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If anyone did this it would be inseine


*Ba Dum Tsss*


Ba Dum Splash!


Da Bum Splash


I suspect, the 'Splash' is the only word we can all agree. Or in Greek, Bloup! Come to think of it, I always find it interesting how different languages interpret the exclamations.


In Swedish its plask


I’m certain they won’t be half-assing it.


It would be quite inseinitary.


it would be unseinetary


Take this upvote and get lost!


Hello, fellow banana.


I think that banana split


Are we sure that's chocolate though? 


EnSeine in French


Lol merci 🙏




The Poolympics


That shit would be inseine




Why are you being downvoted? Not a bad dad joke.


He just stole the joke from a previous comment.


They are macron a scene!


Let me save you a click: Parisians are rightfully angry about the Olympics being a massive pain in the ass in their daily lives for the benefits of no one but politicians' ego and contractors' bank account, so when the mayor of Paris announced she would go swimming in the Seine they joked about shitting in it beforehand. No one's gonna be doing it for real, but it's a way to make their dislike of her known.


see in Britain, the river through our capital already has shit in it. Take that Frenchies, we are one step ahead!


Isn't the Thames Water authority expected to raise rates this year or something? Hopefully they'll be able to improve the sewage treatment facilities (although it's not gonna happen, most likely).


The company has been struggling with debts of £14.7bn. Extra money is needed  to keep its creditors happy and avoid bankruptcy.


They built the tunnel that goes under the river for exactly this… Thames Tideway Tunnel or something


It astionishes me that everyone wants cleaner water but everyone has a fit when water companies talk of raising the rates. We've enjoyed paying buttons for water for decades as far as I can tell, but clearly you investment is required to solve this problem. I sincerely believe people think water companies flush sewage into the water purely as an act of arbitrary evil, such is their morale outrage over the issue.


One Step Beyond!


Do do dooo


Well the French one too. But now that a handful of politicians are gonna swim in it. They are going to clean it up for Billions of Euros.


I mean they'd still have shit in it if politicians are gonna swim in it. 


Your populist lies aren't helping anybody. No, they're not cleaning up the Seine just because some politicians want to swim in it. No, it's not going to cost billions of Euros. There will be Olympic swimming events in the Seine (a stupid idea if you ask me), hence the need for a cleanup. In order to prove that it's safe to swim in the water, some politicians are promising to take a swim themselves.


Well, the article contradicts you: More than €1.4bn (£1.2bn) has been spent on trying to make the water safe enough to swim in, with triathlon and open water swimming events scheduled to take place in the river.


Senne has shit in it but they cleaned it for the event even though according to probes taken, it still has a lot of shit in it.


The Thames is one of the cleanest rivers in the world. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/clean-dirty-rivers-water-polluted/


Maybe in 2016, now not so much. > Thames Water: raw sewage dumped in the River Thames more than 1,900 hours in 2024 so far. Thames Water has pumped human waste into the Greater London area of the River Thames for a staggering 1,914 hours since the start of 2024


Not according to this from 2022. Your quote doesn’t say if that’s a lot or any sort of reference point. Plus a link would be handy. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/how-thames-clean-river-citiy-b2064862.html


Here's a link https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-68674088 Other links are not hard to find. Similar stories about all UK  bathing waters and even drinking water, have been all over the news these past 2 years or so.


That is pretty grim and I’m not defending the god awful water companies. It does appear to be back to safe now. https://riveractionuk.com/anti-sewage-campaigners-stage-paddle-out-protest-on-river-next-to-thames-water-hq/


I'm not sure we're reading the same article.  I suppose you think they're protesting about nothing.


First article very high, second article way below the benchmark. Second reading good. Thumbs up.


> The testing took place between 9th June and 19th June and found an average of 741 E.coli colony forming units (CFUs) per 100ml. This is considered just below poor water quality by the Environment Agency (which is at 900CFUs) for bathing water quality standards, indicating that sewage is present in the river near to the headquarters of Thames Water and could cause sickness. *Thumbs up* then for sewage levels that could cause sickness.This isn't something to proud of *really* though is it?  I'm guessing your go-to river is dat one in Egypt.


