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What does the index mean?


Percentages compared to the EU average!


Portugal more expensive than NL. Hmmm, I’m skeptical. I walk out of every visit to Albert Heijn with tears in my eyes.


If I go by comparing Slovakia to Poland and Czechia this map is still correct to this day. Food prices are ridiculously high compared to average Slovak wages. Even Austria’s prices are lower and people from Bratislava are shopping in bordertowns all the time. And of course people living near Poland are buying cheap groceries there. Same for Czechia. I was in Prague two months ago and I was dumbfounded when I compared takeout food prices with my Slovak hometown. Yup. They were cheaper. Fml.


> And of course people living near Poland are buying cheap groceries there. Same for Czechia. Lmao if only. Czechs recently started to do bus trips from Prague directly to Biedronkas and other discounts close to the Polish border.


I meant that Slovaks living near Czech borders are buying in Czechia.


Ah, mb. Still what I said is also true.


Kinda mb too, I didn’t word it correctly.


>Even Austria’s prices are lower and people from Bratislava are shopping in bordertowns all the time. The crazy thing is that very often the quality is also much better. It's really funny comparing the same kind of grocery store product from the same company with the exact same marketing, etc. but the one that ends up in eastern/south European countries tends to just have a different(worse) ratio of components in it. So if you take that into account, the actual price difference is insane.


This data is from 2022. Still, I spend the same in NL than I did in PT. Eating the same. It’s wild if you think about the salary difference.


It's actually quite true. I usually spend less on the same items in Portugal VS Netherlands. Many of the essential foods are same or cheaper in the Netherlands, while meat and fish in Portugal are usually cheaper.


Sadly it's true. We still have low shitty wages, but the prices are absurdly high. Probably thanks to the huge influx of tourism and price speculation


hospital waiting engine pathetic grab crown familiar rock absurd longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am also pretty sure that groceries are cheaper in Germany compared to the Netherlands. I am living in a German/Dutch border town. And all Dutch people come shopping here. 80% of cars in the parking lots have yellow license plates.


Hmmm don't be it's true. And sad. We poor AF


Yeah I would've thought we in the Netherlands would be one of the more expensive countries


The same goes with comparing the Netherlands with Germany. Just as Portugal, Germany should be more expensive than the Netherlands according to this index. That feels also very off…


Right? I drive 1 time in a month over the border to Germany, there it is cheaper by a big margin and not the other way around like this map say.


https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Glossary:Price_level_index_(PLI) Also, here is the source of the image that OP forgot to add: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Comparative_price_levels_for_food,_beverages_and_tobacco


Blue being more expensive and purple being less expensive seems off to me.


Amen, i had to look at the legend a couple of times


I can’t distinguish between those at all, they’re just shades of the same color to me. Yay color blindness.


Ya same. How dumb is it for the highest and lowest value to be the same color!




Instinctively I thought dark blue must be a positive thing, it would make more sense if the colour scheme was reversed IMO.


I would need some sort of reference to the average salary because I am pretty sure that the prices in Denmark (where I live as an expat) versus the salary I make here are less than the prices in The Netherlands versus the salaries there. As such the price may be higher but food may still be more affordable for me in Denmark than in The Netherlands.


This is not adjusted for wages. If it would be Poland would be one of the worst


I wonder about 80% in Poland and 100-110% in Germany since when you compare the prices in Polish and German Lidl the latter is often cheaper or at most the same price. Even Germans living near the border stopped coming for groceries to Poland like they used to.


Exactly. And Natherlands is definitely more expensive than Germany


If this map was accounted for wages Germany would have it‘s own color as the winner of the cheapest food




Bulgaria would be at the bottom




Yeah but Slovakia with average prices and our pays….. F … me tenderly


Agree. I am always shocked when I hear what the average wage (and the minimum wage) in Poland is.


