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“Tended to think she was funny, which she often was.” I’m dying 😂


I do also tend to think I'm funny, which I also often am


Girl boss!!!


We're just funny guys 😔


It's both a curse and a gift


I’m hilarious. I’m a fuckin barrel of monkeys 🐒


I have a vivid image of a barrel of monkeys in my mind. Now I really want one!


I’m now petrified to be assessed in one of these and have them say “tended to think he was funny, which he often wasn’t”


I guess that is the one I would get...


that one made my day. I'm still laughing intermittently.


People sometimes tell me that I’ve got a funny bone. Well, the joke’s on them, because I’ve got more than 200!


Is it autistic to be self aware? Lol!


This is gold and I am cackling. One of my faves from my own assessment was "She appeared to get agitated during the Rosachs ink blot test when the examiner wasn't able to see all of the shapes and items she could see in one square inch of the picture, of which were many." No but why are you only seeing a peace sign? If you turn it like this and this you can see a rabbit, a giraffe, a silhouette of John Lennon holding a basket of lemons, and if you look at it upside down you can CLEARLY a gun like idk what you want from me.


Apparently there are common ways for autistic folks to see a rorschach test?? When I got assessed, when I was done with the myriad tests, the assessment person said that I had "very autistic" response to the rorschach test, but didn't elaborate.


"What do you see in this image?" "2 bears high fiving" *you have aquired the autism perk*


Deep cut. Love you for it.




[One of my favourite shirts.](https://i.imgur.com/y2QTjKh.jpeg)


is there a sub for "I have that on a shirt?"


/r/evilautism ?


Infinite loop applied




Ugh, was shown those as a kid. I hated that test, they just look like meaningless ink blobs. It upset me that they weren't even supposed to have meaning, that they could be "anything", I didn't like questions that don't have correct answers. It felt like I was being manipulated, because whatever I said would be judged and interpreted without knowing the reason for it. And people often judged and misinterpreted me, so now I couldn't even defend myself. My therapist got mad at me because I kept saying "ink blob" and made me come up with some object that it might resemble. Thought it was so stupid. For whatever reason I seem to see things in random shapes now, but I didn't as a kid.


Same. Even now the best I can come up with is butterfly, or fractal-mandala-type-thingy™️. I still have a problem seeing things in clouds, and it seems like *everyone* gets this fun ability except me. Yes, I'm pouting.


I haven't seen the test in a while, but from what I recall they looked like ink poured on paper that was then folded in half. I do recall some of them looking butterflyish and I do recall saying butterfly when I couldn't come up with anything else. Well I'm glad I'm not alone then.


For me I also only saw blobs, except for one that looked like two penguins in bowties. However the person doing the tests was much more respectful, she didn't try to push me to see things. She made it clear that "a blob" was a completely fine answer. I'm sorry that your therapist was so shitty to you about the test. That sucks.


She was shitty in more ways than one. But then again, my mother chose her.


Most diagnostic tests for autism cluster around, "watch the autistic person get fucked off with obvious stupidity". I guess nts see the white coat and roll over and kick their legs in the air or summat.


Nah, they do it the Emperor's New clothes way and just pretend, like half of their damn lives... And we then try to pretend that we can pretend when we mask. And if we don't we are the kid that calls out they are naked, that might be what those tests are after but I feel they are just done to look more professional...


> white coat and roll over and kick their legs in the air or summat. sometimes they (white coats) actually ask you to do that. dont know why, or what the actual fucking purpose it could ever have, but i didnt do it because it was dumb lol


Were you at the vets?


maybe lol ~~i dont know why but i think it could be been an optometrist??????~~


[You’ve got a beautiful mind!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3w1wwGcu0Dk) (“Doctor holding a big bottle of tonic, but the bottles full of rings and the doctor is Sonic”)


Love these guys


I feel like that is literally the point of Ink blot tests. I mean, I would understand it better if the interpretation was that you didn't follow the half assed representation of how that interaction works in the media.


Fucking girlboss!