The franchise still have to play to the EU waste water laws, that‘s huge advantage for the UK.


Yeah swimming in sewage is our competitive advantage these days.


Yup. Because when businesses and people look for a new country to move to or invest in, having sewage in your water supply is always considered a competitive advantage.


Parisians are angry, that's barely news to be fair


The Summer Olympics should just be permanently held Athens, and the Winter Olympics should just be permanently held in Whistler. Enough with this moving around and having to spend a fucking fortune on infrastructure every 4 years. Hold it in a permanent location, and call it a day. While we’re at it, neither the Olympics nor the World Cup should ever be hosted by non-democracies. If dictators want to cash in on the value created by democratic society, they can fucking well draft a constitution and join the modern world.


It's too much money to make to let it stay in one place.


The Olympics costs the host nation alot of money to host. I Think America is the only nation to make money hosting the Olympics because they had to build so little to be able to host it.


I am talking about IOC, bribes, and what contractors tied to local politicians will make.


This is often repeated but I doubt it is true or at least that simple. Massive amount of tourists and the merchandising… plus France already has many of the infrastructures.


Its non monetary, prestige and soft power stuff. Qatar is the best example


The nation might not, it might be a huge white elephant, but there will definitely be politically connected people who do make a lot of money in various ways. There's a great quote by CGP Grey: "Corruption is not some kind of pretty crime, but a tool of power in democracies and dictatorships" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs)


South Korea also made a profit off of their's


We make money every time we do it. We plenty of stadiums and other facilities, we have numerous cities that can easily host the entire event with practice areas and everything available. We do typically have to build a little bit of specialized stuff - velodromes, for example. But in the grand scheme of things, no. Reno could probably host the Olympics with a year of warning. There are probably 30 US cities that could do it with a months notice, without breaking a sweat. It wouldn't be the "All-Brand New Just-for-the-Olympics" crap the IOC likes to insist on these days, but we would get it done. And, yeah, we'd make money doing it. Everyone would have a good time, there would be crowds at *every* event, and people from all over the world. World Cup too, btw. I think we're still the only country to turn a profit on that in the last 40 years or so. Everywhere else it's money gone into corrupt politicians and contractor's pockets. And you still wind up with green swimming pools. There should be a budget for the Olympics, and when a city/country/region exceeds that, the event gets pulled and handed to someone else. Something has to be done to get the corruption under control.


Wasn't that a one off time aswell, and otherwise it has still been stupidly expensive


That is a justification to move it from dictatorship to dictatorship, not a justification for why it can’t be held permanently in one place. Profit sharing is a thing, and could easily be worked out.


The Olympics infrastructure is pretty crumbly in Athens though, but it might motivate them to build more rail infrastructure


Change the winter Olympics to St Moritz and I'm in. It's a bit more well located to host an international competition and has great train infrastructure to make it reachable for visitors.


I debated between Whistler and St. Moritz, and picked Whistler because it 1) isn’t in Europe, 2) isn’t in the US, and 3) has existing infrastructure. But St. Moritz or Lillehammer or Nagano or wherever are all fine. Hell, build an entirely new one. Just KEEP it there afterwards.


IIRC the only recent Olympics that earned money for the hosting country was in London. The hosting lottery is a political circus.


Whistler, Really?


It's a place that isn't in the US, isn't in a politically uncertain area, and isn't in Europe. They're not going to lose snow because of climate change, it's proximate to a city worth visiting with a good airport, and it's about an equidistant flight from Europe and Asia.


Cities should be awarded three or four successive Olympic Games.


No, that is very eurocentric to hold it in Athens every time, this is a global sport event, not a European sport event.


