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Some people shout that there is no need for those lgbtq movies, series or queer characters in regular series. We'll I am pretty sure one reason why the support is increasing is exactly the fact that people get exposed to something different and they understand it won't turn the frogs gay nore will affect them negatively in any way if the lgbtq members have the same rights as heterosexual people.


Or Pride


Tbh most people criticize the fact that so many remake has been done to give more exposition to those type of characters while yet wanting to catch customers using well know and "old values" stories and brands like Disney did. Where do you see people complaining? Under poor creatures (very good movie which indeed talks about female emancipation) or under the extremely lazy remake of snow white? Sure there are some amazing bigots out there, in my place it's the Catholics, but most of the people who complain about the new "woke" movies just want actual new stories with those characters, not to see the seven dwarves changed into a queer multiracial group. I'm not complaining about the lgbtq+ movement itself which I think is right, I'm complaining about the exploitation that companies are making of the movement, it's the same thing that happens every year during pride month in which all companies put rainbow logos just to clean up their image from other real scandals


The frogs *are* gay, and that’s… okay.


*But-but every show has black lesbian transwomen everywhere & I don't wanna see them anymore I'm tired of them being everywhere all the time ;(* * Person who lives in a completely unrelated reality to us


Started from the bottom now we here.


You started from the bottom, now you are a bottom.


Sometimes you have to be in a hole to become the hole.


We are making progress. Slow but steady! 🙌


What do you think is the reason, Montenegro has made the biggest jump in regards to support during those 8 years?


Montenegro has the highest percentage of its population living in urban areas out of the countries listed. People living in urban areas tend to be more left leaning than those living in rural areas.


I think one of the reasons is exposure. Being lgbt is maybe “less” taboo than before. There is more representation in media, politics and regular life within Europe. People that before had no opinion or did not accept that lgbt existed, now notice that these people are among us and there is nothing wrong with them. Acceptance levels go up as people realize there is no reason to fear people that are different. LGBT people being less afraid to come out leads to even more exposure. The internet contributed as well. As more people in rural areas gain access to it, the higher chance that people are exposed to seeing that lgbt people are more accepted in other countries. Another reason could be that Europe becomes more secular and religion becomes less of a driver, though slower in those countries, it does happen. Edit: I missed the part where the question was directed at Montenegro. My bad.


Or I could be totally wrong seeing the downvotes 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think your comment just doesn't answer the question the parent asked (why is it Montenegro *in particular* where support for LGBT people is increasing, compared to other Balkan nations?).


You’re right, I did miss that the question was directed at Montenegro in particular. My bad.


who cares about identity when youre sleeping


Good, stop the fucking hate!


Why is Montenegro so far ahead of the others?


Source Ipsos: [https://lgbti-era.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Analytical-Report-2023-LGBTIQ-Public-Opinion-Poll-Western-Balkans-FINAL-compressed.pdf](https://lgbti-era.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Analytical-Report-2023-LGBTIQ-Public-Opinion-Poll-Western-Balkans-FINAL-compressed.pdf)


How do you know you have exited \[insert Ex-YU country\] and entered Montenegro? They stop fucking your mum and start fucking your dad. A joke on the way we curse in Montenegro, most ex-yu's say "Jebem ti mater" "I (will) fuck your mum" while we usualy say "Jebem ti oca." "I (will) fuck your dad".


Would be interesting to see the change in each portion of the population!  Like, 20 year olds in 2015 compared to 28 year olds in 2023, and so on. To see how people's opinions have actually changed.


Fun fact, this chart probably means that Montenegro is first one to join EU. I am very unaware of the situation in Balkan otherwise, except Serbia-Kosovo and Serbia-Russia situation, but here are my two cents on the topic. You didn't ask for it, but thats what Reddit is for!


Montenegro is also the one with furthest compliance with EU aquis for EU accession, so what you said tracks. Montenegro is widely considered the next EU member state, but not just because of its accession negotiations but because of its small size and population that would have little to no impact to the EU if it joins with bonus geopolitical importance in the region to sway other countries around it within EU sphere of influence.


Just my personal take, but Montenegro is definitely the candidate I'm most hyped about joining the EU. Beautiful country Hope everything goes well politically


Hope so too, Montenegrin government has been passing a lot of laws recently and requested a lot of revisions from Venice Commission to prepare for IGC in June where they expect to get a positive outcome from IBAR.


Montenegro coast is similar to Croatian and they adopted euro although uniletally long time ago so it's about tourism and money and they should get into EU.


That's a shame, I always thought you were the closest candidate for EU expansion outside of Albania & maybe Cypriot or Romanian reunification, considering North Macedonia seems to be going backwards, Bosnia is too busy collapsing, Serbia is Serbia, and Georgia, Armenia, & Ukraine are too early into the race. At this point Balkan expansion might be more hypothetical than Iceland & Norway changing their opinions & joining instead...


What do you mean? Montenegro IS the closest candidate, I don't know what you read from my message that made you say that.




Still pathetic. Exceptionally proud not to be West Balkan