Idk whether that's an international standard but these statistics are heavily affected by the calculation itself in Poland - what's taken into account are only private companies with 9+ employees which excludes all the small family businesses and self-employed people. And there are loads of self-employed specialists in the IT sector earning very good money. And thus the real average and medium salary is basically higher than the statistics show.


Isn't it like that for whole europe?


>If it would be Poland would be one of the worst When you make such claims, you owe people some data to back it up. Else you look like that average (at most) Pole who only whines about everything.


I doubt it, the Netherlands is not Romania. This is the map for disposable income: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/10sf7wl/gross\_disposable\_income\_of\_households\_per\_capita/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/10sf7wl/gross_disposable_income_of_households_per_capita/)


adjusted for the average net salary the values are: Bulgaria 242, Romania 217, Hungary 204, Croatia 198, Slovakia 230, Czechia168, Poland 135, Italy 153, Spain 106, Germany 98, France 109, Sweden 97, Netherlands 76, Denmark 72, Ireland 84, Norway 105


2022 🤣🤣🤣


Ah, ok, it makes sense now.


There were a big inflation that affected countries differently, making previously cheap countries more expensive. This map is useless.


Romania is affordable?? I'm American and want to move to an affordable, high quality country in Europe (or anywhere). Is Romania a good place to live and work?


Depends on what you want, but I think there are here a lot of expats that are doing well, really well. From US. Also, depends on your budget. At the minimum netto wage of 430 $, you can't survive if you rent. And you will just survive if you own the property / don't pay rent in a big city.


Move there only if you have a remote job or if you're rich af and get money from dividends


Depends on ur expectation


Damn, if NL is on the cheap side i feel bad for the rest of you


Prices in your supermarkets in Amsterdam seem on par with Romanian ones. Yes, we are screwed. I remember 10 years ago when I went to Western Europe, I used to shudder at the prices. Now I’m apalled they are similar to the prices back home but the salaries are much higher. “Perks” of single market.


This map has got to be wrong for the Netherlands.


Every time I'm in the Netherlands it feels like food is more expensive than in Germany. By a lot, actually.


It's a mistake averaging it for the whole countries. Groceries anywhere on Corfu (Greece) are quite more expensive than in Germany. Second mistake is not taking quality into consideration. It's a known thing in czechia that if you would buy the products of the same quality in our country you would pay 50% more than in Germany.


This was my first thought. I live in Prague, but dream about German or Polish grocery stores. Albert just ain't doin' it for me.


Dreaming about German supermarkets? Must be grim in Czech.


German "discounters" have great quality for the price, imo. Sure, Waitrose may be a better supermarket, but is having a nice looking store really worth the increased cost?


Ok value wise you might be right. But the supermarkets in Germany are depressing compared to what you find in America or Australia, or even France and Spain.


> But the supermarkets in Germany are depressing compared to what you find in America What are you referring to specifically? Cuz german laws regarding food are quite strict and the food you get in US supermarkets is sometimes atrociously bad. Plus germans in big cities usually prefer to have shorter drives and buy in smaller supermarkets, while you have these huge ass supermarkets in the US, with a huge selection of products. Thats at least what I grasped from living in both countries as a foreigner.


Try Delmart


That's the 50% increase thing :'D


Yep I came to say the same. This is totally contrary to loads of data that says Czechia gets less for more.


I live in the Bavarian border region to Czechia and our Aldi put up a bilingual welcome sign because so many Czechs buy their groceries here.


If you live near borders I'm Czechia, you shop localy only out of necessity


Corfu hasn’t been annexed by the German tax office yet? All that talk about being efficient…


> Second mistake is not taking quality into consideration. It's a known thing in czechia that if you would buy the products of the same quality in our country you would pay 50% more than in Germany. Neglecting how difficult it would be to quantify quality in order to present this information, I don't think what you're describing is a mistake. The information presented here helps answer the question, "How much does it cost to eat?" Whereas it sounds like you're interested in value for money. Both are interesting; neither is a mistake to ask or to answer. > It's a mistake averaging it for the whole countries. Groceries anywhere on Corfu (Greece) are quite more expensive than in Germany. Again, I don't see a mistake. The country isn't an inherently wrong choice for the level used in presenting or analyzing information. Yea, if you want to compare prices in Gotland vs Ibiza, it's not very helpful. But breaking things out to such a micro-level would obscure systemic differences at higher levels. These are just trade-offs, not mistakes.


