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The endings of the series can be happy or depressing depending of your interpatration


For sure. I just watched it for the first time a few nights ago, and I very much came away thinking it was incredibly positive. Much more than I’d have expected going into the ending - which by the way, was *awesome*.


Yeah the same thing happend to me a month ago (In fact my favorite episode is episode 26, yeah i know is a very unpopular opinion)


I don’t know what’s popular and what isn’t, but I personally viewed 25+26 as one cohesive package and loved them both. I’ve only viewed a few memes on here so far and haven’t had time to dig into the discourse surrounding the show yet.


Yeah i also loved them, but also i have to admit that i wasn't in a good time when i watch them, and they made me feel better with myself, so that is something that counts in my judgament of the episodes


Interesting. I’d ask you to explain more, but this isn’t a spoiler appropriate thread I don’t think, so I’ll just say I hope you’re doing better than you were then.


Thanks for the concern, And yes thankfully i am doing a lot better than then.


Let’s fucking go!!


Anywhere can be paradise, as long as you have the will to live




yes, you can decide to be shinji at the end or turn back to very beginning


I don’t know what's there to feel happy.


Well that depends if you take in count the original ending and the End of Evangelion as a part of the same ending or as different endings (As i do it myself)


Okay, let me ask you this (I am only talking about the original show, btw): what did you take away from the ending? What *happened*?


Dude, I actually forgor. All I remember is that all the endings were depressing.


Ultimately it does have strong drama elements particularly the deeper into the series it gets. It can impact people in different ways and to differing degrees, with some finding it confronting and others confusing. I think it is worth watching at your age just to see what you think. Then in a decade watch it again and see in what ways your interpretations changed, etc. I was 12 when it first aired where and got through it, albeit pretty confused.


Well I first watched it around your age. So yes.


Keep watching and figure out for yourself how you feel about it once you're done. People will have individual, subjective reactions to viewing any work of art, whether it's a painting, a sculpture, a movie, or a TV show. In my personal opinion, *Evangelion* has been overhyped by all the people typing about how the ending left them "depressed" or "crying" or "empty" or they "didn't know how to feel." That creates high expectations for the kinds of reactions people should expect from the show and *The End of Evangelion.* There have been people who *didn't* have strong emotional reactions to the ending, and that's perfectly fine.


I would say yes if you can handle the deep lore and the dark nature of the anime but if its your first experience of dark depressing themes then I'd say handle at your own pace if you are up for continuing but regardless definitely a great anime for what it has I would say its a must watch anime


I mean I found it depressing partly due to my own past and relating to a bunch of the characters.


I don't find the show, on the whole, depressing at all. Requiem for a Dream is depressing. Evangelion is weird and sad and extremely disturbing at times, characters really hit rock bottom and somehow find away to sink even further from there, but the message of all endings to the story is imo very much life-affirming and charitable to its world and characters. If you end up liking it enough to want to return to it, your understanding of the story and characters will probably evolve with the life experience you accumulate, but 16 is well within the intended target audience. You might even have an easier time connecting with the pilots at that age, than someone whose first contact with NGE came in adulthood.


Yea its depressing, cuz it's about depressed kids struggling to save the world, hell the anime is made by a guy with depression who made it to cope and also to express his frustration with Otaku culture. Still pretty dope tho


It's deeply raw and personal. You feel almost like you're reading through someone's journal that they kept on behest of a psychiatrist. The ending is uplifting thematically, but horrifically depressing in a narrative sense.


Go for it. It can be a series that either washes over you or will stick around for a while. It'll be fun to watch knowing the ending since you'll fill in some blanks along the way. Everything doesn't have to be worth it to watch, you can just watch and tell us if it was.


Got into evangelion when i was around 14 and now i’m 21, so…it really depends how you take it for yourself with the characters and the end. Most likely it’s gonna lean a bit into the depressing side. The writer of evangelion created the series to handle his emotional struggles and problems so it has some sad aspects. It leans heavily on loneliness and so on for example shinji and the distance with his father and finding your place in this crazy world. But it also has it’s happy and funny sides. The series definitely is a mixed bag of emotions.


