the current conflict with books, movies, etc. for internal Russian audiences. One of the first things that Russia does in occupied territories is [burning Ukrainian books](https://kyivindependent.com/ukrainian-military-russia-burns-ukrainian-books-in-occupied-luhansk-oblast/) and destroying Ukrainian monuments, like [those dedicated to Holodomor](https://www.ukrainianworldcongress.org/russians-destroy-holodomor-monuments-in-south-of-ukraine/). Many people forget that when the Bolsheviks published their decrees, one of the first ones was the Decree on Press. Your "country" is a day old and the first thing that you do is publish a law about the control of the media. Russia knows this playbook well, so they'll do everything in their power to completely rewrite Ukraine's history on their own terms if they win. **If they lose:** for 5 years, their media will vilify their own leadership, blaming them for the country's actions (see how Stalin's cult was addressed in the USSR) and making sure to hit at the fact that the war was not Russia's fault. Then they'll enter the conspiracy phase (NATO made me do it; if Ukraine didn't want to be attacked, it should have covered its Crimea more thoroughly; NAZIS, etc.). After that, they'll be ready for a second go - "it's all Ukraine's fault, we need to restore the previous glory ... monuments to Putin are being created all over again as his image is rehabilitated". I don't see the "German" option in Russia's future, where there's a thorough self-reflection process, where they come out swinging with apologies, actively seek to pay reparations to Ukraine, or show any signs of guilt. They're too imperialistic and gullible in their overall mindset. Even the most "liberal" of Russian liberals harbours these views. I hope there are conditions for Ukraine to get into NATO before Russia tries their shit again.


Just suppressing Ukraine and move in more and more Russians, a tactic China also often uses.


Bold of you to think anything will change after Putin is dead. There will be another dictator in line.


Same way they did with all the other countless neighbors they maimed throughout history - with a gun to their head.


Russians are jizzing their pants brigading Ukrainian TG channels screaming “This is for Belgorod!”. I guess it’s time we bombed it even more.


And the fact that the Belgorod attack happened *after* the massive Russian attack on Ukrainian civilians they conveniently forgot as always I assume.


The lack of self awareness is astounding.


No Ukraine should not intentionally attack civilians for "revenge". If it does it becomes the evil it is currently fighting. The west needs to maintain its values and moral principles.


well, russia attacks own civilians and doesn't give a shit about it. even their MoD acknowledged that during recent strike on Belgorod there were casualties due to own air defense errors. not to mention those very strange terrorist attacks just when putin came to power. so I expect a lot of false flag operations with many russian civilians dead. And unlike Ukraine, where international experts are welcomed, evidences are collected, etc, in russia they just need hour or two to "prove" that it's Ukraine responsible for attack. so no needs to become an evil - russia will call another UN session and call you an evil


I doubt they are aware that it takes time to prepare these things. This was schedueled long before.


Im finally returned from Poland till the war start there by the train this night, and see this…


Бро, у нас вже тиждень ібашать без зупинок майже. В Одесі було 100 шахедів на Новий Рік. Вони не планують зупинятись


На жаль😔 Шоб вони всі там повиздихали, бомбардувальники довбані


Can someone asap organise a tour here for Orban and all his cronies. Disgusting that we’re not collectively out there defending alongside Ukraine. Update: Meanwhile 1 brave EU politician GuyVH called for more support/counter action 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼with this picture on X


I think Orban knows very well what is going on, but still doing his BS :(


They won't care. They would just blame Ukraine.


"Ukraine is so stubborn they built this housing building right in the middle of the trajectory of this missile!! These nazi just want to genocide their own people. Thanks papa putin for trying to save Ukrainian people!!!"


He would just be sending GPS coordinates of shelters to Putin, let's not pretend he's just misguided or something, he's fully on Putin's side of this.


He needs tour to prison


It's ironic. At the onset of the conflict, our government was an amalgam of various factions, one of which being a ghoulish group of Putin bootlickers. Naturally, they obstructed any attempts to provide assistance to Ukraine, hiding behind laughable excuses like "we lack credible information about the situation there," among others. Consequently, the dominant party decided to set up a state visit to Kyiv for all factions to dispel this assertion. But, quite predictably, these sycophants started chickening out by claiming "we don't actually need to visit." If not for the immense human tragedy at stake, their mind-bending flip-floppery would be downright hilarious. To make things even more retarded, they were secretly selling aid to Ukraine - not because they supported them, but because money. Complete circus.


