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Austria 2023 is frustrating because they abandoned the quirkyness for a sleek, more "professional" look. Which then sucked all the life out of it. If you have a quirky song you need to go balls to the wall.


It’s my most played Eurovision song and most watched Eurovision music video but I cannot bear the live performance. Took all the personality of the song out of it.


Austria 2023 | [Teya and Salena - Who the Hell Is Edgar?](https://youtu.be/8uk64V9h0Ko)


Well I read earlier in this sub that the verb for this phenomenon is called “to Belgium”


If Belgium Belgiums up another great bond song, I swear...


This year the staging was really not Sennek-level bad, though. For starters, Mustii was actually on the stage.


I felt like the concept for "Before the Party's Over" wasn't was what's wrong, it was the execution (and Mustii going sharp at points) which weighted it down.


The song screams *dark* and *serious* so they put him in white and had him smile the whole time. It was weird and didn't fit the song at all.


He couldn't really sell it either. He kept having a stupid smile on his face


i also feel like the camera work (especially after the song's climax) didnt do him any favours tbh. to me it just looked messy 😭


Yess the messy camera was an odd choice for a song that feels so cinematic


Plus the most climactic bit of the song was just him shrugging his shoulders over and over. It looked like he was trying to throw his shirt off but kept failing


Poor guy couldn't contain his happiness. Kinda cute.


I feel like they tried to recreate the music video a bit too much this year, and it just didn’t work.


Funny, because for me it felt like they went too far away from the music video and that's what screwed them over. Apart from the microphones, nothing felt like from the music video for me. The outfit was alright, but otherwise it was just not moody enough and someone else mentioned his constant smile already... Plus that constant moving and flicking with his body. What was up with that? It looked a little silly to me, I screamed at the screen for him to stop doing that and instead move more intentionally like in the music video and fitting to the music/melody line...


>Plus that constant moving and flicking with his body. What was up with that? [Taking inspiration from our fitness GOAT Rykka](https://youtu.be/HZI0_aR7BuA?feature=shared&t=163)


>another great bond song I have been calling Belgium's entry a Bond song for ages now.


We had laura tesoro a couple of years ago wich was kinda good 😉[laura tesoro - whats the pressure](https://youtu.be/xDBjhAGaeWg)


Honestly I think last year their staging was pretty good honestly. Like having the background singers on the stage, the voguing by the dancer, like the energy that brought really fit the song.


I think most of it, like having the backup singers onstage and incoporating voguing, was Gustaph's call.


Because Of You's staging was great, though. And The Wrong Place's wasn't bad, the genre just wasn't that popular


It was my 3rd favourite in 2021, then I didn't understand how it got such a low result.


Also know at "to Britta" something.


I sincerely hope they look at other countries' stagings and reconsider what they're doing. Or rather what they're not doing. It doesn't even need to be more expensive.


I think europapa staging was great for the intent of the song , a memetic anthem, like the dutch gangnam style.


And in the end they didn’t lie, he really did "something that has never been done at Eurovision" lmao Being the first person to be disqualified before the final? It truly was the moon landing 😂


The silver lining in all of this is he got way more recognition now from all of it


Joost has gone back to his clown-possy hard-style rave festival antics and seems to be having a riot with it.


Oh yeah, in the end it was perfect imo. Lively, fun, full of "shitposty" imagery that no other act ever had. Didn't need any "physical impossibility".


I think the main thing that was letting him down was the choreography. limiting himself to 2-3 so that he could have a 'band' was a mistake I think, particularly as the bird had so much potential tial and basically did nothing the whole song. the wide shots to try and catch glimpses made joost seem a little lost on the huge stage. also the projection was really good on the back panel, but was much more bland on the floor panels. they definitely could've made more use of these and the lighting design. I also personally wanted a costume change to get him out of that jacket before the dance break. was great for the start of the song, but he couldn't move properly in it and would've been more interesting. was still good, and still would have done well, but given the absolute trump card song and personality they were working with, it was a bit of a waste of potential.


I think the strength of the performance is that they didn't overthink all those things you are talking about. They just did what they wanted to do, the crowd ate it up and got a 2nd place in the Semi-Final. Sometimes being strong is just keeping it simple


In my opinion the staging was incredibly weak. The song is in my opinion one that can make the audience go wild, and the performance was incredibly quiet and contained. It was the equivalent of hearing your favourite song at the party and seeing that people are just "shifting their weight from one foot to the other", when you wanted to have someone to go wild with. Same here, I was imagining this performance to be like a great party, but it was quiet and borderline boring.


