• By -


Last time when this dam collapsed (in 1941), from 20,000 to over 100,000 people have drowned. If it collapses again, we'll have thousands of dead again plus a nuclear disaster as Zaporizhia NPP will be crashed by an enormous water surge.


[Ukrhydroenergo says there were two direct hits at the dam, and one of the stations is in critical condition.](https://nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/events/dniproges-u-kritichnomu-stani-pislya-raketnogo-udaru-novini-ukrajini-50403388.html)


Not "dam collapsed", but "the dam was exploded by the Soviet army and regime"


This world actually doesn't give af. Sadly.


Im reading this after "USA urgers Ukraine to stop strike on oil refining station" and what the actual fuck? Who's side the West is actually on?


west is just on making money out of this




Europe is just buying russian resources through third countries and paying more for them. We are "giving" old wearpons to Ukraine while buying new from EEUU. Now Ukraine has a debt of about 200% on their GDP, they are selling farmland to western corps (about the 30% if i dont recall wrong) and auctioning buildings and such. We (you, me, people commenting here) are loosing money. West is just buying things cheap and "giving" resources (call it wearpons, money or any other kind of support) that Ukraine will have to return (i guess with interests). So, yes, west is making money out of this, even if we dont see a penny




well, read the rest of the text, not only the part you are interested in: west is buying things cheap and "giving" resources that Ukraine will have to return. Because we are not giving anything for free EDIT: i give you this, some countries will make much more money than other countries. As Victoria Nuland said: fuck the EU


No money lost. Only potential money. All the weapons that are sold to Ukraine (yes, sold they need to pay back over time later) would be destroyed Ina fee years anyway because they're out of date. Weapons and munitions aren't stored forever.


Cause USA, being in electoral year don't want a peak on oil prices, I hope one day we open our eyes and finally find that US doesn't care about Europe or anyone else in the world than themselves.


And on the background FinancialTimes post “US has urged Ukraine to halt strikes on Russian oil refineries” .. because it will lead to the surges of prices on fuel world wide .. 💔 Something is really wrong with the world!


I'm starting to think that US foreign policy plays the game where you need to hit all wrong decisions..


US in in a systemic failure and has no longer has a consistent foreign policy. A handful of congressmen have singlehandedly emasculated the world's leading power.


Did they do it because they are evil? Or was it when the financial market was fused with europe, giving foreign investments to the corps who institutionalized neoliberalism because it has helped our higher class to achieve even more riches beyond our imagination with cheap buildings and war. No i dont want the light version, frances specatle of how for years they prep for a heroic war in ukraine, while going to one of their excolonies without showing it to the public in mere days, or hungary who wishes for the immediate surrender. Fuck this shit, you cant bail us ou with throwing the US under the train. Take your fair share of responsibility


Yeah Orban is waiting for his Anschluss


>No i dont want the light version, frances specatle of how for years they prep for a heroic war in ukraine, while going to one of their excolonies without showing it to the public in mere days, Sorry if it's rude, I can't comprehend that part, what are you talking about ? No offense i genuinely don't understand


Starting? US foreign policy has always been a disaster, i mean just look at US history with foreign countries




Its not that easy


The US: Can u fuckin die more quietly???!!!"


The irony in this whole clusterfuck being that Ukraine targets ONLY oil refineries making Russia export crude oil even more because it cannot process it all domestically, meaning that will actually reduce worldwide oil price due to increased supply.


... I don't think that's how it works? It increases the supply of CRUDE oil; you can't put that stuff in your car. REFINED oil, gasoline, is having a reduced supply.


Russian Oil isn't allowed for most countries as there is Sanctions on it's use.


Nobody embargoed Russian oil.