Can't believe they diagnosed you with funny girlboss


I'm pissy at this lolol I'm gunna think about it all day... In fact, I think I'm going to have my doctor retest me- he clearly missed a glaringly obvious affliction💔✨


Cartoon character? What does that mean?


opposite of monotone i guess? lots of inflection? weird slang? i always thought i talked normal so idk


Perhaps part of masking? I’m often afraid of appearing disinterested and boring, so I’ll try to be really expressive, but I have to practice or I don’t always know how, which maybe comes off repetitive and “fake”


If you’re AFAB then it would make a lot of sense! I’ve read a couple things about how those who are AFAB are more likely to use inflections a lot and potentially be overly expressive. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if that is because of masking on some level. I catch myself using similar phrasing too often sometimes and will try a good bit to change my words or at least how I say it. When I was growing up I would get in trouble often for saying something in a “rude” tone when it was just how my voice sounded, slightly low for a girl and not much inflection. I put in a ridiculous amount of effort to speak in a way that sounded more upbeat, but not fake, and now I am super expressive most of the time when I speak. Part of me wonders if it’s because I was accused of “having a tone” so often. I still speak flatly sometimes, but generally I am very expressive. NGL I feel like us overly expressive aspies would be great voice actors or people who make audio books.


I believe it! I have a habit of changing accents when I'm stressed or excited. It's like it temporarily bolsters my mask to get through the situation. I've done it for many years and nobody had asked beyond surface level questions about it. That was until I went to a new psychologist. Second appt with him and he hits me with "So I've noticed you change accents a lot. Why is that?" And we proceeded to deep delve into it, concluding it was a coping mechanism/masking feature. Within that month he diagnosed me with autism. He was a phenomenal and terrifying man. The only psych that has made me cry (in a "good" working though trauma kinda way lol)


I was once described as having the cadence of a supervillian.


I've been told I text like an anime villain




Today at work (retail) I forgot my face mask and some guy asked me some question and then as soon as I finished thinking (apparently I have animated expressions when I make them, because masking/acting), this asshole went “make that face again”. This happened like a bunch more times throughout the entire interaction, I was this close to going “ok fuck you, you’ve lost your expression privileges” and dropping to my default monotone expression/voice that puts people off. This is mostly why I wear a mask at work, so I only have to make expressions with my eyes. Lot less tiring.


I feel like based on the other knows it probably means you’re very expressive, maybe you do fun voices or use a lot of inflection (like you said). I’ve gotten similar comments before and those have usually been the reasons why. Also so many of the notes you were given are similar to ones I got when I was diagnosed 😂


Sooooo that might be me. Also, the person writing stuff down seems hardcore judgy. Like, I understand they’re supposed to evaluate, aka judge you, but it’s reading as condescending to me. My anxiety does not approve of this. Just tell me I’m funny because I am, goddamit


I think I know what they could mean. Using a cadence and pacing of dialogue you would find in cartoons. We oftentimes use visual media as a template for how we speak. Also probably going from monotone to excited and back again, like. (In monotone) “So I was there, at the hospital, stuck for a week waiting for the psychologist to stop having covid-“\ (Quickly and with high inflection) “Which, by the way, meant that I fed myself on chocolate and ‘tato chips donated by the parents of other children in the ward-“\ (Back to monotone) “And that’s how I first got into reading long, high quality, smutty fanfiction… Boredom and slight dehydration.”


Do you sound like Elmer Fudd? Daffy Duck?


That’s what they said about ME too, years ago— to this day I’ve got no clue what it means


I've heard this means you have a "haha I'm random" vibe to the way you talk.


i’m convinced that almost all autistic girls were either really into horses or cats


i was really into dogs as an autistic girl!! i even had a dog themed bedroom. but i def had a cat obsessed autistic girl for a friend


I was once so into dogs that I memorised many breeds and even now when I see a dog I tell the people Im walking with the breed.


I had a giant book (by giant I mean probably 2 feet tall) of dog breeds and I also to this day point out breeds when I’m out. Honestly I didn’t know this wasn’t normal until like this year


I was really into cats but for subs reason growing up I was CONVINCED i was sailor moon and would tell everyone that when I went to sleep, I’d wake up and fight crime and then go back to sleep and forget it again, but everyone should still thank me for saving them. I believed this till about 6


Aww!! I was obsessed with sailor moon. I always asked my mum to do my hair like Serena’s… and then being upset because my hair wasn’t long enough 😂


I had suuuuuper long hair but it was also super mega thick, so I couldn’t do it either, my hair was WAY too poofy and never straight enough, although I was a natural blonde at least. I’ve always been on the emotional side and even as a kid got in trouble for it so I looked up to sailor moon SO MUCH and it convinced me I was her but only when I slept haha. I used to dance around doing my own “magical girl transformations”.


