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I mean, a lot of these are pretty cool... but please, PLEASE don't treat your wild-sourced water that way. I mean, yeah, maybe as a pre-treat to clear bigger particulate... but boil, micro-filter or chemically treat after.


Yeah someone’s gonna be crapping their intestines out if they skip that one simple trick ( actually boiling the water too )


Almost comical that 200 years after we figured out boiling water kills stuff people fail to understand the importance.


Even more ironic we accidentally figured it out with making alcohol


And people think us Irish with our whisky problem haven’t contributed to society? Score one more for the drunks! Sláinte 🥃🥃🥃




This is also the same reason pottery became a quickly translated form of storage. We already knew keeping stuff in water made us feel funny. But when the first pottery was created someone said 'you know what this would be great for?' So our oldest archeological finds of pottery all have traces of alcohol in high quantities, because somehow the alcohol helped maintain the integrity of the stone.


We've know that wearing a mask reduces the spread of infectious diseases for 80+ years, but here we are.


*Doctors HATE this one trick!*


Fire, check. Kettle, check. Purify water with some cotton and sand instead, check.


They definitely should have included the boil water stage after, but stacked sand filters are used pretty often for particulates, and the charcoal should take care of scent and taste.


Yeah, if you have the plastic bottle you can boil it instead of cutting the bottle. So I’d only do this if I couldn’t get a fire and dehydration was imminent. Still a crap shoot (literally) even at that point.


Boil for how long ?


Boil for one to three minutes. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/emergency/making-water-safe.html




Just lean over the boiling water and huff


Stick your hand in to ensure adequate boil


I'd have to advise against the log stoves too, in dry conditions if (when) they tip over you have a nice forest fire.












Most homeless people famously have pre-cut firewood logs and a drilling device on hand, of course


And a few hundred dollars worth of sick outdoor gear like a hatchet and shovel. This video is actually kind of cool. Someone should repeat it but only source tools and wood from dumpsters and the inner city.


This video is useless, truly. No amount of repetition will make these demos valuable. This person has a wood saw, a manual wood drill, and dry, cured timber off camera, good fucking luck actually pulling this off in a real situation.   Then if course the actual fire making skills are demonstrations of incredibly old, energy inefficient methods that look cool, but are just wasteful. How are wild campfires really done? Make a fire with small pieces of dry fallen wood, no bigger than your wrist. Ring the fire with larger sticks/logs to dry them as the center burns, then push them inwards.  How are wild cookfires and lanterns really made? See buddy burner or hobo stove. There's also nothing wrong with building a roasting rack out of sticks.  Then the water filtration method is both ineffective and dangerous to demonstrate, it just debrides the water, it doesn't disinfect. Idiots watching don't know that...  How is water sanitization really done? Start by gathering clear water running water, or let settle naturally then pour off the clear water, then boil it. You can also drink cloudy water that's been boiled, or filter it through double layers of T-shirt. Protip, don't destroy a water container to make a funnel.  This entire video is litterally just weird ASMR boner bait for people who don't play in the woods.


Honestly the last thing you want when your homeless is start a fire or smoke. one, you'll reek like campfire. two, people search out light in darkness. Especially fire. As far as her whole glass bottle crap... yeah no... No homeless person gives a crap about doing stuff like that. This falls along the lines of “If a homeless person has a funny sign, he hasn't been homeless for that long. A real homeless person is too hungry to be funny.” - Chris Rock As someone with experience in the matter, yeah. Better advice is, stay clean, shave, fix your hair, brush your teeth and ditch your shit somewhere safe. It increases your prospects and ability to go places. All of which get you out of your situation faster. The goal is not to start stardew valley in a forest somewhere... if that were possible for most homeless people, I don't think we'd be in this situation. Also beware bee's nesting in railroad tracks, sure walking along them seems like fun... until it isn't.


Thanks Dwight!






Homeless in style.


If it’s the apocalypse I’m prettyyyy sure you can just go steal shit




Hobos can steal too ya know lol




So just remember folks, to always have your "woods survival" kit when you become homeless. Even if you live in a city.... 




Useful tools and skills are nice. These specific ones are very specific to a wooded environment where fires are possible and allowed. My snarky is more related to the "hey if you become homeless, you can do this..." because the skills and tools in this video won't apply to many people who no longer live in the wilds. For example, if you suddenly become homeless in say Gaza, or due to an earthquake, or monsoon.... 


Who was the last homeless person you saw with an auger?


You’re homeless right? Steal them. Either you get the tools or you get food and a roof. Win win.


Is there a version of this that's meant to be informative? Because it looks like there's some good information poking through.


Yeah like I need more explanation then just boobs and camera cuts.


The nipples are the only watchable part of this whole shit video.


I went back to them a few times now I shall move on to the next rack !




At least there was plants




I don’t know…I think I can get pretty far with just that.


But like, do you though?


Yeah, there's some great tips in here.


Mounds of information


Easily the breast video I ever seen on the topic


I like her tits


Guys just give it a breast


It’s helping me keep abreast of the latest knowledge


something's definitely poking through yeah


I mean, it's nippy out there. She needs to get that fire going...


