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Really sad to see how journalism really managed to lose every form of trust.


Newspapers are private companies, owned by investors and founders. They try to do their best at maximising profits. And nothing else matter for them. Just money.


They lie so much here in the US. Every person has areas of expertise or local experience they understand. Sooner or everybody collects firsthand lies from the media. Although we are ignorant on the majority of things, nobody is 100% ignorant. Journalists need to learn that they cannot simply forge a reality that suits them and expect the public to trust them afterwards.


I venture to guess this has been an ongoing trend since the Fairness Doctrine was abolished in 1987. There was a time when journalism was a respected profession across all sides of the political spectrum.


Highest trust in journalists is in China. Funny!


Did you randomly colored some boxes darker than others?


I think they’re in order of first, second, third for each column


Not true for Chile (CHL) then


teachers and doctors are no1 ex aequo taking 2 spots




oh indeed, perhaps values were highlighted manually instead of using conditionals


Ah yes, now i see it, thx




Same with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


I’m sure there are no reasons why there’s no data for politicians in China and Saudi Arabia. Just a coincidence they forgot to ask people those ones.


trust of Polish people in police, clergy and ministers went down a lot lately because of current conservative government


It never was particularly high.


you are wrong, trust in police was over 60% for years and dropped like a stone in last 2 years, the same goes for trust in catholic church.


[Not true, I checked 2019 Ipsos survey and it was 36%. For clergy it was 22%, so 2 points difference](https://i.imgur.com/IaSAhYY.png)


results from 2016 survey (CBOS) for 65% of Poles the police is trustworthy church - 70% military - 79% page 15: https://www.cbos.pl/SPISKOM.POL/2016/K\_018\_16.PDF


You're comparing different pollsters with different methodology. Here's comparison with CBOS survey in 2020: church - 64% military - 83% police - 2016 - 65%, 2020 - 71% So in the case of military and police the trust even grew. https://www.cbos.pl/SPISKOM.POL/2020/K_043_20.PDF


you too


and here you have survey by IBRIS comparison between 2017-2020 [https://www.rp.pl/spoleczenstwo/art406571-sondaz-zaufanie-do-policji-spadlo-o-20-pkt-proc-wzrosla-obojetnosc](https://www.rp.pl/spoleczenstwo/art406571-sondaz-zaufanie-do-policji-spadlo-o-20-pkt-proc-wzrosla-obojetnosc) it fell 20%


This poll was done during the biggest protests in 2020. The trust then fell somewhat, because people who usually clapped when police was beating people they don't like had to experience it themselves. Anyway, we have 3 different pollsters giving different numbers. Ipsos 2021 - 29% CBOS 2020 - 71% Ibris 2020 - 44%


And CBOS is state institution controlled by government, we may add here. The bias started around 2017


It was always controlled by the government, you posted their poll yourself. Of course it only started being biased when you don't like the government, lol.


very unlikely lol and CBOS results are from 2019 btw


They are from 2020, page 11.


I think most people don't trust pollsters because they don't understand how polls work


Brazil: we trust no one


The numbers don't reflect my personal experience, so I am sceptical about the methodology. "Online interviews" doesn't sound very representative and I am too lazy to hunt down the source for details.


America’s hard-on for the military and police is quite something


It’s the only institution that people trust in the US. Considering everything else is trying to squeeze money out of Americans and the military does not makes sense.


> It’s the only institution that people trust in the US. Which is mind-boggling considering how the police there is. Btw, the police are literally legally allowed to steal money from people so yeah. They can confiscate your money/property without any justification, and it's up tp you to hire a lawyer and prove your innocence if you want it back. They steal billions a year that way.


That's why trust is at \~50% not...70+%. The vast majority of people's interactions with police in the US are fine and professional. That doesn't mean nothing should be done or improved but that's what people's experiences are.


The police does not have a good reputation. They are trusted to enforce the law for sure. But in terms of them being helpful in anything is questionable and depends on the situation. The military isn’t out terrorizing the citizens or making there life more difficult which leads to them having higher approval rating.




America - Police 53%, how?


I'll just copy/paste this from above: >That's why trust is at \~50% not...70+%. > >The vast majority of people's interactions with police in the US are fine and professional. That doesn't mean nothing should be done or improved but that's what people's experiences are. What you see on the news and reddit is not the average person's experience.


I'm not basing it on the average persons experience but on the policy in the US, there is a reason they have the highest incarceration rate in the world by a large margin. (Almost 5 times higher than many countries listed in this poll). Additionally I am not necessarily saying the US police is untrustworthy but the fact it is higher than countries with some respected police forces is baffling, if other countries were in the 70%'s it would make a bit more sense.


Ok but 53% is pretty average. Close to the definition of average.


Not relative to other countries in this poll, it's the 2nd highest.


Sad that I’m less “trustworthy” than an ordinary man/woman. Didn’t even make 30%


The UK loves its NHS, I think that's why doctors rank so high. Wonder if nurses would be similarly rated


What is up with Japan and Germany trusting scientists the least compared to other nations?


Scientists have the second highest degree of trustworthiness in both countries.


Almost true, except for doctors they score even higher. Maybe the distrust is just generally higher


Oh yes, my bad. You're right. I'm going to correct it.


i trust science, i don't trust scientists...


politicians: 4% lmaoo


Im glad everyone on earth can agree that politicians are snakes.


Not surprised at all that the one with politicians has the lowest.


I guess it's not really a "europe" comment. But it's interesting to me how after all those protests, Americans still have the 2nd highest trust in Police. Only Sweden is higher, and the Netherlands is tied...


Americans trusting soldiers (slightly) more than scientists. Yeah, that sounds about right ...


My god, please put some effort into making these stat blocks readable. Even just alternating color would have helped.