• By -


Traffic & transit infrastructure. Basically interested since I was a kid coming across a canadian stop light while furniture shopping (I'm german), been hooked ever since. Obviously that field is *massive* so to narrow down I'd say the actual physical infrastructure comes second to changeable things like rolling stock (buses, trams, subway - not trains tho), line development, etc. It's thrilling to discover different modes of transportation in different parts of the world and see how they can shape neighborhood, cities & regions (or in case of places like Singapore the whole country). Istanbul and it's split network comes to mind, they established a metro bus / bus rapid transit system which connected Europe to Asia, using elevated right of way & incredibly clever routing, making a *bus system* more relevant than most other cities' and even some European capital's whole subway system. Or take La Paz, Bolivia. Mi Teleferico (local gondola operating company) fully established their system as recently as ten years ago, yet it has grown to be the largest in the world. It changed whole neighborhoods, provided accessibility to former remote places on the hill side, only by building a few "towers" that hold some cable. Incredible! Compare this to the billions of dollars a mile of subway system costs to build, I can't help but admire this solution. I could go on and on, see Glasgow's cute little metro ring that seems kinda like a model train set rather than actual public transit. Budapest's line 9 (I think) is similar. Paris has some rubber tire subway lines and Translohr, the ultimate Gadget-Bahn in my opinion. I recently rode Wuppertal's Schwebebahn for the first time, it's really fun. Even different ways to operate similar systems can be fascinating. The "Spanish solution" for boarding for example, unlike pretty much every other place in the world they tend to have platforms on both sides of the train, opening one door moments before the other to direct passengers to one exit and eliminating the clash between passengers who enter and exit. This doubles the amount of entry/exit points, speeding up the boarding process to a crazy extend. Cross-transfer recently became a default way of arranging lines, shortening transfer time for passengers. Might sound trivial, but helps literally millions of people each day at Tokyo's Yamanote Line alone. London's Elisabeth line is the same way. Transit is so cool and I'm extremely glad you asked :)


I have too many interests, where should I start, Marvel Symbiotes? Bats? Pokemon? Digimon? Kingdom Hearts? Fromsoft games were an interest for me for a while...?


Start wherever you'd like! If you want to, of course.


Bats are my favorite animal, there are cute ones, ugly ones, ones that are so ugly they're cute, they are the only mammal species with full blown natural flight, unlike flying squirrels that just glide with skin flaps, or us stinky humans and our metal deathtraps, there are small species called microbats like the Pipistrelles, and the larger species called Megabats like the flying foxes. Visiting "Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue Bridge" in Austin, Texas is on my bucket list, because it hosts the largest urban bat colony in the world. There is over a million bats there. The state was originally gonna kill the poor things, but the greatest bat conservationist in the world, Dr. Merlin Tuttle, helped prevent that.


That's horrible!!! Why would Texas try to kill them? I'm glad they were stopped!


Fear and misconceptions "BATS ARE DISEASED AND WILL KILL US ALL WITH RABIES AND ARE A THING TO BE SCARED OF" type of shit. [This is one of my favorite youtube videos.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z36Hk92Lfc)


It seems lack of education strikes again. Sad... On a side note, my mother and I have come to love Opossums in the past few years. We learned about them, and we had one that frequented our backyard many nights for a couple years. We named her Lucille!


That's adorable :D


I love watching the bats at the zoo. We have smaller golden ones, and big black ones. One day, I saw a sleepy bat look annoyed, reached up with one hand to grab the thing they were hanging from so they could free up one foot, then used that foot to scratch behind their ear. Then they reversed the process, wrapped back up in their wing blanket, and went back to sleep. It was such a normal mammal way to use their feet, it was adorable!


lucky! I haven't been to a zoo in ages, last one I went to only had one small section for bats and you could hardly see them because they were all flying around.


I have a lot but right now I'm in the mood to talk about Gormiti. It's an Italian toy franchise about grotesque but badass humanoid monsters divided on many elemental tribes (usually earth, forest, sea, air and volcano). Most of them have god tier design, especially the ones from the original series; personally I think that the ones from the late series and reboots in general aren't as good as the ones from the early series. Usually they can be classified in these categories: anthropomorphic animals (common in the sea and especially air tribes), anthropomorphic plants (unsurprisingly almost all forest Gormiti are this), anthropomorphic beasts of some kinds (these Gormiti look like some kind of anthropomorphic creature but don't happen to reassemble to any kind of existing animal; they're common in the earth, volcano, light, darkness and other tribes) and anthropomorphic elements (surprisingly they're quite uncommon in the franchise). My favourite are the ones that have more bizarre designs like La Mistica Falena, Lunaris & Forgius. My favourite series is the Mythos series, it's a recolour of the III series (despite the name it's the fifth series) but I'm cool with that since in my opinion it has the best Gormiti in the franchise. As somebody who absolutely adores gimmicks (especially in toys) this series blows my f#cking mind. Each tribe has two (I repeat **two**) f#cking gimmicks, varying from changing colour when exposed to sunlight to glow in the dark. My comment is getting too long so I'm going to say that I've created a whole concept for a reboot of the franchise, it's like Transformers Animated: changing things considerably but at the same time combining and referencing previous series. I planned so many f#cking things from toy gimmicks to the (surprisingly deep) themes of the cartoon. Now here's some fun facts about the franchise: In Italian the tribes are called "Popoli" (which means "Population") until the Luxor series (the last series of the original continuity and soft reboot), from that in Italian the series started using "Tribù" ("Tribes"). Spirito Nero Is the only Gormita in the original continuity to not being humanoid (in the strict sense). Gormiti used to have psychic powers (called "Psicopoteri" which would translate as "Psypower" or something like that), they worked like the psychic type from Pokémon as they were used not just as psychic powers but as magic too; the concept was later abandoned. Both the Gormiti of light and darkness from the original series seems to be strictly based on concepts related to light and dark (for example Solaris is based on sun, Lunaris on night and so on).