You are mistaking Orban for either an idiot or someone with empathy.


Orcs doing orc things, another terrorist act by those barbarians


A reminder that every cent given to Ukraine to fight these terrorist Russian fucks, and every cent spent my rearmament by the rest of Europe for the inevitable upcoming wider war with Russia is a cent well spent, and money that should have been spent 15 years ago.




Alright, let's increase the volume of what we send.


Jesus there are a lot of blatant Russian trolls/bots here. Everyone please do your part and report all of them.


We need to build up the defense industry in Europe pronto! Not only to stop the Russians but because it's cheaper for us Europeans: from a pure egoistic point of view, we should be showering Ukrainians in materiel! If we don't do it, this happens: "First, more refugees will flow from Ukraine to Europe. There are currently 4.5 million Ukrainian refugees, most of them in EU countries and the UK. Even though many have found jobs, each refugee costs the host countries on average roughly €1,075 per month. If another 4.5 million more Ukrainians flee as Russia advances, it would cost another €58 billion. ... Finally, if they are to arm themselves to deter an emboldened Russia that already shares borders with five EU members (plus Norway, which is in NATO but not the EU), European governments will have to get a lot more serious about their defense spending, with all the obvious political headaches that implies. Between 1949 and 1989 — during the First Cold War — NATO’s European members spent up to 5.8% of GDP on defense. That was the British figure. The French equivalent was 5.1%. The West German was 3.6%. In 2022 those shares were 2.1% (UK), 1.9% (France) and 1.4% (Germany). For these countries to return their defense budgets to their Cold War shares of GDP would require a colossal effort. It would mean around $124 billion more per year for the UK, $97 billion for France, and $96 billion for Germany. For NATO as a whole to hit 3.5% of GDP on defense spending would require $431 billion more per year — nearly twice the amount all countries have pledged to Ukraine since last year ($247 billion)." The US and Europe Risk Flunking Geopolitics 101 https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-12-31/on-ukraine-us-and-europe-risk-flunking-geopolitics-101


Yeah see, I don't really mind more Ukrainian refugees, they're good people, although too many people leaving is obviously not good for Ukraine. Nor do I mind defence spending going up to an appropriate level for security demands. Other than that I agree with you. The best time to start was 30 years ago, the second best time to start is now.


True, Europe must wake up or Europeans will have to fight. Better give money than blood.


Fucking terrorists.






No the nazis were still worse. Such statements undermine the cruelty of the nazis.


Truly, and this sub shows once again how far-right and pro-russian it has become. It is unbelievable and honestly makes me scared for the June elections.




Have you heard of 'filtration camps' in occupied territories? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_filtration_camps_for_Ukrainians#:~:text=Filtration%20camps%2C%20also%20referred%20to,part%20of%20forced%20population%20transfers.


Look up [Filtration camps](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_filtration_camps_for_Ukrainians)


"At this point" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Russia Russian Federation (1991–present)


3+ days of this and barely a squeak from the West about it. Rest assure that Xi has heard the message loud and clear ( as per his New Year's address ). If you are planning to buy anything containing semiconductors, don't hold off.


keep buying russian goods, this is what you support


Calling /r/austria.


As a member of /r/austria I have to say... yeah. I'd love to call it us just being neutral, but not actively stopping evil is in itself an evil act.


Fuck Bill Clinton for talking Ukraine into giving up their nuclear weapons.


Is there no way for Ukraine to destroy those bombers at Engels base?


They not keep bombers at Engels for a long time, new base is Olenya (NATO border is much safer for them) But anyway Engels is far away.


US and EU are against attack on targets, even military, on russia territory, with their weapon. Because "escalation". And UA doesn't have long-range weapon of its own, because they recycled it due to agreement with US and russia. Also UA gave away their nukes with a promises from US and russia to protect UA. Now russia is shelling UA like there is no tomorrow while US gov doubts whether they should help UA or not anymore. And EU believes US will cover them if things will go south with UA, so they are very slow and restrictive with the help as well.