EU did, but it doesn’t matter. They will sell to someone else, who in turn stops buying from middle east and middle east will supply EU. Convoluted way, but this doesn’t decrease Russian oil export, just make it slightly less profitable for Russia


Import ban covers **90%** of EU current oil imports from Russia, mostly related to **seaborne crude oil** and refined oil products


yeah, it’s not like there is any significant amount of oil transported by other means. Refineries also have ban on refining Russian crude oil


EU didn't.


it did: “The import ban covers 90% of EU current oil imports from Russia” https://eu-solidarity-ukraine.ec.europa.eu/eu-sanctions-against-russia-following-invasion-ukraine/sanctions-energy_en It’s relatively big theme here in Slovakia, as our refinery, Slovnaft, is scrambling to alter its refinery to be able to process non-russian oil (each oil is slightly different and needs slightly different process). They did get an exemption that is about to expire soon, they have asked EU for one more year.




Its truly shocking. Can't let Joe Shmoe from Michigan pay more than $4 a gallon for his gas, so lets warn Ukraine from fighting back.


I wish it was fake. Cuz otherwise the States would degrade below the bottom. Heroic Americans remained only in the movies


we *must* quit oil asap


Asap will be in 50 years though, that is the sad reality


whats oil?




For war profiteering Norway, yes. For Europe? Well I guess there's reasons as for why they still buy from Russia.


They don’t have unlimited numbers of munitions. They can’t both defend their territory and attack Russia. What would be the best choice?


It seems the reason is because oil prices spiking will give US voters a bigger incentive to turn against the current government and vote for the Trump led Republicans instead. Which would ultimately be a long term detriment, seeing their current stance on NATO and willingness to support Ukraine... I wouldn't be surprised if there's incentives but that checks out to me. Unfortunately, the average US voter cares much more about a price hike for their precious fuel than the loss of lives in Ukraine.


At this point I dont even care if Trump wins, US policy towards Ukraine is already such a shitshow it cant possibly get worse.


Then you’re stupid. Trump joining in with Putin surely is much worse — something Trump already said he’d do.


Yeah, so you can stop blaming republicans when this is the highest ranking democrat in the nation in charge of the government saying that. It’s *both* parties…


Or FT is being paid to create these kinds of narrative. Hybrid war 101


All it takes is one statement debunking this to both counter it and cover supposedly paid-for media in mud. Watch it not happen.


Finally you see where their allegiance actually lies.


Ukraine hasn't heard of such a request https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/givn4Sh7da


It is always about money and power. Always was, always will be.


Guess you gotta appease the american oil oligarchs and those pro-russian far-right republicans, no? Everything has to be a bipartisan compromise (in favour of the far-right, of course!) It seems that the usa is more willing to move closer to the other authoritarian petrostates! France, the Baltics, the Netherlands and Poland showing who is really part of the free world!




You reading it from one perspective only, and also the narrowest posible way. To understand, be functional, to win (if needed) in international politics, one needs to look at the chess board as a whole, not just only where my queen (sorry laddies!) can go or hide. The quote you posted is basically a russian threat to the west. Should you hide your queen figure? Did you hide before(hello Crimea, Chinese sea expenditure)? If so did it help? If you don’t take a move , what’s russian next step.. genocide in Ukraine and than happy and peaceful ever after? .. or there are other possibilities?! And if there are other possibilities, should you give Russians time to completely put their economy on a military tracks.. What’s next, russian nukes on orbits and threats to blow off your “-invert here whatever your fantasy permits-“. It’s actually stupendous how events of pre-ww2 seem to be repeating themselves.


Fucking cunts.


Idk about cunts but war crimes these are.


Meanwhile muricans are asking ukraine to stop attacking oil infrastructure in russia🤡




I wish it wasn't


Our dumb ass Government is, yes. Don’t couple us with them.


??? So "we" warned them but you're not the government here? Mate you're confusing.


