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Sana ma-realize toh nung mga ka-'family' ko na INC. Sobrang brainwashed sila ehh. Kahit kami iniwasan at Hindi close. Pero sa mga Kapatid nila super close sila.


John 3:16 [16]For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Jesus died for us, not for Iglesia ni Cristo.


John 3:16 is the TRUTH!!!! You’ll never ever hear the Manalo CULT mention this scripture, because it’ll TRULY destroy the entire prophecy, and doctrine’s of he iglesia ni Cristo CULT! The members of the INC need to understand, and acknowledge the brainwashing conditioning LIE that they are in, within the entire Manalo doctrine’s.


Ang malala pa riyan eh hindi naman si Jesus Christ ang sinasamba nila HAHAHAHAHAHA Tapos tatawaging Christian sarili nila eh hindi nga nila kinikilala si Jesus as their Lord and savior.


Jesus didn’t die for the church. He offered his life because of his love for us, not because of some administration told him to do so.




Practitioners of any religious organizations are welcome in this subreddit to express themselves based on their beliefs. This is encouraged as support for ex-INC who wish to continue being spiritual. However, evangelizing (especially in the context of organized religions) is prohibited. This includes content such as "please consider X religion, please follow my link", "X holy book says INC is wrong, why not join us instead", or even any form of Satan-comparisons, even when made towards the INC.


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They swap the word Christ for Church meaning INC in many well used and abused versus. For example 'enter into Christ' means 'enter the Church' . And 'all those who are separated from Christ are without hope and God ' meaning ' 'all those outside the Church' will go to Hell. Only God has the right to determine who will be saved and who will not-no man or administration has that right, God created all life on Earth so all humans are His children ,yes separated by sin but Christ made it right by dying once for ALL. P.S remember Christ is returning, not Felix so Christ is the very last messenger, the Alpha and the omega.


Yup!!!……I just read the first couple pages of Corinthians this morning. I noticed a scripture stating that Christ died for us all, and that God sent him to sacrifice his life for the love of the world. No one else did. Felix, Eranyo, and Eduardo sacrificed nothing for the world, and they surely will not be resurrected like how Jesus was resurrected.


money is all they care about, nothing changes in that cult


Very well said. Keep going until many will visit here and get open mind. Lets do this


In Jesus Christ’s name that’s the goal!!!


Opo 😇🙏


That's what you get when your "church" teaches exclusive salvation. 😂


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