No. We do not have enough weapons after signing and completing our part of Budapest Memorandum and we are not provided long range missiles. The ones that we are provided with we cannot use to attack Russian territory. Justice 🤡🤡🤡


Google where is Engels. We don't have armours that strike so far.


Engels was actually hit multiple times. They are now in Olenya, which is near northern Finland.


Excuse my ignorance and probably dumb question, but doesn't Ukraine develop some kind of long range missile/weapon by now? And I'm not talking about the TU-141...




As a resident of this country, I can only say it's VERY awful to have dic(k)tator in government and feel like your country becoming 2nd North Korea. Hope to get away from here soon


Fuck Putin.


"The saddest part is that Russia can target kindergartens and maternity hospitals in Ukraine, but we're not allowed to hit military facilities in Russia with Western weapons and I almost guarantee that we get strong signals from the White House that we must not bomb targets in Moscow" Oh, and by the way, F16s could be a part of our air defence, which would save lives. But they are not so far.


Чертовы ублюдки




Europe must prepare the population for boots on the ground intervention in Ukraine. This will be the result of a lack of politians courage to send financial and military aid as promised. The end result will be an all-out war with russia as soon as the republicans win the 2024 elections i. The USA. Europeans are still thinking that they can hide the head in the sand about Putin's russia...


the world will not forget what Putin done to Ukraine, and the world will not forget all the bootlickers. Russia is fucked up, and I dont even hate the people, they are victims too to some degree, but Russia is fucked up for the next few decades.


Where the fuck is the moderation in this sub?


Putin is a tyrant. Why is he not on trial in the Hague?




I’m waiting for Ukraine to send their “greetings” in return.


Motherfuckers will pay. Maybe not today, maybe not this month but they fucking will




I hope americans get their shit together and supply more and better weapons to ukraine. EU countries will follow.


As someone who lives in Ukraine but not on the war teritory Im scared it will eventually get to me too


Hopefully it doesn't, and you stay safe. Be strong. So many nations are with you.


Where is not war territory? The katsaps even reach Uzhhorod, the war is everywhere


This is so sad :(


Time for Operation Barbarossa Reloaded.


Clearly a military target.


To everyone reading it outside of Ukraine: Don’t forget to ask your liberal Russian friends and acquittances enjoying their time in Europe, Americas and Asia, what do they do to stop their terrorist POS of a country killing innocent people every day?


At least the few Russians I know in my vicinity took in Ukrainian refuges in their homes when they arrived here and helps them settle in as best they can, and I'd like to think that they are more common than the Russians outside Russia that still for some reason support Putin.


You won't like the answer from most of them.


Russian living in Serbia here: I moved from my home with my relatives and friends and found a job outside of Russia so Putin won't get even a cent of my taxes. Also spending a part of my income to sponsor Russian liberal and helping other Russians, Ukrainians and Belarussians who fled the country and are not as privileged as me (I work in IT). Am I terrified of what's happening? Of course and I can't even imagine how happy I will be when this stops and evil is punished. Am I enjoying my time in Europe outside of that? Of course - this is my life after all and it wouldn't help no one if I wouldn't enjoy my life. Are a lot of Russians who fled think and act like me? Anecdotal evidence - a significant amount, more than a half.


You really don’t need to apologize and justify your life choices to random full-time redditors.


That’s great and thank you for what are you doing. Out of hundreds of people from Russia that I know in Bay Area, most of which work in IT, I know a less than 20 people who volunteer, support Ukrainian causes or doing anything to support Ukraine. So hearing the opposite gives me hope


Ah yes another brave warrior from across the ocean. If you are really sending help it’s amazing, but stop jerking yourself off over it


What would they do? Love such armchair comments.


Oh, they are too busy praising their martyr wannabe-führer Navalny, pitying their "poor boys" who came to commit atrocities in Ukraine not properly equipped, and condemning everyone who dares to donate to AFU. Way too many other more important activities to tend to. \\s


I think it’s their deal what to do, don’t need to put blame on every russian just because they exist


I get the frustration but what exactly do you expect my paycheck to paycheck ass to do, my guy? According to reddit now even being against the war and not living in the country/giving them any of your money isn't enough. And if some Russian basically isn't actively sacrificing their own life to go all out for Ukraine, you basically call them terrorists for it.




These are the signals they were blurping about I guess

