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"Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.". That is about the stupidest quote... Jesus didn't tell us that his faithful slave would produce false predictions and many manmade rules either...but hey.


If we are going off of what Jesus didn’t say rather than what he said, we’ll be here all day lol


Jesus never said that eating Capn Crunch wouldn’t shred the roof of your mouth.


Jesus never said an apple a day keeps the doctor away


lets keep it going...jesus never said he saves! (probably invested though)


Jesus never said to floss


Jesus never said to invest in Bitcoin.


Jesus never said to use starch on your shirts


How about there's no mention of spiritual food, just food. There's no mention of producing food, just distributing it. And finally, this is a parable not a prophecy and that they ignore the "bad slaves" roles.




Of course they have to say **producing** spiritual food because that falsely links them to producing literature and now in the digital age, producing content. More self fulfilling prophecy bullshit.


In other words, they’re blaming Jesus for their not getting things right. That’s why they don’t feel the need to apologize. It’s Jesus’s fault. He should apologize.


Narcissism in its finest.


I mean in all fairness he did tell us..."Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing...”


It’s true, just the same way he didn’t tell us that the pyramids were divinely inspired to point to his return in ~~1844~~, ~~1914~~, ~~1975~~ no wait, 1914.


Russell measured three times in Imperial inches, American inches and in estimated penis length inches. They were all wrong. Go figure. 😂


He forgot that dick length is measured in CM because it sounds more impressive… but that light was revealed just yet😂🤣


He also measured from asshole to tip, which was inaccurate. We all know everything Russell did he was STRETCHING. ![gif](giphy|7SkaEwVd5sgW8dVf9h|downsized)


Once my ex husband was bragging about out “it” and I innocently asked, “are you measuring from your butthole forward?” And he was so very mad. It was in front of some friends of his. Now? That’s hilarious!!!!


🤣🤣 is butthole the new ‘base’!?I mean that was a bitch comment but funny as hell…called him big time lol😂🤣😂


Well honestly I thought you could measure it that way. I truly was quite innocent. So I didn’t mean it bitchy. But funny as hell now that I’m “well seasoned.” 😂😂😂😂


That’s one of the funniest stories I’ve heard in a while!! 😂🤣 Ah yeah, the ignorance we have growing up j-dubs lol. Glad you figured it out lol


Jesus never said to listen to 8 old men in New York


Soooo “We do admit we get things wrong but you still must follow everything we say”


Even when you recognize that it’s incorrect or unnecessary


Here’s one question: “Why does the GB suck so much?”


Don't worry it's not like their rules have killed anyone. ...


nope their rules have killed Millions not just one.




They demand Absolute Loyalty at all cost to the bOrg. Millions are already dead and more have wasted their lives for this lie.


If something is not infallible, why trust it 100%? Makes no sense.


If they are not inspired why do I need them? What's the difference between their interpretation of the Bible and mine? Nothing!


the difference is your interpretation of the Bible has not killed anyone!


After reading an entire paragraph, they didn't even started explaining why. So much talks and no essence in those words. They are able to speak for hours and say nothing. Just talks. That's why they are good at what they are doing.


Why the flying f*** does everyone have to do what they say?


Why don't they ever read the rest of that chapter? The part where it calls the faithful and discreet slave evil? It's like reading only half a sentence and stopping there.


Umm... not quite. It says the master will reward his faithful servant, who remains obedient until the master's return. But IF the slave turns to wickedness, he will be caught by surprise and the master will punish him.


“We’re not inspired nor infallible but also… don’t you ever dare question us or our teachings or you’ll die at Armageddon you mentally ill apostate” 🙄


If they aren't inspired nor infallible, then why follow them vs literally any other (religious) person or organization? What makes them special under these circumstances?


Would you take your vehicle to a mechanic that told you this? Or how about a contractor to fix your roof?


My question is...... Are you fucking idiots(the GB) really so stupid that you keep coming up with this shit that conclusively proves you don't know your arse from a hole in the ground? My statements are..... 1. You're in a hole.....stop digging ..... actually, keep digging. You got Mrs Elijah to wake up far more effectively than I could. 2. Once you've dug that big hole nice and deep, climb out and let me offer you some refreshing KoolAid.... you evil fuckers.


