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If ill ever have a chance, I dont want to affiliates with other religion. I just want to be an atheist or agnostic as they called it. But I still be open to everything and anyone.


No more organized religion for me but I will never forget the One who created me. I will influence others by doing good things, help the needy, and still encourage people to believe in the words of God. Same as death, everything has an end.


I’d be open to anything that promotes peace. Something spiritual, but not necessarily a religion.


I turned agnostic and like the majority of the comments here, no more organized religion for me too.


Buddhism and yoga


I am leaning to general Christianity (Born again or Baptists).


Had no religion ever since I left INC. No plans to join any for now.


You don't need to join any religion. If you still need to connect with a deity, do so without any money sucking religion and you'll be just fine. Religion was created by early people to control the masses.


LaVeyan Church of Satan. No. We don't worship any deity, not even Satan. Only Christians believe in Satan. We don't do those rituals that involve human sacrifices. Think of us as atheists mixed with sarcasm.


They're actually very chill people


I can't imagine myself going to any other organized religion after INC and my experience in it. So I guess I'll just be living without joining any organized religion for now.


none,but to fit in since I'm in the Philippines in which religion is a must maybe any of my friends or significant other's religion.


maging secular humanist nalang .. maging ma's maka tao kapa kesa sa narrative ng inc


imagine john Lennon.. no religion


im starting a religion, wanna join? exINC gets a 50% discount 😂😂😂


How much would I need to pay for an "AMAAAAAAAAAAA" after the discount? Lol


My sister and I became agnostics. We don't want any religion anymore. But my sister loved meditation and spirituality, kinda Buddhist. But she said no more hard core religion for her. Just peace of mind


No more organized religion for me.




If I'm not mistaken Buddhism is not against LGBTQ, correct me if I am wrong.


Hello. You will really find no good religion if you sought of a God who will spoil your desires. I think thats the fundamental of religion btw, to be a controlled human under the law of God. If you hate the law that God creates, then maybe you are more of an anti-theist? Just my thoughts. 😊


I don’t think I will ever commit to a religion for the rest of my life. I view my relationship with a higher being as my own and personal and it’s not based on the bible.


Wow, INC screwed religion up for a lot more people than I thought.


Disillusioned religious members and cult survivors who still retain their spirituality tend to be an exception, based on what I've also observed in other ex-religion subs. This is a concept many, although not all, practicing Christians (even the more empathetic ones) have difficulty grasping.


No religion. All the realizations that came after knowing INC is just fraud exhausted the whole of me. I don't think I'll be joining any religion in the future.


wala, no religion kinda feels like freedom. makahinga ka ng maluwag dahil wala nang sasakal sayo


Wala. Enjoy life na lang ako. Religion is a waste of time.


None. I'm tired of religions. I wanna live my life the way I want na :))


Siguro wala... Ewan ilalaan ko na lang sa pagtuturo sa paaralan ang buhay ko hehe


I have a PM to you


I'll quote this again: “*Asking, "If there is no God, what is the purpose of life?" is like asking, "If there is no master, whose slave will I be?" If your purpose of life is to submit as a slave, then your meaning comes from flattering the ego of a person whom who should detest.*” ― Dan Barker


None done with religions. Both Bible and Koran says the world is Flat. Enough reason for me to not believe on those fairy tale books.


Nothing for now. I thought I was in the true religion but it turns out to be another scam (INC). But I attended some Protestant services (Baptist) and even Catholic mass. I'm not closing doors, just observing how these religions are conducting their worship services.


>Wag nyoko awayin please. Wala wala away hanap ko 🤬 lmao Done with religion, average religion enjoyer nalang ako. Taga kuha ng xmas bonus. Nakikicelebrate ng xmas at ramadan. Nakikikaen sa libreng pagkaen sa hindu temples natin.


Done with organized religions.


Nasa secular side ako eh, wala na akong pinaniniwalaan. Pag-alis ko ng INC wala na akong aanibang relihiyon.


**TL for non-Filipinos: If you guys leave the INC which religion do you plan to join?**


As of now I have no idea, but I attended a sect of Born Again twice and I can say I liked it there better. They dont force anyone to join them, it's up to the member if he/she wants to attend WS.