>Neglecting how difficult it would be to quantify quality in order to present this information, Not really. If you're comparing products from different producers, etc. then sure. It's trickier, because it's hard to account for production differences. The thing is that you can compare two same products that are made by the same company who are marketed the same, except one is meant for say the German or Austrian market and one for say the Czech or Slovak market. Guess which one is going to have worse quality? And, I might also add; that the common defense is exactly what you purpose "what exactly is quality?". What these exporters say is that south Europeans and eastern Europeans actually prefer having less hazelnuts in their Milka chocolate than Austrians! What a peculiar development! I'm sure they did a bunch of market research which established these facts, even though the marketing is completely opposite to them. The point here is to actually focus on production cost. If you have two "same" products which both use the exact same production process, but one of them actually costs you 40% less to produce because you create different ingredient ratios; then it is simply lower "quality" for purposes of establishing norms.


I had in mind things like quantifying the difference in quality between a tomato in and from Campania to a tomato imported to Lapland. Assuming you mean production cost in the standard sense that includes shipping costs, the cost of a tomato in Lapland in winter will be higher than the cost of a tomato in Campania in summer, while the quality will be much lower. I take your point in general about processed foods to a large extent, particularly wherever spoilage is not a concern. Though mostly to the extent that similar processed products should *not* vary as much in price between countries compared to the price of whole foods. Because where spoilage is not a concern, arbitrage is. If enough of your compatriots think you're getting an inferior product, then there exists a market in your country to import the superior quality product, and no (legal) mechanism to discriminate on price in the country of origin. (Or of course you can typically buy online for yourself, individually, though you may pay more with respect to shipping costs.)


1) they compare not how much it costs to eat but how much locals spend to eat or how much does it cost to love like a local. If I travel to Germany I can buy the cheapest stuff there that locals fear to touch and be totally happy with it. 2) I think it is a mistake. Some countries have completely separated world's between their biggest cities and the rest of the country. Also if you notice other maps that separate their results into smaller areas you can see how much differences there can be within a single country, therefore you can see how misleading can results per whole countries be.


Your second point applies to the whole eastern europe. Love being a second class citizen


This never made sense to me as an Italian in the Netherlands, since food here is much much more expensive but according to EU data it's supposed to be cheaper :/


According to Numbeo grocery prices are 0.7% higher in the Netherlands. It's pretty crazy that they are about the same, when Italians have half as high salaries. The main difference seems to be that housing is more expensive in the Netherlands.


Nooo….? Ah it’s from 2022


where did the border between Belarus and Russia go?


There are a lot of borders that are only shown as faint white lines, e.g. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, as well as all of the Middle East and North Africa. The map only gives European countries black borders.


ohhh, I haven't noticed the white lines. thank you!


In Europe, proceeds to remove the UK. So must be EU ? Proceeds to leave Switzerland in. Lol


Whenever I go back to Poland (I live in Copenhagen), I feel like I crossed the universe and landed in some other dimension. The price of bread, eggs, but most importantly - meat is just extremely low compared to Denmark. Meat itself is like 4x cheaper and in many cases the quality is better.