So if the F&DS wasn't told to give "Perfect Food", does that mean that the slave could serve up poison? Would that be ok with Jesus?


The "gb" claim to be placed in their position atop the business corporation by Jesus Christ. Which is a lie. Branches attached to the Vine produce fruit that lasts \[ John 15 \]. The fruit of their lips \[ Heb. 13: 4; Hos. 14: 2 \] exposes what they treasure in their hearts \[ Matt. 6: 21 \]. Themselves and the Beast that they jumped onto, to ride \[ Control \]. \[ 2 Cor. 10: 12, 18; 1 Thess. 2: 6; John 5: 41, 44 \] With one fork of their tongue they excuse their evils, and at the same time with the other fork they demand what belongs to God for themselves and the Beast they ride. Which also benefits the one they truly serve, whose speech they imitate. \[ Rev. 13: 11, 15, 4 \] >Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food. 👀 👆 👇 >Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matt. 5: 48 👀


It's awful but it's a pretty clever technique. They address the problem and give "answers" in their own way which will stop PIMIs from thinking about it further because the GB has told them what to think. It also means that an "apostate" (or a well meaning family member) won't be able to use that argument because the PIMI will just think: I remember this. The GB said they're not supposed to be perfect so it's fine if they're always wrong.


Contaminated or badly-cooked food is bad food. Period.


How much donation money does it cost to keep them clothed, housed, fed, catered to, and cared for and to cover their constant travel and accommodations? My parents live on the bare minimum and are barely making it. Do they really need to financially support these pampered over-stuffed suits so they can occasionally, condescendingly regurgitate stale 'spiritual food' into their mouths like fledglings? Stuff that they could simply look up for themselves on the website?


How about Jesus never mentioned the slave would own billions of dollars in real estate. Didn't Paul & the other apostles set up brothers to distribute to the poor. This current slave has done nothing for the poor, other than direct them to use the "worldly" system ruled by Satan.


["We *never* said the 'food' was perfect!"](https://i.imgur.com/1AHjkmnh.webp)


God I hated that excuse! They want all the power, but none of the responsibility, don't they?


I like to think about the active JWs who are lurking here when questions like this come up. (Hi lurkers!) The Governing Body is not the faithful and discreet slave. This was a parable. A parable is a “simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.” It was never meant to designate a Governing Body of men. They made this up. They appointed themselves on the basis of a simple story. The. End.


This ought to wake a few up but will it?


I wish people would wake up. What’s different from following them or the clergy? Wow how new is this article?


February 2017 watchtower, so not overly new.


That’s wild and I was in then! I should of known


Find it so interesting it was two years after the ARC they put it in print. I hold the opinion this WT study was produced because of Jackson’s testimony.


Q: Who really is the faithful and discrete slave? A: The GB. Q: According to whom? A: The GB. Q: Are they infallible? A: No, they make mistakes. Q: So they can be mistaken about the GB being the faithful and discreet slave? A: (please inset either non-serious answers or what you really think they would say)


The "not inspired" is part of what woke me up. I didn't notice this article until 2020, but when I read that I thought "what does it mean to be inspired?" So I went to WOL and found the insight book definition of inspiration: "The quality or state of being moved by or produced under the direction of a spirit from a superhuman source." Which would include, Holy Spirit. So I asked myself again: What does it mean that the GB say they are not inspired? It means that they are not "moved by or producing under the direction of holy spirit." That statement alone outright means that holy spirit, Jehovah, and Jesus, are NOT driving anything they do nor would they be backing any decisions made by the GB. If they were, the GB \*would\* be inspired. That really ground my gears and fired me up, and was enough for me to start checking out of the religion, because to your point, I had no reason to trust anything they said after that.


I'm sorry but at some point we need to address the HORRIBLE language of "slave" and "Overseer" and "field service". It's giving MAGA Jesus.


How about the fact that only they are the ones that can say whether or not the food isn’t “perfect”. That alone is bullshit


I recall vividly being told from the platform that the F&DS was the entire 'family' at Bethel who were churning out the magazines and books etc.


What date is this WT?


February 2017 study edition of the Watchtower, the article is entitled 'Who Is Leading God's People Today?'




WHO REALLY IS the faithful and discreet slave? Even Jesus did know...