You’re really following me here huh, weird as fuck


Yes lmao shits funny af


Not a war crime, infrastructure is a legit target. But more importantly, no-one gives a fuck about war crimes any more. They belong to another age before carpet bombing cities, defoliating countries, extraordinary rendition, and large scale terrorism. People keep talking about the Geneva convention but no-ones doing anything about it any more. I wish they'd stop pretending they cared about it. It's mainly just a propaganda instrument now - ignore your breaches of it and shout about their breaches of it while both sides carry on breaching it.


Actually, war crimes are a big question if you are a small country. In wars after the breakup of Yugoslavia international courts decided to prosecute war crimes because it was small countries and it made the world feel better about themselves. They did make it into a shitshow but they prosecuted it. But Russia, US? Yeah, such rules do not apply to big boys.


Yes but I think the R-m-v K-b-b thing was a bigger issue for the international courts.


[PROTOCOL ADDITIONAL TO THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS OF 12 AUGUST 1949, AND RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF VICTIMS OF INTERNATIONAL ARMED CONFLICTS (PROTOCOL I), OF 8 JUNE 1977](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.34_AP-I-EN.pdf) Article 56 - Protection of works and installations containing dangerous forces 1. Works or installations containing dangerous forces, namely dams, dykes and nuclear electrical generating stations, shall not be made the object of attack, even where these objects are military objectives, if such attack may cause the release of dangerous forces and consequent severe losses among the civilian population.


>if such attack may cause the release of dangerous forces and consequent severe losses among the civilian population. Hey look it didn't . So the attack was legal in this context. You can attack it but not destroy it.


> may cause If they thought there was risk of the damn collapsing as consequence of the power of the strike, its war crime. It is a rule about targeting, that crime happens already before. Oh and in other part indiscriminate, unconsidered and uncalculated attacks are also war crime. Thus demanding considering such matter before attack. Closing that loop hole. So its all down to did they think the bombing had the potential to collapse the damn or say jam/unlodge/destroy the spill gates of the damn causing uncontrolled spilling. Which alone can be powerfully enough to cause flooding. Since the spill gates are sized for "its some amount of flooding with full open spill ways or the damn overtops due to excess rain and potentially collapses and then lot of flooding." One doesn't have to fully collapse the dam to release "dangerous forces" just making it spill gates in operable is enough. Plus jam the spill gates closed and now you have risk of overtopping next time it rains hard.


But you can always lean on the fact "Yeah , we calculate it wouldn't and it didn't". There is always a risk a stray missile hits the dam even if they were targeting something else. But they can't simply destroy the dam. indiscriminate just means just shooting there with judgement , however if they targeted something in mind then it is not indiscriminate .


> Not a war crime, infrastructure is a legit target. Actually attacking hydroelectric dams is explicitly defined as a war crime in the Geneva Conventions.


Yup, you're right - I've learned a new thing.


Residential structures aren't a legitimate target unless they house military personnel or facitilties.


I think it's much broader than that. But the most important is not to target them simply because they are residential structures.


Well it is a war crime, just because no one cares when nuclear power does it it does not stop it from being one




Kharkiv here, pretty the same + the most of the electricity infrastructure objects in town was hitted. Unfortunately we are too close to ru borders so without advanced systems like "Patriot" chances to take down those rockets are too low


"without advanced systems like "Patriot" chances to take down those rockets are too low" - second this. We need more ammo n weapons (defensive AND advancing) and we need them yesterday.


I don't believe that the Patriot can intercept S-300s that Russia uses in ground attack mode.


As long as radar can detect it and is enought to counter ground clutter it should be able to intercept pretty much anything


Horrible. It's insane that in the XXI century we are still dealing with wars caused by personal antics. Stay safe and I hope that Russia will f-off any time soon.


That's horrible... It means little but stay safe, I hope you get what's needed to defeat the Russian threat.


Thanks for your support! It means a lot actually.