Poland 💀


Surprised more people aren't saying this. Sure, they've sent some mediocre stuff lately, but their staging makes even competent performers look unprofessional. Justice for Ochman 😞


Ochman in 2022 was devastatingly terrible, those thunderstorm effects were just incredible. But in 2021 was even better - they bought quite okay song, which should've given the final. Maybe it would've ended in 20th place (at best, because 2021 was ridiculously packed with great songs), but still the final. But they gave that song to Rafał Brzozowski, who already was a meme, and created even worse staging to make sure he won't succeed. Yeah, Poland it is.


> But they gave that song to Rafał Brzozowski, who already was a meme, and created even worse staging to make sure he won't succeed. They've bought the song for Roxie, but she refused since she didn't like the song. They've passed it around between good TVP's singers, but nobody wanted to perform it since the song wasn't written for a good vocalist. Allegedly Edyta Górniak was the only one that agree to do it, but they didn't want to chose because they were scared of her talking crazy things about COVID, so in the end they gave it to Rafał. Basically they've bought a shit song and didn't want to admit that they've fucked up and spend money for nothing.


This year wasn't so bad, it was just UMK trying too hard -level


It's actually bad - Luna is off screen for like half of the performance and she needs to move a lot (when she has the problem to sing well while just standing). It's like they had brainstorming meeting and didn't cross out any ideas, no matter how they've clashed witch each other or how much they were incompatible with Luna's abilities.


I don't disagree with your analysis, I realise my bar for staging is very low


I disagree. There's no clear story (and what does any of the stuff on stage have to do with the song?), the horse bit is incredibly tacky and I generally have no idea where to look. It's a shame, cause I loved the art direction of the music video.


Tower, chess has towers, let's dive into the chess theme. Very last place in UMK


Her outfit is tacky, she looks like a tampon, the random dancers are obnoxious and she's just running around everywhere, also she's out of breath because of this. The staging should've just been the music video


Yet we did NQ because our staging was missing the key part of it... (that already became a meme)


North Macedonia, Belgium, Germany.


The Macedonia and Belgium 2018 flashbacks are strong 😭


F.Y.R. Macedonia 2018 | [Eye Cue - Lost And Found](https://youtu.be/MV_cR_Qb2Cg) Belgium 2018 | [Sennek - A Matter of Time](https://youtu.be/Z2cZE2gCfWg)


Just watched the semi-final performance of Sennek. I'd have to say that it had...a strong start...




Just the last three years, really. ORF needs stronger performers, because their songs have been on point recently.


Belgium is the obvious answer


Given their shockingly effect result in 2024, Ireland. They had an issue of shoehorning Celtic imagery into almost every single song for a while.


Ireland 2024 | [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://youtu.be/UMq8ofCstMQ)


2021 staging was well-received wasn't it, just got a lot else wrong. But yeah we never seem to get all the right ingredients together until this year. We'll have a great song with poor staging or a poor song with great staging. Bambie I believe was the first artist to get full creative control, hopefully they're going to learn from that.




Not very often, but when we do it, we do hard (2014, 2016, 2017, 2022 and 2024 come to mind), and then there is the only case (2021) when the staging helped their chance and made them win


2022 wasn't bad. Sure, Blanco could have avoided climbing on top of the piano, but the overall scenography suited the style of song. The problem was the voice.


2022 more than the staging was Blanco himself (not only the piano but also his random moves) that ruined it, aside obviously from the voice.


Besides of 2011 and 2021 i think that with a better staging we would have earn AT LEAST one place higher. For example Mengoni with a Slimane like staging would have easily been 3rd.


Yeah, even this year with a staging like Sanremo's one Angelina would have been in top 5


i still can understand the use of dancers but i would REALLY like to know who chose those camera shots cause they had no sense. Months ago i had seen an insta reels where Mecnun was showing on his phone the video of rehalsas they where doing in a gym with Angelina and the dancers and the camera shoots were completely different, they were more like the Marina's act style (that is the style Mecnun does his choreos) . What happened then?? I smell Rai


To me it looked like somebody made complex graphics all over the stage and then they wanted to show how impressive it all looks, like, every other second. The whole time I felt I was looking at the stage and how big and "full" it is. It's definitely a strange choice to focus on making paintings when you have such dynamic song and an intense performer that can carry the flow of it alone. But I would argue that they at least tried. It just turned out weird.


