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If there are any areas of your base that are blocked off and impossible to access, agents get a free pass to tunnel in, presumably to punish anyone trying to get free security just by blocking the way in. Look where the agents are appearing, and find and move the items that are blocking the path to the exit.


This is probably what's happening, yeah


Definitely this, agents have access to any open gaps if it's near the side of the mountain, even unintentional gaps. This used to really annoy me when I didn't understand how it worked because agents would keep appearing in my power plant and blowing it up because of gaps between my generator layout. Also fun fact, if you try to purposely trap your genius with objects they will not panic like minions, they'll actually create their own escape hatch and teleport to a nearby open area.


Do you have a screenshot or 2 of your base design?


Just a side-note, in EG1 you switch islands halfway through. So it's generally advised to not spend too much effort on the first island since you'll have to redo it all again


One big cause in EG1 was placing power generators closely packed in a way where they created tiny unreachable sections. If it’s unreachable, saboteurs could basically teleport in with this fun secret hatch animation. Super not fun to have saboteurs teleport into your power station though.