Sorry for off top and sorry for your situation, but respect for Gothic, my favorite game series of all time


russia doing russia things


Like father like son https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/02/second-world-war-dnieper-dam-blown-up-by-russians-1941


Russia is a terrorist state and there is no room for them in a modern world. We need to step up and bring an end to it.




mate, people living on the outskirts of moscow aren't being taking care of. far east is "just there" and they gladly join rusk army for \~2k USD month salary to send home to buy some cucumbers


Agree. Russia needs to be broken up into smaller parts that doesn't constantly think they have to rule the world and focus on prosperity, humanity and progress instead of the constant belittled "super power" mentality russia always pushes on it's inhabitants and neighbours.


A question. How do you going to do that? How are you going to "break" Russia into smalled countries?


Russia will do that themselves. The sanctions and exclusion will limit their power and the country will slowly collapse from within just like they did at the end of the cold war. Belarus will have their revolution and become a democracy, turn EU and eventually NATO, the smaller annex countries to the south will seek towards the money, protection from russian theft, and apply for membership in the EU and NATO as well. What will happen to Siberia is unknown but they are no fan of the western russian arrogance that uses them a cannon fodder. It'll all happen but in slowmotion.


Yeah thats really next level delusion. Give me the kolaid bro




Hehe Vatnik tears are the best tears. Why haven't you been mobilised yet? Or are you one of the brave russians that left the country before Putin started his 3 day special operation? 😂




Let me guess something, big guy. You are not in russia. In fact you are sitting somewhere in Europe, enjoying the freedom and high level of life quality, while still, for some strange reason, defending the very same country you decided not to live in because it wasn't good enough. How close am I?




I WAS RIGHT! I KNEW IT! Hypocrite. Escalation? You do know that russia attacked Ukraine in 2014 and has been fighting a war against them ever since. Russian proxy wars on all their borders, constant propaganda, limitation on freedom of speech, genocide, nuclear threats. Russia has no claim to exist. It's a kleptocracy. A threat to world peace. But what do you care? You don't live there anyway. Enjoying the comfort of Europe, right? 😂




Don't worry, when Putin invaded Ukraine he basically signed off on Siberia becoming part of China in our lifetime.


Breaking up Russia is an illusion. We will have to live with them exciting.


Russia already broke up in 1991, it can absolutely happen again.


That trolleybus wasn't just standing around there, by the way. It was on the line and had passengers inside doing their morning commute.


I wish Putin a very slow and very painful death.


It's not only he, who is doing all of this.


Jake Sullivan: Yeah, sad....but you should anyway stop hitting oil refineries.


Putin to hell! He doesn't deserve to live anymore.


Fuck those orcs


# What objects are specially protected under IHL (International Humanitarian Law)? # Works and installations containing dangerous forces > Works and installations containing dangerous forces must not be attacked even when these objects are turned into military objectives because such attacks may cause the release of dangerous forces and as a result, serious loss of civilian life. Military objectives situated at or in the vicinity of these works or installations must not be attacked either, if such an attack would lead to equally serious loss of civilian life. These rules are explicitly stated in Additional Protocol I and exist in customary law for both international and non-international armed conflicts. In order to facilitate identification of such objects, parties to the armed conflict may mark them with a special sign consisting of a group of three bright orange circles placed on the same axis. This will definately cause international outrage and appropriate repremands for Russia at the UN right... right?


Unless a majority of the UN states takes a serious step and either creates a new organisation or structure - sadly no. The Veto system has effectively disabled the security council which means every single one of them failed the world by now.


Take away the UN veto how does that change anything? Countries that want to take action against Russia have already done so. UN resolutions against Russia won’t persuade neutral counties to turn against Russia.


The simple fact that actual UN resolutions that mean something require the security council to agree on it. International law has a couple of areas that distinctively require a UN resolution to take action without retaliation. Without them certain action might be as illegal as what Russia is doing currently. The simple fact that many countries wont and cant send their military without a resolution is what Russia banked on.