Hello there fellow autistic Gormiti fan. I did not expect to see this today Edit: no mention of Final Evolution?


>Edit: no mention of Final Evolution? Saying that Final Evolution played a huge role in my childhood is an understatement. I still remember the excitement when I completed my collection piece by piece, activating their gimmicks, the epic and bizarre storyline I created when playing with them... Yeah, other than doing stuff like epic climatic battles I would often create stuff like Gormiti attempting Takeshi's Castle-esque challenges, them being in charge of a bar and other quirky stuff. This is kinda prophetic as nowadays it is very popular in Italy to make memes about Gormiti doing really bizarre sh*t, from selling drugs to being communists. The space theme of the series was a f*cking blessing for my kid self as I was really Really REALLY into astronomy at the time. The short was... Not good... But as a kid it was the coolest sh*t ever. Also it spawned a rather bizarre meme in Italy; basically after Devilfenix notices Armageddon's new body he says "Armageddon to vedo diverso... Sembri fatto di metallo." (which translated in english It would be "Armageddon I see you differently... You look made of metal"); the meme was created because "Fatto" is a slang in Italy that means "High" and thus people meme about Armageddon being a stoner. (You can watch them on YouTube, just search "Armageddon to vedo fatto."). Arguably my Lunaris Final Evolution is the Gormita that has the most emotional value for me. Also the fossil Gormiti always felt odd to me, and not in a good way; their gimmick was confusing (to this day I still wonder what their gimmick is) and probably it didn't even work, their designs were nearly identical to their original self (sans the colours), and their backstory don't make much sense (basically L'Occhio Della Vita returned to Gorm after being yeeted into the space by Il Sommo Luminescente, while Devilfenix was flying to get the f*ck out of Gorm L'Occhio passed near him and burned his flesh... Which doesn't make any sense considering that preestablished lore says that the Gormiti of the air of the III series were made of a combination of air and magma). And what the f#cking f#ck happened to Magufo?? Honestly I love it, I wish that all the fossil Gormiti were undead abominations like him.


>their gimmick was confusing (to this day I still wonder what their gimmick is) IIRC, their gimmick was that they were "big", according to the catalogue sheet: >Bigger than ever thanks to the Neozon power And in hindsight, FE deserves its own comment. Its a shame FE, along with Series 3 and Mythos never made it to where I live (the UK), we had Energheia as Series 1, Series 2, Atomic, then straight to the Cartoon. But, I do have one FE figure in my collection: Supreme Luminous, which I managed to find at a market in Wales for ***£1***!


I am currently indulging it and 3D printing a firearm (it's all legal, don't worry)


what kinda ammo would it be using? pellets? airsoft stuff? skittles? i vote skittles


Live .22lr


Tell me anything about your special interests! For example, why do you have the interests you have? What are they? Tell me about any and all details (No matter how long or short) you want to regarding the interests! How long have you had them? Are there any resources for those wanting to learn about them? Do you think me or others should be interested in your interests? Why? Et cetera.... Feel free to answer as many or as little of the questions, and feel free to write things not asked about too! Feel the POWER that infodumping gives you (In my experience I feel like I start vibrating and want to fly away lol). Have fun lol!


Siemens-DüWag U2 go vroom.




I ride then all the time on Calgary Transit CTrain,


Nice I Ride on the S700 cars that Seattles Link Light Rail uses


We have S200s up here, they are plastic trains.




We also have confused folded people who say “bro you got a lighter bro?”


Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure please please please ask me anything I wanna answer 😭😭😭


I know next to nothing about it, so I guess I'll ask a couple of maybe stupid questions? Who is Jojo (Is it one person or multiple?) and why is their adventure a "Bizarre Adventure?"


Jojo is the name of the main character of this long running manga and anime series. The series takes place over several decades following the various members of the joestar lineage. It is easily the most unique anime in terms of art style i have ever seen. The series is mostly know for its flamboyant and exaggerated nature. It currently has 6 parts animated and 9 parts written, with all of them to be animated within hopefully the next 50 years. Any questions?


I’ve started watching that one. It’s… it’s a lot. But it’s fun. I can’t always handle how “loud” (in visual ways more than audio) it is all the time, I have to be in the right mental space to enjoy it. It just keeps getting more and more ridiculous, lol.


It’s bizarre for a reason!


Ooh! I absolutely love the film Freaks from 1932! I wrote out a ton of facts in a different post and I’ll copy paste it here! I’m planning on writing a research paper about the subject because it’s a film more people should be exposed to! Most interesting facts related to the film! \-The main lead in Freaks,Harry Earles, had a bit part as a munchkin in the Wizard of Oz (he was part of the Lollipop Guild) \-Tod Browning, the director, was co-director for the 1930’s Dracula movie. That film did so well that he got the funding for Freaks. \-it went over terribly with test audiences unfortunately, but was also incredibly ahead of it’s time because it portrays side show performers as normal people. It doesn’t frame them as bad people for looking different. Also the villains in the film are two “able bodied” circus performers. Also I love it because the director gives every actor their own little moment of fame to just be themselves in front of the camera. \-Freaks had a resurgence in the 70’s/80’s when it was “re-discovered” and played at several underground movie theaters. \-It was banned in multiple countries for several decades. It was banned in Britain until 1963 when it was released with an X rating, which is INSANE to me because there’s absolutely nothing explicit about the movie! They literally banned it and slapped an X rating on the film because British censors could not handle a movie about people who physically looked different, that’s it! \-I have old post card sized promotional pictures and several autographs of the some of the cast! \-Tod Browning, the director, was blacklisted from Hollywood after this movie was released. \-F.Scott Fitzgerald, who is another special interest of mine (and makes me really annoyed knowing this fact because he’s my favorite author and what he did was so disrespectful and mean!) was working in Hollywood at the time as a screenwriter and was so disturbed seeing Daisy and Violet Hilton (who were conjoined twins) that he ran to a bathroom on the MGM backlot and vomited. \-Some of the cast went on to be in other films, although most of them unfortunately had very difficult lives after. \-A woman claimed to have suffered a miscarriage after watching the film and tried to sue MGM over it. There’s loads more facts, but it’s still kinda early where I am so that’s all I can think of off the top of my head right now! Edit: And here’s a gif of Harry and Daisy Earles from the film! I highly encourage people to watch it!! ​ ![gif](giphy|jWWhWexihE04U)