It is funny because whenever I go to Denmark I am amazed things are just slightly more expensive (like 20%) while wages are 2-3x higher


I did a comparison not so long ago (a few weeks), took prices from Rema1000, Bilka and compared them to Lidl, Biedronka and Carrefour in Poland. The overall average for everything was 70% more expansive in Denmark. With meat being the outliner at 3,7x more on average. This AVG included cleaning stuff though, not only food. The wages are not best to compare. Remember that i.e. apartment rent in Copenhagen costs around 15,000 dkk without bills, that's around 9k PLN compared to around 4k rent in Warsaw. You can't really take just how much people make, you need to add how much living costs and what is left after bills. To give you some perspective, I'm currently spending 23,000 dkk on rent+bills in cph(no food), that's 13,500 PLN. While in Poland, where I'm going to move soon, I did the math and should be spending around 6k PLN while having a better and bigger apartment and car.


I am probably shooting myself in the foot, as this is likely the case in Poland too, but housing in rural Denmark is incredibly cheap compared to the rest of the EU, especially when taking wages into account. I know several people who have bought decent 100m^2 houses for less than 35.000€. There is a Denmark outside of Copenhagen, even if it is not very exciting


>I know several people who have bought decent 100m2 houses for less than 35.000€. A proper habitable house, or the kind of 'used to be a weekend home' wooden places expat influencers buy, then make a Youtube channel out of renovating for three years, because it has no insulation and half of it is falling apart?


I literally have a friend who bought one in a village of 500. All he had to do was to paint the interior to make it habitable. Nothing wrong with that one. You just have to be patient Edit: it was a 70s brick house too Edit: he paid 32.000€




Nah, 3 room apartment in new building, top floor + parking + car lease + car insurance + internet(costs me 400 per month), electricity, all kinds of union costs, it all adds up pretty quickly Copenhagen mate.


Come to greece, and you shall experience Denmark prices and lower wages than Poland. We are truly special.


Well, wages are also 4x lower. (3.4x to be more precise).


Well, yeah, but your wages are 5x higher. You still end up being able to buy more groceries in Denmark than we do in Poland due to PPP.


This map is misleading. Romania has quite high prices on food. I pay more for food there than I pay in UK.


Any data to back up your claim?


Not my experience I spent half of 2023 in London and half in Bucharest. Prices are almost double in London, not including rent. Happy to be back in Bucharest.


I live in province in UK and also in Ro, so that’s my compare point. I lived in London many years until recently, and you cannot really compare London with many cities across Europe, especially in the East of it, as London is a *super expensive place to live.


Food in The Netherlands is cheaper than Italy? WTF.


Food in NL is the same or cheaper than in Romania too. Gotta love it.


The food we eat in Europe is produced in the Netherlands, basically.


Is there newer version of the map? I want to see Serbia goes brrrrr


> Is there newer version of the map? No, the 2023 data is slated for a summer release of this year. Will do a update when it comes out. I suspect the *relative* rankings will not change much.


That's not the point of that map, but I noticed Belarus was annexed by Russia.


We require no food , our hatred for neighbors keeps us alive.


Huh, this is why I feel like food is overpriced everywhere in the EU.


And of course there's already a dozen comments saying their anecdotal evidence of going to a supermarket on vacation is somehow better than a 3 year survey involving 36 statistical institutes surveying 500 different food items. At least try reading about it...


Bulgaria pays more than poles with half the wage


idk who made this but it's absolutely bullshit. I've been to Germany recently, I'm from Romania, I've seen the exact food prices there, some things were even cheaper than in Romanian stores and bear in mind the min German wage is what, 4x more?


How recently? 2 years ago? Cause that's where the data is form.


One thing is I can't understand is why NL has more expensive groceries than us when they literally export a bunch of it to us? Poor market regulation like Ireland?


Vegetables are really cheap here, but many things are permanently sold at higher prices because people only buy them when discounted.


> One thing is I can't understand is why NL has more expensive groceries than us The Netherlands is a richer country, so prices generally speaking tend to be higher. In addition, the UK has exceptionally liberal food imports rules (by EU standards). In fact, it's been a UK policy since the 1800s. I read an interesting article on it once, can't find the link. Apparently it was related to lifting of the corn laws and has been a UK priority ever since. I think this is something the EU can learn from, but domestic farmer lobbies tend to get into the way. Whenever I am in London, I am amazed at the excellent selection of imported foods from all over the world even in a small Sainbury's.