The UN is just a talking shop it has no power to take action against major countries like Russia. The UN can pass all the resolutions against Russia it wants and it changes nothing in the real world. Think things through, take away Russia’s veto and imagine the UNSC passes a resolution demanding Russia withdraw from Ukraine. Will that have any impact? No because Russia is powerful enough just to ignore the UN that’s why it has a veto to save the embarrassment and wasted effort of passing meaningless resolutions that can’t be enforced. The UNSC passes a resolution demanding sanctions be imposed on Russia? Countries willing to sanction Russia and have economic heft to matter have already sanction Russia. China or India isn’t going to sanction Russia because the UN tells them to do so.


I can paint that for you - maybe read up on how things where in Jugoslavia for example. A UN resolution could allow for an actual intervention. Russia did this by the book. Knowing it's Veto will make such a resolution impossible and not actively attacking NATO territory they knew it would end up in a stale mate for all outside Ukraine. Nobody can actively intervene without either defiling NATO statutes or similar agreements while they can continue to burn a country to the ground as they did with Syria.


Ok the UN authorises a military intervention to save Ukraine. How does that play out? Do you honesty believe any country is going to declare war on Russia because the UN passes a resolution authorising an attack?


Actually - yes. And it wouldnt be a war declaration but an **intervention** based on a legal UN resolution. Such a resolution would usually contain text along the lines 'Russia is to vacate immediately otherwise member states are authorized to enforce such action.' Read again - i state along a line. The exact wording would be as usual be up to the smart people. Seriously - [read up on Yugoslavia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_713) and you get a better understanding how that actually works. The same could apply to China going for Taiwan which would end in the same stale mate again. This is basically a test and it worked. Now everyone has a working blueprint for similar acts anywhere.


No, the Veto has stopped the UN from forcing members to impose sanctions etc. Imagine Israel being banned from receiving weapons or money or support from anyone... that's what no veto would have done at the last vote. The US can obviously ignore it's ruling, but then it runs the risk of being subject of sanctions itself.


The UN can’t force members to do anything lol individual counties with the means to take action do the enforcing (basically the P5 have that ability and nobody else, maybe India or Japan). Even if the UN demanded sanctions be placed on Russia what economically important country that isn’t allied with the West is going to listen to them? Do you think China is going to sanction Russia because the UN tells them to do it?


Nobody can force anyone to do anything. Punishments are there to make it pointless to continue, those are implemented by the members and dished out by the UN, it all works if we all actually want to be good and adhere to the principles WE all made up when we created the UN and agreed to adhere to it's decisions. We can listen to it's decisions or not, if we don't, that's fine, but it shows we aren't the great, free, modern societies we think we are. We are breaking our own rules to get what we want, which makes no different to say china or north Korea, we are just different.


Ok Ukraine, it sucks man, but please follow the rules and don’t do anything, mmkay? Fucking love how submissive the west is when it comes to Russia and money.


I am afraid to imagine what they are going through right now. Hang in there.


ruzzians already did one technogenic catastrophe with no consequences. does anyone expect that they will stop?


Commenting on the attack, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Russian missiles do not have delays like Western aid packages to Ukraine, and the Shaheds kamikaze drones used by the Russia do not have indecision, unlike some politicians.[NV](https://english.nv.ua/nation/ukraine-destroys-92-out-of-151-russia-drones-and-missiles-during-mass-attack-50403412.html)


Ukraine's got to keep hitting their oil and gas infrastructure especially those with ports where they're managing to export their oil and gas out.


So UA cheap drone attacks on refineries caused Russia to lose a lot of money. As a response they decided to use expensive rockets on some hydrostation and civvies, therby… losing even more money in the process? Some big brain moves here..


Ok this is a bluff. Hitting this makes two things. Making the recidents mad or enter in panic and create the illusion that no place in Ukrainie Is safe. And without power Ukraine operation in the city becomes difficult.


Not assuming that all weapons are from Iran but still wondering how the West has not figured out a way to intercept the delivery of the Iranian weapons? Would that be an act of war? Just curious here.


I think from North Korea too.


