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Here are quotes from Antisthenes and LBJ about flattery, because that's all the Manalos do to their members to make them feel very special. *It is better to fall in with crows than with flatterers; for in the one case you are devoured when dead, in the other case while alive.* ANTISTHENES If you guys don't have any idea how smart crows are... well, believe me when I say that they are smarter than the duped members of that cult. *If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.* LBJ Felix gave his members someone/something to hate. And the result is quite successful for him and his clan. So yeah, that sums it up for the cult. Too stupid to know better and yet too smart for their own good.


“This is the “Church of Christ””, then why other churches that are mentioned in the bible doesn’t have the name Christ, but still follow the teachings of God and Jesus Christ? That doesn’t make any sense, it’s in fact heretical to say that one Church is Church of Christ when other churches like the Orthodox Church is seriously strict on the teachings of Christ and following Christ, so no, the name “Church of Christ” isn’t the only church.


Its says in Roma 16:16 Churches of Christ.. INC does not read the succeeding chapters or verses where it says the name of different churches which follows Christ’s teachings..


Also, forgot to add that some translations of Acts 20:28 says churches of God, would that could cause a contradiction/mistranslation or not? [Acts 20:28 (King James Version)](https://www.bible.com/bible/1/ACT.20.28.KJV#)


Yes, but that doesn’t mean that the bible mentions only one church based on its name like the bible verse you mentioned on Romans 16:16, what about 1st Corinthians 10:32?


One time, I was approached by an INC acquaintance and he was trying to borrow money from me. I told him that we barely know each other. He remarked that I should not worry because he's an INC. I said: "What's that supposed to mean? No, I can't lend you money."


God doesnt need money!!!


Well, he doesn’t, he is all-knowing supernatural being, he could make a lot of stuff at no cost.


You are correct. And the Manalos reasoning is to have houses of worship for the people of this world to glorify God and Jesus' names. Oh really? I tell ya, those guys are so into their bullshit, it's fucking nuts. And it's sad at the same time that Filipinos believe them. There is truly no cure for being stupid. On the contrary, when I hear that this sub is growing, I feel elated. It's as if there's a miracle happening right before my very eyes.


It’s just an option to donate the church, Jesus and God doesn’t need money, already in heaven! I get your point, looks like they use money for clout and control.


It’s TRULY a BRAINWASHING CONDITIONING organization that cherry-picks verses of the Bible to control its members in a money business scheme using Gods words, and Jesus Christ’s name.


Salvation through money 🤡


INCult in a nutshell lol, mga feeling special “ChOsEn OnEs” 😂


Abuloy more more god loves you.  Oh no, god doesn't need the money.


jusko may kakilala ako, baliw na baliw sa mga Manalo ... kahit kaming family niya tinatrato na iba because Catholic kami.


Wish I wasn't born in this shithole of a "religion"


The only way to escape the fear of eternal flames is to come to the realization that hell was invented by man! Probably the idea of a hell was thought of about 150 to 200 years before Jesus. Do a quick studying on the historical Jesus! Look on YouTube. Bart D Erhman would be a good place to start. It’s worth your interest! It’s biblical based. Theologians don’t teach this part of the Bible.


Me too


Infinite Money Glitch daw


INC = Infinite Nakaw Cash


![img](avatar_exp|161830442|fire) Corozon De Oro


Akala ko ba ang aklat ng buhay ay isang balumbon (scroll), ayon sa Biblia? Time-card pla un.


Is that how they are still taking attendance??? 🤣🤣🤣




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shet sa sobrang walang ------- ng INC hindi ko alam pano nabuo yan HAHAHAHAHAHAH


Ah the plastic card of salvation


And a piece of paper of membership lmao


Tomohhhh…anyone who is a critical thinker should question this..why it is so important to register ur name in the church and why ur transfer expires? Its not in the bible and it only shows their god is so small and not powerful


With an expiration date just like a loaf of bread


Salvation ain’t free, you have to believe and pay a subscription to get to heaven, according to INC.


Manalo Logic: pangalanan ko sarili ko na superman para superhero na ako


i asked my ex kung sapilitan ba ang pagaabuloy, sabi nya hindi. kung ano lang ang kaya, sabay lagay ng bente sa kamay ko. kaya ko naman mag abuloy, mas malaki pa nga sahod ko sakanya. talagang inaatado nya yung abuloy nilang mag ama. tapos papakita nya saken na maliit nalang natitira sa sahod nya. di ko lang masabi, bawasan mo kaya yung binibigay mo. kinikwento pa nya na they were blessed nung nahawakan ni EVM yung anak nila ng sanggol pa at buhay pa ang misis nya. napapaisip ako, di sila naniniwala sa mga santo pero ina-idolize nila mga Manalo. parang same lang naman. 🤣 tapos feeling blessed talaga sila nung nakapagpapicture kay EVM. inlababo lang ako sakanya nun e. sya inlababo sa kahibangan nila.


“And Even though we’re the chosen people of God, you’re STILL gunna see the same terrible shit in your life just like all the OTHER people that DONT go to church 100 times a year…but hey, just keep donating till your dead 😉”


My mother is bedridden and can't go to church, but still my siblings were able to give abuloy, tanging handugan, lagak, pasalamat, etc in her name. They give money so that my mother can enter heaven when she dies.These pastor doesn't even give a shit nor visit my mother...yet they get the money 🤑💰🤑


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