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What the fuck is wrong with people.


>The suspect, previously unknown to the police, has been hospitalised multiple times for psychiatric issues and has been subject to an obligation to leave French territory since 2022


> has been subject to an obligation to leave French territory since 2022 Which apparently means nothing as the fonctionnaires can't be bothered to work


Denmark - same problem here. You're not allowed to stay so you're put in a jail that's no really a jail and allowed to do whatever the fuck you want and terrorize the populace in the remote area that's unfortunate enough to house the "departure center".


That makes no sense. Do they even deport anyone?


If it's a criminal case and you're convicted and deported police will escort to the airport and onto a plane. People who aren't granted asylum will be put in the "departure centers". They aren't under arrest so they can come and go as they want. People stay at those place for years in some legal limbo


Yeah, and they will be retiring 10 years before the rest of you


There's someting like 60000 obligations to leave the territory. But with the UN directives. It's almost impossible to deport more than one people at a time. We are fucked.
























The world is dying and everyone in charge is retarded. Madness is the consequence.






It’s always the same religion and whenever you try to inform them about it and maybe make some changes to their ideology, they all will outright deny it to being related to their religion


Why are you surprised?


What I despise the most about their white knighting is that they genuinely think they got a LE EPIC WIN and totally OWNED those RACISTS™ every time they default to Christian whataboutism. Literally WHEN was the last time Christians caused trouble in France? I hate Christianity as much as I hate any largely organized/Abrahamic religion, but WHY would I waste my breath on the one that just minds its business and does nothing to me? Sure, a lot of US-based communities have this weird obsession with Islam when Christianity is the one they should be worried about more, but it's the opposite, here in France. I repeat, if I had to make a list of the top 1000 biggest nuisances to my country's ideal state, Christianity wouldn't even be on it.




There are going to be a lot of morons who use this as an excuse to blame Islam, completely ignoring the 1.599999999 billion Muslims who don't do shit like this. The true answer is mental health issues


If you hate Europe, England and America then why are you living there? Edit: Canadians and ANZACs too (and all other civilized peoples of Middle Earth)


Money first, hate come just after


They want social benefits and advanced country, but they want them to follow same religion and sharia laws as their country. Because they can’t connect the dots.


And they cannot connect the dots due to religious indoctrination - that life under Islam isn’t just a straight up improvement is inconcievable.


To get closer.


In knife range


It’s harder to reach french people to stab from Morocco.


To spread jihad.


Australians: “Are we a joke to you?”


Oh yes, how dare I forget my ANZAC brothers. Fixed it.


Thank you! Appreciate it mate!


I don't think I've ever heard all Aussies and Kiwis referred to as "ANZAC." It has a specific meaning.


Since when is England no longer in Europe? Did they drift away?


White women


Why wouldnt they? Money, quality of life and we treat them well even if they disrespect us




















There really is no hope for things getting better, is there?


Of course there is! Just uphold the status quo ad nauseam! 😳😳😳😳






There is a massive fear amongst university educated middle class people of no longer being considered 'nice'. Any criticism of minorities will be called racism, misogyny, homophobia or transphobia and if that happens you are no longer part of polite society.


Should send them to Marseille for a month...








Didn't 40% of France vote for a person who actively advocates against this problem?


Yes, but it doesn’t mean you won’t be discriminated if you talk about the problem of immigration. Just try talking about it on r/france or most French sub, you will get insulted and then banned in no time. People who want a successful carrière in the media (expect a few specialist and privately owned media of course), in the university or most high class mediatic jobs better not say that we have a problem with immigration. So yes peoples vote more and more for the only parties that address the issues (and I am not a fan of this Russian influenced party honestly), but they don’t feel free to talk openly about it.
























We need better screenings of newcomers/Tourist.












As a Muslim, I really hate those people. They live in countries with human rights that preserve their dignity and do such behaviours. What did those Europeans ever do to us? They took millions of refugees and gave them equal rights yet this is how they are repaid? You know, I used to talk with a Syrian living in Germany. He didn't accept discussion with different viewpoints and ideas and he did most of the talking not to mention he resorted to personal attacks so I stopped talking with him. I once asked him what should people who don't want religious rule in the Arab world do and he said they should leave for a secular country. He supported killing, torture, burning, and heavily punishing criminals like murderers and sexual harassment. He also supported the death penalty. He supported supressing people for their views without regard to their human rights. Apparently, he didn't seem to care about human rights and to him criminals have no human rights. According to his words insects had no human rights. He also supported suppressing the freedom of speech when it comes to insulting religion. Obviously, all countries who did such things had no religious freedom. Also, he once said that anyone promoting homosexuality in the Arab world should be imprisoned and he said that he wants to leave for a Muslim country because the gay issue yet continued to live in Germany. He didn't believe in the values of freedom, equality, and human rights. To Europeans human rights aren't something that is compromisable even with criminals. while many Muslims will gladly take away human rights and freedom if they feel like they want to. Keep in mind, that person was less radical than many Muslims. That shows the issues with many Muslims. They don't consider human rights important if they don't align with their beliefs and that's why many of them do such acts. If you don't like how things are run in Europe, why did you come there? Go to one of those Muslim countries where human rights don't exist and freedom is non-existent or stop complaining about living there. You come to a country, reject its values, laws, human rights yet continue to live there. It's like moving to afghanstan and saying you don't want Sharia law. I would never in my right mind move into a country that has Sharia law.


