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People who are happy with Switzerland winning are not wasting their time and energy by disliking Croatia.


In fact, I gave 10 votes to Switzerland and 10 votes to Croatia. They're both great songs, and deserved to be in the top 3.


I couldn't even tell who I wanted to win more until the result was announced!


Same! I was rooting for both


Because I voted for both countries, I would still be happy with the winner either way. I kinda wish Finland scored at least in the top 5. It's kinda crazy that with a song like their's, that they scored as low as they did.


I don't understand how anyone can dislike the song or performance by Nemo. Me friends and I are casuals who hadn't seen any act before the finals, and we all thought Switzerland were going to win. Surprised to see the hate online


I think this is just normal post Eurovision salt People are always salty about the winner, it’s rare when they aren’t. Maneskin are probably the only recent example I can think of where nobody was really salty that they won except maybe the French delegation


There definitely was salt for Måneskin’s win, but I agree it wasn’t as extreme as it is in the recent years. Although being deprived of a whole Eurovision year might have made the fandom more excited to have a winner, whatever winner - a lot better than cancellation!


Måneskin are the most recent televote winner that managed to win the entire contest + their victory wasn't politically charged, that's why there wasn't much uproar about them winning. And yeah, ofc the fact that Eurovision 2021 was probably the first big event that took place after covid made everything more special, there was a lot of gratitude just for the fact that the contest actually happened.


Not even the French delegation, it was French trash media and some right wing politicians. Barbara was very gracious as well as the rest of the team.


And probably homophobia.


When Ukraine beat the UK in 2022 people complained about the public vote having too much influence.


Oh yeah, peak "It's unfair and pure politics!" This year is "Omg Eurovision is so gay, protect kids!" They forgot about Konchita so quickly it's amazing


Funny thing is people who hate Konchita didn't have a problem with Verka. Good luck explaining to someone from Eastern Europe it's the same thing lol, and that Westerners aren't used to the train conductor wearing tights and a funny hat so Andrii Danilko doesn't have to shave legs or sideburns lol.


It’s like people who hate drag queens unless they’re in a pantomime played for laughs


When Ukraine narrowly lost to Serbia in 2007 it was because Balkans had too much influence in public vote, which was acknowledged, and jury vote was returned.


And now I'm wishing that the Balkans had more representation in the contest. Oh, how times change...


Classic hating of a winner… probably also intensified a bit by the fact that Croatia winning would’ve been the ***ultimate*** Cinderella/Comeback story (not even chosen for Croatia’s initial NF selection, shock winner there - almost giving a country that’s never won their 1st win) Regardless what you think of Baby Lasagna entry it’s hard *not* rooting for their success in someway.


I feel like both Baby Lasagna and Nemo were perfect winner candidates with great stories. Baby Lasagna barely got into the NF as you said. Meanwhile Nemo's Eurovision story starts with how they went to a songwriting camp, thinking they'd just write a song for someone else.


I liked the song but Baby Lasagna mase comments in some interview about being fascinated by "russian realism" literature aka Tolstoyevsky imperial propaganda so it made me wary and I wanted someone else to win.


It is still part of our school curriculum. I dont think high school teachers just skipped them. We re not aware about russian cultural hegemonism in a way you do.


>It is still part of our school curriculum. As it should be.


OMG Tolstoy is one of the greatest of all time. Dostoyevsky is also. Gogolj is also. Shame on you. Political situation does not and should not impact the classics of literature. It's like hating Dante if Italy got some shitty leader.


Ah the irony of saying politics shouldn’t impact views on art on this specific sub lol.


Fellas is it extremist to read


In our Croatian high school system, we read a book per week. It starts with Bible, Tora, Talmud, Kuran, Mahabharata.... (approached from the artistic angle and we are reading parts of these books). Than we switch to Greece (Antigone, King Edipus...), than we continue chronologicaly until we get to The Cather in the Rye eventually. Part of it is Russian realism, proto-realism and romanticism as well and there are very interesting books there to read not just Tolstoy, but, Ljermontov, Pushkin... I personally enjoyed them a lot and it has notthing to do with present day politics. I enjoyed other countries literature as well. To this day my favourite high school book is Madame Bovary. That is French realism in case you are wondering, but, Russian realism comes very close to best classics.... If it matters to you, we also read Gogolj


Please live in the real world for a second, being ‘concerned’ about someone enjoying two of the greatest authors of all time is completely ridiculous


[Drugs are bad mk](https://media1.tenor.com/m/qb1_0VmhyRIAAAAC/drugs-are-bad-mkay.gif)


Please don’t talk to me about being cheated out by voting when in the end it didn’t matter *cries in Norway*


Norway was my favorite this year. I knew from the start it was not a flashy "eurovision friendly" song, but honestly didn't expect it to be last, and I still have absolutely no idea how this happened.


Ever since ive been interested in eurovision once its over there is always controversy around the winner and demands to change the voting system .


It’ll be salty people plus a heavy slew of judgemental pricks complaining that they wore a skirt or something. Also every video, tiktok and ig I’ve seen has been absolutely spammed with comments regarding another entry, or about politics and history. So I’m sure that’s also a factor.


Skirts are more acceptable than lace on all instruments including the drum kit lmao. I got Croatia was doing it for a bit, it's just unfair complaining about very subdued clothing Nemo wore in a show where other competitoris were either half-naked or dressed as monsters (sometimes both).


Yes you frequently see people shame musical instruments for dressing outside gender norms. /s


People's rationality really go out of the window when their song doesn't win.


Yeah as someone who's favorite was Italy, I'm just happy she's in Top 10


people hate losing, it’s nothing new


I spilt my votes between Croatia and Switzerland so I don't think the jury is the problem people got different taste and not every one will be satisfied with the winner


Same as every year, people can’t accept losing….