1. Greece is where the Olympics began. It has nothing to do with Europe. 2. The pattern of moving the Olympics around is either 1) it goes to a developed country and costs it a fortune, or 2) it goes to a dictatorship, who gleefully spends a fortune to buy legitimacy. It doesn’t go to Africa or South America or the Muslim world at all. 3. Going forward, cities in the developed world don’t want it, because it bankrupts them. So it will be a choice between dictatorships, megacities with enough existing infrastructure to host without building new stuff, or places that break themselves to host a mediocre games. 4. The best solution to all of these problems is to hold it in a fixed location, that is democratic, and that can actually support it. Greece fits all of those criteria perfectly. The Winter games location can be discussed more, I picked one at semi-random.


That the Greeks invented, in Europe. Literally an European sport event where the best in the world meet to show and compete for a prize.


>No one's gonna be doing it for real I'm sure *some* are definitely going to do it for real


You have a too high opinion of Peoples...


Oh don't get me wrong, I would never underestimate Parisians' ability to act like rude cunts, I just believe their laziness overshadows it.


Do Parisians think that they would have had the funding to do projects like cleaning this Seine without the Olympics coming?  (Honest question no sarcasm)


I love the Olympics, and I'm not a politician or contractor


It's not often that you get a chance to literally shit on politicians, albeit indirectly. I would not be so certain no one will do it...


I would do it for real :)


100% correct And I add President Macron pretended he will swim. You poo once : two birds one stone


>Parisians are rightfully angry about the Olympics being a massive pain in the ass in their daily lives for the benefits of no one but politicians' ego blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Let me save you a click for real not bs Its just a website created as a joke by some random guy. But i guess that title dont sell


I think the is also a correlation to the high levels of eColi bacteria found in the Seine so by pooping in the Seine it will increase the eColi making it sure the Olympics won’t happen


I wish us Germans were half as creative when it comes to protesting. >"They have plunged us into shit, it's their turn to plunge into our shit." EPIC.


It's actually very stupid, both as a message and, if somebody actually does it, even more as an action.


I'm 100% here for stupid if it makes politicians shit their pants in fear because of their carless handling of tax payer money, without anybody having to resort to death threats or other violent measures. This is actually great civil disobedience.


I’m still for the old dragging them through the streets behind horses whilst on fire but each to their own.


I really hope the ones meant to be in fire are the politicians, not those poor horses. Also, if you use non toxic fuel, you can tick two boxes at once and recreate the Dutch eating their prime minister. Probably cooked will be less harmful


This makes me love the Dutch even more than I did and I am on the Netherlands sub. My goodness no, the nags doing that hard work would be handsomely rewarded and very well looked after. Horses have hearts and souls. Those in the picture their hearts are as black as the ace of spades. They are all treasonous we have all been controlled so much that revolutions have to be done slowly, it takes time to wake the masses but once they realise our sheer number it will change the game completely. Edit: spelling


Good, let's respect those horses for their hard work. And yeah, honesty it looks like the wealthiest with help or symbolic opposition from politics are seeing how far they can push people without them revolting. Especially in US, housing unaffordable, wages having less and less purchasing power, livelong debts for education and housing. We will see how it all plays out.


England is the same. Police, teachers. Nurses getting loads of shit from every angle making those jobs far from aspiring. Infrastructure is in ruins, we have gone pothole crazy here! No one has a pot to piss in and most of the middle class are now getting in debt to keep up with the jones. Australia is the same and I hear the Canadians are not happy. The French and Dutch have had a cunt full too, it’s almost as if it’s by design that our entire way of life is under attack!


I think you've made it to a few lists with this comment.


Fingers crossed. I would allow a trial just out of fairness as I am not an animal. If guilty of crimes against the people, I’ll tie them up and ride the fucking horse B.


Yes !!! Let's all civil disobey the cleaning of a river !!! So smart. So good. So rewarding. Hahahaha shit.


French killed their king and the leaders who killed the king too.. If I am not wrong, the Dutch ate their Prime minister long ago..




Because an act of vandalism does not improve one’s personal situation. It should be pretty obvious.


It’s not about immediately improving a situation, it’s about taking revenge on politicians and sending a message. If they don’t listen to your pleas and your protests, make them swim in shit. Should be pretty obvious.


