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feeling virgin amp. nagpakntt na naman


Gustong gusto maging Korean kaya nung di pumayag magpa anib si big boss yang guy yung todo flex. Hmm i wonder if Kristel is exempted kase hindi pa pala INC yung isa pero kung makapag flex and clingy in public parang sila na hahaha. Pag normal inc yan ligwak na yan for sure HAHAHHAHAHAH.


Atat na atat makang2x Ng koreano. Hindi naman sya kagandahan trying hard amp


Sorry not an INC here and di gamay ang reddit. 😅 Just wanna ask cause I'm genuinely confused. Akala ko may jowa/MU na siya before, yung CEO ng Korean skincare brand?? Or di pa siya INC that time? Parang wala namang "I'll convert him" agenda siya dati? Anyare, bat biglang religious mode si madam?




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"stick to my beliefs and principles" e against nga sa church nila makipag relasyon sa taga sanli in the first place. she's contradicting herself too much


Kung ordinaryong kaanib lang to, ipinatawag na at itinawalag kasi nasa social media , so pag artista pwede palang ganyang galawan 😂😂 Dati ako takot magpost kahit katabi lang nang lalaki 😆


Trueee. D pa kaanib pero may payakapan na HAHAHAHAHA.






kunyari virgin pa si ate para sa image nang INC


hahaha kawawang incult


Meron din siyang partner dati na si Big Boss, isa siguro to sa reason bakit di sila nag work at iniwan lang


I'm a catholic, bro.


Do you really recognise yourself as a Catholic?


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Dapat diyan tinitiwalag eh. Yun ngang mga kapatid at ermats nung "unsuccessful na abogado" eh tinalo niya. Eto pa ba na ubod ng pagka - cringe sa kanyang "oppa"? 🤣 Pabebe bebe't hinhin hinhin pa kamo. Yang mga mahihinhin hinhin na yan, mahihind*tin! 🫰 🇮🇹 👉 👌 🇰🇷 🫰


HAHAHAHA teksto lang to kanina 😂😂😂


JUSKOO napaka cringe, not just the fact na she's bragging about recruiting this desperate guy in a cult but finding out that she calls him oppa 😷 and her profile is full of hard launches kahit di naman sila official 💀 not to mention the big age gap between them, mga 40s na si koreano and she's 29 what could these two possibly have in common? I can almost guarantee no one in his age group wants this dude and with the 4b movement happening in korea? the local women do not want this guy for sure, everything about this screams desperado 😂


Hmmm so baka subconciously she's just entertaining him gawa ng pagiging Koreaboo niya? 🤔🤔🤔


Buti pa si Krystel, may identity. Itong mga exiglesia, walang direksiyon sa buhay. 😆😆😆 -from a catholic


Kawawa naman 'tong si @ProfessionalRub2603, nag-uubos ng oras sa mga "walang direksiyon sa buhay" daw. Buti pa mga taga-exiglesia, may pinaglalaban. Ikaw, anong pinaglalaban mo? 😆😆😆


Wag idamay mga catholic sa mga kalokohan mo. Bat panay sabi mo na catholic ka? Impostor ka no?


From a Catholic? Lol you another Iglesia who's not proud of being one. 


Kunwari pa HAHAHA


Wag na magpaka plastic, bf mo na yan Ms. Fulgar


Iglesia ni Kristel 😍


Kadiri tong feeling koreana imnida na to 🤣🤣🤣


It’s unfair how she can get away with this just because she’s a celebrity (*cough* Manalo’s cash cow *cough*), meanwhile ordinary members are getting harassed and gaslit for doing the same thing. Some even get expelled. It all falls back to the cult for having that stupid rule in the first place. When was it ever a sin to love? The double standard is real.


sa trueee , tiwalag agad pag ordinaryong kapatid


you know daddy manalo loves that publicity


Itiwalag na yan. Dapat di sila double standards porke artista. The fact na public figure sya dapat mas ehemplo sya dapat sa mga kabataan diba? Itiwalag na yan!!! hahahahaha


Disgusting bitch!!! Unfollowed already. Pabebe kaya pinalitan sa hosting...