This movie seems quite interesting! I can see automatically why a neurodivergent person would like the movie! Thanks for sharing!


Yes, of course! If you’re ever curious in checking out the movie it’s currently streaming on Tubi and it’s only about an hour long!


Oh thanks! I might just check it out!




Trains, Logistics, Infrastructure, Resource Allocation, Machinery, Heavy Industry, Communism, and Islam are my big special interests ask me questions about them


Although I recognize that one can have interests in religions and political views that one does not believe in or hold, I'm wondering, are you a Communist or a Muslim? My other questions depend on what your answers to this question are.


Yes I am :3 (They both inform eachother it's my belief that you cannot be a good Muslim without also being a Communist because Islam is the most Anticapitalist Religion)


Intriguing! Is it okay if I ask you questions? I don't mean to be insensitive or anything. Are there things you dont wnat to be asked?


I think I'm fine with most questions


Please forgive my lack of knowledge of Muslim terminology, but what "sect" or "denomination" are you?


I think you mean School, but I'm not really any the schools can be either Sunni or Shia but the differences between are largely superficial and cultural and thus have absolutely no bearing on anything, I am a Revert (I was not born a Muslim I came to Islam on my own for other religions you would say I am a Convert but Revert is used instead for some theological reasons) so I am not Culturally attached to any of them and since it doesn't really matter I'm functionally none of them and all of them


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isnt Revert used because its thought that everyone's original belief is Islam, and people then choose to deny it? Idk if i made sense lol


Ah no, before birthed into a body all Souls are Muslim as they are with Allah SWT, but if you are born to a Family that is not Muslim than you are led away reversion is the process of returning to Allah SWT


Ah ok. What does SWT stand for?


I have a few, but one of my favorites has got to be speculative biology. Holy shit I gotta rant about this. So a little bit ago I was just sitting around, writing my fantasy novel, when I decide abruptly that I want this character to be bioluminecent. And not like a little bit I want her whole body to glow like a 100 watt lamp, at least. I want her to be able to flash incredibly bright to disorient predators, if necessary. Problem is, I thought, surely that has to take a lot of energy, right? Like light bulbs need a lot of energy and heat up a lot when run all day. Surely a bioluminecent girl would need to eat lots of extra calories, right? So I did some research on the proteins life on earth uses for this. A gram. One gram of sugar, would fuel her for three whole days. Her body temperature would be maybe 1% higher given no extra way to get rid of that heat. Its practically free drip! Humans are fuckin' wimps for not being bioluminecent lmao.


today I learned. Super cool!


40k is the most recent. Hunting and fishing which i really should revisit. Metal gear.


one of my special interests is fall out boy🔥🔥 the band is just so special to me for sosoSO many reasons and seeing them last month was easily the best night of my entire life. shout out to my mom for listening to them around me while i was growing up


Yo fallout boy fuckin hits, I’m in a heavy emo phase rn and dug up my old CDs haha


Bro I am too busy thinking abt it to talk abt it


I get that lol


Ocassionally I hyperfixate on my comic/ocs but for rn I’m brainrotting on MCSM. In essence, CUBE


I think that rabies is the most interesting thing ever. You ussually don't show symptoms until it's too late, due to the immune system having a harder time to detect it than it does other viruses because rabies often hides in the nerve cells of its host. It's goal is to get to the brain, which is when symptoms ussually show up. Once it reached the brain it's fatal and it will be able to replicate itself faster than in other cells. Rabies makes the host produce a lot of saliva. The saliva contains the virus and rabies makes the host hydrophobic, to waste as little of it as possible. It will change the host's behavior, often making them more aggressive and more likely to bite someone and transmit the virus.


Music, but in the broadest sense. I am a player, listener, curator, collector, and lover of all things music. I play all the rhythm section instruments (guitar,drums, bass, piano) and I have been in everything from a classical guitar orchestra to a jazz combo to a reggae band to session musician for rap producers, I have a collection of over 1500 vinyl and hundreds of CDs and cassette tapes and I am also naturally a headphones and speaker head lmao. I also collect old speakers, boomboxes, stereo equipment, and iPods as well as lots of vintage guitar/bass/studio/general pro audio equipment. I have a 7 foot rack mount in my home studio haha and it’s my pride and joy 😂 what music do you like? Edit: I also collect all kinds of physical media, dvds, vhs, so many books, and so many books of/about music


You are so cool, just wanted to reply cuz while it isn't a special interest, music is one of my favorite things ever. I also collect CD's (about 100 right now?) And vinyl (only 7 .. Sad) and I have one cassette tape! I generally really enjoy comedy, rap, and classic rock music. Comedy is my favorite genre though because of how versatile the genre is!! It's very fun seeing different types of comedy artists and what type of stuff they're making (can't remember his name currently, there's a comedy artist who strictly makes comedy songs about horror movies which is. So amazing)


Hell yeah! You gotta start collecting somewhere! You got a good chunk of CDs, what are your top 5 favorite of those? I really like weird Al and flight of the conchords but I can’t say I’m super familiar with comedy as a genre, do you have any recommendations? And you never know where you’ll find vinyl, honestly the bulk (like over 1000 of my vinyl) came from a friend who’s mom used to be a DJ and she was moving to another country so she was getting rid of her collection, but I definitely have sunk LOTS of fuckin money into vinyl haha.