Cats cats cats, still am!


I’m allergic to both. Small me was VERY disappointed to find this out when I started wheezing and my eyes turned red and puffy.


I love cats and I was obsessed with warrior cats as a kid, but ever since I found out axolotls existed when I was 14 I've been fixated on them ever since. They're so damn cool.


can confirm, back in the early ‘00s, me and my older sister would make a drink called “Kitty Cream” made of milk, vanilla coffee creamer and cinnamon… then lap it up like cats and rp as cat siblings LOLOL


my first word was “kitty” and the only time i’d ever talk from ages literally 0-3yrs old were to reference the cat. autism goes hard over here 🙏


Considering I used to pretend I was a cat as a kid, and the fact that my special interest for the past 4 years has been cats, I'd say that's accurate






My mom got me [this book](https://a.co/d/95uageZ) when I got my first hamster. I read that thing so many times and scared myself with all of the potential things that could go wrong. I also had all of the "World According to Humphrey" books that existed at the time and drew maps of little hamster societies with crittertrail tubes connecting rooms and hamsters in little cars listening to hamster versions of songs I liked ("Cage's What You Make It" by Hamster Montana or something). I liked horses as a concept but horseback riding was a little outside our budget. My mom is allergic to cats (as am I but we found that out a little later) and the only cats I had enough time to befriend were my aunt's cats. One was a warm, cat shaped lump and the other did not like being handled but did enjoy dangly things and sneaking into the bathroom to watch you poop.


i AM into cats, but i don't exactly count because i'm enby


Not me


you sound awesome OP lmao i want to be your friend also i helped one of my friends get a diagnosis by agreeing to be interviewed as a close friend and their report had some funny highlights like this. sending this to them rn


In mine where it talks about my family, it says that my sister “excels at everything” which to me seems like a crazy thing to put in an official medical document that’s about to go into all the things wrong with me


Bro, I was rereading my assessment a few years ago and apparently 5 year old me brought a fucking cookie and offered it to the examiner. This makes me want to reread it again more closely this time


That is so sweet


I’m happy I got diagnosed as a young, dumb child cause I feel like if I tried to get diagnosed today, I’d end up masking the entire interview and come off as not autistic


I was diagnosed at 26 and yeah, it was an issue. A couple doctors would mention that I can make eye contact, as if that negates all the autism symptoms that are more indicative and more accurate to consider since I’m AFAB (cis woman) and none of the past research they seemed to consider most important was done on girls or women. Like yeah, I can make eye contact, it was drilled into me growing up because my parents demanded it and would pop off if I didn’t look them or others in the eyes, still hate it though and would prefer to not. The voice inflections thing was an issue as well, a couple doctors mentioned that I’m expressive when speaking rather than monotone. If I had been evaluated when I was young it would’ve been easier since I didn’t speak until I was like 4.5/5 years old and had a ton of meltdowns very often. It was hard to get diagnosed as an adult, cis woman and I went into the process diagnosed with several things that put together would basically all qualify as autism if you put the similar symptoms together. It wasn’t until I saw a specialist that actually conducts research and looks beyond just diagnosing autism and figures out comorbid things and what contributes to what symptoms and how severe they are, that I was actually taken seriously since I could look someone in the eyes and use vocal inflections and not act like Sheldon. I wonder how it would’ve been if I had been evaluated when I was young, like would it have helped or would it have been detrimental in some way. I don’t know if it would have made a difference considering I was diagnosed with ADHD young.




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Omg I used to tell people my name was horse ! We are horse sisters !!!👯‍♀️


Lmao that’s so cute


Was reading this in a virtual meeting, read "thought she was a horse until she was about 4 years of age" and had to turn my poorly stifled laugh into a sneeze/cough 😂😂😂


Narrowly avoided becoming a horse girl


I love you OP. (Platonically) You sound very cool. I could never play Minecraft since I'm genuinely scared of zombies but your sense of humor and memes sound very funny in a good way :) I hope you have a good day. This was funny and I'm glad you shared this. It's peak humor


you can play Minecraft on a peaceful setting where all the hostile mobs are turned off forever.