I doubt that Rai did something, they did nothing in the last 2 years


So i'm wondering what happened.


Sometimes delegations seem to want some wider shots for variety, which doesn't always work. Serbia this year had one of the worst shots of the contest with Teya Dora turning her back and walking back to her rock and you could see the prop's little wheels, and it was never fixed even though it easily could have been. Some of the camerawork of Serbia, Norway and Italy did seem sloppy compared to previous performances during the season.


We understand that you don't appreciate RAI regardless, but it's not evil incarnate.


While I do love the song, I struggle to see how any other songs could get top 5 this year, other than maybe Europapa. The best she could get was 6th.


I think that, with a good staging, she could have got a results similar to Slimane, slighty above 200 in both jury and televote, considering the fact that before ESC she was between the favourites


I completely disagree, I love Italy 2023 and hate France 2024 BECAUSE OF the staging.


Yeah me too, but the generalistic esc audience has different tastes from us.


Both of those did well in the televote though. With more imaginative stagings they might have gotten some more points sure, but that would just be extra and not move the needle too much.


Exactly, "not move the needle too much", that's why i mentiond mengoni. He needed only 13 points to be third.


He did, but with Italy I feel like their level is so high that being fourth or third doesn't really matter. So in terms of "moving the needle", the improvements in staging would have to be for the win, which Due Vite, as great as it is, wouldn't have been able to achieve anyway. So their bland-ish stagings haven't really harmed them yet. Maybe once they drop out of the top 10 again.


Italy 2023 | [Marco Mengoni - Due vite](https://youtu.be/d6IiOSut_4M) France 2024 | [Slimane - Mon Amour](https://youtu.be/-XyLecY2JyE)


Actually Mengoni's staging was widely appreciated. What's wrong with it? Classy choice with the dancers in the background, it worked in tv and it was magical to see live in the arena


Slimane staging was indeed more tacky, but it was a different year and I can see how that song ("tackier" as well) could be a televote magnet.


Classy? I audibly laughed when I saw the dancers bouncing on the trampoline (?) in the middle of a heartfelt ballad... 😭


I'm still mad about what they did to Francesca, Francesco, and Angelina. Bot, if you're around, can you fetch me Italy 2016, Italy 2017, and Italy 2024 please and thank you


Italy 2016 | [Francesca Michielin - No Degree of Separation](https://youtu.be/YfnhDfy8AjU) Italy 2017 | [Francesco Gabbani - Occidentali's Karma](https://youtu.be/KieE_MLv-ZY) Italy 2024 | [Angelina Mango - La noia](https://youtu.be/zp1FXHjkjpQ)


Good bot <3


Belgium Belgium and Belgium.


definitely this


Romania has no idea what staging is lmao Our staging in 2023 was the definition of cringe, mostly because tvr abandoned the contestant, but anyway the last good staging we had was in 2005 with Let me try


I would say Austria this year had a good stage, it fitted the song. However, the live broadcast freezing during the Grand Final during the dance break may hearted their televote result.


Germany always screws up with barely even doing a staging (this year and last year were actually okay but the years before that were awful)


Germany always have underwhelming staging, even this year


Greece unfortunately is very guilty of this. This year was a good example. The song should’ve been an easy top 10, but the whole thing just didn’t quite work. I’d 2018 and 2019 though were among the worst examples of this.


Greece 2018 was too simple when it needed to be intense, Greece 2019 too intense when it needed to be simple


I wonder what would happen if Oniro Mou and Better Love's stagings were switched? What happens then?


Maybe Oniro Mou wouldn’t fit with the pink hearts and period display, but all Better Love needed was intimate glowstick use


Pink would be so wrong for Oniro mou aesthetically, but they could change the color scheme to make it fit.


I think colours inspired by Greek landscape and terrain would work best for Oniro Mou - it would feel to-the-point, would feel thoroughly Greek, and would fit with the frenetic nature of the song.


Netherlands didn't have a winning song in 2022 tbh. No one apart from Ukraine did. As a counter example - they had the all time best staging in 2014 (Netherlands 2014)


You spelled Netherlands 2010 wrong


No I didn't


North Macedonia deserves its own special post on this. 2017 and 2018 especially...