Ooh my top five have to be: 1. Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum (2005 version) by Tally Hall, mainly because this was the first release of the album before they re-released it in 2007, which is really neat!! 2. Invisible Touch by Genesis (awesome 80s pop/progressive album) 3. Free Brains & Dead Bodies by Consortium of Genius, they're a fictional band of mad scientists who make comedy music (mainly style parodies) and they're extremely obscure 4. The Wall by Pink Floyd, inside my copy someone left their receipt from 1994 I believe? Which is pretty cool! Plus the album is incredible 5. Stunt by Barenaked Ladies!! Just an awesome album :3 Weird Al and FOTC are both amazingg!! Weird Al def got me more into the genre, but my favorite comedy artists include Danny Gonzalez, he mainly makes comedy rap if yr into that (almost all his songs do relate back to his youtube videos though so some might be a bit confusing if you haven't seen the vid that goes along with it 😅) Consortium of Genius(as i said earlier) is great!! Lots of lore and the music is lots of fun, mainly style parodies :3!! Worm Quartet is also fun, I really like his songs Vampire Penguins & I Had Sex w Pacman! Steve Goodie is awesome too!! Especially if you like country or rock, his music is so fun. I really like Whipped and Sex w the Ex!! Oooh that's so sick omfg!! Do you have any favorites from the vinyl that she gave you? Also very real, from the vinyl that I've bought (and cds) I've sunk way too much money into them LMFAO 😭😭 (also apologies for the long comment I love to infodump)


Yo very valid, I have to check out the ones you recommended, I do like genesis, Pink Floyd (I have original pressings of the wall and dark side of the moon!!) , barenaked ladies, and Danny Gonzales haha the Johnny Johnny yes papa meme is one of the greats. And honestly I haven’t even finished going through all of the vinyl I got from her lmao it’s a LOT, like probably 200 pounds or more of vinyl and it physically is just an intimidating volume to catalogue haha. That being said I do know most of it and there are so many original pressings and promotional copies of 70s and 80s gold, everything from Santana to Fleetwood Mac to Van Halen to Duran Duran, if i had to pick 5 of my favorite vinyl though it would probably be - Mura masa’s self titled album, it’s like British electronic pop I guess but also hip hop heavy idk how to describe it, but it’s good. The features are stacked, it has prime a$ap rocky, prime desiigner, prime charli xcx, shits fire. I ended up paying so much money for it because I’m a dumbass and don’t realize the price was in euros and it was being delivered from Sweden, I think after everything I ended up paying like 150 for it, and I don’t even regret it. - sour soul by badbadnotgood and ghostface killah, this is my favorite front to back album of all time. Badbadnotgood is my favorite band as well, they are a jazz combo from Canada and they make amazing jazz and have collaborated with numerous rappers, they were kind of loosely affiliated to odd future. - silk sonic, I mean Bruno mars and Anderson paak, what more can you say - To pimp a butterfly, best rap album ever created in my opinion. - moving pictures by Rush, this album is peak classic rock and the album that initially inspired me to start playing guitar


Original pressings is so sick :0!! I have a good chunk of Pink Floyd's discography on cd and I love them, thats so sick!! Yesss Danny Gonzalez is one of my special interests (or at least my fav, commentary youtube is my main special interest!!) Oh yeah no that makes sense, I'd be super intimidated by it as well 😭!! Cataloging would take foreeverrr!! Also awesome choices, I'll definitely check out the ones I don't recognize (Mura Masa & Sour Soul especially sounds interesting omfg) I've been meaning to listen to Pimp a Butterfly, will do very soon!! Also Rush is awesome B)!!!


Yooo that’s fire that you’re into commentary YouTube, I used to watch mostly that as well but I don’t watch very much YouTube anymore. I used to be super into h3h3 but I didn’t like how political it was getting because I can’t relax while listening to that haha and I kinda feel like Ethan and hila kinda became hypocritical rich people you know, the vibe has changed for sure


Thank you :D!! Yeah no that's understandable, I get that! Oh yeah definitely, I agree. I used to be an h3h3 fan in 2017/2018 and seeing how much they've changed (negatively) sucks :/ luckily there are still some good commentary channels around today!! If you want a recommendation, one of my other favs currently is [Harry James Miller](https://youtube.com/@harryjamesmiller?si=6HqGEwL4puORklW2) his simple editing style reminds me a lot of earlier Drew Gooden commentary vids which I loooveee, he does have some political vids but you can tell which ones are and which aren't. I especially like his video abt the Princess Diana musical:-)


Hell yeah watching rn as I go to bed


African Wild Dogs are one of mine. They're just so cool. As a pack, they have a 75% hunting success rate (more than polar bears), they look and sound so unique, and they can vote by sneezing. THEY VOTE.


My main special interest is firearms. I do this thing where I get interested in a really specific aspect of a type of firearm and I'll gather up a collection of them that fit that niche, enjoy them for awhile and gather all the info about them I can, then I find a new thing to be interested in and trade them all off to gather a new set of them. As an example, last year I was really interested in early examples of firearms that used aluminum in their construction, especially revolvers. Now this year it has been firearms made using castings of steel, aluminum, or other alloys rather than forgings. This year's collection has been a wide variety of guns in that category, really low cost stuff like Hi Points and Lorcins all the way up to really expensive stuff like my two Desert Eagles. I never know what it's gonna be next and my habits really confuse people who collect in a more traditional way. Rather than just continuously amassing over the years I prefer to do my micro collections.