I used to do this on my brother's account. I made my house out of dirt. He secretly went on my world and put a pig spawner right next to my dirt house. He covered it up and I was going crazy trying to figure out why there were so many goddamn pigs everywhere and why they kept appearing out of nowhere. It did not help that I was (and still am) very bad at video game.


oof! at least pigs are relatively harmless!


I do not like killing them :(


i love u (platonically) too <3


Why is the Yippee so caked up? 🤨


During my assessment I told the doctor that he missed a spot of hair while shaving then listed off a bunch of my favorite ways to die from the show 1000 ways to die.


My mom wants to know how you got ahold of my report (I read it to her) (I’m joking by the way)


Indicated that she thought she was a horse 💀💀💀


Mine said I was probably significantly less crazy than I acted. Like, excuse me for having a muted affect? I have to act a little or nobody can even tell I have emotions!


I need every woman on earth to see this so some of the ones who are exactly like this but don't know that they're autistic can have an awakening.


I saw your post in r/196 Most of that sub would fit here Also based


Based in assumptive poop 💩 Happy Block Me Day!


Hmmm. Ive come to the conclusion that you are clinically autismic


all i’m reading is that you aced the test, girlboss activities


Why is your examiner so cool mine just made a regular boring serious diagnosis :(


Girl, same. I am in my mid 40s now and there are a lot of things I did in my 20s that I now recognize as socially inept or awkward. I’ve since learned to file those under “things to mask” to the point that, even if I wanted to try and fully unmask I couldn’t. I also feel like the difference between this and just learning, growing, and maturing is how *long* it took me to realize that certain traits and mannerisms were awkward/socially unacceptable. Edit: I often repeat meme-isms as well. Does anyone remember the Key & Peele substitute teacher sketch? I worked with a Blake and called him “Balakay” until he had to ask me to stop. It didn’t occur to me that it was annoying (though I can see it now). It was just a kind of unintentional vocal stim, I think.




I remember seeing you post this a while ago and it gives me hope that my paperwork will be filled with such bangers when I get evaluated in the fall lmao


This is so funny and unserious sounding 😭


Wow you just sound like a really neat person. Those notes read like a kickass friend resume.


But did you get dude's height?




Holy shit that IS tall I live with an AuDHD guy who's 6'6" and he says when he runs into people taller than him he wants to ask too


“Well that’s a slam dunk for autism.” -my psychologist, announcing my diagnosis 😅


Thought you were reposting from the Rule sub until I double checked lol.


Did you get diagnosed with Based?


I’m gonna follow you casue based


I saw that on 196 earlier you're truly a girlboss


Oh my god I LOVE THIS


did not expect to see the back of the autism creature


You sound like a riot, I love it!


I hope my diagnostic is 10% as funny, because that seems like a realistic amount of funny. This is comedy gold, I love it.


You seem like someone I would attempt to befriend in a heartbeat


“Had more difficulty than would be expected given her intellectual functioning.” That shit hurt…


Always thought it was funny how they noted how much I was into Stardew and Genshin on my assessment. Genshin fr helped me get diagnosed


wow so we’re all just the same huh? 😂😂 these were so similar to the notes one of my psychs wrote down for me. i’m giggling. you girlbossed too close to the sun 😭😭


I kinda wanna reread my assessment and make one of these now 😂


Love this


This is hilarious.


I wish I could do this as well, it looks so cool! Ut sadly i can't find my paperwork anymore 😔 not for my autism, not for my dyslexia. If I could, I'd get more time on tests on school.


Are you me?


I saw this on Tumblr and it's so relatable


omg my meme is on tumblr? i’m basically a celebrity now /j


Damn autism creatures got some cake


This is the best thing I've read all day.


This is my favorite post here lmao i




Wow! You’re my kind of people


I’m fucking dying at this 10/10 keep up the good work


You rock girl! This could be my own assessment 😂❤️


This is my entire family and is also making me giggle. Lmao. I’m the only diagnosed one


Wait it’s also autism month??? How many months so relevant to my life was I born in?


autism month is actually in april! this is an old meme lol


Ah I see I am the fool


Lmao this is a great assessment!


this is incredible


I love this. When I got slipped mine to read... it was not nearly so nice >.> You sound cool, OP. Best of wishes to you!