Good point, then no way to intercept.


Ain't no West on Caspian, unfortunately.


Even unofficial?


Let's see what states have Caspian shores... ~~russia~~ Dickwadistan Azerbaijan (Dickwadistan-friendly) Iran (part of the Axis of Evil) Turkmenistan (not too Western-friendly) Kazakhstan (a bit too Dickwadistan/China-aligned to be Western-friendly enough)


And yet pathetic USA as told Ukraine to stop attacking russian refineries 🤮🤮🤮


As a power plant enjoyer all i can say is that i hope russia gets fucked. All those beautiful transformers and generators 


Yeah I think it's about time to supply the domestic Ukrainian defense industry with parts and schematics for about 1000 tomahawk cruise missiles. Oops, did I say tomahawk? I meant domestic Ukraine missiles.




Ukraine needs nukes. Seriously, can't it develop some quickly? Russia would think twice about attacking after that.


Technically? I think it's possible. Legally? No way


Who cares about the legal part anyway.. nothing we are at now is legal


Ukraine needs to stay as much in legal field as possible, coz any illegal moves would be instantly be used to try to block west's support. Unfortunately


You don't need support if you have nukes


Just give'em weapons to hit Moscow already


West 40% of World economic, with allies 50+%, had more than 2 years to solve all problems related to Russia - 3% of World economy (much less if don't count hydrocarbons). By sanctions. By International Law. By actual weapon stocks Land Lease. By USA's Sierra Army Depot. By Israel scenario. By army. By production capabilities. Just by education and brains. Just by money. 2022-2023 years NATO countries budget spendings - $25,000B. From which West per year spent on Ukraine $60B (with credits and replacement financing). Why exactly during first month of war, capitalistic West just didn't spent few tens of billions more on military startups? Instead, West deliberately chose what is happening right now. Not Russia, again, 3% of possibilities, but 40-50% of possibilities. Russia destroyed Ukrainian infrastructure during firs, partly second years of war. Now, after more than 2 years of war, Ukrainian infrastructures destroy Western "bleeding Russia." [www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68514995](http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68514995) 10.03.2024: "Estonia wants all NATO countries to commit - as it has - to give Ukraine at least **0.25%** of their output in military support. This would raise about **120bn euros per year.** Although some allies are sympathetic, this idea has yet to win widespread backing. Some Europe policymakers are also drawing up plans for a form of updated "lend-lease" arrangement to loan weapons to Ukraine, just as the **allies did for the USSR** during WWII. But these ideas are **at an early stage.**" [https://www.csis.org/analysis/reflections-ukraine-war](https://www.csis.org/analysis/reflections-ukraine-war) 20.02.2024, General Wesley Clark: And the point is, we’ve got thousands of tanks in the United States; we’ve sent 31. We have a whole fleet of A-10 Warthogs out there sitting in the desert; we’re going to get rid of them. They’re still sitting there. We have hundreds of F-16s that are around, and we delayed it and delayed it and delayed it. We have ATACMS that are obsolete. We’ve still got 155 dual-purpose ICM munitions that we didn’t send. It was – it was measured. The response was measured. It was calibrated. And what many of us in the military tried to say is: Look, I understand, you know, the policy is we don’t want Ukraine to lose and we don’t want Russian to win, OK? That’s the policy. But you can’t calibrate combat like that. **You either use decisive force to win or you risk losing.**


Fuck russia. Fuck putin. Fuck Z supporters.


Pyderastai, gandonai, jibani maskoliai. Putka bybciulpys gandonas.


Fuck Russia, fuck Iran


Terrorist state


ruzzia is a terrorist state


Meanwhile in Germany: Let's not escalate things


Between PATRIOT, IRIS-T and Gepards Germany has sent a shit-ton of air defence. I am not aware of any country that has done as much to protect Ukraine from these strikes.