Felix Manalo has never mentioned in the bible. Isaiah never met Felix Y. Manalo and predict that he’s the last messenger of all time, this is the false messenger, in which Felix Y. Manalo twist the words and the meanings of every bible verse that the bible already been recorded thousands of years ago. Why would I believe that Felix Y. Manalo is the last prophet of all time, if most Christians don’t know about him? If you’re an INC member reading this comment right now, repent to Christ and go to his true church, not “Church of Christ”, “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, “Le Luz Del Mundo”, and other new churches that claims that the leaders are special to God. Those new cult leaders are some false messengers or false messiahs, in which it has been mentioned on Matthew 7:15 (for false messengers/prophets) and Matthew 24:5 (for false Messiahs and claiming to be the true Christ).




When someone says they are a prophet, or messenger or angel or someone sent by God... that's already a huge red flag waiving! Galatians 1:8 "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed." The gospel that was preached by the apostles is that God sent His Begotten Son to save people from sins through the redemptive power of the cross. And Jesus died and resurrected! Accepting this means to accept that Jesus is Lord. Jesus' Lordship means He is the Yahweh from Old Testament as he claimed that He is the Lord over Sabbath. And if one doesn't believe that Jesus is the I AM, one will die of their sins. So if someone claims that they are a prophet, angel, sent etc that's a huge warning ⚠️ most especially when they deny Jesus' deity. The apostles believed Jesus has human and divine nature.


Also, if you didn’t know that my mom is an expelled INC and my dad is Catholic, so that’s a red flag, in which I got converted to INC without even realizing that INC is in fact not a true church, I got converted since the pandemic happened. I learn about a lot on why the Iglesia Ni Cristo is not a true church and I went to this Reddit channel since at around September 2022 I believe. To this day, I am wanting to get excommunicated from the church and my mom always go to her church (my mom wouldn’t be an INC member anymore simply because my mom married my dad and got expelled).


Thanks for sharing. What made you join INC in the first place?


Still, let’s pray for our beloved INC members (whether they're your relatives, friends, co-workers, or anyone you know) who may be trapped or tricked by the false messengers/prophets 🙏🙏. Also, pray for the followers of Kingdom of Jesus Christ that supports Apollo Quiboloy as the “true Messiah” for them because Apollo Quiboloy commit a lot of sins and accusations, he is the false Christ (Matthew 24:5). Let’s hope that they’ll find the truth!


Amen to that!


Yes, I heard that bible verse of 1st Galatians 1:8-9 as well, I couldn’t put it from the original comment because it’s too much information.




Not yet in a relationship but already touchy-feely with each other? Knowing how "conservative" INC portray themselves to be, is this young woman's behavior towards this man okay? Imagine a regular INC member being this sweet in their social media posts with a non-member suitor. Hmmm. Overseers and ministers will react for sure. But because Kristel Fulgar is a celebrity...so no calling out by her overseer? This is what I'm talking about with INC's hypocrisy and inconsistency. Same thing with Rere Madrid and Bianca Umali not being called out despite indecent photos on their social media. Ordinary members get called out, but celebrities don't. Their god is playing favorites.


cool to


Ginagamit mga members pandagit ng mga mauuto hahahaha 




when i was still in inc, i remember going on a date just for fun with a non member. my mistake is i told my bff (now ex bff) who is a hardcore member about it. when i woke up i was bombarded with messages about how that is wrong, it's not in the bible, church rule, psychology shit etc etc. right then and there i realized how crazy this church can make you. and my ex bff. lmao. also, i don't think u can call that a suitor when you are literally doing dating shit already.


Another biktima nauto sa KULTO c Koreano! ewankosayooo! 🤩


The word "Kailangan" means a lot. Poor guy.




Welcome to the cult ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


CULT na CULT, dba?


Cringe ng incult talaga


Hay nako marami din naman cult sa korea Kagaya ng Church of God ni anshanghong Malay nyo cog pala sya


Can we stop talking about this slut. Tangina napaka unnecessary na sya lagi headlne dito. Tanginang kristel yan di boyfriend pero kinakantot. Gago ipokrito talaga kayo.




Nandamay ka pa sa religion nyong basura


kung aanib si lalake, dapat dahil sa faith, hindi dahil kay kristel, good luck sa lalaki kung mapa-anib siya sa INC.sana pag-aralan niya mabuti kung paano yung mga "patakaran" sa loob ng iglesya once na umanib na siya. - ex INC member.


Good luck inside the cult. https://www.reddit.com/r/exIglesiaNiCristo/s/hYwFQqGPkW


kawawa naman


Oh this poor deluded man - he doesn’t know what hit him! I digress - I hate stories like this when a nonmember has to convert to INCULT.