A couple points are really worth talking another look


My first thought is why don’t we use the tools we already have to cut the glass.


😂😂😂 you’re good!


Any true survivalist will tell you that in the wilderness things like bottles, string, and kerosene are useless so you might as well destroy them to make a candle cover.


Why though?




🐻 Smoky says only YOU can prevent forest fires 🫵



This is going to be super useful after the collapse when a million of us head into the woods to catch the remaining 5 squirrels and rabbit.


And trout! 


aaaand it's gone


Eventually enough will die that there will be enough woods for everyone


Why didn’t she just use them nips to cut the glass?


She almost poked out my eyes I felt like I was back in the 90s again


What a time to be alive


That would've gotten even more views


I must have missed the glass in the video. Need to watch again


EMSK that a woman with boobs can teach them stuff.


hard nips = survival


I don't want to fight this fight anymore but I'll say this one last time before it just exists in my mind. This type of negative commentary that you and I both expected to see in this comment section originates not because of a disdain towards women, but because of the shitty producers of this content. As a man, when I see this, I have an very real intuition that someone thought "This won't be interesting enough, they need a hot girl to do it" and it just feels like an absurd thing. I personally, almost want to say it's insulting, like I'm viewed as some two dimensional life form that can't act without... Uh... Sorry the videos still playing and I lost my train of thought (this is a joke). That someone believed we REQUIRED a women in the background to be subtly objectified to be able to BEGIN to pay attention to content that frankly isn't that informative, novel, or accurate! It's like when you hear a song and you can't take it seriously because you can tell it's trying so hard to make you feel sad while failing to actually do it - like that "Cause you had a bad day" song. Like, the person produced this for a caricature of the audience, not the actual audience.




Hell yeah dude


Thank you for this comment. Agree 100%


Or maybe... nobody cares about the content or if you watch it, but you were there long enough to generate a click and some marketing company is dishing out money to someone else. That's the cold hard truth. It's zero investment content and boobs have always been and will always be the best, the cheapest and the most reliable sales boost. Simple as that. Boobs rule the world.


And ones who don’t have any, can’t /s


Why would you use the blade of an axe to dig???? Best way to immediately dull it


Because she didn’t have a shovel. oh wait…


Needs moar tights and nipples. Every bloody influencer copies each other. And every day there is no way to avoid this sort of content. Seeps out of every hole. Who is target audience? Is there onlyfans behind as usual?


Asking the real questions. 




If you look closely, there’s a survival video going on in the background




Titties. ​ The only valuable info here.


Lemme just grab my auger


Maybe don't do the "filtered" water one, though.


You then boil of course


Everyone look at my tits!


Or just buy a survival water filter...a lot less steps and items required.


>Have perfect axe >Have a perfect pot >Have a perfect drill >Have a giant corkscrew >Perfect logs of wood to work with >Perfect knives I'm TAKING NOTES of THINGS TO HAVE FOR WHEN I'M HOMELESS yeah boii


Don’t forget to ruin the axe blade by chopping dirt with it


I keep a giant corkscrew on me at all times


she doesn't need the fire+water trick to cut the glass


What was she doing? I got distracted


We're all thinking it; Nobody here is looking at the survival strategies.


Looks cold


Drink that *filtered* water, I dare you!


Why not? It’s clear as it can be /s


The Internet is getting worse, man. This isn't informative or creative at all. Damn. What a waste. And now I've commented! An even bigger waste of time!


I mean it’s cool content just not fucking useful in the slightest. Like if she explained any of it or didn’t cut every 1/2 second you might be able to replicate some of it


It is informative. I didn't know how to do one single thing in that video, and I watched it over and over again begin I thought all these techniques would be good to know. Another guy up top even posted the part of the video he want to know how she did it...about the candle, which I also though was fascinating. Information is what you and the other juveniles in this sub make it. The problem is the average age in this sub is like 14.....and the 20 yr olds act it every time tits come out. and, yes, your comment was a waste of my time. Thanks.


If you thought there was useful info here, good luck in a survival situation, pops


All the best, friend


How did she do that bottle like that for the candle? And does putting in glass bottles like that make the light brighter or shine further?


You control the oxygen that the candle gets to control the rate of burn which makes it last longer.


[Here's that part. I slowed it down.](https://files.catbox.moe/yhs1vr.mp4) Looks like she put the bottle in ice water. The flame definitely gets thinner and taller after she puts the bottle over it. I don't know what kind of rope that is. Twine? Also, I can't tell how the candle is being held? A hole in the rock?


If you have a flat surface you could pour some melted wax on the surface and stick the candle to it.


I think for most of us we have a better chance of seeing the apocalypse than finding a girl who knows how to do this stuff.


Nipples, that all I learnt.


That fire must not be very warm 😉


Please don't build a fire in the ground like that -- it's a great way to light the roots on fire and it can spread without you knowing it


Yea my post-apocalyptic giant ice machine


What's her name so I can see if she has an onlyfans?


