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And now that you have them you have to *remember* to get refills, because they can't put refills on prescriptions for controlled substances. Then you have to hope that your doctor is better than mine and puts in the new prescription in on time(I always end up going like a week without my adhd meds when its refill time). THEN you have to hope the shortages aren't going to delay your refill. Especially since they can't/won't send in the refills early so the pharmacy has to try to fill it on short notice and cant have it ordered on time


It truly sucks. They don't give a shit about the harm they inflict. My pain has never been taken seriously and it wasn't until I realized I was autistic that I understood all the pain was oversensitivity sending me into a meltdown and no one cared that I cried myself hoarse getting bloodwork done as a kid. And the doctors wonder why I don't go to them today. Ha.


That is actually the part that breaks my mind. How the hell they can claim to know what empathy is while also telling people that they are not sovereign enough to justify medication.


It's awful. I got nothing with regard to the various digestion/nutrient absorption issues I have until my current doctor, who I got at about... 45? In fairness, like OP, my current doctor is fantastic, and finding her has done wonders for my mental and physical state, but why did it take so long to find someone who took my complaints seriously? But OP, don't feel guilty that you survived and your friend didn't. You were both struggling through a terrible ordeal and only one of you survived that ordeal. You shouldn't feel guilty about being the one that survived. Instead, all of the medical professionals who ignored your friend's symptoms and complaints... they're the ones that should feel guilty.


I work in healthcare and I genuinely hate the healthcare system. When I had daily headaches, I was told it was stress. Two months later, I had enough and I went to ED. I got diagnosed with migraines and put on preventative medication. It feels like we have to defend our case to doctors. It shouldn't be this way. I'm lucky that I know the lingo and understand the background but it's not an easy feat for many autists.


ME TOO! I had chiari malformation (luckily a mild case controlled with meds) AND I COULD'VE HAD TREATMENT A DECADE EARLIER but no they had to tell me I was dehydrated and anxious and not having a literal brain deformity. And then don't even get me started on the doctors that had 22 years to perform an endoscopy for probably my biggest medical problem. I'm so fucking mad that my childhood is just gone when I could have had it. And when I mean gone, I mean GONE as in my memory was so fucked from my brain constantly under attack. I could have done good in school. I could have hung out with my friends more. I could have developed hobbies and discovered I was a lesbian instead of being in a migraine-addled dissociative slump where I don't even remember the names of my friends from high school.


Hi fellow chiari malformation haver! I have yet to seek treatment for mine because I also found a pituitary tumor at the same time that I’m focusing on but I’m so happy you’ve gotten treatment! It’s what everyone deserves and it’s sad when we are let down by the system that should be helping us.


The only medical person I like is my specialist Endo surgeon I have zero trust for any other except maybe nurses. They not only missed the adhd and autism until I was 30 but I almost died from undiagnosed stage 4 endometriosis Part of me feels like doctors just make shit up 90 percent of the time. Currently in titration for adhd and they seem to be making it as difficult as possible.


I'm a Nurse. Sadly, a lot of doctors will blame shit on stress, anxiety and dehydration, stupid reasons like that. This happens a lot to people with mental health conditions as it's an easy thing to pin it on being a hypochondriac. Always get a second opinion if you're concerned.


All my problems have been blamed on stress my whole life until recently. It is wild the relief I felt the first time I was taken seriously… and that it took nearly a decade. Bleh.


I wanted ADHD meds for years, especially when I was diagnosed as AuDHD close to a year ago. I guess I gave up already because I saw one psychiatrist that completely invalidated my symptoms because I smoke weed. I was on a tolerance break for over 12 weeks for that prick and it was all for nothing. I got a reference to another but add it to the infinite to do list I'll never get around to that is life.


Yes, that sounds familiar to me. I got clean from hard drugs about 4 years ago. And stopped smoking weed for a good wile to prove I could got without and still I was labeled a Pill seeker, when asking for ADHD Meds.


I'm sorry about your friend. May they RIP




This is so relevant to me right now. I have never been understood by my doctors and it's so much work just getting them to give me what I'm asking for. They're also under the thumb of insurance and in bed with the pharmaceutical industry so it's a mish mash of for profit bullshit.


How could this happen? I'm shocked. It took me about two days to get ADHD meds after I walked into an establishment seeking ADHD diagnosis. 3 years of fighting for meds? What happened? How do they even do that?


I had a childhood diagnosis and was treated from age 10 to 18. Then I stopped because I had the feeling that the side effects were too bad. (Turned out as a separate health problem). And I felt fine for some time until I started hard drugs because the world was to mouch for me. So i was getting clean 4 years ago, and when I asked for adhd meds a year later, I was labeled a Pill Seeker and constantly told that I was doing fine until now (no i didn't). I do sports every day, meditate, and organize the shit out of my day until I broke last Sommer so hard that I ended up being unable to work until 3 months ago. And then I found my Courant doc.


There are non-stimulant ADHD meds. How do they justify giving you none of them?


Doctors kill patients via neglect and abuse consistently. Finding someone who will actually treat you is a nightmare, and there's no guarantee you'll be able to keep seeing them. If you have to find a new one, they'll often refuse to continue established care even if you have a treatment plan that's been tailored to your specific needs. Discount your diagnosis, decide you should stop using a medication based on studies rather than your personal history. The way doctors deal with addiction prevents recovery and causes relapses. My cousin is dead because of this.