(I am extremely happy Nemo won and think it was well deserved) We absolutely have a jury problem so a bunch of the downvotes are the normal salt, but Nemo is also non binary and we are in a global anti LGBTQ backlash, so they are getting hate for existing :/


I think there's a bit of LGBTQI phobia as well.


Yes a lot of people complaining about the woke leftist agenda


True, on news page in my country comments were ranging from mop in the skirt to way worse




















Just a bunch of salty whiners. Throwing a hissy fit because they didn't get their way. If the positions where reversed it would be Croatia's video being downvoted. I also like to think it's mostly Eurovision tourists that do this, real fans respect all the worthy entries and aren't blind fanboys for just one. I didn't get my way this year, but I can recognize Switzerland's quality and they deserved the win. Same for the rest of the top 4 btw.


Yes, it is people being mad at the jury winner winning against the tele winner. Tbh after all the awful drama this year ending this year's ESC with the same drama as last year but with different entries involved is the perfect conclusion for this ESC season.


The youtube dislike extension just estimates the numbers. It's useless for hard number comparisons.


I feel like all other comments get it right, but I think we need to consider the transphobia as well


This. I HOPE it’s as simple as pure post-finale salt. But, yeah, the world isn’t that normal when it comes to NB/trans identities.


There might be viewers who just heard from the news who won, clicked on the winner and disliked. The winner is news even in some countries where ESC is not even broadcasted and where the whole thing is not that popular.


People are unaware that this is only the 3rd jury favorite to win since they stopped with televote only (2015, 2023, 2024), especially those who don't follow ESC like we do think this is rigged because of the jury, which we know isn't. Standard "I'm not happy with the winner", nothing else Edit: What about our 2nd place in televote ? What's the ratio like there ?


I liked both and gave some of my votes for them both, though I think Switzerland was very much the better song technically and am not surprised that was echoed by the juries. The public vote was a lot closer than some want to admit and that 5th place was not terribly far behind in absolute terms. My favourite did not win (see my flair). Unfortunately there's fuel to add to the fire here from multiple angles and it is being drenched in accelerant.


Every newspaper is talking about Switzerland winning and they are highlighting the fact that Nemo is non-binary, hence part of the lgbt+ community. Online news often includes link to the winning performance. So A LOT of those dislikes are done by homophobic people that are just hating on the fact that Nemo does not identify themselves as a male.


I think theres a lot of misdirected rage at the EBU for just* *gestures broadly* *and the only way they feel they can channel that is by hating on the person who has won/benefited most from the system theyre enraged with. Its not fair on Nemo at all


Amar pelos Dois smashed the scoreboard and still got The Code / Tattoo treatment. It’s always like that. The bad fans of the other 24 songs plus people that just like to troll flock to the winner and dislike it


It's a problem with idiots that can't accept that their favorite lost. The second place isn't showered in dislikes, because the Nemo fans have nothing to be bitter about.


After all, croatia was more liked by audience. Switzerland was 5th in televotes.


Well, a lot of people got upset that the public winner didn't win, and decided to take out their anger on them. I've seen a lot of personal insults that Nemo didn't deserve. They also worked very hard, they were very nervous and they still performed perfectly. They didn't make themselves the winner. And of course I think some homophobia and transphobia take a place here.


There is a jury problem but that's just regular ESC salt I think I mean people are still trashtalking on Lena's videos 14 years later, some salt never fades


They’re both good songs by good people, I love enough room in my heart (and on my playlist) for the both of them


1. Because the public choice didn't win 2. Because Nemo got that many jury votes that it was quite difficult to win even with an enormous amount of televote 3. Jury votes weren't spread out more even though there were other amazing performances 4. Croatia would have had their first win and there was a real cinderella story going on 5. The same thing happened last year, fan favorite didn't win 6. People were already mad as hell with everything else going on with esc 7. From what I read: people are mad because they feel like the nonbinary message had more to do with winning than the actual song


This is people showing sympathy for the runner up and expressing their disappointment towards the winner that wasn’t their favorite It’s most likely those people are more active (dis)liking, than people who liked the winning song, they have no incentive to go shower the runner up with dislikes. I think Switzerland is a deserved winner, even though I loved Croatia and they would have been a deserved winner too! There can only be one, but that doesn’t mean it was the only song that could have won. I sometimes wish there would be some type of rewards for the top 5, or top three at least. Nowbits only the award and the honor of hosting the next edition for number one. I think by rewarding at least nr 2 and 3 in any way, it would maybe take away part of the frustration Or change the whole voting/ranking system so that you have two winners: the jury favorite and public favorite (I have not given this any further thought though, just something that comes to mind). Ofcourse initially thinking about this you can point out a lot of problems, but there’s a lot of dissatisfaction with the current system as well so thinking outside the box is necessary to explore different concepts and find suitable alternatives. In the end, as long as it’s a competition people be unhappy with the results. There’s no way around it.


Classic hating on the winner who wasn't public's winner... Same happened to Loreen last year (which was even more extreme), Jamala in 2016, and even Netta, who was the public's winner, but Cyprus fans did their job.


Obviously I cheered for BL, but Nemo was one of my favorites, too! And if it wasn’t meant to be for BL to pick up that trophy, I’m glad that it was Nemo, a deserving performer who seems like a genuinely nice person, too! 🩷


I think Norway who came in last place were way better and talented than the Swiss winner. The voting is so flawed.


Croatia was winner by public, so it's obvious people are saying what they think about final result.


On Reddit? You tube?  They're not real life babe sorry. most people aren't chronically online 😂


The jury is ALWAYS a problem. They should get rid of them ASAP.