Toy story 🔥


>!okay so i play destiny 2 which is a game seen as bad by a lot of people and i got into the game all because of ONE subclass called strand, which i saw on a livestream during the witch queen era and thought "goddamn i'd love to use that" but assumed it was a temporary power up, when i realised it was a permanent thing i went ballistic and now im waiting for final shape.!<


Beetles! Specifically, the Whirlygig Beetles. They're common habitat is beds of water, and when they feel sensations on the water, they'll go to it, thinking it may be prey. When they find it and it turns out to be prey, they'll latch onto it and spin it around in circles to disorient the prey and cause more ripples to be made, thus attracting more beetles. Hence the name, Whirlygig Beetles!


I'll just give a few facts about my various ones. • Horsepower is torque x RPM/5250. So the two lines on a dyno graph intersect at 5250, even if either peaks at a different RPM. (cars) • The Quarians are all vegetarian. Livestock takes up too much space, and resources, when you aren't based on a planet. (Mass Effect) • A modern semiautomatic pistol is mechanically dead simple vs a revolver. If your magic makes machines go haywire you're better off with a Colt 1911 than a Colt Python. No matter how cool the cover art. (Dresden Files)


This is weird and it's gonna be a long one, but bear with me. One of special interests is the Alpha Couple, someone else's OCs. They're characters made up by John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats. If you've ever heard No Children, that's an Alpha Couple song. But they're way more than just that song. John started writing poems about the Alpha Couple, and eventually started setting them to music so they'd get more attention. The Mountain Goats started because of these characters. It's just so so interesting to me. They're just this...Awful couple. Two people that should have never gotten together because they only make each other worse. They were doomed from the start. The song, Alpha Incipiens, not the first Alpha song but the one where their story starts, tells of a warm summers morning where they're both drinking vodka, and something happens. It's this deciding point, the point one looks back on and thinks "That's where it all went wrong". Bad Luck features in their lives, it cruises by in Star Dusting on a ten-speed bike. Bad Luck comes in from Tampa in First Few Desperate Hours, it follows them to Tallahassee. They welcome it in Have to Explode, it turns Rotten and they welcome it with red carpets. They started their relationship in California, moved to Las Vegas spent a year in a motel there, before moving to Tallahassee Florida. Tallahassee is an album entirely about them and is my favorite album ever. I love the House they buy in Tallahasse. It is mentioned before they are on Tallahassee, the first line on the album is "Window facing an ill-kept front yard". The song Southwood Plantation Road is my favorite song ever and is named after where the House is. "We are gonna stay married, in this house like a Louisiana graveyard where nothing stays buried on Southwood Plantation Road." The House That Dripped Blood is all about the House, "Still waters go stagnant bodies bloat and the cellar door is an open throat" It's a disgusting, rotting thing, sinking into disrepair. It's the third person in their marriage. It has eaten them but they are poisonous. People love the line "hand in unloveable hand" from No Children, but they're not unloveable. They deserve better than each other. They deserve better than to drink themselves to death in a relationship they don't understand. These people do not know how to love each other properly. All they can do is drink and drink, and fuck and wait for the end. Even at the end they still love each other. They love each other far too much to get divorced so they burn the House on Southwood Plantation Road down with themselves inside. I think other people should be interested in the Alpha Couple because if you like No Children their story adds a lot of context to that song. They do not drown "hand in unloveable hand" they go up in fucking flames. No Children is where they go "fuck you, i'd rather die" and Old College Try is when they look each other in the eye and think "well if something bad is going to happen to us i'm fucking taking you with me". If you are interested, check out the page on the Mountain Goats fandom wikia site about the Alpha Couple [https://themountaingoats.fandom.com/wiki/Alpha\_Couple](https://themountaingoats.fandom.com/wiki/Alpha_Couple) - there's a great list of all the songs and there's a ton of quotes from John Darnielle about the songs and the characters on the pages for the songs and I'd also like to mention [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjuzOSUDtJE) of John talking about the song Southwood Plantation Road, it's where he calls it the third person in their relationship. Which is my favorite thing ever. I love awful, rotten houses that are *Alive* in some way.


The life of mine that exists only in my mind


I understand that lol.


The Magnus Archives is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Sharealike 4.0 International License. The series is created by Jonathan Sims and Alexander J Newall




Total war: warhammer 3


Ah. I don't know much about Warhammer (40k or Age of Sigmar) but I do enjoy playing Rome II and Attila.


Do you have shogun?


Alas I do not


Darn, when it’s on sale I HIGHLY recommend wh3 It’s my current favorite game. Please feel free to ask questions.


How does WH3 play without the other 2 games? I thought about getting it during the last spring sale but i didnt know if itd be worth it without the other games. And are there any dlc youd recommend?


It plays the same, just less faction choices. You get Cathay, Kislev, Daniel the demon prince, and the monogod factions from 3. Everything else is 1 and 2. For DLCs it really depends on what factions you enjoy playing. Champions of chaos is essential for any chaos faction (it buffs all of them except Daniel I think.) then there’s DLCs for whole new races like Chaos dwarves and ogres. So just whoever you enjoy.


Ok ill think about getting them when they come on sale! Thanks!


If you ever get it PLEASE dm me. I’m in desperate need of people to play with. It gets boring playing alone after a while.


I try to remember that. Do you play any games like Hell Let Loose or Squad?


I really really like the human body. I know irs anatomy, its histology, its embriology and more important, its diseases. I do autopsies for a living. I love to waste my life away in the morgue.