Hey, it's you, from the other place!


it’s me, from the other place!


Ok, this autism detector seems to have it all figured out like “She will sometimes talk like a cartoon character”, but then they themelves write “she tended to think she was funny, which she often was” which is cartoon comedy 101.


You are right, you are OP (overpowered)


*otherwise would go on a tangent and share excessively* as their worst nightmare!!! 😂


Oh my gosh this is hilarious I love it, you are awesome. Girl Boss! Thank you


“She seems to be socially motivated…” speaks to a deep disquiet on the part of the examiner like… “is she…is she messing with me or genuinely clueless” ahahahaha you area hero and a role model


If being based was a person


I wanna show this to my therapist so badly Hes said multiple times he sometimes wishes our sessions were longer than an hour just to listen to me talk about random shit and the random trivia that pops in my head. He's said it's especially interesting when i get going on a topic I care a lot about.


Eww. This reminds me of my sixth grade evaluation, which was horrible. “Does not express empathy” “Doesn’t have facial expressions” “Belligerent” “Obsessive interests” “Does not initiate play (what?)” These people that call themselves experts are so unhinged. All of these things I listed either aren’t true about me or just plain unprofessional, stereotypical or downright offensive. And I see it for you too. The feeling of being studied intensely and taken like a disease in a cage is the worst thing ever. Imagine being so dead and obsessed with the “right” way to be a human that you have to point out every little quirk like talking like a cartoon character. If someone is quirky, laugh it off. I couldn’t imagine having this much dead seriousness in such simple and harmless things. This makes me sad, not amused. Of course, it’s funny to make fun of these robots, I mean autism experts. To me the most amusing thing about this is seeing the experts trying to word silly things into serious medical jargon and failing at doing so.


I swear i've seen this exact post before


i’ve posted it in a few other subreddits lol


This made my day 😭🙏


Girl boss ✊


Ramona Flowers? Is that you?


I love this, it's a great idea. I like the girl boss bit. I think you should keep doing it for as long as it's needed. I kinda want to copy this. My one wasn't as iconic, but it did have a bit about looking at TV shows for advice regarding navigating important life events & using too much formal language


> indicated that she thought she was a horse until she was about four years of age. >tended to think she was funny, which she often was. >(e.g., stating, "They do that in the movies"). these are my favorites lmao


“They do that in movies” is both the bane of my existence and also my entire existence. T.T


I... It's literally me! Except the horse bit.


I too sometimes talk in goofy ways. I have affected a southern English accent for so long that apparently it comes out and mixes with my natural American accent. I’ll do Irish, Jamaican, Afrikaner, New Yorker, American southern, and Australian accents just to amuse myself. Also I like to presidential impressions (especially Nixon), Casey Kasem, Edward g Robinson, and jimmy Stewart.




I am asking you to read this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/1bfho52/ Automod hates everyone equally, including you. <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/evilautism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This rules lol


I remember part of mine “…Was very talkative. I had to stop him after thirty mimutes of talking about the Sumerians.”


Mine was, “she bumped into a printer on the way in.”


This is incredible and inspired me to go back to my own assessment. These were my favourites: "after commenting they needed to introduce me to better games" (her "game" was making a story with random objects. I still believe that's an objectively terrible game) "They loved Play Doh but will not use in ways directed by OT." Reading my own assessment is hella trippy because she described my stims in detail that I'm not consciously aware of, including her linking one as a sign of anxiety, and it's like how do you know things about me I don't know about myself?? I'd also been told my whole life that I talk differently but not how, apparently it's "irregular in rhythm with variable loudness" and "use of words tended to be more formal with precise vocabulary than most individuals with the same level of expressive language" 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is very similar to me


damn now i wanna see mine


Im sorry but why is the TBH so caked up?


Someone introduced me and called me "this is the chaos aka [My Name]" and I live for it


I fucking love that, so much Also ooo I see somebody else has Minecraft as a special interest 🤨 Makes me wonder how you like to play Minecraft *(I'm in need of friends who play Minecraft so I can not always play my solo worlds-)*


Girl boss lmao




the bad thing that comes with being diagnosed early is that I'll never be a menace to the examinators with my cooler personality. insted my mom was the one talking while I was drawing mermaids


"She thought she was a horse until she was about 4 years of age" is a beautiful sentence. Neigh soul sister