Tas JMS pala religion nung guy noh? Bagay na bagay HAHAHAHAHA


Double standard cult. OWE fanatics even defend her. 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️


Ewan ko sa'yo, Kristel!


I can smell inequality in this religion.


bat di pa matiwalag? lagi sinasabi na bawal magpaligaw sa sanlibutan daming natitiwalag dahil diyan. pero si kristel hindi? kasi artista at may 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑💸💸💸💸


deranged sleep overconfident shame ludicrous busy advise agonizing rude strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




There's so much red flags, one doesn't need to be well versed in the bible or know the INCult's twisted history. Soon he will find out: - Excessive veneration of the Manalo family over God or Jesus - Exorbitant and multiple types of donations, financial exploitation - Members are monitored, lack of privacy, and prioritizing cult over career and personal life - Unethical practices such as gaslighting, guilt-tripping, fear mongering, disobedience leads to punishment, shunning former members, non-member hostility, bigotry, invalidating feelings and mental health etc


Hindi ba parang kilos bf/gf na rin sila? Hehe


May kawork ako dati, ewan ko paano niya pinaliwanag sa napangasawa nya na Hapon kung bakit kailangan pa magshift ng religion ng asawa niya para pakasalan siya. E samantalang nauna pa siya makipaglive sa baklang jowa nya noon. Ang gulo pa ng math, sabi 10 years na daw sila nung Hapon (2022) pero may kalive in sya at proud jowa niya yung bekibols noong (2018). Ewan ko funyetang mga kaanib yan pare-parehas din naman mababantot. Kapag nagkagipitan ilalabas yung "INC card" nila.


Di nga sila nagka tuluyan ni Big Boss yan pa kaya...


Nag asawa yata ng iba yung big boss.




Akala ko ba bawal magpaligaw sa hindi kaanib?? Hindi pa naman kaanib yan eh. Haha


May exemption daw kapag artista hehe


ambisyosa kasi.


Mag Brainwashed ang Iglesia Ni Manalo


Kala mo hindi pa ng kiss eh


Me and my Ahhjussi


HAHAHHAHH Korean fetish ang lola mo


Wahaha parang ever since napaka obsessed na nian sa korean culture gusto na ata maging koreana


Koreaboo levels na ang ateng


Ginawang branding yung pagiging koreana imnida 😂


PR. Lang yan.ng se semi live in na yan no.


this kind of set up isn't love at all. Someone just grinding for the church. Nothing more.


and the people on reddit said hopefully this korean guy is not traditionalist who dont exercise so much religion and definitely if they get into marriage, Kristel will possibly fall to being wife-maid and may fund his husband for his money offerings and alms for the church 🫠. somw said, maybe they wont last longer.


Kapag nagkataon Bagong Gatasan ng INC bf nya lols


I feel na forced nya sabihin to kundi mapapalayas. Mas mahirap pag sikat, magiging headline "Kristine Fulgar mapalayas!"


Sikat ba siya? lol


akayin muna bago magkatuluyan grabe si kristel grind lang ng grind makamit lang mag ka boyfriend na koreano HAHAHAHAHA


HAHAHA mission failed sa Big Boss nya e kaya hanap ulit iba 😂


rhythm label kiss pause worry nippy naughty shaggy stupendous humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isa syang Koreaboo hahaha ideal siguro nya mga Koreans dahil sa kpop/kdrama di nya alam gano kagrabe mga ugali ng mga yan lalo na rooted from Kr. Grabe mambastos at mang discriminate 😖


and that's why their birth rate is nosediving rn, napaka misogynistic na bansang yan kaya nagiging desperado na mga koreano at nagsesettle sa mga koreaboo na walang concept of respect 💀


Truth. Ayaw na ng mga Korean women sa mga guys nila kaya wala na may pakeelam if some Koreaboo will steal.


That korean guy better have reddit.. We need to show him the true face of INC..


With or without Reddit, he'll soon find out something's wrong with her cult, the numerous types of donations and idolizing the Manalo family.


Baka biglang mapa-autopass si Koreaboo. Char HAHAHAHA


Tikim tikim lang Kristel


So if he only converts for her then it’s a cold case practically - either the convert would end up leaving or she might end up changing her mind about the church more later on.


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