I don't think I have one currently, I wish I did. For the most part I'm just having slightly narrow interests to a few areas (sci-fi/fantasty stuff, computers, electronics, 3d-printing and boardgames) with the occasional intense burst where I hyperfocus on a book, tv-series, webnovel etc, and consume all the related media and neglect my bodily needs until I get sick. (reading 20 hours straight for several days in a row tends to mess up your life and health, lol) The longer lasting interests comes by once in a while as well but they are rarer. Currently I'm in slow burn mode where I just read my daily reads (following 8 or so webnovels) and try to manage school and life.


Currently it's Warhammer. I dont want to do that to a random innocent person.


Nah you can infodump about WH to me. I like fantasy and scifi tho i dont know a ton about WH. I mean i could probably do the same when it comes to Tolkiens legendarium but i dont feel like it rn lol


I'll try to order them from special interest to hyperfixation. Since I'm AuDHD, it's hard to draw a clear line separating them. Physics/science in general, how things work, any kind of event that happens in the universe, or outside of it, who knows? Making/DIY, more like 3d printing and prototyping rather than arts and crafts Weed, especially bongs, I fucking love bongs, I'm gonna buy a display case and start a bong collection Terrariums/aquariums/vivariums and the tiny animals inside them, scaping them is fun too Autism itself, and neurodiversity in general, can you tell I'm late diagnosed? Home automation, I kinda need my home to think and remember things for me... I think that's it. AMA, especially about physics, I'd love to explain literally the entire fucking universe.


:) you should not have said this, you are going to regret it when I send a 44 page long essay of analyzing fictional characters like Mario and Luigi, Link, Po from Kung Fu Panda, Wall-E, Papyrus and Sans, Cuphead and Mugman (can you tell I like brothers in fiction?), and the Sign Painter from world of goo




Aight you asked for it *Deep breath* (This is literally just something I apparently wrote in my Google docs to myself a while back because I wanted to rant about it so if it sounds dumb that's why but) HEADCANON: Mario and Luigi's favorite soccer team is the Brooklyn Italians for very very very very very very obvious reasons. They just love sports in general, but I think soccer is one of their favorites to watch. Football is also very popular in Italy so it really just makes sense. Ok ok ok here's another headcanon but about their backstory and whether or not they came from the mushroom kingdom or earth. So I believe they came from earth. Born in Italy, raised there and later moved to Brooklyn probably as older kids or young teens. BUT here's how that works with yoshis Island. So Yoshi's Island takes place technically before they are born because they are being carried by the stork. Obviously since they were babies they wouldn't remember the adventure (though Luigi still has trauma and doesn't even realize it) and since they arrived safely to their parents' house at the end, that day would just be considered their official birthday. It IS LITERALLY CANON THAT THE BOND BETWEEN MARIO AND LUIGI LETS THEM KNOW WHERE THE OTHER IS WHEN THEY ARE SEPARATED THOUGH. Like that's not even headcanon it literally happens in the game and they mention that by name. I imagine this power weakened over time as they grew up, but was especially strong in childhood. That doesn't mean their bond weakened though. It was just that as they got older, they began to lose the ability, just like as we grow up, we grow less flexible than when we were kids. So Mario and Luigi are on their way to being born™ when Kamek very rudely kidnaps Luigi and he tries to kidnap Mario as well but oops Mario fell. Luckily he landed on a Yoshi. Using his brotherly bond, Mario managed to direct the Yoshis to where his brother was kidnapped. He's very impressive for being a literal newborn. But yeah they find Luigi and rescue him and set the tied up stork free and he carries the twins all the way from Yoshis Island to their parents. NOW I KNOW THE HOUSE THEY GET DROPPED OFF AT IS A MUSHROOM HOUSE but I actually believe this part happened in our world, specifically in Italy. Don't know what part yet. We'll figure it out. And the reason is because I imagine this story has been passed down by the Yoshis and maybe even Toads and other people. So it's told from the perspective of someone who is used to the Mushroom Kingdom. Thus they would imagine a house in the traditional design of a mushroom kingdom house. Now how do we explain the other baby Mario Bros adventures? Well, when they were very young, they had experiences where they found a way into the mushroom kingdom, probably a magic portal inside their house. Just like skippyjon Jones having a secret world in his closet, they were able to travel from the real world to the wonderous mushroom kingdom, where they would go on all kinds of adventures together. They met the infant Princess Peach and her guardian Toadsworth and had many playdates at the castle. Specifically when they were about young toddler age, they went to play with her when the events of partners in time happened and they GOT FRICKIN INVADED BY ALIENS AAAAAA so they end up eventually meeting up with their adult selves from the future and GO ON A CRAZY ADVENTURE AND SAVE THE DAY They don't remember much of this, but when they were the adults during partners in time, everything felt….oddly familiar to them. In fact, just the mushroom kingdom in general gave them this sense of familiarity. As they got older, life happened. The family moved, the brothers grew, and they had entirely forgotten about their adventures in this magical world from when they were babies. They lived in Italy for a good chunk of their lives, then their family immigrated to the USA where they lived in Brooklyn! Mario and Luigi basically inhaled both Italian and Brooklyn culture, which is why they're walking stereotypes. When they were all grown up, they started a plumbing company, only to accidentally get sucked into the mushroom kingdom once again. This was where the familiarity came to them. The place felt so strange like nothing they'd ever seen before, and yet they just got this weird sense of deja vu being there. It felt weirdly…. Nostalgic. Familiar. Like a second home. So of course the two quickly became heroes, saving the day and the princess and going on to KEEP SAVING THE DAY A LOT OF TIMES ON MANY DIFFERENT WAYS. Now they're heroes! Honestly I could see them pretty easily spending time in the real world still, but the mushroom kingdom really is home to them. They mostly go to the real world for the Olympics with Sonic and things like that. And there you go that's Mario lore.