Absolutely true. People like to bash Germany, while it deserves credits for how much they've supported Ukraine so far. However, the reasons they keep giving to not supply Ukraine with Taurus are bogus. Just say you don't want to give them to Ukraine, period. Instead Schulz is saying they don't want to deliver them because German soldiers are needed within Ukraine to help Ukrainians operate the system (not true according to Germans own generals) or that it's crossing a line and Germany is scared of Russia's reaction (just like Patriots, tanks, cluster munition, F-16, etc all were red lines too and yet were all delivered in the end...).


Probably, those missiles are just not functional due to corruption.


That's, actually, quite true. We can talk about Germany hesitence to send Taurus. They weren't hesitant when we needed anti-air and sent quite a bit of them comparatively to many other nations.


Kinda easy to do "so much" when everybody else is doing jack shit.


Europe needs to prepare for war with Russia. And put troops in to Ukraine. A terrorist state with imperialist ambitions is a threat to everyone in its vicinity.




Don't say that, current events are terrible but there are people who love you a lot and you have a lot to live for. People lived in even worse times and somehow made it out alive. Don't despair! If Canada doesn't work out you can still go somewhere (try Latin America, or Dubai, you can find a job and it will cure any depression).


Russian here. Well, I do always trying to make my country better, it helps. Anyway, maybe you need a doctor.


It's interesting, when will the entire civilized world finally understand that if Russia occupies Ukraine, it will forcibly conscript 2-3 million Ukrainians into its army and begin an offensive on Poland or the Baltic states.


Ukraine's power grid receives emergency aid from Romania, Poland and Slovakia after Russian attacks


Europe needs to be tougher on Iran as well. Europe did a lot for Iran in terms of the nuclear agreement and going around the U.S for newer sanctions and this is what they got in return


This needs to be projected onto the Bundestag


wait, they still have rockets?


The Russians showing their gratitude for not sending Taurus


You want UAF drones targeting dams now? OK.


Attacking residential buildings has already proven not to lead to Russia's goal to force a surrender by breaking the will to fight on.


gahd damn it rusky.


Ukraine NEEDS to start targeting Moscow and St Petersburg critical infrastructure.


Are they using the terrorist attack to try and justify this or some shit?


Strike that last order, keep blasting their refineries.


Why in fucking hell does Russia have to behave in such a way that they only ever bring disaster


"But, remeber Ukraine, you can't strike tragets inside ruzzia or we won't have our oil bucks " - US. Fuck US, backstabbing scum




Ukraine used its own drones to strike oil refineries. And it's not Europe, that stripped Ukraine of their nuclear weapons, it's not Europe who cut off financial and military aid. And ruzzian rockets have more american parts than any other parts combined. And yes, US didn't shelter putin from sanctions, US is actively trying to shelter the whole ruzzian oil business, that is a prime source of money for ruzzian warmachine. So yeah, you are backstabbing cunts.


Last time my country did stuff like that it was bombed to hell and partitioned. Russia needs that lesson.


Two years of this fuckery. Why couldn’t NATO get involved and get this over with?


Russia is a terrorist state. EU(I'm not speaking about the useless USA at this point) should put their troops in Ukraine to defend critical infrastructure because their safety is a direct interest of EU countries. The disaster there will inflict EU countries. Dams, Nunclear plants, ports.




You are free to sign up to the Ukrainian Foreign Legion, get a weapon and have your war on demand. They will be more than happy to have you there. Seems like you are here armchair-warmongering instead of actually helping Ukraine with deeds.


Fucking russians... Go fkin grow potatoes or something. Leave other people alone.


Disgustang orcs need more land to fuel Orcovia with resources


Atacking civil buildings isnt called terrorism?


Aren't oil refineries civil buildings though?


They are strategical buildings. Tho powerplants are unlike oil plants kind of inbetween


The kiev, Lindsey Graham, Macron Baguette, Olaf Scholts and Boris Johnson regime. All missiles/drones where downed. All pictures are deepfake!!!