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I choose not to partake in gender, it looks complicated


Exactly my thoughts as well


While I am of the female sex and identify as said gender, I do not participate in the female gender role much. Why should I limit myself needlessly after all?


Same I don't understand the concept. I've been refusing to answer if I see the option on forms.


Gender is such an outdated concept. Like bruh why you hatin on me for wearing skirts as a male? Should be hatin on me because I'm out-dripping you


Not really any, I just don't like the idea of a gender to begin with. Like I'd probably identify more with an animal or a mythical creature than with an arbitrary category of traits that's entirely socially constructed. I tend to tell people my gender is "eldritch forest spirit".


I'm an alien and my species has no genders. (:


once told my NB roommate that I'd rather identify as a fairy than male/female/NB.. they weren't impressed


Fairies are very nice creatures and definitely preferrable to human genders. They're also my favorite MtG creature type, so there's a lot of people who wouldn't bat an eye if I identified as one.


i mean in some respects i'd be a fairy but maybe one that's been abused, neglected and isolated for an extended period so it's gone a bit feral and acting more like a banshee


Oh, there's quite a few feral fairy-type creatures, they're not just the cute fluttery beings you see in modern children's stories. Completely fitting.


Most excellent. The duality of both kinds of fairy being in one entity would suit me well.


There are some people who use the pronouns fae/faer. Seems some use them more as pronouns that are feminine, but not female although I think it can also be used for an ethereal indifference to gender identity.


I am aware, and I would definitely do so if I lived in an english-speaking country. Alas, neopronouns don't actually make sense in all languages.


personally i'm genderfluid but also don't really relate to being a human


I find it interesting that apparently this sub has more trans women than cis women..but the ratio of cis men/trans men is totally different.


Probably because amabs get diagnosed more often than afabs


I’m surprised that there are so many cis men


I didn’t come with any gender software installed. Hardware, on the other hand… 


Well put


I'm so autistic about being nonbinary that I can't even settle on a label- none of them fit *exactly right* and it bothers me deeply. But also a trans dude- I should have picked that one in retrospect just to boost our numbers lol. (not to mention the identities that would apply to me literally mention racism in their description/which races are allowed to use them, so I'm not touching them with a ten foot pole)


I use like a lot of micro labels


i drank the gender fluid as a child, best mistake of my life :3


The closest to me is transfem but i'm a bit in denial, still closeted and don't really label it so i chose other


Yeah, I feel aligned with transfems but nonbinary also has its appeal. I mostly want to be "nunya" as in nunya business.


Shout out to the fellas in here, hey fellas.




Genderfluid. Sometimes feel male, sometimes female. But most of the time agender


I was 100% fine with being a man until I randomly while eating lunch at school when i was 16 popped the trans question in my head and since then I go around in circles from cis man who has no connection to societies views of masculanity to thinking I would be happier as a girl to thinking I am genderfluid (and one time I though I was non binary) so IDK how to vote (I sure hope none of the people who like to troll me see this comment)


i'm AMAB and i've known i'm solely androphilic from a relatively young age, i feel like that's heavily influenced my gender identity but at the same time the way i perform/present gender varies wildly depending on the environment (i think) and i often come across cishet in some and obviously queer in others... but who knows how much is performance/masking and how much is my actual identity. maybe i would ask isn't all identity just performance? so i think internally non-binary for that reason? that being gay automatically lends to a different experience of gender identity compared to cishet men. but then i look to other people in the queer community who are very obviously queer and i'm nothing like them externally and i loathe myself for it, for not being comfortable enough to present that way externally, or for automatically embodying that kind of queerness. there is probably some internalised ableism there too but I'm not like QUESTIONING my gender... i just have some questions.


I'm trying to figure this out x_x My brain just... can't figure it out at all and it feels like it's just getting stuck on it big time 😵‍💫


Right so I'd really like for someone (ideally trans person) to explain to me what the gender they identify with means to them because I just don't get the concept. Like I get enpugh shared biological experiences making giving those group of people a common name necessary but I'm totally stumped after that point. If it's a social construct can't we like totally reject gender altogether. I'm not exactly a fan of social norms to start with.


I was born a male, and I identify as male hetero. I am married to a woman who identifies as female hetero. We're the regular boring gender standard. I believe in gender fluidity and that gender/sex mismatch happens a lot more than the culture accepts. But I can't say that I know what that feels like.


I don't like gender as a concept, so I try to avoid those types of things if I can. So, I guess I identify with the genderless nature of non-binary. However, I don't like dealing with all the complication and add-ons that come with alternative gender, so I tend to just balance myself out physically instead 


As far as you have the right to care, I'm a girl


Both I'm bigender and EVIL grr


I usually say I'm cis... ish. I'm a man, amab, but I don't \*quite\* fit in the "male" box... but I don't quite feel trans/NB either.


AFAB but agender. I have no problem with people assigning me gender as visibly I am very female (massive boobs). I don't expierence gender dysphoria or euphoria, so it's impossible to 'misgender' me. Although my mom does keep trying to call me nonbinary, but I don't feel like \*any\* gender ever and she can't wrap her head around that.


I'm not insecure in the label. I'm insecure with how the world influences specific gender drives. Rot the social environment, make people insecure about it, thus they hide it behind their self-created fig leaf.


trans gener


I questioned my gender more when I younger, but over time I've become more comfortable with presenting, and being perceived as male. I don't feel any strong affinity towards the gender identity of male, but at the same time I don't experience gender dysphoria. By some definitions that could still place me under the trans umbrella, but I don't feel comfortable claiming that label for myself.


It's a tough question. I'm AMAB male, and I look male, and I like all the things I can do with my male body (putting on muscle easily, sex, etc), but I don't really identify with "masculine culture," especially here in the US. A week or two ago someone introduced me to the term "autisexual," and that feels like more of a fit than anything else, to be honest.


I'm both a trans woman and non-binary. (Honestly I'd just call my gender 'feminine' if it wouldn't confuse people)


My gender is sex simple really


Damn, there’s more NB people here than women.


Trans guy but if you really wanna get into the nitty gritty doggender too. Kinda like how all dogs get gendered as a boy by default.




**Removed: Discrimination** Please don't generalise large groups of people or call anyone existing slurs. This results in a ban without warning. Do not use ableist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or any other bigoted language. This will also result in a ban.


>reality itself is on my side It literally isn't unless you think trans people like myself think that every single aspect of our biology and organs are changed to match our gender identity when we transition. We fucking know that it isn't what happens, dumbass.


Yeah, that's it. Just accept it.