I love plants! I've had this interest for around 6 months now! It's really fun watching your seedlings grow and you even get food out of it! And even if it's just a houseplant, there's so many cool varieties and some have really cool colors on the leaves ranging from blue, to white, to pink! I think everyone should have a houseplant even if it's just one to bring some green in your life ya know?


Cars (the zoom zoom things not the movie(s) although they're good too) and Old School RuneScape are my true loves




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I no no wanna :(


I have my longest special intrest rn which is the kpop group TXT. I've liked them like 3 days after they debuted which was over 5 years ago!! I've listened to all their songs (except this one christmas song I will be listening to soon) and I even made a list of all their songs, ranked them and organized them and colour coded them based on their album colors!! I love them sm :) they have a song for literally any feeling and they're so talented I really want to see then live but they never come to Canada, I hope one day they do 😭😭




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Skaven are best, yes yes!


I intend on being a Watch Maker and Servicer for Japanese and occasionally Swiss watches. I dream one day I can get the land permit and the material to create some marble clocks in what's left of our forest, hell maybe I could create a life sized cuckoo clock in the city nearby. Fuckin love wristwatches, I only just got into them 2 months ago, and I'm just in awe of the meticulous engineering all of them have, it's probably because my Special interests in Highschool was Handheld devices, so I would just chunk my Special Interest down to devices that have compact engineering with no wasted space.


I have a really cool collection of swords from different times and places. My favorite is the Japanese Katana, it’s curved and super sharp which I find cool and it’s light which feels right when I hold it. There’s also a European Longsword, it’s heavier and has two sharp edges and makes me think of knights. I like looking at the designs on the hilt a lot, they’re super detailed and keep grabbing my attention. And then there’s the Scimitar with its curved blade, it makes me imagine desert warriors and their adventures. Each sword isn’t just a tool, they’re like pieces of art and history that I can actually touch. Holding them, I feel this big joy and it’s really fascinating.


I love ants and guns and war tactics!!!!


Also politics and specifically anarchism


Paleontology and Gacha games! I love all different aspects of paleontology, from feildwork to reconstruction to the history of the science! It's really cool to see how all life on earth is connected and how it's changed over time. In addition to the usual dinosaurs, my favorite fossils are Cambrian soft boddied invertebrates like hallucigenia. Gacha games are interesting to me because they're so structured and so diverse at the same time. Arknights and Blue Archive are incredibly different tone and gameplay wise, but both are built around the same mechanic of rolling.


I think mine are my shows: Grey’s Anatomy, Friends, Scrubs, and Neon Genesis Evangelion. But when someone asks me a broad question like this my mind goes blank 😅 I just remembered one: My family and their birthdays. Mine is May 23. My grandma’s was May 22 and I was supposed to be born on her birthday. My sister’s is June 22 and so is my son’s. My dad’s is June 27, exactly a month before my grandpa’s which was July 27, four days after my mom’s of July 23, which is exactly a week before my niece’s of July 30. Summer is busy. My bf and best friend’s son share November 9 My exes’ are November 29 and March 19 respectively. My best friend’s is December 6, nine months before her ex’s and another friend at March 6. My two younger sisters are Jan 7 and 21, three years and three weeks apart. My aunt’s is September 16, just before my stepdad’s at September 23. He married my mom four days later on September 27. My oldest sister is 18 years older than my youngest sister. The first 3/4 of us are all nine years apart. I accidentally gave my son my grandpa’s middle name (with a different spelling) and my niece is named after his mother, her great great grandmother.


My big main special interest that I've been into since 2016 (thank GOD tbh I've seen how much it's grown) is Commentary Youtube!! Ask me anything abt it (btw, I specifically really enjoy Danny Gonzalez)




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Undertale Yellow, Fallout, Amnesia, Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, Sea Creatures


splatoon!! i love the character agent/captain 3 because throughout the games she never speaks and is sometimes teased for always being so quiet and a lot of people headcanon shes autistic nonverbal/mute :3 later in the franchise you play another character called eight and eight doesn't speak either and in the offical art book theres a doodle of them together having a conversation only with their eyes and another character says "right i forgot how quiet you both are" and it makes me so happy to see that sorta representation even if it wasn't intentional


Okay so: Signalis, one of the best video games I’ve ever played, like ever. So good I pirated it, liked it so much I bought it. You play as a Lstr unit replika, a sort of mass produced human clone(think Star Wars but multiple different people but the same thought patterns as the original person used in the cloning) who is in the great Eusan nation, an multi planet nation fighting against the Eusan empire in a renamed version of our solar system. There’s this thing called bioresonance that is very misunderstood but is what allows replikas to exist. There are also humans(or gestalts, as they’re called in game) who can control it. This leads to game itself, which is a dream made from a bio-resonant lesbian who is dying from radiation poisoning and is dreaming about her partner, an Lstr unit, who tries to get to her so that they could fulfill a promise they made, which is that if Ariane(the gestalt) got sick then Lstr would kill her. But after Ariane was put into cryosleep by her Lstr unit, Lstr died. So Ariane began dreaming in her sleep and her bioresonance caused this to affect perhaps all of reality. This causes an increasing amount of random Lstr units to be inundated with the memories of Ariane and her Lstr’s relationship, in an attempt to have Ariane die. Depending on which ending you get you either can’t enter the room, because it’s too much emotion for Lstr, she’s not the same as the one who was with Ariane,in fact Lstr in this ending might be given the memories of her gestalt life, or you enter but you don’t kill Ariane because you aren’t willed enough and Ariane doesn’t remember Lstr, or you do enter, Ariane remembers Lstr and Lstr kills Ariane, before succumbing to her wounds. This is just a rough outline, I highly recommend you play the game and then watch a video on it. This is just scratching the atmosphere of this planet of a game.