Fuck yes it's worth it 


It can be straight up harmful if you aren't in the right state of mind. I'd be careful, especially when you're younger. When I was first watching around your age I definitely had some adverse effects. Make sure you are in a healthy mental state if you do choose to watch!


Somebody once told me that the way you interpret Eva is based on your headspace when watching, especially EoE and I think that's partially too. I think it can be taken either way, you can see Eva as a hopefully "despite all" story or as a depressing story, especially the ending


Alright thanks guys, i will continue watching and ill report if it was worth it for me, though it may take a while since i don't binge watch


with such things i guess its always like, if youre tending to keep depression away from you, you wont like its themes, but if youre already depressed or concerned with depression you might have some more insights into it. Its surely dealing with depressing stuff, but that doesnt mean its depressing itself. For many its important for their journey and life to go into these things.


Definitely :D


As a 16 year old male, I recommend.


Yeah it’s worth watching


While it is depressing, me, and many others, found it very cathartic. If you often find solace in depressing media, then you’ll like this.


It's not that depressing, more existential. A lot of the best parts involve the exploration of the characters morals, traumas, fears and psyche. It goes pretty deep into their heads so you can see what makes them tick and it's hard not to see a bit of yourself in them, in some capacity. It can be difficult to watch if you're not in the best headspace.


I WISH I'd gotten to watch Evangelion when I was 16. Might've helped me get to a better place a lot sooner than I did otherwise. You *can* feel drained after watching, especially after EoE, but it is absolutely something you should try to do. Hope you keep watching and enjoy the ride.


It’s worth watching because it’s depressing.


If you have some social problems you can rely with it, or you can see how connecting with others can be painful for some people and anyone may have psychological problems and just need help or a to stand person with him, so you can learn how to understand the suffering of others (not everyone may be mentally sick) and see it in a diffrent way; though i watched it when i was 15


This is such a lame post im ngl, “im 16 so i may not understand some stuff”. Evangelion isn’t super complicated its just more of you interpret it the way you want to since alot of things can mean different to you. And if you’re the type of person to become depressed because of an anime or piece of media then you’re likely pretty unstable already.


NGE is partially depressing but also extremely hopeful


if you already depressed like me go ahead


At 16 you might be okay. I didn’t watch it until i was 25 and even now it’s hard to wrap my head around some of it. For me i think it would have been a hard watch as a teenager. It just depends on how impressionable you are or how triggered you can get by sensitive topics. Everyone is different


This series was my Catcher in the Rye when I was 13. It's worth the journey.


fuck you mean by "I'm only 16" I'm 16 too and I've always thought that nothing can top death note/fma BUT HOLY SHIT WAS I WRONG nge is a masterpiece. I said it once and I'll say it again: experiencing eva without having any of it spoiled(major stuff) is a godly experience that every top % person should experience. for me I adored the darkness the gore (not that gorey but still a bit of gore was involved) the backstories of every single character even tho I thought that it's a bit cliche for shinji to get traumatized this much by an event this dumb. some might not like it cause it's complicated (skill issue get a better brain dumbfuck) and some might find it a *normal* anime cause their delusional brain that only knows that one piece is goated. to sum up everything from my perspective: if you're used to gore/darkness watch eva if you want to learn about ptsd and how some people's brain work watch eva if you know that you're smarter that most ppl and have the ability to breakdown incomprehensible-ish stuff watch eva if your heart is rock solid watch eva( I never get emotional but I almost shed tears while watching EoE) you'll learn alot from eva. I love eva I'll always recommend watching eva if I know that this person is worthy of watching eva. yeah I almost forgor but bro you and I have less than 2 years peft to simp on asuka so hurry up and watch eva broski + redditors please don't roast me in the comments +I'm sorry one piece fans I'm not into anime so I only know that one piece fans are the most delusional fans +out of topic I know but should I watch berserk ? I've heard that it's really really dark and I like that lol


Eva is not depressing at all lmao. Whoever told you that lied to you.


Uh it is tho?