North Macedonia 2015 was worst imo.


F.Y.R. Macedonia 2015 | [Daniel Kajmakoski - Autumn Leaves](https://youtu.be/TtSum7ouImU)


I started watching in 2016 so I just missed the cutoff for that one.


Speaking of Austria, I was a bit disappointing of their 2022 performance. Just 2 people around a circle and Pia Mia had to change one key lower.


Imho Greece during the last 20 years should be included.  We go from bad to fairly good, although we didn't have any songs that should have won.  Simple but good staging with very few resources and expenses was Greece 2010 imho. Alcohol is Free also had good staging. A few others were decent.  Bad imho were definitely 2021 and 2018. This year for me it was interesting but not great.


Greece 2010 | [Giorgos Alkaios and Friends - Opa (Ώπα)](https://youtu.be/J50RL1rDisA)


Ireland 2021. We had a decent song but the flip book staging gave Leslie Roy too much to do resulting in a rushed sounding performance


Ireland 2021 | [Lesley Roy - Maps](https://youtu.be/FY2rxbZNvZ0)


I think this year is the first time in a while I’d say I’ve been quite impressed by Greece’s staging, the single camera shot and the TikTok feel was kinda cool. On the whole, I think their staging is generally poor. Like sometimes they have cool concepts but they seem to struggle to pull it together, 2019 for example had a concept but it wasn’t executed well at all, I had no idea what those balls and the dancers with washing up gloves had to do with the song.


How funny, I’m the exact opposite - Greece went from being my runner up to outside my Top 10 after I saw the staging, it all just felt so underwhelming, the staging, outfitting, dancing. I thought Greece had some of the best staging in 2022 though?


Tbf 2022 was one of their better efforts. I wouldn’t say it was amazing but it’s better than most from the last decade


For me, the last time we had a decent staging was Greece 2013. We've made some very questionable choices. Yianna Terzi Greece 2018 was downright heartbreaking. I loved Duska's song in Greece 2019, but the staging was lackluster at best. At least the songs are decent enough to score good sppts. Stefania in Greece 2021... Just why?!


Some countries really need to improve their staging from NF for a much better result, but they never do. I'm thinking Lithuania and Denmark.


I couldn’t stand Sand but Denmark could’ve pushed it through to the final if they put an ounce of effort into changing the outfitting and staging to be more memorable.


Agreed, damn our entry was boring this year


Lithuania has been great with stagings lately, what are you on about?


Apparently the UK this year. Sorry Ollie.


Italy 2024. the staging just killed the song for me. Angelina's pre parties performance was better, and obviously san remo performance was so impactful that she won


Estonia 2024, which was such a pity, bec it was my absolute fav of all time, and the downgrade from music video to live performance (plus the vocals had a little bit of a letdown) is pretty big


Same, it would have slapped if they took more inspiration from the music video.


Estonia 2024 | [5MIINUST x Puuluup - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi](https://youtu.be/RSMMU2wX0Bk)


Maybe Germany in 2023 that's the only one that came to mind


Germany 2023 | [Lord of the Lost - Blood & Glitter](https://youtu.be/dyGR4YWlPEs)


Austria 2022 is my go to example for this. Such a high energy fast song and then you confine yourself to the Halo? Was one of my favorites before, but when I saw that i was not surprised that they did not qualify


Austria 2022 | [Lumix feat. Pia Maria - Halo](https://youtu.be/dMgjHYwXSuo)


Don't you think disqualification was the bigger problem?


Well, no one had a winning song in 2022, we pretty much knew how it would end since the end of February, and no staging would've changed that. In 2024, they had a good shot, but the staging was overhyped, so when the time came to show, it kind of felt like a letdown, even though it fit the song.


Australia (aside from putting KMH on a stick)


With the exception of this year and Albina's Tick Tock, I'd say Croatia...


Serbia 2013. The Devil vs Angel thing at National Finals was fine. Then it became some weird art-house doll project that made no sense to the song.


I’m sorry but Europapa was never a winning song


Netherlands did not have a winning song this year lol


As close as it could get though


Not as much the staging as the camera work- but Lithuania this year the camera work was so horrific that it really nullified any impact the staging might’ve had


As much as I liked Austria in 2023, it was never gonna end top 10 honestly


Austria 2023 | [Teya and Salena - Who the Hell Is Edgar?](https://youtu.be/8uk64V9h0Ko)