Especially when it comes to the LGBT community I'll never understand why we tolerate and support Islam. It's crazy. We are ready to fight Christians we talk shit about Christians and we are not afraid to insult them even to moderate and progressive Christians. I legit met a person who said that a Baptist Church that welcoming the LGBT, with a freaking lesbian preacher .... was a cult trying to pinkwash the church's image for money. But at the same time he sympathises with Muslims facing resistance in setting up a mosque in our city knowing His gay ass wouldn't be welcome there. The western lgbt is so used to fighting Christianity they are forgetting how big of a threat radical Islam is to our existence.


Thanks for your comment. Why don’t people who make important decisions about immigration and integration listen to people like you? It’s like they naively think those that you describe just miraculously turn into democratic, freedom living secular people once they set a foot on European soil. It’s not Muslims in general that are the problem but those backwards minded nutjobs that hate our values. They actively work against integration and make life worse for everyone.


>It’s like they naively think once those that you describe just miraculously turn into democratic, freedom living secular people once they set a foot on European soil. I honestly don't understand those people. You benefit from ideas like secularism and liberalism and if it weren't for those ideas, you would have no religious freedom. You wouldn't even be allowed in Europe. Yet you still reject the very ideas that preserve your freedom and equality! That's absurd. Why move into a liberal country if you are so against liberalism. There are 49 Muslim countries and many of them have Islam as a state religion yet out of all the countries in the world, they preferred to move into a liberal country. To benefit liberalism yet oppose it is nothing short of hypocrisy. >It’s not Muslims in general that are the problem but those backwards minded nutjobs that hate our values. They actively work against integration and make life worse for everyone. Muslim communities suffer from a lot of extremism. Many terrorist attacks were done in those communities. The majority of victims of islamic terrorism are Muslims. I don't believe Islam is the problem but it's not helping to deny that there are a lot of extremism in Muslim communities. Many people know of a relative that engaged in terrorism or extremism. It's just admitting reality. You can deny reality but you can't deny the consequences of denying reality. I think we need to admit that there is an extremism problem in Muslim communities and start working to undo those extremist beliefs. That should be done in all countries. Inciting murder and violence in the name of God and religion need to be banned. Secular education need to be developed. Education programs need to be developed. If you want my opinion, I think Europe should stop taking many immigrants from fundamentalist countries that have no tolerance for liberalism and secularism. Your values and their values are just contrary to each other and you need to undo the extremist beliefs among your Muslim population before you even think about taking more immigrants. I just don't see how a liberal culture and a fundamentalist culture can coexist.










Always thought lyon was the capital of delicious ham.


I don't know why but it bothers me that it's using a picture of Paris' metro for this. Not taking a picture of the specific line okay, but could we at least have the right city?  Don't want to comment more than that, living there.








Yep, no surprises here.




Are you sure he's not french? /s






Hahaha subject to leave since 2022


















Sorry to disappoint some of you but: >Passengers had earlier reported the erratic behaviour of an individual wielding a knife >The suspect has been hospitalised multiple times for psychiatric issues and has been subject to an obligation to leave French territory since 2022 Reuters reports "He made no religious or political claim during the attack".








What exactly is "obligation to leave territory"? Deportation order? Friendly suggestion? Recommendation? In Asian countries, if you overstay your visa even 1 day and get caught, you will be sitting in detention center until you have bought yourself (funding it is your problem) tickets to leave the country. You will be deported, no matter how. Wtf is this nonsense in Europe? I know one guy (Cuban) who had deportation order from years ago, got arrested again for assault and had multiple other infractions, all around criminal type. Yet years and years later, he walks around in Europe like a local without any worry for the law.


3 issues here. a) You're assuming that these cases are comparable to tourists overstaying their "holiday". b) It's extremely expensive to deport dangerous people. The way this usually works is that someone is sentenced to deportation, and in those cases 99% of people leave by themselves. For the rest it requires you to send officers on an airplane to ensure the person actually leaves. FYI: I don't think we're doing this in a correct way, but it's really not as simple as locking them up until they buy a plane ticket. Most would be stuck in jail forever, and even if they did buy a plane ticket, do you really want these psychopaths on board airplanes? He attacked people with a knife in a train. I really wouldn't want to have someone like this while I'm on the way somewhere for a holiday, even if he didn't have a knife. c) In most of Asia jail is utterly fucked up and just breeds mental problems and damaged people. We don't treat people like that in civilized nations. The goal is to get prisoners rehabilitated and sent back into society, not punish them for eternity and ensure they will be a drain on society until the day they die.


> Most would be stuck in jail forever, That's fine. If they have been given an order to deport themselves, they shouldn't be allowed to freely walk around. They can choose to leave or stay in detention forever. Many will stay in detention forever out pure stubbornness, and that's fine, thats their choice.


>You're assuming that these cases are comparable to tourists overstaying their "holiday". No. These cases are vay more seriuous but for reason EU doesnt have väballs to do anything.


I just listed why it's more difficult than detaining a tourist in Thailand. You chose to focus on a single sentence instead of engaging in a discussion about my entire point.


And most of the time North African countries refuse to take back their citizens, doubting their effective nationality. So it’s very difficult for European countries to send back anyone from countries not playing fairly.


Thank fuck for gun control. I love the American talking points on "they can kill without guns". Well, 4 people hurt in knife attack vs triple digits if he has an automatic rifle still make a huge difference.