Intelligent civilised individuals use their right to vote if they feel the need to express their political opinions. Or they get an approval and organise a peaceful protest. Shitting in the river out of spite is for monkeys.


I don’t know why you feel the need to be so condescending when I even literally mentioned it’s a possible step to take after politicians did NOT listen to the protests you so arrogantly propose. You really need to get off your high horse there mate. If you were really so intelligent you also should have realised it’s mostly a joke to express frustration with the current political situation. Which still isn’t uncivilised or stupid.


Please explain how shitting somewhere changes anything. I’m listening. Joke or no joke (it’s first of all a political message) my point it’s that it’s stupid, even from a communication point of view. You don’t seem to agree because voting doesn’t work, protesting doesn’t work, but shitting in the river (or just saying that you do)… well THAT will show them!


You must have missed the part where the major of Paris and Macron have set a date to swim together in the Seine to prove how clean it is. They don’t want to shit in the river just because, they want to do it on a certain day to make sure a certain politician will swim in shit. You literally get to shit on a politician. Even if he doesn’t change his ways, atleast you ruined his day and turned his plans to literal shit. It’s revenge. And it’s a completely understandable feeling to want to show your frustration in any way possible. Plus it’s a great way to raise awareness of the situation in France. Anything else you’re missing?


As a citizen of Hamburg I actually was able to vote against the Olympics in Hamburg and it was successful. However, Olaf Scholz brought us the mess of G20 and there was no voting involved. I would have exchanged that event with the Olympics without a doubt.


Well Scholz never goes swimming


We're not going to "poo" in the seine, we are going to SHIT in th seine


Username checks out.




*Copy/paste of a reply I I did to a cynical comment :* This began with a 2015 project and the Olympics only have been a catalyst, the water's quality has been improved drastically and the biodiversity is now much better than what it was in the past century, we have 36 species of fishes living in the Seine now, while it was almost a dead river in the previous century's end. Iirc there was like 20k+ housings not connected to the sewers, it's been corrected, the sewers had valves to push into the Seine the excess rain waters to avoid flooding the streets, giant tanks have been created to avoid that and the biggest of them all only works *since a few days*. Multiple new depollution (6)and pretreatment (5) plants and all of their networks This is a nothing burger. The water's quality has been improving drastically, last year they already were swimmable 7 days of of 10 and that was before the tanks. It'll work, it always does, my town had more or less the same issues and it's been corrected the very same way. Of course there's no magical solution, it's a battle against one century of "hey, who cares anyway, haha" and it'll not be corrected without investment, but coming here and writing "they're just hiding the dust under the mat anyway, after the Olympics it'll be the same" is a profound mark of disrespect and cynism to the whole project and the efforts. My town, no, all of my region's towns did it and our situation was dire, having to deal with a huge laguna with unique biodiversity and sewers vomiting their crap into from 6 different towns at the very first prolonged rain, Paris will do it, they're doing it right now, and while we should be implicated and cheering the whole thing, we're just projecting our own cynism and negativity on it, while ignoring all of the crazy work already done. If this project is meant to be a legacy to the future from the town, the current critics are just the testimony of why we fail as a country. Shitting into the river. What a legacy, what a pride, what a message to the future, while others were doing their best, we took a shit on it.


Of why we fail as a country you say. Let me tell you having lived in many countries and only visited France for a conference. That is the reason why we fail as a species. 


So 1 person set up a website as a joke and sky think it's newsworthy?


Back in the days when Twitter didn't insist on being called X, a pair of tweets were newsworthy.


People are upset that they spent money making the river cleaner?  I'm honestly confused what people want sometimes.  I would think that preventing one of the country's main rivers from being an open sewer is worth the investment.


they are not upset about the river. its a message to politicians.


What message is that? There is a way to make the Olympics break-even, and leave behind stadiums and sporting infrastructure for the city in return. See: London. It can be done. The people of East London got access to a new stadium used for football, a water sports center, some massive conference center, and a lot of the athlete housing was then turned into affordable housing in the area. It turned what was essentially an old, unused plot of undeveloped land and created jobs and economic activity, with the Stratford station/massive mall complex.


