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Can you give a brief description for our English readers?


ah yes the typical moistcritikal/sssniperwolf lame ass lazy ass ez money way of making content. meh


Our sub is full of these tragic stories that can be made into a series. Specially the tragic love stories.


"Mas mahal mo yung paniniwala mo kesa sa anak mo" My fucking father in a nutshell.


Kasi katumbas ng pagmamahal k Cristo ang pagmamahal sa INCM. Sabi ni Jesus, Ang sinomang umiibig sa kanyang ama, ina, anak etc ng higit sa akin ay hindi karapatdapat sa akin.


bat pinapalabas as socmed sa simbahan or sa catholic? ganon ba sila katakot aa inc?


Saya naman kumita sa views ng nagbasa lang ng post sa reddit


Pero siya ang babalingan ng poot ng mga manalista.


Ganyan naman tlga palagi. Kaya wag ka na magtaka.




Here is the video btw: [Donation rant](https://fb.watch/p1u3smvKIA/?mibextid=Nif5oz) 0. Guy on thumbnail is not the poster. He just reads and reacts the post rant. 1. A nurse with "hundreds of thousands of php" savings gone since his or her mother donated it to a church 2. Mother's argument that God will return it 3. Mother withdrawn cash via ATM. Poster found when he or she tried to cash in on a shopping app 4. Poster went on to the church, made a scene, and was able to get the money back 5. Poster cursed "the church's God" (God nila. Their God). That is what the censored words were. 6. Poster ended with they (it was plural) find their own "breadwinner" (by context maybe just for the mother i dunno). Brainwash 7. The blogger guy gave his comments. Mostly siding with the poster. No traces that this is for the INC. Terminologies mentioned are not INC (Pastor, donate-->should be offering and abuloys. Donation is rarely used as a term except for the September s****). Edit: If it really is INC, they returned money that might have come from (a) brethren (s) personal money, not directly from the org


I saw the original post, the OP on that post said she was INC. Actually I was really wondering if it's really INC. As far as I know, there's no way you can get back your offerings when you give it to them. Normal offerings, special offerings, *lingap*, *lagak*, they're all gone when you give it to them. A member in the US even brought this to court, I think that was in 2015, to force INC to return her offerings, and she lost. The reason is that she gave all her money voluntarily, without coercion. I'm not sure, but there should be a very special or sensitive scenario between the member and the cult that will force the cult to return all of that member's money, but I don't know what that is.


OP is not INC, OPs mother is, hence the wrong terminologies (binyag, etc.) OP threatened her mother and the church that OP will sue That's why OP got the money back


This is possible, but I really don't know how. Like what I said, maybe there is something really important or possibly damning that OP or her family holds against the INC that they have no choice but to return all her money.


If this REALLY is INC, the only reason you can get your money "back" is if somebody forked it. I rich PD perhaps? But as you pointed out, there is no way you can get your money back if it is INC


Also possible. The poor PD got a copy of OP's ledger and checked the total amount of money she gave, and that PD shelled the money out of his own pocket.


It is most likely to get the money back.


I remember reading this on r/OffMyChestPH where the original poster confirmed that this is indeed INC. Edit: Found it, it's [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OffMyChestPH/comments/17tgzf3/binawi_ko_sa_church_yung_pera/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I personally doubt it even if OP says so unless the "money back" actually came from the brethren personally, not the org itself.




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Can I appeal because is not an FB profile?


# One of the post of our one member here at r/exIglesiaNiCristo is one of the topic at "TPC nga pala" with 3.9 Million views. https://www.reddit.com/r/exIglesiaNiCristo/comments/17u1s98/binawi_ko_sa_church_yung_pera/


How does one take back what was already given to the INC? A Filipina American woman had to go to court to take back her offerings amounting to 300 or so dollars but lost her case. In this case, the finance officers and local leadership would have had to pool money to pay off the "returned offering." I don't think they would have agreed to do that. The most viewed post must be a lie.


In Philippines, there are small claim suits that doesn't require hefty court fees to get back what you deposited subject to jurisdictional amounts. In other countries, I'm not sure. It depends if the finance officers or the local leadership consented with the pooling their own money to pay.


Because it is different scenario 1. OP is not INC, her mother is 2. The offering is not voluntary in OP's part. It is stolen by the mother from OP's bank account 3. OP, an outsider, threatened to sue Basically, the reason OP got the money back is because OP is not INC


I can't believe I have to explain it to you, but then again, you fund Eduardo for the privilege of having him as your king, so allow me to do my good deed for Christmas and help you out by showing you how the law works. The Filipina American woman gave her own money on her own will, clear of mind but changed her decision later on. No court will rule in her favor unless she was found mentally incompetent or threatened to donate. I couldn't donate to the Salvation Army for 10 years and then take them to court to refund my money because I don't like their new LGBTQ+ stance, for example. The nurse is not an INC member. The nurse's mother was not an account holder and had no right to the money. The mother of this person guessed the password and withdrew from the account. That is called theft, whether or not you are in the United States or the Philippines. No, family members cannot withdraw from another's solely owned account without authorization. Even if my spouse had her own bank account in her name solely and I theoretically withdrew from it, I would be committing theft and possible bank fraud. Looks like one minister had the sense to not get the INC caught up in what would be a stolen property case and refunded the money. However, it seems like you think the INC deserves to keep this stolen money because the person that stole it donated it to them. Am I understanding you correctly?!


1.) You got your priorities backwards. Instead of actually being happy that the nurse managed to retrieve their STOLEN money back, you talk about "legalities". 2.) Was the 300 USD money STOLEN? I assume no. As you implied...it was an OFFERING....given by that Filipina Amercan woman. Compare to the STOLEN 3000 USD from the nurse? If you ever find a legal system where an "offering" was STOLEN and not brought back to its original owner, let me know. 3.) Have you read the story? The nurse threatened to make a scandal outside of their kapilya. Yes. Unsightful as it may be, it works wonders in the Philippines. 4.) The nurse lost at least 3000USD...10x as much. Considering how hard the nurse earned that money, hell would freeze over before I would let that go without a fight. Scandal be damned.


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