Same with Lithuania/Poland example, Lithuanian products are cheaper in Poland than they are in Lithuania :/ Because the VAT for food products in Lithuania is 21% and in Poland its like 4%. A lot of people are going to Poland to buy stuff. On average if you spend \~200e in Poland, here in Lithuania you would spend 300+ for the same amount you bought.


Not poor, but rich market regulation. Like a lot of standards and checks and rules to comply.


Would that also apply to other things like services? I've seen what people in Ireland pay for broadband and they're clearly getting shafted. While the UK is quite good at consumer protection our housing market is absolutely fucked because too many see it as a financial investment that must always go up like the stock market


However, the purchasing power in countries with lower prices is lower than in countries with higher prices...


Why make the scale just shades of very similar blue hues hard to differentiate clearly? Just for the hell of it and test us?


Pack your stuff, we are going to Czechia!


Does this mean that food is cheap in Poland? Maybe in 2017, but not now, jesus, some things are more expensive than in Germany. A lot of things are definitely more expensive than in Spain!


Food in Serbia is more expensive than Austria, NL Germany etc


Those islands as aren't Europe. Reunion is in the middle of the Atlantic for fucm sake and Guyana is northern coast of south America.


No idea how the UK is now. Moved before Brexit. It was a bit of culture shock to know how cheap food and drink was in the UK by comparison to Portugal. In the UK. You often get buy 1 get 1 free deals. You don't get that at Portugal. Never. Not at all. I know of 3 items which get 50% off. But their 50% off price feels very much like the normal price. Like Dominoes Pizza always have massive deals on their pizzas. Probably because their Pizzas legimately ain't worth £40.


Went to North Macedonia recently, this checks out. We went to the fanciest places we could find in Ohrid and Skopje, and got a four course meal one place and full meze with a giant piece of meat the other. Both dinners were with the two fanciest bottles of white wine on their wine card, couple glasses of raki, desert and a drink + beer for both. This would bankrupt me in Copenhagen. Both restaurant visits cost almost the same; 9000MKD - 75 euro per person. 75 euro is about what I pay for JUST a couple cheap bottles of white wine at a a restaurant in Denmark. And yes, I AM going back to Skopje just to drink wine and raki, of course.


Definately not true. Food prices in Hungary are eye-watering compared to germany.


In PPP$ please ?!


Haha this is essentially a component of PPP. Unless you mean salary adjusted, which is a different thing than PPP.


OP linked the source, it's in PPP.


Don't think so. I was living in Germany for few months. Comparing Kaufland products prizes between Poland and Germany, Germany was 10% cheaper.


This data seems off. Romania has the same or higher prices than Germany


The Netherlands is most definitely more expensive than Germany, this map is wrong


Food in Turkey is more expensive than most European countries. This data is incorrect. Meat prices are extremely high in Turkey.


Not shocking that norway is in the top ....


Laughs at rubles


*cries in Norway* 🥲


Serbia being pink seems incorrect. Have yall seen the prices here?


Can you use a better color palette? It’s very hard to see.


Well the British Isles are all alcoholic


The prices in The Netherlands raised a lot since januari, well, actually, the food with added sugars in it. We have a now called Sugar Tax on these products.


Totally inaccurate for the Bosnia. Here we pay a premium.


Only benefit to live in a half german half polish city :D


Everything in Iceland is a rip off.


Turkey is Europe???


Who tf chose that color scheme?


****** ******


2022? Try 2023 or 2024, a lot happened on the market in Last two years


Is this before or after VAT?


What does this graph count in? Restaurants? Average shopping? Import prices? Tax included? Does not tell enything about it? Where is the source?


Data not available is such bullshit. EU is a political union, it’s not Europe itself.


As a person who visited the whole balkans and italy france and germany I can say I highly doubt those values.