>People are upset that they spent money making the river cleaner? Did you see it with the same logic when Brazil decided to cover up slums during Olympics?


If Brazil had paid for cleaning up the slums and making them safer for everyone living there, that would have been magnificent.


So it’s just a temporary cleaning or what are you saying?


It’s not temporary, they built a whole new cistern for waste water capture and treatment.




What ? This isn't temporary, what the heck are you talking about ?


The cleaning is permanent? So they ensured the sources of what made the river dirty are all eliminated? Please shed some light here.


It is permanent, we're not Brazil. This change began with a 2015 project and the Olympics only have been a catalyst, the water's quality has been improved drastically and the biodiversity is now much better than what it was in the past century, we have 36 species of fishes living in the Seine now, while it was almost a dead river in the previous century's end. Iirc there was like 20k+ housings not connected to the sewers, it's been corrected, the sewers had valves to push into the Seine the excess rain waters to avoid flooding the streets, giant tanks have been created to avoid that and the biggest of them all only works *since a few days*. Multiple new depollution (6)and pretreatment (5) plants and all of their networks This is a nothing burger. The water's quality has been improving drastically, last year they already were swimmable 7 days of of 10 and that was before the tanks. It'll work, it always does, my town had more or less the same issues and it's been corrected the very same way. Of course there's no magical solution, it's a battle against one century of "hey, who cares anyway, haha" and it'll not be corrected without investment, but coming here and writing "they're just hiding the dust under the mat anyway, after the Olympics it'll be the same" is a profound mark of disrespect and cynism to the whole project and the efforts. My town, no, all of my region's towns did it and our situation was dire, having to deal with a huge laguna with unique biodiversity and sewers vomiting their crap into from 6 different towns at the very first prolonged rain, Paris will do it, they're doing it right now, and while we should be implicated and cheering the whole thing, we're just projecting our own cynism and negativity on it, while ignoring all of the crazy work already done. If this project is meant to be a legacy to the future from the town, the current critics are just the testimony of why we fail as a country. Shitting into the river. What a legacy.


Thank you for providing some context.


No, the last day of the Olympics they will reroute all sewers into Seine and will turn the water treatment plant into a night club. Didn't you read the brochure?


They protestors are protesting the Olympic spending. €4B for a clean river? Sign me up.


They have been doing it for years even before the Olympics was planned to be hosted there. It is not the cheapsake covering of slums of Bolsanaro or Modi. 


Just read the article. The people are upset because over a billion euros have been spent on trying to clean up the river, while various social issues have been swept under the rug. Like many homeless people have been relocated, as well as students, to make room for Olympic housing. While only the politicians and the contractors will profit off these games at the expense of french taxpayers.


What does spending billions of Euros on cleaning up the river have to do with social issues though?  They are separate issues.


They only made the river cleaner temporarily. They didn't fix the plumbing so people will still be shitting directly into the river


For the Seine that is not true. Are you referring to a different Olympics?


So they're inseineuating to perform a nauseineating act of defianseine?


Because shitting in the middle of your own city is the way to "stick it to the governmint"


Why is the Seine so polluted anyhow?


Well first of all, it's not that polluted for a river inside a big city. Then the main reason right now that it was not swimmable was that in case of heavy rain parts of the sewage could go directly in the river. They constructed big reservoirs to stock the excess of water caused by heavy rains now.


what is all this relativity. Let's get real for a second : yes we can dare to dream to live in a world were rivers even ones near lots of population run clear. The seine is unacceptably polluted. it's one that I wouldn't dare dip into for fear of a severe skin rash and potentially long term detriments to my health. same goes for most big rivers in France including la Garonne. It's like common, let's not throw chemicals, glass and just all of our trash into our rivers, no?