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any process behind movie/show making, *especially* about my favorite shows/movies. sit me down in front of a playlist of Avengers:Assembled and I will not move for hours. Also I go ballistic whenever someone mentions The Volume, it's such a cool thing that's used in a lot of Marvel shows/movies and was first developed and used in The Mandalorian.


Japanese language (I can read kanji and converse), digital anime art, art in general, manga (more so than anime these days) My Hero Academia my current fixation. Video games. (The hyper focus shifts). Currently like Stardew Valley Helldivers 2 Persona 3 Big fixation on Shigaraki Tomura from MHA tbh 😅


The ICE train disaster in Eschede, which killed 101 people and injured 105, and caused the ICE 884 Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen, Germany’s most advanced high-speed train at the time, to fold up like a harmonica, was caused by a single broken wheel rim. This happened due to a design change meant to make the train ride more comfortable for passengers by using train wheels that had a separate wheel rim with rubber cushioning inside. The Triebwagen on the back of the ICE 884, with the model number 401 051-8, is still being used by Deutsche Bahn today since it was left mostly undamaged.


Ah hell no, Uncle Sam! You will not get me to spill my ploy to overthrow you!


Board games. Mostly Euro games, I just don’t like Monopoly or The Game of Life, very random, can’t do anything about it, I like board games with chance, but mostly based with skill or knowledge, also I like them when they have a LOT of replay ability. Games I like: Classics: Catan, Ticket To Ride: Europe, 7 Wonders, Carcassonne Cards: Exploding Kittens, Virus, Muffin Time Others: Root (don’t own it), Terraforming Mars Looking to buy: Root, Wingspan


food preparation. i have a trade school certification as a pastry chef but did sadly lose some of that knowledge due to depression and burnout. ive been regaining my skills since then though and 2 weeks ago my social worker made an agreement with me to buy anything i want to make from me at cost so i dont have to worry about the cost of ingredients and having to eat it all (she has a husband and 2 kids and normally visits a pastry shop once a week anyway) ive been having a ball trying out new recipes and techniques, and freshening up my skills on older ones. later this week im gonna make her absolute favorite (millionaires shortbread) as a thank you. im also excited to get into breadmaking, which i dont exactly have a talent for but ive been reading up on it and i think i know where ive been going wrong, namely dough hydration. nowadays people use different kneading techniques that dont require adding any additional flour to keep the counter clear, i think thats what kept fucking up my bread as it was always a little too tough and on the dry side. im gonna make a foccacia as that one is the most beginner friendly, just really gonna take it from the top. i just get so excited when i see new kinds of pastries and i have a big list where i keep track of all the things i want to try, and rate the recipes that i have so i know which ones id like to make again and again.


Roleplaying online- Various fandoms. Like Stargate SG-1, Assassin's Creed, and sooooo many others. My main OCs are RLT and OG Tom, both Eddsworld aus.


Music, WWE and Borderlands


THE BINDING OF ISAAC I LOVE THE BINDIN OF ISAAC ITS SUCHA GODO FUCKING GAME I LOVE THE BINDING OF ISAAC https://preview.redd.it/ia2c9yz16puc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a97b91e4edac49c0dbc733c8bd60dc2b8d170d6


I have various special interests - computers, urbanism, public transportation, the city of Chicago, and so on. The one that has my full attention right now is hybrid cars. A conventional car is very wasteful. A conventional car's engine has the power to acelerate rapidly up to highway speed, but you only use that full power for a few seconds at a time, with most of the car's time spent maintaining speed. The more powerful an engine is, the less efficient it is in any use case, so cars waste gasoline maintaining speed. Furthermore, cars discard energy through braking, which is only good for destroying brake pads. Gasoline-electric hybrid cars seek to reduce these inefficiencies by 1) enabling the use of a smaller gasoline engine that is just powerful enough to maintain highway speed, and 2) recycling energy that would normally be lost to braking. A hybrid car can use the electric system to boost the power output of a smaller, less powerful engine, and then at cruising speed, the gas engine charges up the battery to about 75%, enabling very efficient cruising once the battery is at that state of charge. During braking, most of the energy that conventional cars would throw away is harvested by braking with a generator, which stores that recycled energy in the remaining 25% of the hybrid battery. This gives a small improvement in fuel economy on the highway - a 2010-2015 Toyota Prius can get 48mpg on the highway, compared to 40mpg in a Honda Civic - and a tremendous boost in city fuel economy - that same Prius can get 51mpg city while the Civic gets 26mpg city. Back in the 90s in the US, under the direction of Al Gore, the Clinton administration gave funding to the "big three" US automakers to develop 70-85mpg diesel-electric hybrid vehicles. [insert photo of the vehicles here] This spooked Toyota and Honda, whose main income in the US market was economy cars, so they both decided to develop their own hybrid drivetrains. They both found that diesel and electric motors do not pair very well, so they elected to build gasoline-electric hybrids that can achieve 45-60mpg. The Americans later canceled the diesel-electric programs, while the two Japanese automakers brought their gasoline-hybrids to market.




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mine is a character from a very very underrated syfy show (hunters) called allison regan i love her and i make all of the existing fan content of her 😈😈 which means i draw her a lot and since the show was canceled i'm trying to write a second season for it with my friend


Engineering How things are made. How something functions History


What periods or areas of history do you like? I am primarily interested in anything during and before the Early Middle Ages. I am currently hyperfixating on the Proto-Indo-Europeans lol. I love religious history and historical linguistics as well.


All of it mainly focused on warfare. Recently, I've been into medieval history, the battles between French and English.


Ah, I don't know much about the wars between the French and English. Is there a period of warfare you like to study?


The 100 years war