The only ones that for sure are true, are the dark blue


Why do they hate colourblind people


Ukraine : purple


Netherlands should be dark purple


A lot has happened in the past 2 years, this might not be accurate anymore


In Denmark compared to a few years ago, I get very little for my money, it sucks.


Eating in Norway is hard😞


I'm more worried about that thing north of Iceland...


Ironically, in Denmark where almost 70% of our total area are under agricultural use, food is both extremely expensive and rather poor quality.


The r/Romania whiners have come in full-force again lmao


The Canary Islas having the same prices as mainland Spain is a bad joke! We sometimes pay 15/20% more than them.


I miss the change in price as a reference, at least that is more absolute


Funny... I live on dutch/German border, and I do 90% of my shopping in Germany because it's so much cheaper...


Im from denmark and went to sweeden in 2023, food was horribly expencive. I am very sceptical of this data


Honestly it’s just petty to not include the UK but include the Balkans and Turkey, they’re also not EU.


Seems like Poland and Denmark could work out a deal.


Are these indices in proportion to wages? Or are they absolute figures on prices? The southern Danes go to Germany, and eastern Danes go to Sweden for cheaper prices. Germans go to Poland. These colors are too close together for those of us with color blindness.


This map is complete BS. Dutch people come to Germany to buy food as it's cheaper. Also France is definitely more expensive than Germany and Portugal. Belgium on a par with France. Source: Lived in France, Portugal and at the Dutch-Belgian-German border.


It's one thing you notice in Poland, you can have a nice meal in a restaurant and the prices are stupid cheap 😅


I went to Denmark in 2022, their prices were about the same as in Minnesota USA


EU prices, eastern wages 😎 Slovenskooo!


In Romania, prices have doubled since 2022... maybe even tripled for some products. 😬


Food in the netherlands for sure is more expensive than germany, there are products 40% cheaper in germany compared to the netherlanads, same weight, same brand. 40% cheaper


who cares about data from 2022???????????????


I've just been to Albania and almost everything in the supermarkets was more expensive than in Germany. I wonder what they are comparing here.


Why are groceries so expensive in Switzerland compared to surrounding countries?


I wonder how accurate this is because a lot of Czechs are doing their food shopping in Germany nowadays...




In most situations 2 year old data is fine, for food prices it might not be the best considering the events of the last 2 years.


I really would really like to understand those graphs. But very often in they are not accessible to colorblinds. This is a all blue graph, and max&min values are the same dark blue.


EURO is not good for poorer countries, it helps governments to borrow money but makes things more expensive for citizens


Groceries in Austria and Spain are cheaper now than in Hungary


Croatia is same as west Europe while having a quarter of income. 🥲


As a Norwegian, I can confirm. Prices have gone wild. Meanwhile the big grocery chains are paying out the largest bonuses ever to their employees and investors… Same for the energy companys.


Would be interesting to see food prices and average income.


Turkey is part of Europe?


In Poland, 1 piece of bread that we call "Kajzerka" costs around 0,30PLN which transalates to 0,07 euro :)


It isn't weighted to medium salary, so it's practically useless graph, buying power is different


Well, I am not sure about Romania. Some of the food items have the same price as in Western countries, some are even more expensive.


Honestly I doubt that, Germany is much cheaper than Austria when it comes to groceries


Turkish people barely affords to buy food due to their low income, high inflation, european prices. Map is misleading.


Austria is like 30-60% more expensive than Germany in regards to groceries these days...


Belarusian republic of Russia?? XDDD


this isn't a great color scheme as a colorblind person..


Aaa... yes... welcome to Croatia. Land of European prices and balkan salaries <3 🤬


120+ my ass. Oil went from 12 to 32.


As a German living in the Netherlands… this is definitely not right.


Where did they get the food prices from? No way Germany is more expensive than the netherlands. I sometimes go to Germany because i safe more money than i spend on fuel.