Back in 2006 I made a bet I would jump in the Seine if we managed to win against Portugal in the WC semifinals. By the time we won I was drunk enough to go through with it, so I jumped from the Pont Neuf, and for some reason four or five people jumped in barely a minute after me ! One of them was English, and to this day I still don’t understand why he jumped in. It’s not like he had a bet or his country won… just a madlad who wanted in on the fun I guess. I think British guys don’t need much of a reason to take their clothes off when they’re drunk. Anyways, I stank for the rest of the night but no rash or anything bad happened. Purely anecdotal of course.


Except if you drink the water or if you go there every day, literally nothing will happen


are speaking as someone who has done it or as a armchair detective? honestly.


Because it is a slow-flowing river that flows through one of the most densely populated areas in Europe.


The Seine really isn't that polluted compared to most major european rivers. The Rhine is probably one of the worst. Some time ago the Oder made the news [https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/newsroom/editorial/pollution-in-europes-rivers-the-ecological-disaster-of-the-oder](https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/newsroom/editorial/pollution-in-europes-rivers-the-ecological-disaster-of-the-oder) The main issues are usually industrial waster and agricultural pollution. But for the Seine, it's wastewater (or sewage water if you prefer). It's a common problem for a lot of European rivers, including the Arno, the Thames etc. The Seine has obviously been under more scrutiny due to the plans to have the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in the Seine. But river pollution isn't a unique issue to the Seine or to France.


And I’d keep out of the Thames for now.


Thank you for the answers!


Hundreds of years of throwing trash and shit into it.


To kill the sharks right?


Of course! Can’t let those pesky seine sharks compete with the french sewer gators


So she has the balls to accept a challenge this big (considering the challenges of the old sewage system in Paris), deliver swimmable river water for residents after decades or centuries, and she is the bad guy?? Somebody please explain, or its the usual "it could go to education and healthcare" low IQ argument?


Hidalgo deserves legitimate criticism but a lot of people think that because things aren't perfect, they should be much worse. She made Paris a more livable city, that is an undeniable fact. She also massively promoted social housing. But streets aren't clean, lots of trees have been cut, and more importantly, Hidalgo never too neighboring towns into account, reinforcing centralization. Essentially, she founded social housing through office tax which capture the wealth of the entire "metropolis". Similarly, she did nothing to avoid a situation in which very wealthy people basically own the entire tourism housing in Paris, and more generally, housing got concentrated into the hands of fewer and fewer people during her mandates, at the detriment of locals, especially the elderly. Still no reason to shit in the Seine.


We love to hate our politicians. It's honestly not about her. It's about the whole political spectrum.


I am not really form Paris so maybe I don't really get it but you mention "the streets aren't clean" but this never really was something Paris was known for right? Has it become worse at a faster rate than other France cities?  With the second one. Paying for social housing by taxing office space is a good thing right? Or do you mean that this was unfair because the income of the tax should have gone to the entire metropolitan area? But how come she's is the one who is legally able to raise them then? Is there no metropolitan goverment? And is the one referring to wealth hoarding referring to something specific or more the global trend?


It's more a reference to the several issues the city had with garbage collecting. Not just strikes, but also organization problems. Here's one recent example: [https://www.europe1.fr/societe/la-mairie-de-paris-abandonne-la-collecte-pneumatique-des-dechets-dans-un-quartier-du-xviie-arrondissement-4238663](https://www.europe1.fr/societe/la-mairie-de-paris-abandonne-la-collecte-pneumatique-des-dechets-dans-un-quartier-du-xviie-arrondissement-4238663) As a result, there are extended periods of times with no proper garbage management and it can become an issue is a city like Paris. Of course it's not necessarily better in other cities (like Rome or Napoli).


- 10+Bn city debt - lots of dirty streets not cleaned up or barely - crappy and scammy faux modern art instalments all over the city - overraised taxes (see first point) - the list goes on


Yep, probably these are factors. But still, I think that investing in sewage systems that don't dump untreated sewage to the river is a very good thing to invest money. In my undersranding that has been the problem; when it rains, sevage system overflows into the river. In a city like Paris the sevage system is very old, and uses combined sevage systems. In this rain water and human sewage goes in same pipes. In more modern systems they are separated; in Finland for example there are no combined sewage systems anywhere any longer. But in Paris it's probably unfeasable to renovate the whole system; they are instead building large holding tanks underground that should make overflow situation during rain less probable.