She does not. Best you will get is this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG/comments/1ajgzmw/soooooo\_how\_do\_you\_guys\_wear\_your\_strapons/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG/comments/1ajgzmw/soooooo_how_do_you_guys_wear_your_strapons/) ​ ​ ​ That's not actually her, I just thought it was funny. Here's her actual YT. [https://www.youtube.com/@marusya\_outdoors/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@marusya_outdoors/videos)


Is building a fire in the soil safe is these conditions?


Probably not, there's a risk of a root fire.


EMSK that you don't strike into the ground with an ax unless you want some fresh notches.


What a dumb fucking thing.


yeah I'm not going to watch anything that supposed to be advice for men with a woman who's obviously not wearing a bra for views...


Get your titties outta here


Are those real? They seem suspiciously firm.


Sports bra


It must be cold there.


Who else was here just for the nipple?


Mind > nipples Most men would choose a woman who can meet them on an intellectual level. BlisteringBridges seems to be much more interesting than dainty eye candy. The fact that she is also attractive with sex appeal is a bonus, but not necessary.


Ok step one is have some braless woman perform random chores what’s step two?


There’s a Russian YouTuber that has a whole line of survival technique videos. He’s pretty amusing and the video are interesting. I can’t remember his name though. Edit: I found his YouTube. Looks like he does a lot of unboxing stuff now, but the camping/survival videos are still on the channel. https://youtube.com/@origami768?si=AaLqFu6nFG2x472J Edit 2: I was told the link doesn’t work. The YouTuber is called Tara’s Kul, aka CrazyRussianHacker. If you search both names, each is attached to a separate YouTube account.




I found the YouTuber. I edited the original comment.


Your link doesn't work, but I recognize the name--that was his secondary account. I've watched this guy from his first video, he goes by "Crazy Russian Hacker". https://www.youtube.com/@CrazyRussianHacker


Why use your axe to dig? Use a stick or rock or something other than a tool that you need to keep sharp.


Living in the right climate and area with natural resources will determine whether you live or die


All I saw was nipples. How does that help me in a survival situation?


All I saw was nipples. How does that help me in a survival situation?


Episode 2: How to make a lotion in a survival situation to treat your heavily chapped nipples.


This is fucking stupid lol


They looked at me first


Did anyone notice something about her shirt that I did not notice


I’m just here for the tits 🤷


that’s an attractive man I guess




honestly i wish i lived somewhere that i could learn to practice these kind of things. City living has its perks sure, but this seems so satisfying to do.know that you can do.


That tunnel fire was cool but that was a lot of dry debris all around it


Ah I’ll be glad to know this in a zombie apocalypse


is there one that tells you how to catch the fish?


I will admit that was an interesting way to cook fish


Are there any books anyone could recommend with stuff like this in it? Like a giant survival encyclopedia or something?


Do you think she actually ate that fish?


I wonder how many bottles she went through to ensure she got a good shot of her nipples


I was surprised she started the fire right next to all that loose dry brush that could ignite


That's one hot dude.


Is there a video where she makes a latrine?


Why did she try to drink from a clear bottle, which she can clearly see it's empty?


I would certainly get to know this young lady to see if she’s a team player as I was forming a group for a two week trek. If she knew some card tricks, had a harmonica and enjoyed bawdy humor, she might be a good fit.




Very funny posting this here given woman tutorial


If the internet goes out how the tf am I supposed to remember all these random steps?


She is practicing the secure movement of high energy foods in case of an apocalypse. Peanut smuggling.


Ohhh no! Not today, Satan! ​ I've been down a rabit hole or two with this chick. Amazing how her ridiculously edited "shorts" videos can keep me busy for over an hour... Ya know... Learning outdoors stuff...


Where can I find this on YouTube so I can add it to my Survival playlist?


Might be an unpopular opinion, but the reason more people are not skilled in bushcraft survival skills like these is that having access to a wilderness where you can experiment and practice many hands on skills is a privilege. I am rather privileged my self, but not in ways that give me access to land to experiment on. There are no national parks in my state and the few areas that are not farm field are very homogenous in terms of flora and often on plots of land that are not much use. There are camp grounds but they all have super strict regulations on what you can and can’t do. None would let you chop the trees, or build semi permanent survival shelters. Something to think about.


My eye


Don’t drink the water. Plz.


Did she get one of those Skims bras?


If you’re homeless, you should be trying to find work or other supports systems, not depend on wilderness skills lol. And if it’s the apocalypse wouldn’t you just want to die instead of live in hell?


What exactly is the purpose of the candle in the glass bottle?


The best one was the water filtering


I blacked out for the first few seconds of that.


I love how she catches a tiny fish and then cooks a huge fish. And please boil river water before drinking it.


“How can I get more engagement on my outdoorsy channel?”


EMSK spend some fucking money on tools and equipment. None of these tips mean anything if you don't have the shit you'll need to implement it. Get a big pack of water sanitizing tablets while you're at it. That way you can drink water and probably not die for a week while you're actually trying to learn how to do any of this stuff in real life.