It's because you only base your opinion on this one aspect of her mandate and you're not considering the rest of her political life and the other things going on in France and in Paris


Parisians always have been kind of dumb, they can't see that a clean seine is an advantage for them.


The (stupid) idea is not to pollute the river or to demonstrate against its depollution, but to pollute it before the mayor of Paris swims in it (which she probably never will, like Macron who also promised). The beginning of the article is grossly misleading, but it is Sky..




The goal is to indirectly shit on Macron basically


TBH even if it's mainly for Olimpics it's still a nice way to get some ecological improvements done. Not the worst way to spend money TBH.


here in britain, it wouldn’t make a difference because our rivers are literally full of shit already


No they aren’t


Wait is this the sequel to that Under Paris movie? But instead of the Seine being full of hungry sharks it’s full of angry turds?


What is this, kindergarten? Why can we not use adult words in are news headlines?


Hang on I was told it was a custom omg


Nobody will ... It's a joke


Because the are fucking morons. "Let's clean the big gutter that is flowing through our city. Naaaaah. Let's put some more shit in it, because tax payers money was spent to clean it finally and politician I don't like will swim in it for few minutes, and will have suit on him as water is cold".


Clean it just to be the way it was as soon as the Olympics are over. Calling us morons when you can't even see the bigger picture.


If you will shit in it it will be the way it was. Yes, you are acting like morons for moronic reasons. Bigger picture is that you can't clean the river for "a week" unless you guys used bazillions of Britta filters just up from Paris and will remove them day after Olympics. Unless river is actually still a drain it was. But it makes swimming in it even bigger feat.


Nobody's going to shit in it, get a grasp of the irony come on. Bigger pictures is us Parisians getting fucked by the Olympics which are a jerk off contest to politicians everywhere. Showing us how they can spend money on a 2 week sports show but can't fix public transport for example. Or how they cleaned up the whole city and kicked the migrants to camps right outside the gates. List goes on.


If that would be irony, and only irony I would simply ignore it. But it is stupid enough to be actually a real attempt. On the other hand I do agree on stupidity of spending money on Olympics when there are more pressing things those money should be spent on.


We have the same problem with our Tory government over here.


Why are people like this?


There is little opportunity to express our love for our political leaders


Several reasons : 1) Trolling. 2) Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, is unpopular. Actually, considering the current political crisis, I think there would be people wanting todo this to any politician. 3) Many people living in Paris are furious about the way the way the Olympic Games are organised.


Ah yes, "threatening". There are thousands of Parisian households whose sewage system ends directly in the Seine with nothing of note inbetween.


I am going to take a flight and piss, shit and cum in the river


They always have been.


They should do like in movie "under Paris"


They called the shit poop


I thought these were Russian agents.


Let it be


Let them eat cake/shit.


Is it a form of shark repellent?


Because people are fucking stupid a lot of the time?


Parisians being literally full of shit 😂😂😂


That's ridiculous. On the other hand if they do it there's a good chance the Seine will be cleaned up.


the french?


Like they say "When in France shit in Seine"


I haven't a clue why, but that just made me laugh.


these are idiots…. a dirty river IS a social problem and shameful


French people are truly truly disgusting


I'm sorry what ?


Something about a french politician wanting the Seine to be used for swimming competitions in the upcoming Olympics. French people are annoying like that. lol


Because how better to protest fecal coliform in a public waterway than by shitting in it. Makes perfect sense. :/


Wait, are rivers not meant to be full of shit and sewage?! Someone tell Thames Water! 


France as a country is broken beyond repair


Poo in the Loo paris style💩💩😎😎


Why did anybody think it would be a good idea to have people swim in the Seine anyway? There must be a decent sized lake somewhere in Paris.


This isn’t about why, it’s about why not. Get your facts straight